Archive for 16 March, 2008

Radical Islam’s allure befuddles Canadian authorities

16 March, 2008

Well now, let me see if I can help my northern neighbors out.

March 16, 2008, Canwest News Service
Canadian authorities have difficulty understanding and identifying youth radicalized by extremist Islamic ideology, says a senior RCMP officer.

RCMP Supt. Lloyd Plante, a member of British Columbia’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Team, said police need more cooperation from the Muslim community to understand and neutralize the budding terrorist.
-First mistake: the muslim community is encouraging their children and will never help “neutralize” the problem. Returned jihadi are seen as heroes to allah and are honored. All muslim boys want to be just like one, the fame, the respect and the honor to their families a is very powerful draw.

“It’s not really clear how we can even identify youth who have been radicalized. . .We don’t even know the factors that contribute to youth being radicalized,” said Plante, who helped organize The Muslims of Tomorrow youth conference held on Simon Fraser University’s Surrey campus Saturday. “These are community, societal problems and we really need to work together to share ideas and develop strategies to address these very, very serious complex issues.”
-Second problem: none of the RCMP have apparently read the koran. Read it and you will understand the motivation of the “youth”. To identify them just look at any mosque going muslim family with teenage sons. (more…)

Four FBI Agents Among Wounded in Blast at Restaurant in Pakistan

16 March, 2008

This updates the report of a Turkish woman and five Americans killed in a Pakistani restaurant first mentioned HERE


Four FBI agents hurt in Pakistan bombing, source says

From Kathleen Johnston

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN)  — Four of the 12 people wounded in the weekend bombing of an Islamabad restaurant are U.S. FBI agents, a high-ranking federal source told CNN on Sunday.

The attack occurred Saturday when a bomb was hurled over a wall surrounding the Luna Caprese restaurant, an outdoor cafe frequented by Westerners, journalists and diplomats.

In addition to wounding the agents, the explosion killed a Turkish woman and wounded a fifth American, three Pakistanis, a person from the United Kingdom and someone from Japan, authorities said.

None of the agents were critically hurt in the blast, which occurred at 8:45 p.m. local time. The agents’ wounds included deep lacerations, concussions and fractures, the source said.

The four, who were eating dinner together at the time of the attack, were not believed to have been targeted, the source added.

An air ambulance took the agents to a hospital.

Government officials have not said who they believe is responsible for Saturday’s attack, but they suspect al Qaeda and Taliban-linked militants from Pakistan’s tribal region, who have carried out similar attacks in the past.


U.S. Missile Kills at Least 9 Misunderstanders of Islam in Pakistan

16 March, 2008

Reports are sketchy, but it look like the missile hit its mark. Get ready for the inevitable lies and protests against the U.S.


U.S. missiles kill 9 militants in Pakistan
Sun Mar 16, 2008

By Hafiz Wazir

WANA, Pakistan (Reuters) – A U.S. warplane fired missiles on Sunday at a house in a Pakistani region known as a haven for al Qaeda and Taliban fighters, killing at least 9 militants and wounding nine, an intelligence official said.

Four missiles were fired at the house in Shahnawaz Kheil Dhoog, a village near the town of Wana in the South Waziristan region on the Afghan border, just after 3 p.m. (1000 GMT), the intelligence official said.

“It was apparently an American plane that fired precision guided missiles at the house,” the official, who requested not to be identified, told Reuters.

Three foreigners, an Arab and two Turkmen, were among those killed, according to the intelligence official.

Villagers put the death toll at 18.

“Except the boundary walls, the house has been destroyed,” said a senior district government official who declined to be identified.

“The place has been used for some time as a militant hideout,” he said.

The attack came a day after a Turkish woman was killed and five Americans were among 11 people wounded in a bomb attack at a restaurant popular with foreigners in the capital, Islamabad.


Almost 50 Percent of Clergy in UK Suffered Attack in the Previous 12 Months!

