Archive for 23 September, 2009

Retired police chief shoots, kills two home intruders

23 September, 2009

Crash at 3am
I realize the obama administration values the lives of the young over the old but I’m glad this story worked out in favor of the old chief and his wife. Just a tip for all of you; if anyone knocks on your door late at night; arm yourselves before you decide to open it.

Brian L. Huchel, 23 Sep 09, CNHI News Service
INDIANOLA, Ill. – A retired police chief shot and killed two armed intruders at his rural home south of this village on the Illinois-Indiana border, the sheriff’s office reported.

Max “Mick” Taylor told authorities he answered a knock at his front door about 11 p.m. Monday, and was immediately shoved inside and to the floor by two men with a shotgun. Taylor said they demanded money and began choking him when he explained he had none in the house.
-Ok, so he shouldn’t have opened the door, he should have been armed and he should have known better-got it, he felt safe, move on.

Taylor’s wife, hearing the commotion, descended from upstairs and also told the men the couple had no money at home but offered to give them her expensive jewelry.
-Second set of errors, she should have been armed and backing up her husband at that hour or retrieved the gun while dialing 911 but she also felt safe at home and had faith in her husband.

When the men followed his wife to the couple’s upstairs bedroom, Taylor retrieved a handgun from a drawer there and fired at the man holding the shotgun as he leveled it at Taylor, said Vermillion County Sheriff Pat Hartshorn.
-Quick thinking made up for piss poor security practices this time. Have a plan, practice the plan, dry run the plan, and make a back up plan. In this case, it was two on one. If you get one of them, that is good, they get one of you-that is it, game over. (more…)

FCC Diversity Czar: White People Need to be Forced to Step Down

23 September, 2009

Imagine if a white person had said “black people need to be forced to step down…”  Jesse Jackson would be all over that one!

FCC’s Diversity Czar: ‘White People’ Need to be Forced to ‘Step Down’ ‘So Someone Else Can Have Power’

By Seton Motley – NewsBusters
September 23, 2009 – 08:38 ET

Mark Lloyd is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)’s Chief Diversity Officer, a.k.a. the Diversity Czar. And he has in a recently discovered bit of archive audio goodness detailed his rather disturbing perspective on race, power and the American system.

(Audio located at [1] and Naked Emperor News [2])

This is of course in addition to Lloyd’s rather disturbing perspective on the First Amendment.

“It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies.

“[T]he purpose of free speech is warped to protect global corporations and block rules that would promote democratic governance.”

And Lloyd’s rather disturbing perspective  on Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Chavez’s “incredible…democratic revolution.” To go with Lloyd’s bizarre admiration for the thuggishly fascistic manner in which “Chavez began to take very seriously the media in his country.”

We have said repeatedly that Lloyd is a man myopically focused on race. What is revealed here is more than just that. Listening to excerpts of his offerings at a May 2005 Conference on Media Reform: Racial Justice reveals a man that finds great fault with our nation’s power structure – as he defines and sees it. And in his racially-warped, finite pie worldview, too many white people sit alone in the too few spots atop the heap. They’re “good white people,” mind you, but …

This… there’s nothing more difficult than this. Because we have really, truly good white people in important positions. And the fact of the matter is that there are a limited number of those positions. And unless we are conscious of the need to have more people of color, gays, other people in those positions we will not change the problem.

We’re in a position where you have to say who is going to step down so someone else can have power.

So white people, good though they may be, must “step down so” “more people of color, gays” and “other people” “can have power.” And thereby “change the problem” of whites running the show.

So who is “in a position where you have to say who is going to step down so someone else can have power?” Why, Lloyd is.


AARP Getting Kickbacks from Health Care Deform

23 September, 2009

Surprise, surprise:  AARP is ACORN for seniors.

GOP Report Charges AARP Getting “Kickbacks” In Dem Health Care Bills

By Philip Klein – The American Spectator

One of the subplots to the health care debate I’ve been following is the cozy relationship between AARP and the Obama administration, as the group has thrown its full-throated support behind the Democrats’ health care push even though their membership comes from the age group  most opposed to Democratic health care proposals. Today, House Republicans have issued a  report providing evidence that AARP is in a position to recieve tens of millions of dollars in “kickbacks” if Democratic health care legislation becomes law.

President Obama and Democrats have proposed saving money to pay for health care legislation, in part, by cutting $162 billion in payments to Medicare Advantage, which allows Medicare recipients to choose privately-administered coverage. If these changes go through, millions of seniors who have chosen Medicare Advantage would lose their current coverage, forcing them into government-administered plans with less generous benefits. As a result, many of them would have to purchase policies to supplement traditional Medicare. Enter AARP.

In 2008, AARP generated $652.7 million in revenue by selling products like Medigap supplemental Medicare insurance, accounting for over 60 percent of the group’s revenue, according to an analysis of its financial statements cited in the report released by the House Republican Conference.

If the House Democrats health care bill becomes law, the report argues, it would be a boon to AARP, because while Medicare Advantage plans will be required to pay out 85 percent of the money collected in premiums to claims made by policy holders, the requirement would only be 65 percent for the kind of Medigap policies sold by AARP.

