Archive for 29 September, 2008

St. Louis KMOV Secretly Switches Report On Obama Truth Squad

29 September, 2008


St. Louis KMOV Channel 4 changed the Obama Truth Squad report on their website.

They removed the lead-in that mentioned:

“Obama’s campaign asked law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading television ad…”

And, replaced it with toned down language:

“September 23rd, 2008 The Barack Obama campaign is getting help from local prosecutors, both Democrats, to clarify TV ads the campaign believes are misleading.”

Notice how different that sounds?
This is pretty insidious, isn’t it?
KMOV did not report that they had changed their story.

It’s like how Winner changed that astroturf video about Sarah Palin and the Alaska “secessionist” party, toned it down before it ran on FOX News so it didn’t look as inflammatory as it did on You Tube.

Read the rest of this on Gateway Pundit by CLICKING HERE

WATCH THIS VIDEO Before YouTube Obamites Censor it!

29 September, 2008

The original version of this video was deleted by YouTube a couple of hours ago.

After the video received over 1.2 Million hits in a few days, Warner Music claimed that the soundtrack infringed on their copyrights.  Normally, this isn’t much of a problem as the Free Usage clause in the Copyright codes gives a lot of leeway.

But, it also just so happens that Edgar Bronfman, the CEO of Warner Music is a MAJOR contributor to Obama’s campaign!!!  Yup, more censoring of Free Speech!

The following copy hasn’t been noticed by Warner Music, yet…

Note, keep your mouse pointer on the pause button!  You’ll need it!

Update: Uploaded video.  50 Mbytes… To Download:  Right CLICK HERE and use the “Save Link As” or “Save As” function on the pop up menu . Rename the file extension from “.odt” to “.avi” before downloading (also be sure to change the save as filetype from “Text” to “ALL”), or alternatively, you can go into explorer and change the file extension to .avi later on after you download it. It should now be able to play in an external video player.

Sorry to put you through the hoops, but WordPress isn’t letting me upload any more .avi files, so I had to fool it into letting me upload the AVI video by changing the file extension to .odt… Grrrrr…

BTW – I use the VLC Media Player and have had no problems playing it. If it doesn’t play properly, download and install VLC Media Player HERE

Sorry to put you through the hoops, but WordPress isn’t letting me upload any more .avi files…  Grrrrr…

Update #2: The following is the REWORKED ORIGINAL VIDEO by the ORIGINAL CREATOR of the video.  He has re-worked it to include a SCOLDING of TIME-WARNER for DELETING his original video!!!!


Fact Checking the Dark Overlord

29 September, 2008

Seems like there’s casuistry in everything Obama says and does…  No wonder McCain was getting so pissed off at him during the debate!  From Conservative Punk:

Yes, Obama supports direct presidential talks with Ahmadinejad
By Rizzuto

Mon Sep 29, 2008 – In friday’s debate, Obama continuously denied that he supported direct talks with president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without preconditions. According to Obama’s own website:

“Diplomacy: Obama supports tough, direct presidential diplomacy with Iran without preconditions. Now is the time to pressure Iran directly to change their troubling behavior. Obama and Biden would offer the Iranian regime a choice. If Iran abandons its nuclear program and support for terrorism, we will offer incentives like membership in the World Trade Organization, economic investments, and a move toward normal diplomatic relations. If Iran continues its troubling behavior, we will step up our economic pressure and political isolation. Seeking this kind of comprehensive settlement with Iran is our best way to make progress. “

Candy Maker Cadbury Recalls Melamine-Laced Chocolates Made in China

29 September, 2008

Yup, our worst fears about this are materializing…  See my comments from last year HERE

Cadbury pulls melamine-laced chocolate from China

29 Sep 08

British candy maker Cadbury said Monday it is recalling 11 types of Chinese-made chocolates found to contain melamine, as police in northern China raided a network accused of adding the banned chemical to milk. A Cadbury spokesman said it was too early to say how much of the chemical was in the chocolates made at its Beijing plant.

“It’s too early to say where the source was or the extent of it,” said the spokesman, who declined to be identified because of company policy.

The company said its dairy suppliers were cleared by government testing.

Meanwhile, police in Hebei province arrested 22 people and seized more than 480 pounds of the industrial chemical in the raids, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

The report said the melamine was produced in illicit plants and sold to breeding farms and purchasing stations.

Xinhua said 19 of the 22 detainees were managers of pastures, breeding farms and purchasing stations. It did not say when the raids took place.

The scandal broke this month when authorities said infant formula produced by Sanlu was causing kidney stones in babies and young children. Four infants have died and some 54,000 have become ill after drinking the contaminated baby formula.

Subsequent tests revealed melamine contamination in products ranging from yogurt to candy to pastries.

Authorities believe suppliers added melamine, which is rich in nitrogen, to watered-down milk to deceive quality tests for protein.

Cadbury said the 11 recalled chocolate products were distributed in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia.

U.S. companies Kraft Foods Inc. and Mars Inc. said they would adhere to a recall order of Chinese-made Oreos, M&Ms and Snickers in Indonesia, but said they wanted to conduct their own tests with outside experts.


The 1st Presidential Debate in a Minute

29 September, 2008

For those of you afflicted with Attention Deficit Disorder:

Obama Held Dual Citizenship Until 1982

29 September, 2008

Yup, this must be true, even Obama admits it on his Official Website, Fight the Smears:

“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.

Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”

Now, I’m not a Constitutional Lawyer, but I’m pretty sure this is definitely stretching the INTENT of Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5

Update: While looking into all of this, I noticed that NewsBusters is also covering this.  As I was reading the comments, I came across this interesting comment from Amber in response to a commenter claiming that this was a non-issue:

“Actually, no, you are wrong.  Up until Reagan, if you were a dual citizen, you lost your US citizenship.  The US did not allow dual citizenship.  Also, his case is very different since he is running for president.  The rules are more strict if one of your parents was not a US citizen.  According to the law on the books, I do not believe he can legally run for president.  His mother was not old enough at the time of his birth for him to qualify since his father was not a US citizen and he held dual citizenship even after he turned 18 (actually tri, since he was adopted by an Indonesian man and taken to live with him, I believe they considered him an Indonesian ctizen, but I am not sure about that one).”

Yup, that warrants further investigation once I get some free time…