Archive for 10 March, 2009

Government Spending Bill Full of Earmarks

10 March, 2009

Hmmm…  Where are all those written justifications for the Earmarks?   And, of course, Obama isn’t waiting five days before signing it into law in order to let Americans review it…  That’s two broken promises in one bill.  Believe it or not,  both promises are on the same page on Obama’s website (“Sunshine Before Signing” and “Shine Light on Earmarks and Pork Barrel Spending” ).

Now, remember, they already passed a multi-trillion dollar Stinkulus package , now they’ve gone on and passed a $410 billion Governmental Spendulus package…

Of course, all the Democrats are happy that they pulled another fast one on the American public, while the only Republicans who are happy are the ones who helped cram it full of pork:


Congress sends huge spending bill to Obama
President to sign measure, which GOP says is irresponsible

WASHINGTON – Congress on Tuesday cleared a $410 billion measure to fund the government, sending it to  President Barack Obama for his signature. Most Republicans denounced it as an example of reckless spending.

The Senate approved the measure by voice after it cleared a key procedural hurdle by a 62-35 vote. Sixty votes were required to shut down debate.

Obama will sign the measure Wednesday, the White House said, but he will also announce steps aimed at curbing lawmakers’ penchant for pet projects.

The $410 billion bill is chock-full of lawmakers’ pet projects and significant increases in food aid for the poor, energy research and other programs. It was supposed to have been completed last fall.

The bill ran into an unexpected political hailstorm in Congress after Obama’s spending-heavy economic stimulus bill and his 2010 budget plan forecasting a $1.8 trillion deficit for the current budget year. And Republicans seized on Obama’s willingness to sign a bill packed with pet projects after he assailed them as a candidate.

“If it had not been for the stimulus and the budget proposal it might have been … noncontroversial,” said House GOP leader John Boehner of Ohio. “The stimulus bill riled an awful lot of people up. … And then the budget proposal comes out.”

Within Democratic ranks, there was relief, not jubilation.

The 1,132-page spending bill has an extraordinary reach, wrapping together nine spending bills to fund the annual operating budgets of every Cabinet department except for Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs.

MSNBC Poll – Grade Obama

10 March, 2009

MSNBC wants you to grade Obama’s performance…   Let’s have some fun and let this poll go viral on the Conservative websites!  Just go to your favorite Conservative blog and leave the link in the comments section.

Here’s the link to the MSNBC poll:

Personally, I think they need to create a grade below “F” just for him…


– Doc

British soldiers return home from protecting muslims; British muslims shout abuse at them

10 March, 2009

More minions and their stunts. Unlike the muslim protesters the soldiers fought on a real battlefield and they did it to protect muslims from the most intolerant cult to ever grace this planet.

A group of around 20 men in traditional Islamic dress held up banners and placards that read: “Anglian Soldiers Butchers of Basra”, “Anglian Soldiers Criminals, Murderers Terrorists” and “Baby killers”.
-Typical show boating, the muslims feel safe enough to protest in England but none are brave enough to fight a real jihad. A few brave muslims have left the UK and fought; the men marching in triumph killed them.

As the battalion, which is nicknamed The Poachers, reached Luton Town Hall the small group shouted and yelled “Terrorists” and “Anglian Soliders Go to Hell.”
-I do not think much of the Brits but these men risked their lives and saved muslims from the biggest killers of muslims-other muslims. Ever see an Iraqi protesting with a sign calling for other muslims to come and save them? You will never see it, the Iraqis love the brits.

The protestors then had to be protected by police as angry supporters of the soldiers turned on them shouting: “Scum” and “No surrender to the Taliban.”
-The protesters should be in front of parliament protesting the real cowards and the surrender of the UK. (more…)

The Wraith is Already Gearing Up for Another Stinkulus Package!

10 March, 2009

Gee, like we didn’t see this coming…  NOT!!!

What happens when a second Stinkulus fails?  Oh, we need a third Stinkulus, and a fourth and a fifth, etc. etc.  The money pit is bottomless!


Pelosi open to second stimulus
By ALEX ISENSTADT | 3/10/09 – Politico

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday she is open to introducing a second stimulus bill, but it’s too early to determine the size of such a package and the timing on another major economic measure.

“We have to keep the door open to see how it goes,” Pelosi told reporters Tuesday following a House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee hearing on the economy.

But Pelosi said she wanted to give the $787 billion stimulus package passed last month time to work before she starts making promises on a second stimulus. Pelosi also accused the Washington media and cable news establishment of taking an overly critical approach toward the first stimulus — and expecting too much too soon.

“We hope it will be sooner rather than later that [the stimulus] catches fire in Washington, D.C. But we aren’t waiting,” she said.

[There’s your problem right there!  You didn’t wait long enough to let the economy cycle through on its own before everyone was jumping on the bandwagon, crying wolf as an excuse to  socialize America! ]

“This is a fiscally sound package,” she said. “This is market-oriented.”

[I call shenanigans!!!  – Obviously, she is lying through her false teeth!  Here’s a professional economist’s take on the “market-orientated” Stinkulus in the Wall Street Journal.]

50 Days that have Destroyed America

10 March, 2009

An excellent overview from the Gateway Pundit as we hit the halfway mark on Obama’s first 100 days as our evil Dark Overlord.