“In other words, under the Democrat bill, seniors could pay as much as 20 cents more out of every premium dollar to fund ‘kickbacks’ to AARP-sponsored Medigap plans than Medicare Advantage plans,” the GOP report charges.

But this isn’t the only way that AARP is getting special favors, according to the report.


Doctors Hate Government Health Care Deform

23 September, 2009

Need a second opinion?

Why doctors hate BamCare
September 23, 2009 –
New York Post

TWO-thirds of doctors “oppose the proposed health-care plan,” reports an Investors Business Daily/TIPP poll. Almost half would “consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement” if “Congress passes its health-care plan.” Many of my colleagues feel like we’re already struggling — nor are we prepared to take care of tens of millions more patients.

An Association of American Medical Colleges survey predicts a doctor shortage of 150,000 (at current rates of population growth) by 2025 if universal health insurance is adopted. The doctors we do have would be overwhelmed with far more patients than we could realistically take care of. We’d have to work under huge time pressures, and the service we could deliver would decline.

Those who didn’t quit would have to learn to “game” the new system by seeing more patients, doing more procedures, providing less care per patient and becoming less accessible for health-choice discussions.

Is this what President Obama has in mind when he promises that everyone will get to keep his or her doctor?

All the current health-care bills are unfair to doctors. Even Sen. Max Baucus’ “moderate” bill (like the other bills) includes cuts to Medicare and Medicaid that would directly affect hospitals and doctors: How far does Congress think it can cut our reimbursements before compromising care, if not driving us out of business?


PJTV Salutes Mr. Tax Law Writing Tax Evader

23 September, 2009

Our buddy, Alfonzo, puts his vocal talents to work:

Obama’s UN Speech “Historic”

23 September, 2009

I keep seeing that “historic” BS again in the media when describing Obama’s upcoming UN speech.  So, with Gadhafi pitching a tent while Obama speaks, I just thought I’d point out the “historic” angle:

The UN loves Barack Obama because he is weak

It is not hard to see why a standing ovation awaits Barack Obama when he addresses the United Nations General Assembly today, writes Nile Gardiner.
By Nile Gardiner –
Published: 8:34AM BST 23 Sep 2009

Barack Obama’s Gallup approval rating of 52 percent may well be lower at this stage of his presidency than any US leader in recent times with the exception of Bill Clinton. But he is still worshipped with messiah-like adoration at the United Nations, and is considerably more popular with many of the 192 members of the UN than he is with the American people.

The latest Pew Global Attitudes Survey of international confidence in Obama’s leadership on foreign affairs shows strikingly high approval levels for the president in many parts of the world – 94 percent in Kenya, 93 percent in Germany, 88 percent in Canada and Nigeria, 77 percent in India, 76 percent in Brazil, 71 percent in Indonesia, and 62 percent in China for example. The Pew survey of 21 countries reveals an average level of 71 percent support for President Obama, compared to just 17 percent for George W. Bush in 2008.

As the figures indicate, Barack Obama is highly likely to receive a warm reception when he addresses the United Nations General Assembly today, whereas his predecessor in the White House was greeted with undisguised contempt and stony silence.

It is not hard to see why a standing ovation awaits the president at Turtle Bay. Obama’s popularity at the UN boils down essentially to his willingness to downplay American global power. He is the first American president who has made an art form out of apologizing for the United States, which he has done on numerous occasions on foreign soil, from Strasbourg to Cairo. The Obama mantra appears to be – ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do to atone for your country. This is a message that goes down very well in a world that is still seething with anti-Americanism.

It is natural that much of the UN will embrace an American president who declines to offer strong American leadership. A president who engages dictators like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez will naturally gain respect from the leaders of the more than 100 members of the United Nations who are currently designated as “partly free” or “not free” by respected watchdog Freedom House.

The UN is not a club of democracies – who still remain a minority within its membership – it is a vast melting pot of free societies, socialist regimes and outright tyrannies. Obama’s clear lack of interest in human rights issues is a big seller at the UN, where at least half its members have poor human rights records.

The president scores highly at the UN for refusing to project American values and military might on the world stage, with rare exceptions like the war against the Taliban. His appeasement of Iran, his bullying of Israel, his surrender to Moscow, his call for a nuclear free world, his siding with Marxists in Honduras, his talk of a climate change deal, have all won him plaudits in the large number of UN member states where US foreign policy has traditionally been viewed with contempt.

Simply put, Barack Obama is loved at the UN because he largely fails to advance real American leadership. This is a dangerous strategy of decline that will weaken US power and make her far more vulnerable to attack.

As we saw last week with his shameful surrender to Moscow over missile defence, the president is perfectly happy to undermine America’s allies and gut its strategic defences while currying favour with enemies and strategic competitors. The missile defence debacle is rightly viewed as a betrayal by the Poles and the Czechs, and Washington has clearly give the impression that it cares little about those who have bravely stood shoulder to shoulder with their US allies in Iraq, Afghanistan and the wider war on terror.

The Obama administration is now overseeing and implementing the biggest decline in American global power since Jimmy Carter. Unfortunately it may well take another generation for the United States to recover.

Nile Gardiner is the Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation.