Archive for 29 September, 2009

Feinstein Wants to House Gitmo Terrorists in California

29 September, 2009

H/T – AZ_Conservative, who adds:  “Feinstein must be on drugs…”

P.S. – I’m pleased to announce that Kit Bond didn’t accept her offer to house the terrorists in Missouri!

VFW Members Duct Tape Flag Burner to Flag Pole

29 September, 2009

Must watch video of the day!

H/T – CavMom

Members of a local VFW hand down their own punishment after a man burns an American flag on their property.

“Alcohol does strange things to people,” said post commander Nick Normile, “but disgrace to the American flag, we can’t tolerate that.”

Developing: Senate Finance Committe Votes Down “Public Option” in Health Care Deform

29 September, 2009

I’m sure the Commiecrats will blame this all on the Republicans and those darn “tea-baggers:”

Key Senate Committee Votes Against Government-Run Health Insurance Plan
The Senate Finance Committee is likely to consider whether the government should offer its own health insurance plan to compete with private carriers, a “public option” that has no Republican support and moderate Democrats say the Senate will never accept.

Fox News

The Senate Finance Committee has voted against creating a new government health insurance plan to compete with the private market.

The 15-to-8 vote could forecast the fate of the public option in the Senate as a whole. The outcome was expected but still a defeat for liberals who view government-sponsored insurance for the middle class as a key component of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul.

Five committee Democrats, including Chairman Max Baucus, joined with all 10 committee Republicans to defeat the measure by Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia.

Opponents said a public option would drive private insurers out of business and amount to a government takeover. Proponents said it would give consumers choice and competition.


Community Organizers Pray to Our Glorious Dark Overlord!

29 September, 2009

The Gamaliel National Clergy Caucus held “a New Orleans style funeral procession as they deliver a casket symbolizing the death of old ways of providing health care and pray for a new day for health care in America.”

The Gamaliel Foundation is the community organizing group that helped sponsor Barack Obama’s initial work in Chicago.

“Hear our cry, Obama.”  “Deliver us, Obama.”

Kudos to Breitbart for giving exposure to this story.

More info on the Gamaliel Foundation can be found at Discover the Networks.

Washington Times: The Threat of “Stealth Jihad”

29 September, 2009

Gee, I’m waiting for Trish Choate to declare the Washington Times a “radical” newspaper for publishing a story on the Stealth Jihad currently underway in America.  Something tells me she isn’t about to do that; unless she fatuously wishes to burn that bridge along her potential career path:

The threat of ‘stealth jihad’
West responds to pressure with accommodation
29 September, 2009 – Washington Times
By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.

A Denver airport shuttle driver from Afghanistan who plotted to blow up subway trains in New York City. A Jordanian who tried to destroy one of Dallas’ tallest skyscrapers. An American who thought he was detonating a truck bomb aimed at a federal courthouse in Springfield, Ill.

Law enforcement authorities who successfully stymied these attacks have been at pains to emphasize that there are no connections between the three.

Of course there are.

Maybe it will prove to be the case that the three suspects at the heart of these interrupted plots – Najibullah Zazi, Hosam Maher Husein Smadi and Michael C. Finton (also known as Talib Islam) – had no connection in a tactical or operational sense.

Still, it is absurd, and extremely dangerous, to insist that they are not connected in at least one way: What apparently animated all three of these suspects (and perhaps a number of others believed to have been involved in the New York plot who are still at large) is the seditious, supremacist theo-political-legal program authoritative Islam calls Shariah.

[Exactly!  Although I must quibble just a bit with Mr. Gaffney:  Shariah IS Islam;  just like Muhammad and Islam, they cannot be separated—I call it the “wave-particle duality of Islam.”   Islam is an ideology disguised as a “religion” to make it palatable for the masses! ]

Shariah requires its adherents to engage in jihad – the struggle to bring about the triumph of Islam worldwide through whatever means are available. Shariah explicitly calls for the use of violent techniques designed to instill terror in those who stand in the way of a global Muslim theocracy.

[Again, let me just point out that it was Muhammad who told his followers that the best deed in Islam is to believe him (Muhammad) and the second best deed in Islam is to wage Holy War:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle was asked, “What is the best deed?” He replied, “To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad).” The questioner then asked, “What is the next (in goodness)?” He replied, “To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah’s cause. The questioner again asked, “What is the next (in goodness)?” He replied, “To perform Hajj (Pilgrim age to Mecca) […]” – Sahih Bukhari – Volume 1, Book 2, Number 25

Yup, it’s NOT Sharia that is telling them that participation in Jihad is the second best deed (which even takes precedence over the much touted Hajj), it is Muhammad who is telling them this. ]

Lethal truck bombs, pellet-laced explosive vests and backpacks and bombs or hijackers aboard aircraft already have been used for this purpose. It is a matter of time before vastly more destructive weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear) become available to jihadists who believe that, pursuant to Shariah, they are fulfilling Allah’s will when they kill “infidels” or otherwise force them to submit to Islam.

Even more insidious, though, is what Robert Spencer calls “stealth jihad.” This practice involves using myriad nonviolent measures to insinuate Shariah into non-Muslim societies. Adherents demand such concessions as special treatment for them and their faith in public spaces, private corporations, schools, communities and government at every level.


More Schoolchildren Hailing Our Glorious Dark Overlord

29 September, 2009

This is a clip from a PTA / PTO  meeting at Sand Hill – Venable Elementary School in Asheville, NC, in which innocent little children are being indoctrinated into the gloriousness of Our Dark Overlord.  One little line really grabbed my attention:

“Keep your eyes open…”

Gee, I wonder why the little Obamanazi narcs would specifically mention that—especially since it sounds redundant following, “study, watch, learn…”.

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” – Adolf Hitler

H/T – Allahpundit at HotAir who adds, “Kudos to the teacher who came up the the ‘change has come’ drone.  Reminds me of ‘one of us, one of us.'”