Archive for 22 August, 2008

Russian’s lie about pullout, no one fooled.

22 August, 2008

The title says it all. A few Russians will leave but like cockroaches, you never get rid of them all. No Che, I do not think all Russians are cockroaches but your military does tend to entrench themselves, especially when not asked. Politics aside, the world is not buying into the entire we did this because they killed 10 of our soldiers thang.

Will this be the start of yet another Russian land grab? Nah, this was a test and now they know we are watching. Standby and watch the world’s longest pullout. You do have to admire the irony of Chechens fighting for Russia, madness. Maybe they were looking for another elementary school to attack. (Sorry can’t help myself, Chechen solders are scum sucking weasels)

The sad part of all this is all the ex soviet states will want additional US military assurances and until the election we can not guaranty the US will honor any promises. Europe let me bottom line this for you -YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. Damn, that felt good.

22 Aug, 2008, The New Straits Times
Russia said Friday it had completed a pullback of troops from Georgia but the Georgian government challenged the claim while the United States and France called for further withdrawal.

Two weeks after rolling into the former Soviet republic, several columns of Russian tanks and troops withdrew from deep inside Georgian territory and allowed Georgian police to regain control of the key city of Gori.

But a top general said strategic routes would remain occupied and some 500 “peacekeepers” were to remain in a buffer zone around the Moscow-controlled separatist region of South Ossetia.

“The pullback of Russian troops and units passed without incident and was completed on time” at 7:50 p.m. (1550 GMT), Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said in a statement released by the Kremlin.

“Thus, the Russian side has fulfilled its obligations” under a ceasefire plan brokered by France, Serdyukov said.

Georgia’s interior ministry, however, said Russia continued to occupy areas of the country, with spokesman Shota Utiashvili saying: “It is not true that the withdrawal is complete.”

US President George W. Bush and French President Nicolas Sarkozy agreed during a telephone conversation that “Russia is not in compliance and that Russia needs to come into compliance now,” a White House spokesman said in Washington.

Bush and Sarkozy, who brokered the ceasefire accord, jointly called on Russia to “continue and complete” its withdrawal from Georgia, a statement from the French presidency said.

Russian troops, sent into Georgia on August 8 to defend South Ossetia against an attack by Georgian troops, rolled northward toward Russia, some flashing victory signs.

Hundreds of soldiers and columns of tanks and trucks could be seen moving north from forward positions into South Ossetia and Abkhazia, another Russian-controlled separatist region.

Some 50 military vehicles including tanks and trucks bearing artillery guns travelled along a main highway between the city of Gori and South Ossetia.

Hundreds of other soldiers were seen going in the same direction earlier.

Police sirens rung out across the still mostly deserted city of Gori after Russian troops left.

“It’s a very good feeling to see the (Georgian) police here. I feel so much better but things are still very hard,” Gori resident Kocha Bzshavili told AFP. (more…)

Christian Filipinos form militias to defend against muslim attacks

22 August, 2008

It is about freaking time. Some will claim this is a bad idea-violence begets violence or some other stupid slogan which does nothing to help the victims of Philippine muslims. I say, train hard, hit hard and hit often.

Self-defense is only effective as a deterrent when the enemy understands they might lose the fight.

23 Aug, 2008, AFP AND DPA, MANILA

Political leaders in the southern Philippines have started arming civilians and local militias following two weeks of Muslim unrest that has left dozens dead, Amnesty International said yesterday.
-This will no doubt be condemned by Christians who live in safety but remember these people have faced 40 years of persecution. It is time for them to stand up and take the fight to the enemy. Christian militias have defended the people from jihadi for centuries and have proven successful.

Amnesty said it had “verified” reports that civilians in several parts of revolt-hit Mindanao island — the scene of recent attacks by Muslim separatist rebels — were either arming themselves or being given arms by local officials.
-I hope they are also receiving proper training, ammo and a few imbedded advisors.

