Archive for 21 September, 2008

The Jawa Report Uncovers the People Behind the Palin Smears; Surprise! They Work for Obama!!!

21 September, 2008

“The Jawa Report” which normally hunts down Cyber-terrorist who upload Islamic propaganda, has turned their sights on the political arena and have done an excellent job in tracking down the perpetrators of a supposed “grassroots” smear campaign against Gov. Sarah Palin.

Here’s their lead-in to whet your appetite:

Hope, Change, & Lies: Orchestrated “Grassroots” Smear Campaigns & the People that Run Them

Extensive research was conducted by the Jawa Report to determine the source of smears directed toward Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Those smears included false allegations that she belonged to a secessionist political party and that she has radical anti-American views.

Our research suggests that a subdivision of one of the largest public relations firms in the world most likely started and promulgated rumors about Sarah Palin that were known to be false. These rumors were spread in a surreptitious manner to avoid exposure.

It is also likely that the PR firm was paid by outside sources to run the smear campaign. While not conclusive, evidence suggests a link to the Barack Obama campaign. Namely:

  • Evidence suggests that a YouTube video with false claims about Palin was uploaded and promoted by members of a professional PR firm.
  • The family that runs the PR firm has extensive ties to the Democratic Party, the netroots, and are staunch Obama supporters.
  • Evidence suggests that the firm engaged in a concerted effort to distribute the video in such a way that it would appear to have gone viral on its own. Yet this effort took place on company time.
  • Evidence suggests that these distribution efforts included actions by at least one employee of the firm who is unconnected with the family running the company.
  • The voice-over artist used in this supposedly amateur video is a professional.
  • This same voice-over artist has worked extensively with David Axelrod’s firm, which has a history of engaging in phony grassroots efforts, otherwise known as “astroturfing.”
  • David Axelrod is Barack Obama’s chief media strategist.
  • The same voice-over artist has worked directly for the Barack Obama campaign.

This suggests that false rumors and outright lies about Sarah Palin and John McCain being spread on the internet are being orchestrated by political partisans and are not an organic grassroots phenomenon led by the left wing fringe. Our findings follow.

Read this excellent investigative report in its entirety at The Jawa Report by CLICKING HERE.

Update: It looks like The Jawa Report has struck a nerve!  As I type, Obama’s Plumbers are in action systematically removing the YouTube videos linked in the article!  The videos were there when I read the article, now they are gone!  Other commenters on The Jawa Report are reporting the same phenomena!

Update #2: Well, I awoke this morning to find that the eswinner YouTube account and others mentioned in The Jawa Report have been mysteriously deleted…  In a court of law, that’s what they call, “consciousness of guilt.”  Also, it seems that this story is going viral on the web!  Hopefully, Fox News will pick up on it.

Update #3: It has been suggested that the female “voice over” (VO) talent for the Palin smear video might be Anne Gartlan who does VO work for the Today Show along with political ads for the Democrats!  The other possibile VO talent is Vicki Kaywood.  Yup, this story has legs!!!

Obama Exposed

21 September, 2008

From the same guy who created the “Dear Mr. Obama, Who are You?” video comes this little gem that attacks Obama on his attempts to delay the withdrawal of troops in Iraq until after the elections:

Despite his Stuttering Prevarications, Obama DOES Support Partial Birth Abortion

21 September, 2008

A life is a life — not
Obama tries to have it both ways
Nat Hentoff
Monday, September 22, 2008 – Washington Times

As the November elections swiftly near, Sen. Barack Obama promises to find “common ground” on abortion. Prospects for this meeting of minds are ever dimmer. Confronting this issue is no longer above Mr. Obama’s pay grade when at least 30 percent of Americans say abortion will affect their vote in this very close election.

Anita Dunn, senior adviser to the Obama campaign, tells the New York Sun (Aug. 29): “Senator McCain has a more radical anti-choice position than even George W. Bush, and we’re going to make sure that voters across the country understand that.”

