Archive for 3 September, 2008

Wednesday’s Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

3 September, 2008

ISNA crescent atop Flight 93 minaret

Blogburst logo, petition

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is a Saudi funded Wahabbist group. Its logo is in the shape of a mosque with a crescent topped minaret and a crescent topped dome. Here is the ISNA logo juxtaposed to a similarly shaped mosque from Uppsala Sweden:

ISNA and Uppsala 40%

Both configurations have upturned crescents. The difference is that the arms of the ISNA crescents are lifted symmetrically, while the Uppsala crescents have one arm above the other.

On actual minarets, the Uppsala configuration is the norm, seen also in this photo of the Abdul Gaffoor mosque in Singapore:

There seems to be only one example of an actual minaret that is to be built in the ISNA configuration. That is the Tower of Voices minaret from the planned Flight 93 memorial:

Two views of the Tower of Voices minaret, showing an Islamic-shaped crescent at the top, with its arms reaching symmetrically up into the sky. (Source images here and here, originally from the Memorial Project’s design competition website.)

The up-tower view shows the symbolic Islamic heavens projected against the sky while the symbolic lives of the 40 heroes literally dangle down below. Murdoch had to do this in order for his Crescent of Embrace design (centered around a giant Mecca-oriented crescent) to be a proper mosque. The 40 infidels could not actually be honored in the design. They had to be depicted as symbolically damned.

Murdoch actually repeats this theme in the central crescent, where the 4 extra translucent blocks (one for each hijacker) are all placed in the symbolic Islamic heavens (the crescent and star parts of the structure), while the 40 translucent blocks inscribed with the names of the 40 heroes are all placed outside of the symbolic Islamic heavens.

Do Wahabbists recognize the crescent as a symbol of Islam?


Controversial ‘child victim of Muhammad’ novel finds UK publisher

3 September, 2008

Although the book will no doubt be spun as a “love story” it is not. The book is about a demented pedophile who forces himself on a little girl. Although islamic lore spins this as a great love story I see it differently. Since I have yet to see a muslim tell the truth about anything related to mohammed. I strongly doubt she loved him or that he waited three years to rape her. Even if he did, nine is not old enough for a girl to consent to sex; she should not even have known what that meant. She would not have been mature enough to decide for herself if she wanted sex nor developed enough physically to perform it. No matter how you spin this, it was child abuse of the first order.

Alison Flood, 3 Sep, 2008, the Guardian
British independent publisher Gibson Square has bought Sherry Jones’s controversial novel about the child bride of Muhammad, which was dropped by Random House US following warnings that it could incite acts of violence from radical Muslims. Jones’s The Jewel of Medina was also pulled from bookshops in Serbia last month after pressure from an Islamic group.

Gibson Square, which has previously published provocative works including Alexander Litvinenko’s Blowing up Russia and House of Bush, House of Saud by Craig Unger, paid what it described as a “compelling” advance to acquire The Jewel of Medina. It will publish it in October in Britain, Australia and New Zealand.
-I can’t wait to dive into this one.

“In an open society there has to be open access to literary works, regardless of fear,” said Gibson Square publisher Martin Rynja. “As an independent publishing company, we feel strongly that we should not be afraid of the consequences of debate. If a novel of quality and skill that casts light on a beautiful subject we know too little of in the West, but have a genuine interest in, cannot be published here, it would truly mean that the clock has been turned back to the dark ages. The Jewel of Medina has become an important barometer of our time.”
-If I backed down every time some muslim nut job threatened me I would be afraid to move. I salute Gibson Square for making this important stand. (more…)

US-led raid in Pakistan kills at least 15 minions

3 September, 2008

This should upset a few minions but it should also serve as a warning-your safe areas are no longer safe.

Pakistan has angrily condemned a raid on a village that killed at least 15 people, alleging US-led troops flew in from Afghanistan for the first known foreign ground assault against a suspected Taliban haven in Pakistan’s wild tribal belt.
-If this is true and if we did it, who can blame us? How long were we supposed to wait for the Pakistanis to step up?

The Foreign Ministry protested the Wednesday attack, and an army spokesman warned that the apparent escalation from recent missile strikes on militant targets along the Afghan border would further anger Pakistanis and undercut cooperation in the war against terrorist groups.
-What cooperation was that again?

The boldness of the thrust fed speculation about the intended target. But it was unclear whether any extremist leader was killed or captured in the operation, in one of the militant strongholds dotting a frontier region considered a likely hiding place for Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda’s No.2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahri.
-That might make the attempt worth the risk.

US military and civilian officials declined to respond to Pakistan’s complaints or discuss the attack, but one official in Washington said any decision to launch a mission sure to anger Pakistan would require a very important target.

In other signs of Pakistan’s precarious stability three days before MPs elect a successor to Pervez Musharraf as president, snipers shot at the prime minister’s limousine near Islamabad and government troops killed two dozen militants in another area of the restive northwest.

Pakistani officials said they were lodging strong protests with the US government and its military representative in Islamabad about Wednesday’s raid in the South Waziristan area, a notorious hot bed of militant activity.

The Foreign Ministry called the strike “a gross violation of Pakistan’s territory,” which could “undermine the very basis of cooperation and may fuel the fire of hatred and violence that we are trying to extinguish”.
-Sounds like he is scared his taliban brothers might get rolled up. (more…)

A Jihad for Love: Gay imams find Intolerance in islam, too

3 September, 2008

One of the sad truths of islam is most muslim men had their first sexual experience with a male. The logic escapes me but young boys are favored over females. At some point they are supposed to stop with the boys and switch to girls and eventually women. We have plenty of proof the progression is not always successful.

Mohammed was a notorious pedophile and liked a little male on male himself. The fact that they were young boys and not older men does not make him straight IMHO.

By Jim Ridley, 3 September, 2008, Seattle Weekly
Muslims, Jews, and Christians may have their, oh, occasional differences, but as an Islamic scholar observes in Parvez Sharma’s documentary, there is one point on which the religions agree: Homosexuality is a crime. In his fine Trembling Before G_d, Sandi DuBowski tackled the conflict in the Orthodox Jewish community between religious stricture and sexual orientation; this DuBowski-produced doc addresses the same subject through the veil of Islam, following gay, lesbian, and transvestite Muslims abroad who hew to their faith in the face of hostile, even murderous dogma.
-All muslim face oppression as it is the foundation of islamic doctrine but a gay muslim is asking for trouble. In truth the openly gay are the bravest of all muslims they know the penalty is death and yet still practice a lifestyle in direct conflict with their belief system. The vast majority of gay muslims hide the lifestyle with minors. Both of these groups face the same penalty if caught.

Sharma’s subjects—an Egyptian man imprisoned and brutalized essentially for the crime of attending a disco; a gay imam whose attempts to find some lenience in the Quran are fiercely rebuffed—share a perhaps puzzling devotion to a religion that, under sharia interpretation, regards their expression of love as a death-penalty offense. And yet the movie leaves open a provocative question: If you pick and choose which of a religion’s tenets apply to you, is it still a religion?
-Of course we all know islam is not a religion; it is a controlling cult that oppresses its members and forces submission to a very rigid set of rules designed to imprison members and silence critics.

The conflict seems most deeply felt by Maryam, a Parisian lesbian who cherishes both women and Islam but confesses that she still considers her sexuality haraam—forbidden.
-I see a movie of the week in here somewhere.

The imam clarifies that his is a “jihad” for love in the sense of struggle, not holy war. Considering the hateful rhetoric he faces on a radio call-in show, however, he may be mistaken.
-Not as much as mistaken as typical. An imam knows the rules and penility for violations of them. He also is schooled in the art of misdirection and has the same do as I say and not as I do attitude the pedophile mohammed did. Old mo had two sets of rules when it suited him. If anything islam is consistent.