I would just like to add one more thing:

** Removed government financing of adult stem cell research.

See if you can find anything to add to the list:

The Obama Disaster– 50 Days That Changed the World

50 Days That Changed the World
…It’s hard to imagine we’re only 50 days into the Barack Obama Presidency.

** Obama is on track to spend more money than any person in the history of the planet.
** Obama and Pelosi’s stimulus bill was the largest spending bill in the history of the planet.
** Obama and democrats have already saddled America’s children and grand children with massive debt. Not that this bothers them.

** He’s lost at least 3 administration nominees due to tax fraud.
** He’s promoted a tax cheat to run the IRS and Treasury.
** He’s insulted America’s greatest ally, Great Britain.
** He’s reneged on missile agreements with allies Poland and the Czech Republic.
** His administration has already met with the murderous Assad Regime from Syria.
** Obama signed legislation to close Gitmo.
** Obama freed a dirty bomber from Gitmo to Great Britain.
** Obama told US soldiers and marines in Afghanistan, “We’re losing.”

It’s a safe to say that Barack Obama could never have led America during WW II without surrendering. (Numbers from Iraq Casualties and GP)

** Obama’s VP told US soldiers and marines that US deaths will rise in Afghanistan.
** Obama has already discussed holding peace talks with the Taliban.

Continue reading this overview at Gateway Pundit by CLICKING HERE

Taliban Spokesman: There are No “Moderate” Taliban

10 March, 2009

While I await “Against the RIF’s” response to my challenge to provide just one example of a “moderate” Taliban, I thought we might all just listen to what the Taliban themselves have to say about the subject:

This updates our previous post HERE

Taliban say Obama’s call on moderates “illogical”

KABUL (Reuters) – Afghanistan’s Taliban on Tuesday turned down as illogical U.S. President Barack Obama’s bid to reach out to moderate elements of the insurgents, saying the exit of foreign troops was the only solution for ending the war.

Obama, in an interview with the New York Times, expressed an openness to adapting tactics in Afghanistan that had been used in Iraq to reach out to moderate elements there.

“This does not require any response or reaction for this is illogical,” Qari Mohammad Yousuf, a purported spokesman for the insurgent group, told Reuters when asked if its top leader Mullah Mohammad Omar would make any comment about Obama’s proposal.

The Taliban are united, have one leader, one aim, one policy…I do not know why they are talking about moderate Taliban and what it means?”

“If it means those who are not fighting and are sitting in their homes, then talking to them is meaningless. This really is surprising the Taliban.”


Obama Halts Adult Stem Cell Research Funding

10 March, 2009

Troubling indeed!  If Obama’s plan was to truly just help out researchers, then why did he just halt all ADULT stem cell funding in favor of funding embryonic stem cell research?  That makes no sense whatsoever, unless Obama has an agenda…

President Obama Also Drops Executive Order for Adult Stem Cell Research Funds

by Steven Ertelt Editor
March 10, 2009

Washington, DC ( — President Barack Obama did more on Monday than just force taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research that requires the destruction of human life. He also rescinded an executive order President Bush put into place funding adult stem cells and new research with iPS cells.

Obama also rescinded Executive Order 13435 of June 20, 2007.

President Bush put that order in place in June 2007 when he vetoed a Congressional measure that would have required embryonic stem cell research funding.

Instead of signing the bill, President Bush issued an executive order to press for more research into ways of obtaining embryonic stem cells without harming human life. The order was intended to ultimately fund research into alternatives” to destructive embryonic stem cell research such as altered nuclear transfer (ANT), “regression” (reverting differentiated cells into stem cells), and other methods.

Bush could be said to have been ahead of his time since regression, also known as direct reprogramming, has taken off and the new induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are the talk of the scientific world.

Bioethcis attorney and watchdog Wesley J. Smith says the Obama decision to also reverse this executive order shows Obama is really the anti-science president, not his predecessor.

“Of course, the Administration didn’t have the candor or courage to publicize this part of his nasty work,” he said. “But the now dead order explicitly required funding for alternative methods such as the new IPSCs, which offer so much promise without the ethical contentiousness.”

“Alternative methods are one of the few areas in which we can all row in the same direction, which I thought this president wanted to do,” Smith added.

“I can think of only two reasons for this action, for which I saw no advocacy either in the election or during the first weeks of the Administration,” Smith says. “First, vindictiveness against all things ‘Bush’ or policies considered by the Left to be ‘pro-life’ and second, a desire to get the public to see unborn human life as a mere corn crop ripe for the harvest.”

“So much for taking the politics out of science,” he concludes.

National Nuclear Security Administration Forgetting How to Make Nukes

10 March, 2009

Maybe we should produce a few nukes per year just to keep everyone up to speed…  I know I would feel a LOT safer…

H/T – DJ

Nuclear-Warhead Upgrade Delayed; Government Labs Forgot How to Make Parts
Fox News

The Department of Defense and the National Nuclear Security Administration had to wait more than a year to refurbish aging nuclear warheads — partly because they had forgotten how to make a crucial component, a government report states.

Regarding a classified material codenamed “Fogbank,” a Government Accountability Office report released this month states that “NNSA had lost knowledge of how to manufacture the material because it had kept few records of the process when the material was made in the 1980s and almost all staff with expertise on production had retired or left the agency.”

So the effort to refurbish and upgrade W76 warheads, which top the U.S. Navy’s (and the British Royal Navy’s) submarine-launched Trident missiles, had to be put on hold while experts scoured old records and finally figured out how to manufacture the stuff once again.

According to the Sunday Herald of Glasgow, Scotland, Fogbank is “thought by some weapons experts to be a foam used between the fission and fusion stages of a thermonuclear [hydrogen] bomb.”
