Archive for 2 March, 2009

Muslim pleads not guilty to perjury

2 March, 2009

I know-innocent until proven guilty and all that but I do not think this will take long.

By GILLIAN FLACCUS, 2 March 2009, (AP)
SANTA ANA, Calif. — The brother-in-law of an Osama bin Laden bodyguard pleaded not guilty Monday to federal charges that he lied in denying ties to terrorist groups on his U.S. citizenship and passport applications.
-I don’t think this will take long.

An April 14 trial date was set for 34-year-old Ahmadullah Niazi.

The Afghan native and naturalized U.S. citizen was released Friday on $500,000 bail after his arrest Feb. 20 in a raid at his home in the Orange County suburb of Tustin. On Monday he appeared in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana.

Niazi’s sister is married to Amin al-Haq, identified in court papers as a high-ranking al-Qaida member who was believed to have been bin Laden’s bodyguard and security coordinator around and before Sept. 11, 2001.
-Can you imagine me on the jury?

Assistant U.S. Attorney Dierdre Eliot declined to comment outside court. Niazi referred questions to his attorney, deputy federal public defender Chase Scolnick, who declined to comment.

Niazi has been living in the United States since 1998 and became a U.S. citizen in 2004. He is charged with perjury, passport fraud, unlawful procurement of naturalization and making a false statement.
-I bet the SOB runs red lights too. (more…)

CIA destroyed nearly 100 interrogation videotapes

2 March, 2009

When I was in the military to look at anything classified you had to have “a need to know”. Obviously, the CIA does not think American politicians can be trusted. I can find no argument with their logic. Self-serving politicians would gladly expose a few state secrets if they could take down a CIA operative by doing so. Truth be told if members of congress had to face the same scrutiny to receive a security clearance that our military and feds do there would be few congressional representatives with a security clearance.

By DEVLIN BARRETT, 2 March 3, 2009, the Seattle Times
The CIA destroyed nearly 100 videotapes of interrogations and other U.S. treatment of terror suspects, far more than previously acknowledged, the Obama administration said Monday as it began disclosing details of post-Sept. 11 Bush-era actions.

The interrogations were a highly contentious issue during the administration of President George W. Bush, with many Democrats and other critics saying that some methods used amounted to torture – a contention Bush and other officials rejected. A criminal prosecutor is wrapping up his investigation in the matter.
-This is more about control than “rights”. I seem to remember a bunch of liberal do nothing politicians attempting to convince the world that they were angry that the CIA did not warn us of 9/11. By attacking the CIA now, they could weaken us and insure our next attacks are also successful.

Monday’s acknowledgment, however, involved a civil lawsuit filed in New York by the American Civil Liberties Union seeking more details of the interrogation programs following the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

“The CIA can now identify the number of videotapes that were destroyed,” said the letter submitted in that case by Acting U.S. Attorney Lev Dassin. “Ninety-two videotapes were destroyed.”

It is not clear what exactly was on the recordings. The government’s letter cites interrogation videos, but the lawsuit against the Defense Department also seeks records related to treatment of detainees, any deaths of detainees and the CIA’s sending of suspects overseas, known as “extraordinary rendition.”
-I already know what was on them. The CIA taught the prisoners to bake cookies and held little tea parties with them. Then they hugged them and sang the Barney songs. Prove me wrong.

At the White House, press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters he hadn’t spoken to the president about the report, but called the news about the videotapes “sad,” and said Obama was committed to ending torture while also protecting American values.

ACLU attorney Amrit Singh said the CIA should be held in contempt of court for holding back the information for so long.
-I think the ACLU stands for “Always Crying Leftist Unicks ” (more…)

Malaysia Restores Ban Prohibiting Christians from Referring to God as Allah

2 March, 2009

And, in doing so, they once again are actually proving that Islam’s allah is NOT the  same God Almighty that the Christians and Jews worship!

Malaysia Restores ‘Allah’ Ban for Christians

Monday, March 02, 2009 – via Fox News

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia —  The Malaysian government will issue a new decree restoring a ban on Christian publications using the word “Allah” to refer to God, officials said Sunday.

Home Affairs Minister Syed Hamid Albar said a previous Feb. 16 decree that allowed Christian publications to use the word as long as they specified the material was not for Muslims was a mistake, the national Bernama news agency reported.

The about-turn came after Islamic groups slammed the government and warned that even conditional use of the word by Christians would anger Muslims, who make up the country’s majority.

A senior ministry official confirmed Syed Hamid’s comments, saying there were “interpretation mistakes” in the Feb. 16 decree that led to the confusion.

“‘Allah’ cannot be used for other religions except Islam because it might confuse Muslims. This is the ministry’s stand and it hasn’t changed,” the official, who declined to be named citing protocol, told The Associated Press.

The official said the ministry was likely to issue a new decree to annul the old one and effectively re-impose the ban.

The dispute has become symbolic of increasing religious tensions in Malaysia, where 60 percent of the 27 million people are Muslim Malays. A third of the population is ethnic Chinese and Indian, and many of them practice Christianity.

Malaysia’s minorities have often complained that their constitutional right to practice their religions freely has come under threat from the Malay Muslim-dominated government. They cite destruction of Hindu temples and conversion disputes as examples. The government denies any discrimination.

The Herald, the Roman Catholic Church’s main newspaper in the country, had filed a legal suit to challenge the government ban on non-Muslims using the word.

The Herald argued that the Arabic word is a common reference for God that predates Islam and has been used for centuries as a translation in Malay.

Rev. Lawrence Andrew, the editor of the Herald, said Sunday the publication had not been notified of the government’s change in policy.

“Unfortunately the apparent relief that we imagined we were able to enjoy has been short-lived,” he said.

13-Year-Old Conservative Speaks at CPAC

2 March, 2009

While the MSM has been busy with full-on damage control today—CNN made the mistake of broadcasting his speech on live television, Saturday—by mercilessly trashing Rush Limbaugh’s appearance at CPAC (mustn’t confuse any Libtards that may have found themselves in agreement with Rush – better keep reminding them that Rush was hooked on Oxycontin, has autism, etc. ), many seem to have missed this 13-year-old kid with more common sense and moxie than most 47-year-olds in office…  You know who you are, Barack:

A Quick Comment From a Reader at ABC News

2 March, 2009

The perfect answer to throw at your Libtard friends:

“[…] I’m also sick of his “I inherited” baloney.  If I went into a new job and complained that I couldn’t be successful because the last guy sucked, my bosses would say, well why did I hire you?”

– Aaron

Dow Below 7000 and Other Noteworthy News

2 March, 2009

Hope and change!  Wooohooo!!!

Which has us wondering:  Is this a historic presidency because Obama wants to be the LAST President of the United States?

Also, if you are a smoker and roll your own, be prepared to pay ungodly taxes on your tobacco.  All thanks to Obama for signing in the SCHIP bill that Bush had vetoed twice before!  I missed this little item last month, but now our local tobacco shop is up in arms about it since they will undoubtebly be forced to close up shop.  Unfortunately, the employee I talked to was under the false impression that this was all Bush’s fault!  She even “bet” me that it wasn’t Obama.  Armed with a couple of newspaper articles, I’m going to head over there in a few and collect my money!!!

Of course, heaven help you if you rely on Walmart for your books.  Apparently, Walmart has an unwritten policy that prohibits books that might be considered “anti-Obama.”