Archive for 16 May, 2008

Dutch Police Arrests Artist for Controversial Cartoons of Muslims

16 May, 2008

How wonderful! The authorities have now released his real identity to the fanatics of the Religion of Peace… Gee, now why would they do that???

The decline of a civilization begins with the censorship of its artistic community…

H/T – Bali Shag Girl

Dutch Police Arrests Cartoonist
From the desk of Thomas Landen on Fri, 2008-05-16

The Brussel’s Journal

The Dutch authorities have arrested the cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot (a pseudonym. Nekschot means deathblow, litt: “shot in the back of the neck” [An interview with Nekschot here]). The judicial authorities in Amsterdam said yesterday that the cartoonist was arrested as a suspect for the criminal offense of “publishing cartoons which are discriminating for Muslims and people with dark skin.”

The cartoonist was arrested on Tuesday, while the police searched his house for “discriminating evidence.” His computer, backups, usb sticks, mobile phone and a number of drawings were confiscated. Nekschot was released two days later but it is possible that he will be charged following a complaint in 2005 by the Dutch imam Abdul Jabbar van de Ven, an indigenous Dutchman who converted to Islam.

According to the Dutch public prosecutor Nekschot “makes his profession” of drawing cartoons of “an insulting and/or discriminating nature.” Ernst Hirsch Ballin, the Dutch minister of Justice, a Christian-Democrat, said that it took the police three years to discover the real identity of the cartoonist.

Nekschot, a friend of the late Theo van Gogh, the Dutch film maker who was ritually slaughtered by a Muslim fanatic in 2004, hides his real identity in order to avoid unnecessary risks. Hans Teeuwen, a Dutch stand-up comedian and friend of Nekschot’s, told the Dutch media yesterday that the police had told Nekschot as they released him earlier that day that “he has now lost his anonymity.” Teeuwen said this was “a rather intimidating remark.”

As spokeswoman of Xtra, Nekschot’s publisher, said today: “He was arrested with a great show of force, by around 10 policemen.” The spokeswoman asked that her name not be used because the cartoonist and publisher have received death threats. Nekschot told the Dutch newspaper Het Parool today that police officers had told him: “What you draw is worse than what they did in Denmark. Do you realize what can happen to you if your identity gets known?” The cartoonist fears for his live if he is being sent to jail. “As the maker of those cartoons my life is in danger in prison,” he said.

[Damn right! An inordinate number of Muslims occupy European jails…]

Nekschot’s work is rude and often sexually explicit. As such it is characteristic for the Dutch liberal mentality and not beyond the limit in the Netherlands. In his cartoons, however, he mocks the multicultural society, and that does seem to be beyond all bounds.

Meanwhile, a group of American bloggers are making parodies of the Flemish pulpit which is deemed offensive by Muslims because it depicts Mohammed being trampled by angels. Reprinting the parodies is illegal in most European countries. Hence, if you live in Europe do not click this link!

Iranian Cleric Says, “Bush is a Satanic Person”

16 May, 2008

Yeah, you knew this was coming when Bush suddenly regained his intestinal fortitude and made that “Nazi appeasers” remark:

Iran strikes back at ‘satanic’ Bush
16 May 2008 – PressTV.IR

A top Iranian cleric urges countries to ‘be more considerate of nations’, hammering the US president as undeserving of any expectations.

“Iran is always delighted to hear good news from any Muslim country, but always objects when Zionism imposes hardships upon others,” said Tehran’s interim Friday prayers leader Ayatollah Mohammad Imami-Kashani.

“Our message and our genial approach to all countries but the Zionist regime has infuriated the Bush administration to such an extent that they now rely on such petty anti-Iran remarks,” he continued.

“Bush is a satanic person, and we have no expectations of him… We do, however, request governments, parliaments and the officials of Muslim countries to be more considerate of nations,” the senior cleric added in reference to atrocities being committed around the world.

Ayatollah Imami-Kashani concluded that Iran ‘seeks nothing more than peace and stability’ around the globe.

US President George W. Bush stepped up his hawkish rhetoric against the Islamic Republic on Thursday, branding Iran as ‘the leading sponsor of terror’ and hinted at another military action in the already volatile Middle East.

“Permitting the world’s leading sponsor of terror to possess the world’s deadliest weapon would be an unforgivable betrayal of future generations,” Bush had preached in Israel on Thursday, describing those who seek diplomacy with Iran as ‘Nazi appeasers’.

From the Mailbag

16 May, 2008

We received the following email and would kindly ask that our readers take some time out to follow the links and sign the petition if you are so inclined:


I saw your April 27 ” Chicago lawyer finds mission in helping Iraqi Christian refugees” post and thought you might be willing to drive your readers to sign the petition below.

As you know, the Christian community in Iraq currently faces possible extinction as a result of religious persecution and ongoing national instability.  Men, women and children are not just caught in the crossfire; they are targeted by Islamic extremists because of their Christian faith. As a result of persecution, approximately 400,000 of Iraqi Christians have fled the country since 2003.  Most of those who remain in Iraq are internally displaced.

Working to turn the tide, Christian Solidarity International, with the support of many other organizations, launched Save Iraqi Christians-a movement advocating for greater action against the crisis facing Christians in Iraq.

With your help, Save Iraqi Christians can be a powerful catalyst to ensure displaced Christians and other non-Muslim minorities are able to return to their homeland and live and practice their faith in peace.  You can help put an end to the persecution of Christians and other religious minorities by:

  • Encouraging your blog readers to lobby U.S. government leaders and the United Nations to take action
  • Linking to a petition that encourages the U.S. government and United Nations to act
  • Devoting a post to the topic of religious persecution in Iraq and the movement to Save Iraqi Christians
  • Promoting the petition and the cause through your other online forums such as a Facebook. (Please join our Facebook group called “Save Iraqi Christians”)

Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide you in order to help expose the situation of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq .


Amy Anderson

On behalf of Christian Solidarity International

T (770) 813.0000

Afghan Hijacker Working as a Cleaner at Heathrow; and Living Off the Dole

16 May, 2008

For those of you who listen to Glenn Beck:

Must… Get… Duct… Tape….

Head…. About…. To…. Ex… plode!!!!


Revealed: Afghan plane hijacker now working as a cleaner at Heathrow
By DANIEL BATES- 16th May 2008 –

One of the nine Afghans who won the right to live in Britain after hijacking a plane is now working at Heathrow airport as a cleaner, it emerged last night.

Nazamuddin Mohammidy was one of a group who took over an internal Afghan flight in 2000 and landed it in the UK, where they threatened to kill those on board unless they were granted asylum.

Now it has emerged Mohammidy, 34, was recently arrested while driving a car around the new Terminal 5 at Heathrow airport.

Police suspected he was an unlicensed cab driver but were stunned when checks revealed he was one of the hijackers. He even had a British Airways pass on him.

Mohammidy was among the gang, who claimed they were fleeing the Taliban, which took over an Ariana Airlines jet on an internal flight in Afghanistan in February 2000 armed with firearms and hand grenades.

The Boeing 727, with 160 passengers on board, was diverted to Stansted Airport in Essex. There, the hijackers kept police and SAS marksmen at bay for four days before giving themselves up.

All were jailed, but later had their convictions quashed by the Court of Appeal.

They have since been living in West London rent-free and on state benefits at an annual cost of £150,000 to the taxpayer.

[Yikes!!! And they say it doesn’t pay to be a terrorist…]