In the city of Iligan, some “300 licensed gun owners, politicians and local government officials have set up a civilian militia,” the London-based human rights watchdog said in a statement received in Manila.
-The people need protection and I support this idea 100%

Amnesty said it had confirmed reports that “local patrons have already supplied guns and ammunition to civilian militias and police auxiliaries.”

Separately, Philippine Interior Secretary Ronaldo Puno confirmed yesterday that “civilian volunteer organizations” (CVOs), in the south would be deputized to help police.

“Our CVOs will help the Philippine National Police to secure the towns and population centres,” he told reporters.
-Make no mistake these people will be attacked and muslim extremists will attempt to break up this program. They are up against murderers with no remorse and no rules of engagement. They need to be ready to respond without hesitation.

The armed conflict in Mindanao escalated after the Supreme Court suspended a peace agreement between the Philippine government and the Muslim separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) on Aug. 4. The government announced on Thursday it was scrapping the agreement, which would have seen the establishment of a Muslim homeland in the south and aimed to end a 40-year conflict that has left more than 120,000 dead.
-It was a stupid idea anyway. Appeasement has never proved to be effective way to maintain peace. It actually encourages them to increase demands and in the end always fails. Force is something muslims understand, many successful rulers of muslim countries maintain order by force. (more…)

Egyptian Muzzies Don’t Want their Organs in or from Filthy Christians

22 August, 2008

H/T – ChangedForever

Muslims crack down on transplants for Christians
Report cites plan to ban cross-religion organ donations
August 22, 2008

A report from the U.S. Copts Association reveals that the Muslim Brotherhood-influenced Egyptian Medical Association is trying to prohibit any organ transplants that would involve a Muslim donor and Christian recipient or vice versa.

“This is to protect poor Muslims from rich Christians who buy their organs and vice versa,” Hamdi Al Sayed, medical association director, said in the report. The association’s plan now has been assembled as a bill before the Egyptian parliament, where it is pending.

Physicians who are involved in cases where the proposal would be violated would be subject to sanctions, officials said.

A spokesman for the Coptic Christian community, Bishop Marcos, said the explanation doesn’t support the proposal, since a rich Christian could seek to buy organs from a poor Christian, or a rich Muslim from a poor one.

“We all have the same Egyptian blood, but if the reason for the measure is to end organ trafficking, we rejected it because it may also occur between believers of the same religion,” he said in the report.

He warned the proposal is troubling because it could lead to a prohibition on blood donations across religious boundaries, and even result in physicians being prevented from examining and helping patients of religions other than their own.


Happy to be Flogged

22 August, 2008

Yeah, nothing like brainwashing your child into enjoying a good flogging:

Boy ‘happy’ to flog himself

22/ 8/2008 – The Asian News

A BOY who flogged himself with a bladed whip at a Muslim ceremony had a `free choice’ and wasn’t a `victim’ at all, a court heard.

The youngster was giving evidence in the trial of Syed Mustafa Zaidi, 44, who is accused of breaking child cruelty laws by telling two boys to whip themselves with a zanjeer, a device with five blades and five chains.

Defence counsel Richard Marks QC said the boy had a `free choice as to whether or not’ to use the device.

The boy said of Mr Zaidi: “He didn’t force me. He said `if you want to do it you can take my zanjeer’.”

To which the barrister replied: “There was no way you were a victim of what was going on in the mosque where you?” The boy said: “No.”

It also emerged the boy was `angry’ after originally being told he couldn’t take part in the ceremony because he was too young.

Shorly before it started he had asked for a smaller zanjeer, but was told none were available. Mr Zaidi, who was next to him, said: “Take mine. I will go and wash it.”

Earlier he had told the court how he took part in the ceremony to prove he was a good Shia Muslim.

He told the court he had said `no’ when first offered the zanjeer by the defendant, before changing his mind. And he admitted using a zanjeer in Pakistan every year from the age of seven until he moved to Britain.

Mr Marks said: “The truth is as long as you could get hold of a zanjeer you were happy and wanted to do it.”

