Archive for 2 May, 2008

Party Muslim Style

2 May, 2008

This is part five in’s 10-part special series on nightlife around the world. They will post a new article to their website every weekday through May 9, 2008.

This exposes a side of islam muslims did not want you to see. It seems even they can not practice strict sharia law 24-7. No one who is familiar with the elite of the muslim worlds do as I say and not as I do attitude would be surprised by the article but some of you will be. Others will point out how “un islamic” all this is. Reality is the muslim world has just as many vices as any other. Incest, rape, drug addiction the ummah has it all but as in most honor societies great lengths are taken to hide it. Take a quick peak at muslims getting their grove on. Don’t think this is just a male party some of the wives also indulge. Next time you are in Jakarta-party with a mullah.

Sashimi sex and nude casinos: It’s hardly what you’d expect to witness after the sun goes down in the world’s most populous Muslim nation.

But best-selling author Moammar Emka, known as Emka, knows otherwise. He’s been tracking the steamy nightlife scene in Indonesia’s capital city, Jakarta, for the last six years.

“It was unusual because the sashimi, a Japanese delicacy of sliced raw seafood, was not served on a tray with chopsticks, but presented on the naked body of a beautiful, sensual girl,” Emka writes in his first book.

Today, as he continues prowling the seedy underground for its latest trends, the former reporter is most surprised by the basic concept of sex as entertainment.

“You can find anything at anytime here,” the East Java native says over the pumping music in his black BMW, heading out for a night of research.

Clubs with sex menus, invite-only swingers parties and orgies at people’s private homes are detailed in Emka’s little black books.

His popular published trilogy is titled “Jakarta Undercover.” The first two novels have been translated into English and are visibly available at bookstores throughout the Jakarta region. A comic strip and movie have been based upon his work.

Arriving at the night’s chosen venue, Emka doesn’t need to wait in line. Well-known in nightlife circles, the doorman greets him and waves him through security.

Once inside, a scantily clad, pale-skinned beauty on stage makes eye contact with Emka. Recognizing him, she breaks into a smile and points.

They share a dance from a distance, and it’s clear why Emka fans remain curious about whether he’s an observer or a participant.

Emka, who is Muslim and studied at schools with strong Islamic backgrounds, including the Government Institute for Islamic Studies in Jakarta, makes a point of omitting graphically explicit material when he writes about “after-lunch stripteases,” “midnight lesbian packages” and “drive-thru sex.” (more…)

Report: If Spain Is To Restrain Radical Islam, They Need To Stop Worrying About Violating Rights

2 May, 2008

An interesting report that has me nixing any suggestions of a vacation in Spain:

Today’s Islamist radicalization in Spain

The protecting the safety of Spanish citizens should override the fear of sacrificing human rights, writes Carlos Echeverría Jesús for Strategic Studies Group.

By Carlos Echeverría Jesús for Strategic Studies Group ( May 02, 2008 )

ISN Security Watch

In the mid 1990s, after the first police operations in Spain against the Algerian Armed Islamic Group’s (GIA) Islamist terrorist cells in Barcelona and Valencia, it became evident that the prisoners all fit the profile for radicalized individuals. They had come from overseas and were using our country, Spain, as a transit area on their way to France or other European countries with significant and well-established Muslim communities. Others were waiting to return to their home countries in Maghreb to pursue their terrorist activities. Spain is once again being viewed as a transit country, as it was in the past. Most important is the matter of the general migratory phenomenon which increased unnaturally at the end of the decade. At the time, the phenomenon remained unnoticed hence there was a lack of concern regarding the education of young Muslims, and their possible radicalization. This radicalization was not given any thought, despite the atrocious terrorist strikes against our Algerian neighbor, where Spanish citizens have been dying at the hands of the terrorists since 1992. Also overlooked were the bloody attacks on the Paris subway system in 1995 and 1996.

In those days, the issue of exceptionally high migration was not considered a problem despite a growing Moroccan community settling in our soil, and becoming increasingly bigger in terms of gender and age, once the family regrouping process started. Next in line to the Moroccans was an emerging community of well established Pakistanis in Catalonia, which has grown significantly in recent years. In the mid-1990’s, Spain’s traditional role as transit country became that of a host country for Maghrebian immigrants, especially from Morocco. Within Spain, the Muslim communities in Ceuta and Melilla were not seen as potential hotbeds of instability. Their possible linkages to jihadist terrorism were not yet perceived as a threat to Spain or to the rest of Europe, even though it was already extremely lethal in Algeria and in France. It should be noted that even in the mid 1980’s when our country began studies regarding the future of the Spanish cities in North Africa, the stability threat was seen more in Moroccan vindication and nationalist activism than in possible acts by Islamist radicalism.

This perception began to change after the mid 1990s, but especially in the current decade, both before and after 9/11. The emerging globalization of terrorism became increasingly visible with al-Qaida attacks. Many of these had Spanish partners or Spanish residents in terrorist enterprises (9/11 Spanish cell; the Spanish connection with the attack against La Ghriba Synagogue on the island of Djerba, Tunisia; Spanish links with suspects attempting against the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; and more). This detection of jihadists in Spain, whether naturalized or residing in the country, and linked to different armed conflict areas in the Balkans, Chechnya or other places, would force security forces and intelligence agencies to pay increasing attention and recognize this emerging threat.


Eight killed, 45 wounded in Yemen mosque blast

2 May, 2008

Yemeni police search vehicles at a checkpoint in Sanaa

SANAA (AFP) – At least eight pople were killed and 45 wounded in Yemen on Friday when a blast went off at the entrance of a mosque in the Saada region, site of a Shiite rebellion, police and witnesses said.

There were conflicting accounts about the cause of the explosion, and no immediate claims of responsibility.

Some witnesses said a minibus parked outside the mosque in the town of Saada exploded, while others said the blast was caused by a booby-trapped motorcycle.

The blast came as hundreds of Muslim faithful were leaving the Bin Salman mosque after Friday prayers, the witnesses said.

A local police official told AFP that the initial toll stood at eight dead and 45 wounded.

Witnesses earlier spoke of dozens of casualties as ambulances rushed to the scene of the attack. Some said the target may have been the mosque’s imam, or prayer leader, an army officer who adheres to the rigorous Salafi school of Sunni Islam. Witnesses said he was not hurt.

Military personnel are among the faithful who usually pray at the Bin Salman mosque, which like others in Yemen caters for both the majority Sunni community and Zaidis, a Shiite offshoot.
