Archive for 7 September, 2008

Even Obama’s VP Pick Joe Biden Disrespects the American Flag!!!

7 September, 2008

A big hat tip goes out to Becky for finding the following photo of Joe Biden at the Democratic National Commie convention doing what Liberal Socialist Commies do best – disrespecting all that is America.  I’m curious to see just how Obama’s Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda decides to spin this this one…

(The original AP Photo is available by CLICKING HERE.)


For those of you who think that the photographer above just got lucky enough to capture Biden’s flag hitting the deck for a second or two before he “lovingly” and “ceremoniously” picked it up off the floor, here’s another AP Photo for you to chew on:

Yup, that flag has been on the ground for quite a while!  Notice the water bottles have been moved and Michelle Obama isn’t sitting next to them anymore.  You can’t tell me that they didn’t notice the flag on the ground.  Someone HAD to bend down and move that red purse (or sign or whatever it is) that was first sitting under Joe Biden’s chair and then “mysteriously” gets moved under Jill’s chair…

P.S. – What’s up with Joe Biden crossing his legs like a girl?

Adam Gadahn – Still Dead and Gettin’ Deader Each Day

7 September, 2008

Yup, we’ve been speculating this for quite some time now (HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE).  It’s about time that the “Western Intelligence” sources have started coming to their senses.  We’ll pretty much know for certain come September 11, 2008 when Adam Gadahn, the video Santa Claus of 9/11, is or is not a no show.

Al-Qa’eda’s American-born propaganda chief may have died in predator attack – 9/7/08
Western intelligence sources in Pakistan believe that al-Qa’eda’s prize American recruit and propaganda chief may have been killed in a CIA-directed airstrike.

Months of attacks by unmanned US predator aircraft have caused carnage among the middle ranks of terrorist leaders in the lawless lands along the border with Afghanistan, where al-Qa’eda remains dangerous despite suffering a serious defeat in Iraq.

Their victims have included experienced Arab leaders and, it is now thought, Adam Gadahn, a former heavy-metal fan and so-called “killer computer nerd” originally from California. Nothing has been heard from him for months, leading intelligence experts to conclude that he may be dead.

Mr Gadahn has been credited with helping transform al-Qa’eda’s al-Sahab propaganda wing into a slick operation which communicates in fluent English and produces professional quality DVDs, including one for Osama bin Laden last year.

But he may have fallen victim to an expanded programme of predator assassinations which in the last year has targeted and killed many of al-Qa’eda’s military commanders, terrorist trainers and facilitators.

Jihadists around the world will be watching as closely as intelligence officials this week to see whether Mr Gadahn – also known as Azzam al-Ameriki – produces a new video message to mark September 11, as he has done every year since 2003.

If there is no message it will be taken as near certain confirmation that he is dead – killed either in a strike by Hellfire missiles, or perhaps by jihadi colleagues who have grown jealous of his success.

Mr Gadahn is now thought to have been killed in an attack launched from a remotely piloted aircraft in January which killed al-Qaeda’s then military commander, Abu Laith al-Libi, in Mir Ali, Waziristan.


Oh No He Dit-int’!!! Obama Talks About His “Muslim” Faith!

7 September, 2008

Oh, this is priceless!!!  Fruedian Slip?  You decide:

A big tip of the hat goes out to TNR for alerting us to this.

Note:  If the video is not working, CLICK HERE

Update:  The Israel Insider had this to say about Obama’s “gaffe:”

In stunning slip on national TV, Obama refers to “my muslim faith”
By Israel Insider staff  September 7, 2008

In one of the most astonishing gaffes in American political history, in a national televised interview with ABC’s George Stephanopolis, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama referred to “my muslim faith,” confirming what so many researchers and political opponents have been claiming, and what the mainstream media has allow him to deny, until now.

While Stephanopolis several seconds later tried to correct him, saying “Christian faith,” it was too late. The damage was done. Obama clearly did not mean his Christian faith, since he was admitting that “John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.”

Here is the transcript:


Jews Open Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs to Muslim Visitors; Muslims Thank them by Urinating on Torah Scrolls

7 September, 2008

You see, this is why Ronin and I have no problem with using the un-Holy Qur’an for an emergency source of toilet paper…

Muslims urinate on Torah scrolls in Hebron
Israel Today

Jewish worshippers returning to Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs after Muslims were given exclusive access to the holy site at the weekend reported that the cabinet containing their Torah scrolls had been urinated on.

One Jewish resident of Hebron told Israel National News that he and several other men had to move the cabinet to another part of the room because of the strong smell of urine in the area where it is usually positioned.

Additionally, green Hamas flags were found placed in the windows that mark the burial sites of Abraham, Isaac, Sara, Rebecca and Leah.

The Cave of the Patriarchs is split into Jewish and Muslim sections, as both groups revere Abraham.

Several times a year, the holy site is given over to one or the other group exclusively to mark special holy days. Muslims were given exclusive access to the Cave of the Patriarchs on Friday to mark their holy month of Ramadan.

Another Jewish resident of Hebron said that some damage to Jewish religious articles or the Jewish side of the site is found every time the Muslims take over.

Israel’s Pres. Shimon Peres Opposes Military Strike on Iran

7 September, 2008

The problem as I see it is “Circulus in Probando:” Israel is assuming the U.S. will take military action against Iran, while the U.S. is assuming that Israel will take military action against Iran;  both coming to the the erroneous conclusion that they don’t need to do anything but sit around and support sanctions against Iran…

Sorry, President Bush and President Peres, but this is just complete lunacy and national suicide!

Israeli president opposes attack on Iran’s nuclear sites

Israeli President Shimon Peres said Sunday he opposes a military strike on Iran and prefers the use of international economic sanctions to persuade Tehran to halt its nuclear enrichment programme.

“A military operation is not necessary. I do not think the Americans think in these terms because they have many other cards to play,” Peres told Israeli public radio after a meeting with US Vice President Dick Cheney in Italy.

“If the Americans manage to form a coalition to unify their positions with those of Europeans, they have sufficient means to exert pressure on the Iranians,” Peres added.

Peres had met Cheney on the sidelines of the Ambrosetti forum on Italy’s Lake Como, an international gathering of leaders and experts focused mostly on economic issues.

Israel and the West have repeatedly called on Iran to halt its uranium enrichment programme, which they fear is aimed at developing nuclear weapons but which Tehran defends as part of a peaceful energy venture.

Israel, the region’s sole if undeclared nuclear-armed state, has considered Iran its main strategic threat after repeated predictions of its demise by senior Iranian leaders.

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said last month after a meeting with visiting US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that Israel would not rule out any options to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Tehran meanwhile risks a possible fourth round of UN sanctions after it failed to give a clear response to an incentives package offered by six m