“Yes,” the boy replied.

But the boy claimed it was wrong for him to have been given an adult zanjeer to use by the defendant and that it was wrong because he was under 16.

He said: “I did want to use it at the end because I heard somebody say `this is the last session and after this the Matam is going to finish’.”

The boy added: “But under-16 wasn’t allowed. That is how he did wrong. I wanted to do it but he shouldn’t have given me the zanjeer. That’s the main thing.”

He said although another boy was using the zanjeer in front of him, it was a `small one’ and he wasn’t `bleeding properly’.


Judge Rules that Syed Haris Ahmed’s “Jihad” Statements will be Allowed as Evidence in Court

22 August, 2008

Of course, his lawyer will attempt to portray all of this as an, “inner spiritual struggle.”

This updates our previous coverage HERE

‘Jihad’ suspect’s statements to be allowed
‘My intentions were to do something in America’
August 22, 2008

A judge has ruled that statements from terror suspect Syed Haris Ahmed about his planned “jihad” will be allowed at his trial.

The decision from U.S. Magistrate Gerrilyn Brill was considered a victory for prosecutors in the case that accuses the former Georgia Tech student, along with co-defendant Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

The 64-page ruling from Brill this week said Ahmed was “deeply religious” but he also was 21 years old, intelligent and there was no reason to believe his statements had been coerced, according to a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“We are very pleased with the court’s thorough and well-reasoned opinion rejecting defendant Ahmed’s motion to suppress the highly incriminating statements he made to the FBI,” U.S. Attorney David Nahmias told the paper.

Ahmed was born in Pakistan but is a naturalized U.S. citizen. He and Sadequee were suspected of being behind videos of various Washington-area buildings found on the computer of Younis Tsouli, who called himself “Terrorist 007” and is in prison for terror-related acts in the United Kingdom.

Under questioning from the FBI, Ahmed ultimately took the investigators to his parents’ home where he retrieved a camera used to make the videos, and admitted they could be used for “some kind of terrorist act,” the paper reported.


Indonesia: Hundreds of Christians Living in Tents Since Angry Muzzie Mob Attacked Their Campus

22 August, 2008

This is an update to a previous post HERE.

Attack forces Indonesian Christians off campus


JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Hundreds of Christian theology students have been living in tents since a mob of angry Muslim neighbors stormed their campus last month wielding bamboo spears and hurling Molotov cocktails.

The incident comes amid growing concern that Indonesia’s tradition of religious tolerance is under threat from Islamic hard-liners.

In talks since the attack, the Arastamar Evangelical School of Theology has reluctantly agreed to shut its 20-year-old campus in east Jakarta, accepting an offer this week to move to a small office building on the other side of the Indonesian capital.

“Why should we be forced from our house while our attackers can walk freely?” asked the Rev. Matheus Mangentang, chairman of the 1,400-student school.

The government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, which relies on the support of Islamic parties in Parliament, is struggling to balance deep Islamic traditions and a secular constitution. With elections coming next April, the government seems unwilling to defend religious minorities, lest it be portrayed as anti-Islamic in what is the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country.

The July 25 attack, which injured 18 students, was the culmination of years of simmering tensions between the school and residents of the Kampung Pulo neighborhood.

Senny Manave, a spokesman for the Christian school, said complaints were received from neighbors about prayers and the singing of hymns, which they considered disturbing evangelical activity.

Several neighbors refused to comment, saying they feared that could further strain relations. A prominent banner, signed by scores of people, has been hung over an entrance to the neighborhood.

“We the community of Kampung Pulo demand the campus be closed and dissolved,” it says.

The assault began around midnight, when students woke to the crash of stones falling on their dormitory roof as a voice over a loudspeaker at a nearby mosque cried “Allah Akbar,” or “God is great” in Arabic.

The unidentified speaker urged residents to rise up against their “unwanted neighbors,” said Sairin, the head of campus security, who goes by a single name.

The attack followed a claim that a student had broken into a resident’s house, but police dismissed the charge.
