Archive for 13 September, 2007

Bin Laden Video Faked.

13 September, 2007

Bin loser, pedophile, muslim idol and prophet wannabe
I found this on the Talk Show American site. I am convinced, read it for yourselves.

The Talk Show American
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Neal Krawetz of Hactor Factor, an expert on digital image forensics, said in his blog that the first video contained many visual and audio splices, and that all of the modifications were of very low quality.

Most striking is bin Laden’s beard, which has been gray in recent images. For this video it is black.
“As far as my tools can detect, there has been no image manipulation of the bin Laden portion of the image beyond contrast adjustment. His beard really does appear to be that color.”
The Washington Post has the video.

Krawetz says the inner frame of bin Laden was resaved at least twice, and not at the same time. The images show fine horizontal stripes on bin Laden and a background indicating these came from interlaced video sources. In contrast, the text elements, such as the As-Sahab logo, appear to be from non-interlaced sources.

The September 7 video shows bin Laden dressed in a white hat, white shirt and yellow sweater. Krawetz notes
“this is the same clothing he wore in the 2004-10-29 video. In 2004 he had it unzipped, but in 2007 he zipped up the bottom half. Besides the clothing, it appears to be the same background, same lighting, and same desk. Even the camera angle is almost identical.” (more…)

France may rejoin NATO

13 September, 2007


This is horrible news and a bad idea. The French will be a radical Islamic country soon. We would have to share intelligence information with them, which will make fighting other radical Muslims impossible or at least difficult.

PARIS, Sept. 13 The government of French President Nicolas Sarkozy has raised the possibility of France rejoining the military wing of NATO.

French Defense Minister Herve Morin said France may be willing to join the force, which it left in 1966, in exchange for the United States withdrawing objections to a NATO-linked defense policy for the European Union, The (British) Independent reported Thursday.

Morin said Sarkozy’s government would also want NATO to overhaul its overall structure and strategy.

The Independent said the possibility is part of an overall drive by Sarkozy to repair relations between the United States and France. Morin’s statements also indicate that France acknowledges that U.S. support is necessary for the EU defense policy agreed upon in 1998 to go forward.

Sudden Jihad syndrome or something else?

13 September, 2007

Rest in Peace
First reports are normally wrong but consider this – two seemingly unrelated and geographically separated reports. One involved a Muslim and the other is described as: “A black man in his 30’s with a full beard and carrying an AK-47 assault rifle.” AK’s are not rare but you rarely see them used like they were today.

There are many reports floating around but the basic pattern is no mention of the possibility that this could be another sudden jihad, no mention Zorkot is a Medical Doctor or that he is a Muslim and no mention of the start of Ramadan.

I read enough news that I at least think it should be considered. It will come out eventually. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the wounded and fallen officers. I am sorry I could not find a picture of a Miami badge with a mourning stripe but I am sure your brother Officers in St Louis also feel your loss.

DEARBORN – Houssein Zorkot, a 26-year-old Dearborn resident, was arraigned Tuesday in 19th District Court on multiple felony charges, including carrying a dangerous weapon with unlawful intent — a five-year felony.

Zorkot, a third-year medical student at Wayne State University, was allegedly armed with an AK-47 assault rifle and dressed in black clothing with camouflage paint covering his face when he was arrested Saturday in Hemlock Park.

According to police, Zorkot was observed attempting to leave the park in a black SUV after officers had received reports of a man carrying a rifle in the area. He was placed under arrest and is scheduled to undergo a preliminary examination at 9 a.m. Sept. 21 in 19th District Court.

Zorkot has also been charged with one count of possession of a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle and one count of felony firearm. He remains in custody on a $1 million bond (cash, no 10 percent).

Gunman kills Florida police officer, wounds 3 more in traffic stop

CUTLER BAY, Fla. (AP) – A gunman killed a police officer and injured three others during a traffic stop Thursday, triggering a manhunt in a suburban Miami neighborhood, officials said.

Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez confirmed that an officer died. The three survivors were in serious condition, police spokeswoman Linda O’Brien said.

The officers were conducting burglary surveillance when they stopped the man because he was driving a car erratically, said O’Brien. The man opened fire with a high-powered weapon and fled. It was not immediately clear whether the officers returned fire.