16 March, 2008

For all the whining noises Muslims make about Islamophobia, they’ve got nothing on the U.K.’s Clergyphobia…

H/T – Warner

UPDATE – Warner also emailed us with THIS ARTICLE from today’s issue of Daily Mail that gives us a BIG clue as to the religion of those who are behind these attacks. (Ronin reported on it yesterday HERE but the Daily Mail article delves a little deeper into the incident and shows that this is NOT an isolated incident. The article that Ronin posted yesterday was trying to imply that this was just an aberration).

collar1.pngDog collar clergy ‘risk attack’
BBC News – 16 March 08

Members of the clergy are being advised to take off their dog collars when they are on their own, to reduce the risk of being attacked.

National Churchwatch, which provides personal safety advice, says vicars are attacked more often than professions such as GPs and probation officers.

The organisation’s Nick Tolson said all clergy should consider the advice, including the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The group also produces security advice for all UK churches and churchworkers.

In the past decade, five vicars have been murdered.

And a 2001 academic study also found that 12% of clergy had suffered some form of violence.

‘Attracts people’

In a survey of 90 London clergy Mr Tolson carried out last year, nearly half said they had been attacked in the previous 12 months.

One vicar, from Willesden, north-west London, said his vicarage had been machine-gunned – but still did not believe he had experienced violence.

Mr Tolson said: “For some clergy this is real radical stuff. The argument against it is it’s their witness in the community – their way of saying, ‘hello, I’m the vicar’.

“That’s fine when you’re being the vicar. If you’re visiting someone or going to an old people’s home, wear your dog collar.”

He added: “When they are on their own, and when they are off duty – for example when they are doing their shopping in Tesco on their own – there is no need for them to wear their dog collars.

“All that does is to attract people who see the dog collars, and if they are motivated towards violence, it puts them [clergy] in a very difficult situation.”

National Churchwatch also says that most police forces do not specifically record crime against places of worship.

However, it says that crime against churches continues to be a problem, and there is “plenty we can do to help reduce it”.

US: Muslim states, UN fuel anti-Semitism

16 March, 2008

From the No Sh#$ Department:

I wouldn’t have needed to spend a single cent to arrive at this brilliant conclusion. I should clear up that by “anti-Semitism” they actually mean “anti Israeli and anti Jew”. There are other Semitic tribes and no one seems to blame much on them.

The numbers are not clear but there are somewhere close to 20 million odd Jews on the planet somehow they scare the living hell out of 1.2 billion muslims. I have yet to have a muslim visitor explain to me why. In almost 1400 years of muslims (and others) attacks, raids and even wars the Jews have survived. Here is a hint to the islamic world. If you can’t beat them, join them. I am not sure of the process to convert from islam to Judaism but you muslims should give it some serious consideration. Obvious your allah is powerless against the Jews and by continuing your war against such a small numbers of people you appear weak, insecure, a bully and face it wimps.

If I were a Jew I would stomp my foot at a muslim scare him into shi#$%^ himself and laugh my Jewish butt off. Well despite my childish goals I will never be Jewish but I respect anyone who could stand up to this kind of hate and for so long. Israel, I honor, respect and salute you.

HILARY LEILA KRIEGER, 15 March, 2008, Jpost
There has been an upsurge in anti-Semitism over the past decade, much of it a new form whose “distinguishing feature” is criticism of Israel, according to a State Department report released over the weekend.

The 94-page report on 2007 criticizes many Muslim and Arab countries for encouraging anti-Semitism, and an entire chapter is devoted to anti-Semitism at the United Nations.

“Motives for criticizing Israel in the UN may stem from legitimate concerns over policy or from illegitimate prejudices,” the report reads. “However, regardless of the intent, disproportionate criticism of Israel as barbaric and unprincipled, and corresponding discriminatory measures adopted in the UN against Israel, have the effect of causing audiences to associate negative attributes with Jews in general, thus fueling anti-Semitism.”

The report lists forms of anti-Semitic crimes including terrorist attacks against Jews, desecration of synagogues and destruction of cemeteries. In addition, it cites anti-Semitic rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and other propaganda.

While the report notes that traditional forms of anti-Semitism continue to be found across the globe, “anti-Semitism has proven to be an adaptive phenomenon.”
-Care to guess who carries out the lions share of these attacks? (more…)