Archive for 11 March, 2008

CAIR-Florida Representative says, “Hamas is NOT a Terrorist Organization”

11 March, 2008

Well, look what I just found on Youtube:

Rally Against CAIR 2008 – CAIR Comes Clean on Hamas

Besides being a CAIR representative, Jawhar Sadallah Badran, (a.k.a. – “Joe” Badran) is on the Diversity Committee of the Broward County School Board. Yup, he’s responsible for educating indoctrinating your children into Islam. Something tells me it’s not that “moderate” Islam we hear so much about, but rarely find…

Ahmadinejad to Attend OIC Summit

11 March, 2008

Gee, could it be that the beady-eyed little monster, Ahmadinejad, wants to add his racist two cents worth concerning the OIC’s summit on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? As if the Organization of Islamic Conference is legitimately going to give Israel a fair shake… The outcome of such a farce is never in doubt – Israelis bad, Palestinians good…

ahmadinejad.jpgIran’s pres. to attend OIC summit
Tue, 11 Mar 2008 – Press TV- Iran

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is to leave for Dakar to attend the 11th Summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

President Ahmadinejad will leave for Senegal on Wednesday at the head of a high-ranking delegation to participate in the two-day gathering.

The Iranian president will present Tehran’s views on the role of the OIC in the coming decade.

The OIC is scheduled to vote for an amendment to the organization’s Charter with the aim of boosting cooperation among Muslim countries.

With 57 member states spanning four continents, the Organization of the Islamic Conference is the second largest inter-governmental organization, surpassed only by the United Nations.

More than 3,000 Asian children vanishing from school and ‘forced into arranged marriages’

11 March, 2008


11.03.08 – This is

The number of Asian children removed from school and forced into arranged marriages overseas could be as high as 3,000, experts said today.

They fear the scale of the problem – which a Muslim peer today insisted was “abhorrent” – is 10 times worse than official estimates.

The Government’s forced marriage unit investigates about 300 cases a year.

But today’s study, funded by the Home Office, warns that this number of cases occurs every year in Luton alone.

The report concludes that nationally the figure is likely to be 10 times that, or around 3,000.

Management consultant Dr Nazia Khanum, who wrote the study, said: “Three hundred inquiries are made to the voluntary sector per year in Luton alone.

“The forced marriage unit deal with 300 hardcore cases a year.

“If you follow the examples of rape and domestic violence, where only 10 per cent to 12 per cent of cases are reported, it’s a reasonable assumption that it is the tip of the iceberg.”

She accepted that the 300 inquiries a year in Luton did not necessarily relate to serious cases, but she added: “It still indicates the scale of the problem of forced marriages, which are unacceptable, and condemned by all religions.

“Forced marriage has nothing to do with religion – it is a part of a patriarchal system where parents believe they know what is best for their children.”

Yeah, right…


Another Islamonazi Gets His Own Stamp in Iran

11 March, 2008


Iran issues a stamp of slain Hezbollah Commander
Tuesday, 11 March, 2008 – YaLibnan

Beirut / Tehran – Iran issued a stamp Monday in commemoration of a top Hezbollah commander wanted by the U.S. who was killed in a car bombing in Syria last month, the official news agency IRNA reported.

The stamp, which features a smiling picture of Imad Mughniyeh wearing a military uniform, was unveiled at a ceremony attended by Iran’s minister of post and communication, Mohammad Soleimani, and Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi, former chief of the country’s elite Revolutionary Guards, according to the report.

The Lebanon-based extremist group Hezbollah and Iran, its main backer, blamed Mughniyeh’s assassination on Israel, which denied any role.

Mughniyeh was one of the world’s most feared terror masterminds, accused of killing hundreds of Americans in suicide bombings in Lebanon the 1980s. He was also blamed for taking Westerners hostage and the 1985 hijacking of a TWA airliner in which a U.S. Navy diver was killed.

In the 1990s, he went into hiding, and Western and Israeli intelligence accuse him of planning suicide bombings against the Israeli Embassy and a Jewish cultural center in Argentina that killed over 100 people. Over the past 15 years, he is believed to have moved in secret between Lebanon, Iran and Syria.


Imams Wanting Active Role in Newest Incarnation of Australian Muslim Advisory Group

11 March, 2008

With the loss of the Howard government, the tent door is wide open for the camel to come in…

Imams want role in recast Muslim body
Richard Kerbaj |
March 12, 2008 – The Australian

MUSLIM spiritual leaders have warned the Rudd Government against shutting them out of advisory roles, but have applauded the push to broaden the image of Islam beyond traditional religious figures.

Clerics, including prominent Sydney imam Khalil Shami, joined other Muslim leaders yesterday in backing the federal Government’s plans to recast the overly religious image of Islam by promoting secular and moderate voices.

Sheik Shami urged the Government to include clerics when it picks Muslims to give advice about the community.

Imams should be consulted, if only to offer the correct religious perspective on issues, he said. “You cannot exclude imams and expect all Muslim voices to be represented on an advisory body.”

The Howard government Muslim advisory board chairman Ameer Ali welcomed the Rudd Government’s vision, revealed in The Australian yesterday, of a broader representation among the Muslim community.

A new reference group could potentially go a long way in “demolishing Islamic stereotypes”, he said.
