Archive for 26 April, 2007

Southern Thai Violence Takes New Turn

26 April, 2007

This is what muslims cry about the most — backlash. Why because it works, start killing them and they go dormant. My advice is to ask a few Serbs for advice on dealing with jihadi. I’m betting many will volunteer to help you out.


Associated Press Writer

April 26, 2007, 2:09 PM EDT

BAN BALA, Thailand — Failed government efforts to quell the Islamic insurgency in southern Thailand have left the area’s Buddhists frustrated, armed and raring to fight back.

The violence has taken an ominous turn lately with a string of apparent tit-for-tat outrages. On March 14, hooded insurgents ambushed a van and killed eight Buddhists, including two teenage schoolgirls. That evening, two bombs outside a nearby mosque and at a teashop killed three Muslims and injuring about 20, and five days later, gunmen opened fire at a dormitory of an Islamic boarding school, killing three students.

It’s the first time Islamic institutions have been targeted since the insurgency broke out in 2004.

No one has claimed responsibility, and the government has sought to portray the attacks as Islamic provocations, not Buddhist acts of vengeance. But the end result is heightened distrust on both sides that many fear could turn into communal warfare.

“We are ready to declare war,” said Prasit Nuannin, the Buddhist chief of Ban Bala, a mountain community whose population of 2,000 is split about equally between Buddhists and Muslims.

Policemen and village militia armed with assault rifles and shotguns have stepped up their guard over the local Buddhist temple here, fearing insurgents will try to torch it. (more…)

The Thought Police Are Closer Than You Think..

26 April, 2007

When I was younger, we had a saying – “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”  Quite frequently, I have been called a bigot, fascist, racist, and just about every other name in the book by some of the readers here at Doctor Bulldog.  So what?  I know that I speak the truth, and I try to take the time to answer my critics with logic and reason.  They have the right to voice their opinions, much as I have the right to voice mine.

Now, however, it would seem that Congress is working on a plan to limit our freedom of religion and of speech.  This is just ridiculous!  In doing so, they are limiting healthy expression and constructive dialogue. 

On several occasions, I have been forced to re-evaluate my viewpoints because of comments and verbal abuse from the readers.  Had they not been able to express their views, I would not have been afforded the opportunity to consider their side of the argument.  Understanding other cultures and beliefs starts with an honest, healthy dialogue.  A bit of name calling is often quite healthy in opening up the avenues to progress between two diametrically opposed viewpoints.

What would Jesus do?

Even Jesus engaged in name calling, one example jumps immediately to mind when Jesus gives a tongue lashing to the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23:13 – “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”

Obviously, the mollycoddled and well pampered Pharisees must have gotten awfully offended by all that name calling, since they all went crying to their Roman officials, resulting in the censorship of Jesus —  by crucifixion…

Are we any different than they when we start passing laws that emasculate and muzzle our freedom of expression while empowering the vociferous Ultra Liberal PC crowd?

Evidently, today’s soccer moms are raising a generation of “girlie men” that can’t handle even the slightest bit of verbal abuse…  So, to them I say, “Go home and cry to Mommy, you overly protected little snot-nosed brats!”

And, to the barking mooncalves  in Washington who are engaged in making a mockery of our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, “re-read the aforementioned Biblical text from Matthew 23:13.”


Christians in bull’s-eye in new ‘hate crimes’ plan
Congress working to create penalties for non-PC views
Posted: April 26, 2007

By Bob Unruh

A fast-tracked congressional plan to add special protections for homosexuals to federal law would turn “thoughts, feelings, and beliefs” into criminal offenses and put Christians in the bull’s-eye, according to opponents.

“H.R. 1592 is a discriminatory measure that criminalizes thoughts, feelings, and beliefs [and] has the potential of interfering with religious liberty and freedom of speech,” according to a white paper submitted by Glen Lavy, of the Alliance Defense Fund.

“As James Jacobs and Kimberly Potter observed in Hate Crimes, Criminal Law, and Identity Politics, ‘It would appear that the only additional purpose [for enhancing punishment of bias crimes] is to provide extra punishment based on the offender’s politically incorrect opinions and viewpoints,'” said Lavy.

The proposal has been endorsed by majority Democrats on the committee, and already has 137 sponsors in the full House, making it possible it could be voted on in a matter of days or weeks.

“This is a terrible thing, to criminalize thought or emotion or even speech,” Lavy told WND, referring to H.R. 1592, now pending at the committee level in the U.S. House. Democrats there have been turning back amendments that would strip it of its worst provisions, according to an observer.

Bishop Harry Jackson, chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition, said the plan, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Protection Act of 2007, is no more than “a surreptitious attempt by some in Congress to strip the nation of religious freedom and the ability to preach the gospel from our church pulpits.”

“It will stamp all over our doctrine and practice of our faith,” he said. “We believe what the Bible says. If you start there we’ve got a major problem.” (more…)

al-Qaida No. 2 in Algeria Killed

26 April, 2007

It is always nice to hear another number two joined mohammed in hell. It seems we are always killing the number two man in these groups. They are like the red shirt guys on star trek, if you like living don’t take that job.
April 26, 2007
The No. 2 al-Qaida official in Algeria was killed Thursday in a clash with an army patrol, the country’s national radio said, citing security officials.
Samir Mousaab was killed near the village of Si Moustapha about 25 miles east of the capital, Algiers, the radio reported.
It said Mousaab’s body was identified by former members of the Salafist Group for Call and Combat, an insurgent group that changed its name to al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa when it announced its alliance with al-Qaida in January.
The group was built on the foundations of an Algerian insurgency to topple Algeria’s secular government that erupted in 1992 after the army canceled elections that a Muslim fundamentalist party was set to win.
Up to 200,000 people _ militants, security forces and civilians _ have been killed.
Thursday’s clash came weeks after double-suicide bombings on April 11 that killed at least 30 people in Algiers. Al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa claimed responsibility for the attacks.

21 Blocks of Military-Grade C4 Found In Mosque

26 April, 2007

Gee, who would have thought that a Mosque would be used by Islamonazis for hiding weapons…

And, notice that, even though the Mosque had not been used for religious purposes for months, “No MND-B [Multi-National Division – Baghdad] forces entered the mosque at any time during the operation.”

Yup, we’re still pussy-footing around with our hands tied by the Liberals when it comes to those silly mosques…

Get over it! A mosque is just a building, as is a Church, or a Temple, or a crack-house! Here, in America, they routinely demolish crack-houses, by the way. So, precedence has been established…

If a mosque is being used by Islamonazis, then just blow it up! Politics be damned! This will send a message throughout the Islamic community not to allow terrorists into their mosques, lest they risk losing their beloved place of worship…

blightlogobeige.gifBetter to destroy a mosque, than to destroy lives by allowing the terrorists to set up a base of operations in which to kill innocent men, women, and children…


Weapons cache found inside Baghdad mosque
By Sgt. 1st Class Robert Timmons, 4th IBCT, 1st Inf. Div. PAO
Apr 26, 2007 – 11:49:31 AM

Blackanthem Military News
, BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraqi Security Forces and Multi-National Division – Baghdad troops uncovered a weapons cache at the Al Nur Mosque in Baghdad’s Jihad neighborhood April 23 thanks to a tip from local residents.

The 1st Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 1st Iraqi National Police Division raided the location after locals reported seeing insurgents firing mortars and fleeing into the mosque. They also reported that the mosque hadn’t been used for religious purposes in months.

Company B, 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Inf. Div., cordoned off the area as the ISF conducted the raid.

The NPs found four 155 mm artillery rounds, 21 blocks of military-grade C-4 explosives, two propane tanks with C-4 explosive attached, three rolls of wire, one 107mm rocket rigged as an IED, a rifle, and a roll of wire wrapped around a soda bottle.

No MND-B forces entered the mosque at any time during the operation.

Hezbollah Taunting Israel, Again…

26 April, 2007

With all this taunting by Hezbollah, I have this uncontrollable urge to quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail…


“You don’t frighten us, English pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called “Arthur King,” you and all your silly English K-nig-hts. ”

“I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.”

“Now, go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!”

Whew! Alright, I’ve got all that out of my system…

Hezbollah taunts Israel with giant pic
eldad-ehud.jpgby Jihad Siqlawi in Lebanon
April 26, 2007

SHIITE militants of Hezbollah have erected a large photograph of two Israeli soldiers it is holding on Lebanon’s border with the Jewish state.

A crowd of the group’s supporters chanted slogans as the three-metre by five-metre photograph was put up by unarmed Hezbollah militants in this border district near where the soldiers were seized.

The photograph was a montage of old pictures already circulated in Israel of the two men in civilian clothes before their capture in the deadly July 12, 2006, raid that triggered a 34-day Israeli war on Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Mounted on a huge black placard draped in a Hezbollah flag, the photograph showed Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev in profile facing each other.

Between them was the legend in English and Arabic – “For the sake of our detainees”, a reference to Hezbollah’s demands to exchange them for prisoners held by Israel.

The dozen or so Hezbollah militants who erected the photograph were unarmed.

Chants in support of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah rang out from the crowd of local villagers who gathered to watch them put it up.

“We will sacrifice ourselves for you, Nasrallah,” they shouted.

A patrol from the UN peacekeeping force UNIFIL monitored the event, as did an Israeli patrol on the other side of the border.

A military source in northern Israel dismissed the action as a “propaganda operation.”

“It is a classic move on the part of Hezbollah, which has previously done the same,” (more…)

Arrest of Top Tamil Tiger Fund Raiser in New York

26 April, 2007

The war on terror seems to be taking some interesting twists and turns. For instance, the crackdown on gangs in the U.S. is now going international as the FBI has just sent agents to El Salvador to coordinate efforts to stifle the growing gang problem down there.

Also, the Tamil Tigers seem to be getting a lot of attentions lately, as Intelsat (the world’s largest satellite company) has just shut down Tiger TV’s unauthorized use of one of its satellites. Now, we have an arrest of a Tamil Tiger representative here in the United States:

ltte_emblem.jpgUS arrests top Tamil Tiger fund raiser


The leader of the US-arm of Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers had been arrested in New York for supporting “terror” activities on the island, the US embassy in Colombo said in a statement Thursday.

Karunakaran Kandasamy, also known as Karuna and the main US representative of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), was charged Wednesday in Queens, New York, and was scheduled to be taken before a magistrate, the embassy said.

“The arrest is the latest in ongoing investigation of (the) terrorist group’s reliance on individuals in the US as a major source for money, arms, and military technology,” the statement said.

If convicted, the man faces a maximum sentence of 15 years imprisonment, the statement added.

It said the LTTE, designated a foreign terrorist organisation by the US State Department since October 1997, has covertly operated within the country “to further its war of terror in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.”

“We refuse to allow this to continue,” the statement quoted US attorney Roslynn R. Mauskopf as saying.

FBI investigator Mark J. Mershon said the suspect “hasn’t merely supported the Tamil Tigers’ cause, he orchestrated US support.” (more…)