TV footage showed several officers briefly surrounding a house, guns drawn, before moving on. Others swept through a grassy area on foot and picked through a garbage truck.

Authorities were looking for Shawn Sherwin Labeet, 25. Authorities initially identified a different suspect as the gunman, but that person was actually hundreds of miles away in the Jacksonville area.

Labeet was last seen in neighboring Broward County in a black Pontiac, O’Brien said. The car was later found at a shopping mall parking lot in neighboring Broward County, but Labeet was not in it, she said. A man, a woman and two children found in the car were being questioned, she said.

Another man may have been involved in the shooting, she said.

Cutler Bay is a suburb southwest of downtown Miami. Several schools were locked down due to the search.

Two other officers were shot separately last month in neighboring Broward County. One was killed, the other badly injured.

Muslims irked by Italian senator’s “pig” comments

13 September, 2007

I have to admit it I like this guy. No doubt the crying by the local Muslim population will be intense, expect the victim card and cry’s of “islamophobia”. They get no sympathy from me, they have not earned it. I have been in plenty of Muslim countries and buried my share of crosses, crucifixes and stars of David (I like to cover my bases) in or around Mosques.

I did this the first time in Saudi Arabia and in many countries since. No fanfare was involved, I did not tell my chain of command or anyone else (some of the Joe’s knew and helped me). Even then, we faced PC types in the military. Some of the contractors have told me they are using rounds dipped in pigs blood in the box.

Granted looking back I realize my anti jihad activities changed nothing and could have caused some problems had I/we gotten caught but I didn’t care then and I care less now. I strongly feel the win their hearts and mind strategy is stupid. The real way to show how intolerant Islam really is requires proof. Get in their face and stay there. When you see Muslims stand up and attempt to modernize their seventh century cult into a modern and less violent cult, I will lay off, until then, it is on.

It looks like others have a similar viewpoint.

By Silvia Aloisi, ROME (Reuters) – A far-right Italian senator outraged Muslims on Thursday by calling for a “Pig Day” protest against the planned construction of a mosque in northern Italy.

Roberto Calderoli of the anti-immigrant Northern League party said he was ready to bring his own pig to “defile” the site where the mosque is due to be built in the northern city of Bologna

“I am making myself and my pig available for a walk at the site where they want to build the mosque,” Calderoli, who is a deputy speaker of Italy’s Senate, said in a statement.

Calderoli also said he would eat “a nice plateful of pork chops to show my lack of sympathy for those who consider pork forbidden meat.”
– Regular readers already know I eat pork every Friday as my tribute to the Muslim holy day. Besides, I like it.

Muslims do not eat pork and consider pigs and their meat too filthy to touch.

“Those words are highly offensive and indecent, especially as they are coming from an Italian lawmaker,” Mario Scialoja, a prominent leader of Italy’s Muslim community, told Reuters. “It left me speechless”.
– No doubt a liberal crybaby (more…)

Pakistan ranked 115 among 121 peace-loving nations

13 September, 2007

I think it was rigged, I would have placed them at the bottom or left them off this list. They are far from “peace loving”

South East Asia News.Net
Thursday 13th September, 2007 (ANI)
Lahore, Sep 13: Pakistan is ranked 115th in a list of 121 peaceful countries in the world.

Dr Mubashir Hassan, former Finance Minister and human rights’ activist, told a seminar titled ‘Play for Peace’ that several indicators, including confrontation and wars, were considered before declaring a country’s ‘peace-loving’ rank.

He said the other indicators included the citizens’ trust in the government, internal security, incidents of victimisation, respect of human rights, terrorism, stability of the political system, relations with neighbouring countries, the system of governance, freedom of movement and speech, freedom of the media and politics, and the ratio of corruption.

Dr Hassan said the eradication of the system of victimisation from the country would play a significant role in raising the country’s position in the list.

He said the reasons for victimisation in the country included the taxation system, jails and the government machinery.

Other reasons for victimisation were old traditions and the wrong interpretation of Islam, the Daily Times quoted Dr Hassan, as saying. (more…)