Archive for 28 September, 2007

Immigration Officials Unveil Redesigned U.S. Citizenship Test

28 September, 2007

Ellis Island chalk marks
Ok, this will not strengthen our borders, decrease crime or stop the wave of illegal’s who want to enter the US to force change on legal residents and natural born citizens but it is a slight shuffle of a foot and could lead to a step in the right direction.

If you were educated in the US public education system the test is difficult without some sort of study period.

Think I am too critical? Take the exam yourselves, most of you will be quickly made aware of how much we forget as we age.

The questions are listed on the Fox News site you can cut and paste the URL from the article.

One last thing if you do pass it the first time around send a nice thank you card to your old school thanking all the teachers, past, present and future. Good Luck.

September 28, 2007 (AP)

As U.S. immigration officials narrowed the list of questions for a new citizenship test, Martin Luther King Jr. made the cut, but Patrick Henry did not.

Citizenship and Immigration Services released on Thursday the pool of 100 civics and history questions that could be asked of people wanting to become naturalized Americans.

They will begin using the new citizenship test Oct. 1, 2008. Just as with the current test, applicants will have to answer correctly six of 10 questions asked orally and pass the English proficiency portion of the exam.

About 42 civics questions were dropped or revised to reach the final 100. Among those that were dropped was, “Who said ‘Give me liberty or give me death?'” The answer is Patrick Henry, a colonial American revolutionary.

Fox News has a list of the questions here:

One question that survived the cut is “What did Martin Luther King Jr. do?” Among the possible answers are: Fought for civil rights and worked for equality for all Americans. King was awarded the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for his civil rights campaign in the United States.

Immigration officials said some questions may have additional correct answers beyond those provided. About 15 to 16 questions had to be reworded.

“This is a naturalization test which genuinely captures applicants’ knowledge of what it is he’s about ready to be — a United States citizen,” said Emilio Gonzalez, Citizenship and Immigration Services director. (more…)

A Soldier’s Take on Blackwater

28 September, 2007

From The Monkey Tennis Centre comes the following:

…I’m in the infantry, and frankly, I’d rather the govt. farm out that type of protective detail work than make us do it. It’s often dull and monotonous and it detracts from the real offensive operations that we’re trained for. Plus, it would just be our heads that everyone would be calling for after we were forced to take the EXACT SAME ACTIONS that the press rails against Blackwater et al. for taking.

Newsflash: diplomatic convoys in Iraq are huge targets for the enemy, and Iraqi civilians are notoriously bad eyewitnesses of anything….

Read the entire article HERE

Canada worse than Mexico for U.S. border security?

28 September, 2007

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that U.S. border security is worse along the Canadian border than the Mexican border, but the report from the GAO is no surprise to those of us who keep an eye on such matters.  The real problem is the increasingly large number of Islamonazis populating our northern neighbor, with no real effort by the Canadians to hunt them down like the animals they are.     

Canada worse than Mexico for U.S. border security
By Judi McLeod
Friday, September 28, 2007 – Canada Free Press

Uncle Sam, occupied by the possibility of would-be terrorists among illegal aliens crossing its borders from Mexico, is now looking at Canada.

A recent U.S. government report says it would be easy to smuggle dangerous materials into the United States.

And if anyone wants to smuggle dangerous materials into the U.S., they have the more than 8,000 kilometers of US-Canada border to do so.

The independent Government Accountability Office (GAO) sent investigators to test how easily they could transfer large red duffel bags at four unguarded and unmonitored spots along the more than eight thousand kilometers of U.S. Canada border.

“The GAO, the investigative arm of Congress, described in a 13-page report delivered to Congress Thursday how easily they were able to penetrate the border at several spots.” (Canadian Press and Associated Press, Sept. 27, 2007. “The report claims that (it) shows how easy it would be to bring in radioactive material and other contraband.”

At a Capitol Hill hearing, U.S. Senator Ken Salazar of Colorado says there’s been far too much focus on the border with Mexico and not enough on the Canadian line.

Senator Salazar claims there are more international terrorist organizations in Canada than anywhere else in the world.

Senator Salazar is right.


Italian Police Arrest Kebab Merchant Over Planned Air Attack with Ultra-Light in Iraq

28 September, 2007

Another Islamonazi idiot with delusions of grandeur… We OWN the skies in Iraq! I doubt he would have even gotten a couple of miles inside the border before we shot him down… I guess he had some free time on his hands, as I’m sure there isn’t much demand for his kebabs during Ramadan. Yup, idle hands are the devil’s workshop…

Italy arrests man over planned air attack in Iraq
Fri Sep 28, 2007

MILAN (Reuters) – Italian police arrested an Iraqi man on Friday on suspicion of preparing an armed attack in Iraq using ultra-light aircraft and charged him with belonging to a group linked to al Qaeda.

A police special operations group arrested the man who lived in Padua, northeastern Italy, as he was trying to board a flight in Venice to travel to Iraq via Romania and Syria.

They said he had arranged to buy an unspecified number of ultra-light aircraft from an Italian firm which he planned to pack with explosives and use for an attack.

The man, identified by local media as a 35-year-old Iraqi who lived by selling kebabs, was being held on charges of “association for the purposes of international terrorism”.

A senior Al-Qaeda leader killed in Iraq: US military

28 September, 2007

08-28-07  — IC Publications
A senior leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq was killed in a US air strike in Iraq this week, a US military commander said Friday, calling it a key loss to the group’s inner circle of foreign fighters.

Brigadier General Joseph Anderson identified the man as Abu Usama al Tunisi, who he described as a close associate and likely successor to Abu Ayyub al-Masri, Al-Qaeda in Iraq’s Egyptian leader.

Anderson, who is chief of staff of the Multi-National Corp Iraq, said Tunisi was killed September 25 in an air strike that followed a series of raids that had netted other associates of Tunisi.

Security Tightened On Tokyo Subway In Response To Anonymous Tip

28 September, 2007

September 28, 2007

Mercedes Rullan – AHN News Writer

Tokyo, Japan (AHN) – A phone call warning of an alleged terrorist attack prompted police to tighten security on Tokyo’s subways this week, local media and official said on Friday.

An anonymous caller told authorities that a terrorist group from Pakistan, was hiding in Central Tokyo to conduct suicide attacks on the subways Friday morning.

Investigators were dispatched to several locations in Tokyo immediately after the phone call on Wednesday, but authorities did not identify who received the phone call. The unidentified caller demanded about $2 million in return for the information, local media reported.

No bombs were located at one location near downtown Tokyo, no bombing incidents occurred as well.

Hidekazu Hazeyama, subway spokesperson of Tokyo Metro, the city’s main subway system, asked them to increase vigilance Thursday without providing any explanation but said it was just protocol.

Local media reported Friday that a man called police and a Japanese embassy on Wednesday saying that a terrorist group had brought bombs into Tokyo with plans to attack public transportation.

A similar call was received by U.S. authorities several days earlier, the local media reported. The U.S. suspected that the call was possibly the same man because he also asked reward in exchange for the information about alleged planned terrorist attacks.