Archive for 3 April, 2007

‘Fighting Israel Is Islamic Duty’

3 April, 2007

You would think that in almost 1400 years of trying to destroy Israel even Muslims would learn. Over a billion Muslims and they are the victims of a few million Jews, talk about world class whiners. Here is an idea, give it up, make friends, learn to get along. Stop playing the victims and move on. If the Jews really beat you this badly surrender already. Save what is left of the Ummah before the evil Jews steal it all. Pay them tribute and maybe they will leave you alone. There I just solved all your problems.
Integrated Regional Information Networks, United Nations, April 2, 2007
Palestinian schoolchildren are being taught to hate Israel and to see fighting Israelis as a holy Islamic duty, according to a report by an Israeli media monitoring group.
New Palestinian 12th grade textbooks published in December deny Israel’s existence and teach 11-year-olds that the Palestinian struggle is part of an overall war between Muslims and their enemies, according to a Palestinian Media Watch report entitled “From nationalist battle to religious conflict.”
The Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education said it was reviewing the issue.
“The books don’t allow for a Palestinian child to accept Israel as a neighbor. When you define the conflict as a religious war you are no longer fighting for your own national identity or territory but for Islamic destiny. You have to accept either Islam or Israel,” said Itamar Marcus, Palestinian Media Watch’s director.
“I would be happy if the books talked about a national struggle to get as many rights as possible. But to package it as an everlasting war is to generate years of conflict. It’s child abuse against their own kids,” he said.
Some 926 Palestinian children and 118 Israeli children have been killed in violence since 2000, according to nongovernmental organization Remember These Children, which monitors the number of minors killed on both sides.
Palestinian Media Watch translated various segments of the new Palestinian textbooks. Lines translated from the “Arabic Language, Literature and Criticism” textbook read: “Palestine’s war ended with a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history, when the Zionist gangs stole Palestine and expelled its people from their cities, their villages, their lands, and their houses, and established the state of Israel.”
Jihad for Allah
The “Islamic Education” textbook contains the lines: “The Ribat for Allah is one of the actions related to Jihad for Allah, it means: Being found in areas where there is a struggle between Muslims and their enemies … the endurance of Palestine’s people on their land … is one of the greatest of the Ribat and they are worthy of a great reward from Allah.” (more…)

A Battle of Will

3 April, 2007

More on the Jihad in Thailand
April 2007
By Edward Blair/Yala
While Thai officials in Yala court the hearts and minds of local Muslim villagers, separatist attacks threaten to spark widespread communal violence
The afternoon call to prayer drifted over the rail yards from the central mosque to the Yala Rama hotel, as groups of young women in hijabs browsed the shop fronts along Thanon Pipitpakdee.
On this hot afternoon, downtown Yala showed few signs of the deadly violence that has wracked the province—and the whole of the predominantly Muslim South—since the revival of a bitter separatist movement in 2004 that has left more than 2,000 dead.
But the soldiers of Thailand’s Fourth Army who patrol the streets in Humvees, pickup trucks or on foot—and the guarded determination of residents to carry out their daily tasks—testify to the fear and suspicion that grips the city.
The fear in Yala has mounted in recent weeks as daily attacks by suspected Muslim separatists have left the nation shocked by the increased level of coordination and brutality.
On March 14, a minivan in the Yaha District of Yala was forced from the road by gunmen who killed eight of the passengers—mostly women—by shooting them execution-style in the head.
In the wake of the shooting, which sparked protests as far north as Chiang Mai, Thai officials imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew in two Yala districts in the hope of scaling down the violence.
Three days later, authorities arrested six youths in connection with the attack. News reports quoted officials as saying that some of the detainees had confessed to the attack, which was conducted by men dressed in green, army-like clothing. No further details were provided, including the names of the suspects or the charges against them.
The indiscriminate nature of the violence in Yala, and numerous reports of attacks conducted by men in what appear to be military uniforms, have left villagers and security forces increasingly suspicious of each other—and equally in the dark about the identity of the attackers.
According to a local security official, who refused to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the press, the insurgents currently operating in Yala are loosely organized cells, and from the limited intelligence gathered in recent months, attackers receive their instructions informally and remotely.
They are thought to receive instructions from an intermediary to pick up a weapon at a specified location and then return it there after an attack. As a result, suspects in detention have provided few details about those planning and instigating the attacks.
“We don’t know exactly who the enemy is,” the security official admitted. “But we know their methods. We have to engage in counter-terrorism.”
One of the keys to successfully combating terrorism, the security official added, was earning the trust of local villagers so that they would cooperate with investigations by security forces and police.
“If we trust each other, then residents will give us intelligence from their village,” he said.
But many Muslim villagers say they have no faith in the soldiers, who they believe are responsible for much of the violence, including abductions of Muslims. (more…)

The plan for ‘Islamic revolution’

3 April, 2007

By Inamullah Khattak
2 April 2007,
ISLAMABAD, Two religious madressahs, Jamia Faridia and Jamia Hafsa, are adamant to enforce “Shariat” in Islamabad and across the country and said they will announce their movement in the Lal Masjid on Friday. (more…)