Archive for 19 March, 2008

Canadian-Afghani Woman Beheaded by Her Husband

19 March, 2008

TNR discovered this little gem that has all the earmarks of an Islamic “cultural” tradition:
Woman reported beheaded complained of abuse
Ali Zafar and Natalie Alcoba, Canwest News Servcice

Vancouver Sun
TORONTO – A woman reportedly found decapitated in her Etobicoke apartment Tuesday had complained to neighbours as recently as Sunday her husband was abusive, residents say.

Police have one man in custody after discovering a body on the penthouse floor of her west end building shortly after 2 p.m. CTV Toronto reported that a distraught man called 911 and said a woman had been decapitated.

Constable George Schuurman said the body had “obvious signs of trauma,” but would not confirm whether the woman had been beheaded.

Police said they are not looking for other suspects. They have not released the name of the victim, the man in custody or their relationship.

One woman, who would not give her name, said the victim, in her 40s and from Afghanistan, had disclosed to her past physical abuse at the hands of husband.

“(She told me) he hits my kids but stopped hitting me because I said I would call the police,” the neighbour recalled Tuesday. She said she saw the husband handcuffed and being placed into a police cruiser.

The family had lived in the building for two years with their four daughters and two sons, she said.

“His kids and wife were always scared.”


Report: Whites Need to Do More to Make Muslims Feel Welcome

19 March, 2008

Warner emailed us with the following article and included his own photo commentary.

In case you’re not as long in the tooth as some (!), I’ve included a link that should help illuminate Warner’s poignant criticism.


Pollyanna sends her regards!” — Warner.

Whites ‘must do more to help Muslims feel at home’ says research group
By STEVE DOUGHTY – 19th March 2008
Daily Mail

Muslim immigrants face so much discrimination and hostility that they don’t feel they belong here, according to a liberal research group.

As part of efforts to improve integration, it called for an improvement in public behaviour towards Muslims.

And it said other Britons are wrong to worry about segregation and Muslim-dominated enclaves, as there are benefits to “residential clustering”.

The report, for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, is a strike for multiculturalism, the doctrine which encourages the development of minorities.

Multiculturalism fell out of favour in 2005, after the Government’s equality chief Trevor Phillips warned that the country was “sleepwalking to segregation”.

Ministers have since called for the encouragement of “cohesion”, including more teaching of English and an end to grants being handed to organisations from single ethnic and religious groups.

The study, based on interviews with 319 men and women, including 229 Muslims, found that the majority of interviewees had not experienced unfair treatment because of their colour or ethnicity.

Fewer than 50 per cent of minority members interviewed had experienced race prejudice and just 30 per cent of recent Muslim immigrants had experienced religious discrimination.

The report, produced by researchers from the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, at Oxford University, found that: “A sense of belonging in Britain for all migrants, recent and established, was negatively affected by their perception of lack of acceptance in the UK.

“It is this perception of being unwelcome and of discrimination rather than attachment to their country of origin that diminishes a sense of belonging in British society, and there is thus a need to address public attitudes towards Muslims and towards migrants as a key component of cohesion strategy.”


Wednesday’s Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

19 March, 2008

QiblaLocator confirms Mecca orientation of Flight 93 crescent
Blogburst logo, no accident

Reader Max K. found another Islamic website with a Mecca-direction calculator. It can be used to construct yet another graphical demonstration that the Flight 93 memorial points to Mecca.

Muslims face Mecca for prayer, with the direction to Mecca calculated by the great circle method. Enter your street address into the search field at and it brings up a Google map with a red line showing the Muslim prayer-direction (or “qibla”) from your home.

At the Flight 93 crash site, Skyline Road passes through the center of what is to become the giant central crescent of the planned memorial. Enter “Skyline Rd, Shanksville PA” into the QiblaLocator search box and it generates this map:

QiblaLocator, Skyline Rd, PA
Red line points to Mecca. (Azimuth, also in red: 55.19° clockwise from north.)

To see how this direction to Mecca compares with the orientation of the planned memorial, first impose some orientation lines on the Crescent of Embrace design:

The short black line connects the two most protruding tips of the half-mile wide central crescent. The long black arrow shows the orientation of a person standing between the crescent tips and facing into the center of the crescent. (Every particle of this original design remains completely intact in the so-called redesign, which only disguises the giant crescent with a few additional trees.)


Iran Debates Death Penalty for Converts to Christianity in Wake of “Mass Exodus From Islam”

19 March, 2008

What?!?  Are you telling me that Islam needs to use the threat of death to keep its numbers up?  But, I thought Islam was the “fastest growing religion…” (/sarcasm) 
iranian-parlament.jpgIran: Parliament to discuss death penalty for converts who leave Islam

Tehran, 19 March (AKI) – In its first session since last week’s general elections, the new Iranian parliament is expected to discuss a law that will condemn to death anyone who decides to leave the Muslim faith and convert to other religions.

The parliament, also known as the Majlis, will debate the new law which has been presented by the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Under the proposed law, anyone who is born to Muslim parents and decides to convert to another faith, will face the death penalty.

Currently converts, particularly those who have decided to leave the Muslim faith for Evangelical churches, are arrested and then released after some years of detention.

The new legislation, which has caused concern in Iran and abroad, was proposed mainly because of fears of proselytising activities by Evangelical churches particularly through the use of satellite channels.

There has also been concern over fact that many young people in Iran have abandoned Islam because they’re tired of the many restrictions imposed by the faith.

According to unofficial sources, in the past five years, one million Iranians, particularly young people and women, have abandoned Islam and joined Evangelical churches.

This phenomenon has surprised even the missionaries who carry out their activities in secret in Iran.


MSM Beware!

19 March, 2008

This updates the STORY HERE

H/T – Warner

burqa-tv.jpgDirector fakes rampant racism, gets sacked
24 Oranges
Last week, a director working on a fake TV news item about racism in the Netherlands got caught with his pants down because a competing station happened to have a crew nearby filming the whole thing. The director had set out to film a piece exposing rampant bigotry by showing that people in Amsterdam will not stop and help a woman in need if dressed in a niqab.

In order to measure this bigotry, the crew’s reporter would drop a bag of oranges and see who would help her pick them up. After a while she would change to a niqab, a garb worn by some Muslim women that covers everything except the eyes, and repeat the exercise.

And it seemed the crew got exactly the sort of result they expected. When dressed as a Westerner, people would help the reporter pick up her oranges. But the moment she switched to the niqab, help was no longer forthcoming. The cold eye of the camera registered a forlorn woman, crouching in the middle of the street amidst her belongings, while passers-by took a wide berth around her.

Except that it was all staged. Local TV station AT5 was there, and filmed the whole thing. People who wanted to help the woman in the niqab were shouted at by the director who told them to move on. Even then that did not stop some of them to actually help. After 101 had streamed its program, AT5 contacted them for commentary. Originally, the youth channel denied that anything shady had been going on. They thought the attention was exaggerated, and that people only started to help when they saw the AT5 camera crew. But the station must have smelled a rat, because it later examined raw footage, after which it came out with a full retraction. Apparently, people had been trying to help the niqab-clad woman the whole time. “We ended our collaboration with this director,” the press release concludes.

Even in the segment there are hints that not everything is as it seems. The host says that she herself has family members who wear a burqa except of course that she is not wearing a burqa but a niqab.