Business-“Man” Beat his Ex-Girlfriend to Death with Baseball Bat

3 September, 2008

Yup,  yet another “man” kills his girlfriend and the British newspapers bend over backwards to avoid associating him with the religion of peace…

Check out how they immediately throw out the name of the victim, Kerry Winter.  Such a nice, white Anglo-Saxon sounding name…

Then, pay attention to the obvious cover-up of the killer’s name.  I’ll lay odds he doesn’t have a nice, white Anglo-Saxon sounding name…

And, check out the lengths her family goes to make sure the Muzzies know that their FaceBook entry is in no way an attack on Arabs in Dubai…  I find that VERY interesting

Police searching for missing Briton’s ex-girlfriend find body
Police holding a British man over the disappearance of his ex-girlfriend in Dubai have found a body in the desert, it has been reported.
By Aislinn Simpson
03 Sep 2008 –

Kerry Winter, 35, an events organiser from Johannesburg who had lived in the Arab emirate for seven years, was last seen outside her villa on August 20.

Witnesses reported seeing her being beaten by a man with a baseball bat who dragged her injured and bleeding into the back of a car before driving away.

A 42-year-old British expatriate businessman who recently ended a five-year relationship with Miss Winter has reportedly admitted to police that he attacked her and drove her to the desert to dump her by the side of the road. But local newspapers claim he told police she was “fine” when he left her.

The Khaleej Times has quoted police as saying that a body was discovered by someone in a 4×4 in the desert between Dubai and Al Ain, a city two hours’ drive away. Forensic tests are being carried out to establish the identity of the body.

Miss Winter’s family have received a series of text messages saying she is alive, and asking what the police are saying about her case, but they now believe that someone else may have sent them.

The suspect being held by police returned to England two days after the incident and was arrested when he flew back into the Muslim country on August 25.

Miss Winter’s brother Kurt Winter has travelled from South Africa to launch a search for her, and a Facebook site, Help Us Find Kerry, has attracted more than 2,000 members.

Founder of Anti-Kremlin Website Shot in Head by Police

3 September, 2008

It’s worth noting that the media in Russia is saying he died of “accidental” injuries to the head…  Yeah, right…

Anti-Kremlin website founder dies in police ‘incident’

A vocal critic of the Kremlin’s policies in the Caucasus was fatally shot on Sunday while in police custody.

By Our Foreign Staff

Magomed Yevloyev, owner of the site, was a prominent opponent of the volatile region of Ingushetia’s president, Murat Zyazikov.

Mr Yevloyev was shot in the head after police met him at Ingushetia’s airport and put him in a car to take him for questioning, said his deputy, Ruslan Khautiyev.

Police met Mr Yevloyev at the steps of the aircraft after he flew in to Ingushetia’s airport, put him in a Volga saloon car and drove him away, said a lawyer for the website, which survived repeated official attempts to close it down.

“As they drove he was shot in the temple… They threw him out of the car near the hospital,” lawyer Kaloi Akhilgov told reporters.

“He was discovered there and they quickly put him on the operating table, which is where he died.” Mr Akhilgov added.


Philippine’s President Arroyo Dissolves “Peace Panel” Over Bungled Negotiations with MILF

3 September, 2008

Good for her.  Now, get busy working on that 18,000 hole golf course I’ve been looking forward to for so long.

Palace dissolves GRP panel
3 Sep 08 – The Manila Times
Esperon lost credibility–lawmakers

In a major shift in policy, President Gloria Arroyo announced on Wednesday that she was dissolving the government peace panel seeking to end in particular a festering Muslim rebellion in southern Mindanao.

The announcement came a day after The Manila Times reported that a top Roman Catholic bishop had called on Hermogenes Esperon Jr., the presidential adviser on the peace process, and members of the government peace panel to resign over their alleged bungling of negotiations with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front [MILF].

On Wednesday, Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said that from now on, any negotiations with the separatist MILF and other rebel groups would only proceed if they disarmed and moved out of their camps.

“Consequently, the President has ordered that the government peace panel for talks with the [MILF] be dissolved to align all the peace initiatives in accordance with this directive,” Ermita told reporters.

The government had also been negotiating peace with local Maoist communists. In 1996, Manila signed a peace agreement with another Muslim secessionist group, the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), which recently claimed that the agreement largely had been unenforced.

About 5 percent of Filipinos are Muslim, making them the largest minority in mainly Roman Catholic Philippines, whose military has been battling the rebels in Mindanao region for the last three weeks.


Shots Fired at PM’s Motorcade in Pakistan – Taliban Claim Responsibility

3 September, 2008

Gee, and here I thought Musharraf’s resignation would have turned Pakistan into a land of milk and honey…  Not!

Shots fired at Pakistan PM’s convoy

Top_news – 9/3/08
By Agencies – mwcnews

Yousuf Gilani, Pakistan’s prime minister, has escaped an apparent assassination attempt after shots were fired at his motorcade in Rawalpindi, officials said.

Kamal Shah, Pakistan’s interior secretary, said Gilani and his staff were not in the car when the shots were fired at the bullet-proof car.

Reports have suggested Gilani’s son, Moosa, and Qamar Zaman Kaira, the federal minister for Kashmir and Northern affairs, were in the motorcade going to Islamabad’s international airport to pick up the prime minister.

Gilani’s spokesman Zahid Bashir said two bullets hit the reinforced glass window.

“By the grace of Allah the prime minister is safe,” he said.

[Allah had nothing to do with it, it was a thick chunk of good ole fashioned bullet proof glass!  He should be saying, “By the grace of that infidel French Chemist Edouard Benedictus…”]

Rehman Malik, an adviser to the prime minister said investigations into the incident had begun and a preliminary report would be presented within 24 hours.


The Media’ Double Standards in the Presidential Race

3 September, 2008

An interesting editorial from Cliff Kincaid of Right Side News that mirrors what we have been saying:

Who Vetted Obama?
By Cliff Kincaid

The Washington Post reported that John McCain’s vetting process for picking Governor Sarah Palin included an FBI background check. Other reports dispute this.

But when did the FBI investigate Obama? Who vetted him?

But the media would rather talk about Republicans and sex.

The leftist DailyKos website started digging into Palin’s past and claimed that her fifth child wasn’t really hers. The charge fell apart when pictures surfaced of the governor pregnant with the child.

Nevertheless, the media, which have been so quick to ignore questions about Obama’s background, joined in the inquiry into Palin’s private family matters and forced the governor to disclose that one of their daughters is pregnant out of wedlock. This is what passes for investigative reporting these days.

We are living witnesses to an incredible media double standard, whereby a Republican vice-presidential candidate’s personal life is being torn apart, while the Democratic presidential candidate continues to get a free ride. Obama has a 30-year history of associating with unsavory characters, beginning with communist Frank Marshall Davis and continuing with Jeremiah Wright and communist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, which should disqualify him from getting a security clearance in the government that he wants to run.A daughter’s pregnancy, of course, has nothing to do with whether Palin is fit for the job of vice-president or even president and is entitled to a security clearance. But one’s associations with communists who hate the United States might emerge as a cause for concern.


Interview with an Apostate

3 September, 2008

An excellent interview with an ex-Muzzie:

Leaving Islam
By Jamie Glazov | Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Mohammad Asghar, an ex-Muslim who came out of Islam after discovering its true teachings. Together with studying the Qur’an for over twenty-five years, he has also been writing his commentary on its verses – an endeavor, he hopes, that will help non-Muslim leaders, as well as ordinary citizens, understand the true messages they convey to Muslims.

FP: Mohammad Asghar, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Asghar: Thank you for inviting me to the Frontpage interview.

FP: Tell us about your background and your upbringing as a Muslim.

Asghar: I was born in a practicing Muslim family of Bangladesh. My parents adhered to almost all the tenets of Islam and they made sure that while growing up, I also learned all of them so that I could practice them in my own life. Like many other Muslim children of my neighborhood, I also attended a Madrassa and learned how to read the Qur’an without, of course, understanding what I was reading.

In my youth, I tried to live the life of a true Muslim. I said my Islamically mandated prayers, though not on a regular basis; visited, and prayed at, the tombs of the Muslim saints; celebrated the birthday of the Prophet of Islam, even though nobody knows even today the year of his birth; celebrated his ascension to the Gardens (Jannat) or Heaven and sang his praises, laden with amorous feelings towards him, whenever my parents and our neighbors organized Mehfil-e-Milad – which is a gathering that Muslims of the Indian sub-continent arrange to reinforce Islamic teachings in the Muslim attendees. I strongly believed that the things I was then doing were part of the duties I owed to Allah and His Prophet and that without pleasing both of them, I would not enter the Garden on the Day of Judgment.
