Archive for 26 January, 2009

Atlanta Muslim accused of murdering his Daughter for Family Honor

26 January, 2009

Another example of seventh century values meets twenty-first century law. For you young muslim girls living in America, reading this because you searched for information, read, learn and flee the cult before you are next. Any women’s shelter will take you and protect you. Print this article and a few others like it. If you feel like you are in danger, you are probably right. If you go to school with a muslim girl, talk to her and let her know where she can get help.

by Jamie Tarabay, 27 January 2009, NPR
Police in Atlanta have been investigating the death of a 25-year-old Pakistani woman, who was allegedly murdered by her father in the name of family honor.

She wanted out of an arranged marriage, but her father thought a divorce would bring
shame to the family.

Honor killings are old rites of murder within families, committed because of some perceived dishonor or shame. The United Nations estimates around 5,000 deaths occur each year — mostly of women, mostly in South Asia and the Middle East.
-Those numbers are low many are never reported.

A Quiet Street

Detective Mike Christian of the Clayton County Police Department has lived in Jonesboro, a suburb of Atlanta, all his life.

“Supposedly Tara — the big plantation from ‘Gone with the Wind’ — this is where it was located,” Christian says of the family’s home.

Past the cemetery where the flag still flies, he pulls into a quiet street with tidy brickfront two-story homes.

“That’s it — 9816,” he says. “They’ve got a ‘for sale’ sign in the yard. The window to her bedroom is open.”

It was around 1 a.m. on July 6 when police got several 911 calls connected to that house. The first was from a man who told police, “My daughter’s dead.” Then, at 1:55 a.m., Clayton County received a 911 call from a woman named Gina Rashid who was worried about her stepdaughter, Sandeela.
-In many of the cases the entire family is not only aware this is going to happen but often they participate. (more…)

Pakis Protest Hope and Change

26 January, 2009

Hehehehe.   Ahhhh…  Just let me relish the thought for a moment…  Heheheheheee


Supporters of the Pakistani Islamist party Jamat-e-Islami chant slogans during a protest in Karachi, January 25, 2009.

The protest was organised by Jamat-e-Islami party against military operations and drone attacks in tribal areas. U.S. drones fired missiles into Pakistan late on Friday killing 17 people, intelligence officials and residents said, in the first such strike since Barack Obama became U.S. president.


‘Rehabilitated’ Gitmo Inmates Re-Arrested in Saudi Arabia

26 January, 2009

Predictable, to say the least. As long as these Mujahideen follow the teachings of the murderous Muhammad, they are going to continue the Jihad. But, you can’t tell that to Obama—he’s too busy sucking up and submitting to Islam…


‘Betty Ford’ Islamic militants arrested in Saudi Arabia
26 Jan. 2009
Michael Evans, Defence Editor –

Nine Saudi Islamic militants, including former Guantanamo inmates, have been rearrested in the Kingdom despite completing a controversial rehabilitation programme.

The arrests follow the embarrassing revelation last week that another Saudi Guantanamo Bay detainee who was released to the authorities in 2007 has emerged as the deputy leader of al-Qaeda’s Yemeni branch of the terrorist organisation.

Both incidents are a serious setback for the experimental regime in which Saudi terror suspects are “weaned off” Islamic militancy at the so-called “Betty Ford clinic” for jihadists.

The rearrest of nine Saudi militants has also underlined the dilemma now facing governments with nationals still being detained in Guantanamo Bay, following President Obama’s decision to close the camp. He has called on other countries to take detainees to help clear out the controversial prison.

European foreign ministers are meeting in Brussels today to discuss ways of responding to the US President’s request.

Jean Asselborn, the Foreign Minister of Luzembourg, said: “The EU is not politically responsible for Guantanamo, it was an American decision and they have to take responsibility, but the EU must help people who were jailed, from a humanitarian point of view.”

At the Saudi rehabilitation centre, inmates selected for reform have access to a swimming pool, table tennis and PlayStations. They even play football with their guards.

During the programme, the militants have to attend lessons based on Islamic law which shuns the use of violence. A team of psychologists instruct them how to manage their emotions when seeing images on television of Muslims suffering in war situations.

The Saudi authorities claimed that none of the militants who had been sent to the centre on the outskirts of Riyadh had returned to terrorism.

The Pentagon claims that dozens of released Guantanamo detainees have “returned to the fight”.


Obama’s Transparency in Action

26 January, 2009

Nancy “The Wraith” Pelosi Defends Funding Planned Barren-hood via Economic Stimulus Package

26 January, 2009

More proof that the Commiecrats are using the stimulus package as a Trojan Horse to fund a laundry list of far-left programs.  It’s a freakin’ feeding frenzy!