Stripped out of the Democratic Party platform is an assurance we used to hear from President Clinton that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare.” However, in an attempt to reach pro-life Democrats, the platform also includes: “The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman’s decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre- and post-natal health care… and caring adoption programs.” But, in stronger language than previous Democratic platforms, Mr. Obama’s party “strongly and unequivocally” supports Roe v. Wade and pledges to oppose any efforts to “weaken or undermine it.”

Moreover, Mr. Obama is a cosponsor of the “Freedom of Choice Act” that, contrary to a Supreme Court’s decision, will make partial-birth abortion (a prelude to instant infanticide) legal again. Mr. Obama and his party are also against the Hyde Amendment, which bars taxpayers’ dollars to pay for abortions.

So, while the Democratic Party platform graciously permits a woman to carry a child to term, it strictly removes any and all impediments to abortion. Indeed, its standard-bearer, while in the Illinois state legislature, voted to block a bill requiring the doctor performing an abortion to notify at least one parent before proceeding on a girl of minor age from another state.


The Pervert Prophet

21 September, 2008

A catchy tune for a Sunday afternoon:

Obama is Counting on YOUR Ignorance

21 September, 2008

Already twice today on television, I have seen an ad from Obama’s campaign that falsely claims Corning Glass in State College, Pennsylvania,  disassembled its equipment and shipped it overseas because of John McCain.  What a load of crap!  I almost pulled out my gun to shoot my plasma screen TV set!

Here’s why I was so angry:

The Corning Glass plant was shut down because they made Cathode Ray Tubes for the older television sets.  Since everyone is going to Hi-Def plasma screens now, there obviously isn’t a demand for CRT’s.  So, Corning Glass had to shut down the plant and lay of workers.  That’s just the way Capitalism works within the framework of supply and demand.  McCain had NOTHING to do with it.

Neither the equipment nor the jobs were ever shipped overseas as was falsely claimed by Obama.

Now, here’s the main point that really got my blood boiling when I saw the ad:  Obama’s campaign was contacted about this by a spokesperson from Corning Inc. over three days ago!!!:

“We have been in touch with the Obama campaign on this expressing our displeasure and presenting all the facts so they see how misleading the ad appears.  We will continue to speak with them on this.”
[Click HERE for link]

Yup, Obama’s campaign KNOWS, and has known, that the ad is a big fat lie; yet they are still counting on YOUR ignorance to put the little lying sack of turds in office.

That’s how Obama really views Americans; ignorant fools to be taken advantage of…

Update:  I Just wanted to let you know that I have now seen this BS television commercial FOUR effin’ times  today!  I’m headed outside to shoot something!!!

Update #2:  Okay, after cooling off a little, I decided to analyze the ad a little bit closer, so I checked it out at YouTube.

Lo and behold, I discovered how crafty the ad actually is!  You see, the ad never says that the Corning worker’s jobs were shipped overseas.  It just leaves you with that impression because that is what it is designed to do.  Kind of like a Michael Moore documentary – rapidly throw a bunch of stuff at you visually and aurally at the same time so that you will subconsciously draw the conclusion he wants you to draw.  What the ad REALLY said was that the laid off workers were re-hired to ship the factory equipment overseas to China.  A little checking and I discovered that to be correct.  The Corning spokesperson is actually the one in error… (link HERE)

However, John McCain still had NOTHING to do with this at all.  The equipment was useless because no one wants tube television sets anymore and the employees were laid  off because of that very same reason.  Like I said before, that’s just the way Capitalism works within the framework of supply and demand.  Get over it.

And, so what if the company decided to make a few bucks by selling useless equipment to China?  Big whoop-dee-do!

Under Clinton, we gave away hi-tech secrets to the Chinese with his blessings and now they are launching satellites on their own..  So, yes.  I am still mad at Obama for blaming McCain for the lay-offs and for wrongly suggesting that McCain was somehow responsible for the useless equipment getting shipped overseas to China, when McCain had NOTHING to do with it.  Obama might just as well have blamed the tooth fairy while he was at it!

But, I do think it’s kind of funny that Barack Obama is unknowingly implying that we should just keep trudging along with outdated, useless technology just to keep the masses employed.  Which kind of clashes with his plan for the government to help “retool” the automotive manufacturing plants.  Of course, you and I are going to have to “Patriotically” suck it up and foot the bill for that massive overhaul…  Nope, can’t have the automotive industry spending any of its own money…

Indicators are that Obama Might Drop Biden for Clinton

21 September, 2008

The “No Biden, October-Surprise” rumor continues to pick up steam.  Some compelling evidence has been dug up by Mondo over at DBKP that seems to indicate Biden is going to get thrown under the bus in October with a manufactured story of some mystery illness:

[Biden’s name nowhere to be found at Campaign Headquarters.  Photo by DBKP]

Will Joe Biden become No Biden?

As reported earlier [No Biden: Rumors Swirl Over Obama Dumping Biden for Hillary Clinton], rumors have been circulating about that the Obama-Biden ticket is about to become the Obama-Clinton ticket.

Is it really “Bye Bye Biden”? Is this the rumored “October Surprise”?

The scenario: Sometime between October 2 and 5, Joe Biden will plead poor health and drop off the ticket. Hillary Clinton will then ride to the rescue of the Obama campaign that earlier spurned her. The Democrat ticket will then sweep to victory in an unprecedented, albeit Machiavellian, move.

We received this email a few days after our last story:

I got this email over the weekend from retired USAF friend, have no idea as to its authenticity. Been told it’s from excellent sources within the DNC:

“On or about October 5,2008, Sen Joe Biden will excuse himself from the ticket, citing health problems, and he will be replaced by Hillary R Clinton.” This is timed to occur after the VP debate on 10/2.

Read the rest of this post over at Death By a Thousand Papercuts

Barack Obama Gets Pissed at Elderly Old Woman in Iowa

21 September, 2008

And they say John McCain has a temper…  At least he’s not a jerk like Obama:

Here’s my transcript of Obama giving that poor elderly lady a smackdown:

Elderly Woman:  I want to know specifically what you would do to protect this country from terrorism and are we going to close the borders and are we going to get rid of the illegal immigrants?

Obama:  Iraq didn’t launch the Twin Towers, neither did Saddam Hussein!

Elderly Woman: [Too garbled to make out]

Obama: No, I-I’m sorry, I-I’m saw, Mam, ah, Mam, I-I’m sorry, but thi-this is an area tha-, this is uh, a part of the war that I studied deeply and this is part of the misinformation that’s been coming out of this administration.

DON’T think that I doh, that I care any less than-than Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney if(?) I’m making sure my daughters don’t get blown-up!

Notice, how the “Eloquent One” NEVER answered her SPECIFIC question.  He just engaged in twisting things around so he could bash Bush and bully the elderly woman into voting for him…

Also, I had no idea that the twin towers were “launched.”  Maybe NASA was in on it…

BTW – It took me a good 20 minutes just to type the transcript because of all the Porky-Pig stuttering from the Eloquent One.  Yup, this ALWAYS happens when Obama steps away from his mistress – the teleprompter.

Obama Stars in “Veggie Burger Hill”

21 September, 2008

H/T – Yonason

Sunday Funnies

21 September, 2008

[Click on Images to Enlarge]

Italy’s church asks EU to fight Christianophobia

21 September, 2008

Even in the USA, there are those that speak out against the power of “organized religion” a code for Christianity. Blamed for all types of conspiracies the sad truth is those who oppose Christians just cannot live up to their higher standards of personal behavior and acceptance of personal responsibility.

Stephen Brown, Angus MacSwan, 21 Sep 2008,
ROME, Sept 21 (Reuters) – Italy’s Roman Catholic bishops urged the European Union on Sunday to treat the persecution of Christians overseas as a humanitarian emergency after deadly attacks on Christian churches and homes in India.
-It is highly doubtful the EU will care or even make an effort to pretend that they do. Although quick to fight “islamophobia” they have never shown much love for Christians.

The bishops’ newspaper Avvenire used a front-page editorial to demand that violence against Christians must be on the agenda of an upcoming summit between the EU and India.

It warned of the growth of “Christianophobia” in many parts of the world, which it termed “the new anti-semitism of today” and equated with the spread of “Islamophobia” in the West.
-A cute link but a false one. Any comparison between the two is a distracting “apple vs oranges” argument and you already know what I think about those. (more…)