Archive for 9 April, 2007

FoeHammer Fatwa Worthy

9 April, 2007

Recently, FoeHammer complained that a Fatwa had not been issued against his website, Foehammer’s Anvil.  I hereby declare a Fatwa on FoeHammer’s website! That sick twisted freak has for years been working with the infidels to subvert the peaceful religion of Islam!

Utah Killings a Product of Sudden Jihad Syndrome (SJS)?

9 April, 2007

Back in February, I mentioned that the Utah Mall shooter, Sulejman Talovic, may have been motivated by his religion more than the press was reporting. Now, more information has come to light that focuses the beam of reality squarely on his religion, and not the, “trouble teen syndrome” as the media would have us to believe. You can read all about it at Chronicle Magazine HERE.
(Kudos go out to INTERESTINCONUNDRUM at Jihad Watch for finding this article)

That’s Right… Pray to the Bomb, You Bastards…

9 April, 2007

“May the Blessings of the Bomb Almighty, and the Fellowship of the Holy Fallout, descend upon us all. This day and forever more. Amen”
– Mendez
– Beneath the Planet of the Apes

Okay, now I’ve seen every thing!!! The mutants, err, Iranians are forming a chain of insane religious zealots to protest what? Sanity???


Basij promises human chain near nuke plant in Iran
Apr 9, 2007

Iran News:  Some 15,000 Basij (mullahs’ thugs known as regime’s “chomaaqdaaraan”) university students will form a human chain at Isfahan’s Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) on Monday on the occasion of the National Day of Nuclear Technology.

The move is aimed at condemning the American and British moves in the UN Security Council for issuing resolutions against mullahs’ nuclear program.

Saber Lamei, in charge of Basij students of Isfahan province, said on Saturday “university students would attend the nuclear celebrations on Monday, following the inefficient and unilateral performance of the Security Council for depriving the great Iranian nation of its national rights”.

The official added that the students would reiterate their Islamic and national identity, and defend their rights.

You can run but you will only die tired.

9 April, 2007

It looks like they are closing in fast. Get some.
Terror raid fails to catch Bali pair
-Correspondents in Zamboanga, southern Philippines
-The Australian, April 10, 2007
BALI bombing masterminds Dulmatin and Umar Patek – two of Southeast Asia’s most wanted terrorists – have again evaded capture in the southern Philippines.
Three militants were killed yesterday when US-backed Philippine troops raided camps of the al-Qa’ida-linked Jemaah Islamiah on the island of Jolo.
But the Indonesians Dulmatin and Patek, the bomb-makers accused of helping plan the deadly 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people including 88 Australians, escaped during the early-morning firefight.
The US Government, which is supporting the manhunt on Jolo,has posted a reward of $US10million ($12.2 million) for the capture of Dulmatin and $US1million for Patek.
But the two men, who have been hiding out on the jungle-covered volcanic island of Jolo with the al-Qa’ida-linked Abu Sayyaf, have managed to evade a massive military operation involving more than 8000 troops, along with US advisers and intelligence officers.
Local army commander Brigadier General Ruperto Pabustan said a Philippine army unit trained by the US military raided an Abu Sayyaf camp early yesterday.
“Three Abu Sayyaf members were captured after a brief firefight,” Brigadier General Pabustan said, but added that the “high-value targets – Dulmatin and Patek – escaped”. “Pursuit operations are continuing,” he said.
In another firefight later in the day, three Abu Sayyaf militants were killed near the town of Patikul and one soldier wounded, marine spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Ariel Caculitan said. On Sunday, nine soldiers and civilians were killed when Abu Sayyaf militants attacked an army base on Jolo.
More than 8000 Philippine troops are on Jolo on instructions from President Gloria Arroyo to crush Abu Sayyaf, a small gang of self-styled Islamic militants who experts say once received funding from al-Qa’ida.
The Abu Sayyaf group has been blamed for a series of bomb attacks in The Philippines in recent years, as well as for high-profile kidnappings of foreigners and missionaries.
The Philippines’ Mindanao region, which takes in Jolo, has for years been a magnet for al-Qa’ida and its sympathisers – notably JI. JI has been blamed for the 2002 and 2005 Bali bombings, which killed more than 220 people, and the 2003 Marriott hotel and 2004 Australian embassy attacks in Jakarta.
JI operatives came to The Philippines several years ago to share their bomb-making expertise and ideology with fellow Muslims from the separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Abu Sayyaf and local radical groups.
Since the military operation on Jolo began last September, Abu Sayyaf’s top two leaders have been killed and the remaining members, said to number about 400, have splintered into smaller units trying to evade government forces.
Isnilon Hapilon is among the last few senior Abu Sayyaf leaders trying to assert overall command over the group. The US Government has offered up to $US5 million for his arrest.
In January, sources on Jolo said Dulmatin has been wounded in a fierce gunfight after soldiers overran a joint JI-Abu Sayyaf terrorist camp in the southern Philippines.
Dulmatin, was reported shot during the three-hour battle involving about 60 Abu Sayyaf and JI gunmen.
Abu Solaiman, Abu Sayyaf’s spokesman, who had a $US5million bounty on his head, was killed during the raid.
But Dulmatin escaped on foot, possibly with Patek. Run Forest Run.

Russians Predict U.S. Attack on Iran…

9 April, 2007

My goodness, if the next article is any indication of Russia’s ability to understand global events and predict the reactions of other nations, we are in for a bumpy ride – especially since they think that Iran will not adversely use nuclear technology provided by the Russians…

Russians insistent on U.S. Iran attack
Ahmadinejad announcing atomic ‘good news’ today
Posted: April 9, 2007

By Jerome R. Corsi

With Tehran continuing to move ahead with its nuclear plans, rumors persist the White House is planning a military strike on Iran in April.

Lt. Cmdr. Alan D’Jock ducks into his shoot stance as an F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the Swordsmen of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 32 launches from catapult aboard aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman April 2, 2007. (U.S. Navy photo)

leonidivashov.jpg“Preparations to strike Iran’s strategic facilities continue,” Col. Gen. Leonid Ivashov, president of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems, a Russian think tank, told Moscow-based news service Interfax. “Three major groups of U.S. forces are still in the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf. Altogether, they have up to 450 cruise missiles on alert.”

“Military operations against Tehran will begin with the launch of at least two unexpected strikes using Tomahawk cruise missiles and air power in order to disable Iran’s air-defense capabilities.”

“According to our data, up to 150 aircraft are to be involved in each strike on Iran. Land-based air-defense systems will be disabled in the first place, then mobile short-range systems, which Tehran has (including some 30 new systems),” he said.

(Gee, I wonder who gave Tehran those new systems… Could it be Satan??? or was it Russia??? )

Ivashov also did not rule out the possibility of nuclear weapons being used against Iran. (more…)

Cindy Sheehan Working with Al-Qaeda?

9 April, 2007

It seems that Cindy Sheehan is has become an Al-Qaeda whore in her attempt to divide our nation (oh yeah, she likes it rough).


The Great Al-Qaeda ‘Patriot’

Frontpage Magazine

A man identified as “Esam Omesh” spoke just before Cindy Sheehan at last month’s antiwar rally that Sheehan headlined in Washington.

Following chants of “Impeach Bush!” from shivering protesters, Omesh took the podium and exhorted “brothers and sisters” to condemn Bush for the deaths of “more than 650,000 Iraqi lives.” He demanded the White House “pull our troops out of Iraq now” and “end the war today.”

The speaker counted himself among the “great American patriots” who braved the cold to march on Washington and protest the war that day.

While there may have been legitimate voices there, this speaker decidedly was not one of them. Not because he’s Muslim, but because he’s an Islamist tied to an al-Qaida fund raiser and the spiritual adviser to the 9/11 hijackers.

Turns out it his real name is Esam S. Omeish, and he runs a nonprofit group in Washington called the Muslim American Society, which the FBI believes is the U.S. branch of the dangerous Muslim Brotherhood, a worldwide jihadist movement that operates like the mafia. The secret Islamist society counts Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahri, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman among its members. Its motto: “The Quran is our constitution, the prophet is our guide; Death for the glory of Allah is our greatest ambition.”

His office is right next door to the old office of one of Al-Qaida’s top fund raisers in America, Abdurahman Alamoudi, before he was jailed a few years ago. And it’s located in the same Alexandria, Va., business park as the former office of Osama bin Laden’s nephew, before he hightailed it back to Saudi Arabia after 9/11. (more…)