Archive for 30 September, 2009

Obama’s Iran Dilemma and the death of mecca

30 September, 2009

A good analysis of some of the issues facing obama but a short sighted one. Mr. Crooke seems to believe this is all about regional power and I take a different view. While Iran built its military power to threaten Iraq and Saudi Arabia, now I take them at their word that Israel is their target. Notice I said target and not enemy. Israel is not strong enough to fight Iran. The distances are too great and their military supply lines could not support a war. Iran is capable of threatening Israel but for the same reasons it cannot fight them force on force. One simple nuke would give Iran a victory. It would cement Iran’s ruling clerics as heroes of islam and prove to the world and more importantly the Saudis that Iran is now a superpower. When the mythical mahdi fails to materialize the clerics will use his absence to recruit even more young muslim men to die. This time the wantabee jihadi will be told the mahdi will not show until Iran controls mecca. Where iran is concerned Israel is the target but Saudi Arabia is the enemy.

30 Sep 09, NOLA 38

Subhed: The Real Issue Is Iran’s Emergence as a Regional Power, Not Its Nuclear Threat

Alastair Crooke, the legendary former British intelligence (MI6) agent, is author of “Resistance: The Essence of the Islamist Revolution.”

BEIRUT — It was pure drama: The leaders of the United States, Britain and France stepped onto the stage at the Pittsburgh G20 meeting last week to unveil Western intelligence that showed Iran had a second nuclear fuel enrichment facility under construction, which Iran had declared to the International Atomic Energy Agency the preceding Monday.

The Western leaders gathered in Pittsburgh implied that their revelation was devastating for Iran as a credible player. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates subsequently pronounced Iran to be “boxed in” and “in a very bad spot now.” But anyone who listened to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s interview with a Time magazine correspondent on the day of the presentation, and to subsequent Iranian statements, will be clear that Iran, at least, does not see itself as boxed in.
-Ackmynadsareinajar is just the shiny object used to distract the US all of its intelligence analysts and the losers in the UN, EU and most importantly the islamic nations. The clerics in iran call the shots and they do not want Israel, they want to be the voice of islam. Shia islam is out for blood-muslim blood. (more…)

43 U.S. Troops Have Died Since Gen. McChrystal Asked for Reinforcements

30 September, 2009

Okay, I absolutely must step away from the APF investigation and get on with other things, like the fact that Obama has only talked to Gen. McChrystal one time in the past, yet has talked to the Olympic committee, what?  Over 30 times , or something like that?  Seems to me Obama doesn’t give a damn about our soldiers in Afghanistan!  It’s all just lip service with him.   Talk, talk, talk.   And then, a bunch of “Team Delta Farce Kumbaya” orders to hamper the effectiveness of our troops—guaranteeing the eventual defeat of the U.S. in Afghanistan.

Look here, Obama, I’ve had just about enough of your Kumbaya shit!  Either remove the limitations placed on our soldiers and fight this war to win, or pack ’em up and bring ’em home—alive!  (Unfortunately, I felt I had to clarify that point with you)—Do you think you can handle that?  If not, then resign, because this is obviously one of those instances where it’s looking more and more like it’s way above your pay grade!

43 U.S. Troops Have Died in Afghanistan Since Gen. McChrystal Called for Reinforcements
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
By Susan Jones, Senior Editor

( – Another American died in Afghanistan on Wednesday, the final day of September–and exactly one month after the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan sent a confidential war assessment to the Obama administration, warning that more forces are needed–soon.

The as-yet-unnamed American serviceman who died on Wednesday was caught in a suicide attack in Khost Province, in eastern Afghanistan, press reports said.

On August 30, Gen. Stanley McChrystal sent Defense Secretary Robert Gates a war assessment in which he said more U.S. troops–and a new U.S. strategy–are needed if the U.S. is to defeat the insurgents in Afghanistan.

Since that Aug. 30 date, a total of 43 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have died in a war that is now the subject of much discussion–and apparently some confusion–in Washington. Forty-two of those casualties have been identified by name in U.S. Defense Department press releases, […] while the 43rd casaulty, which occurred today, has been confirmed in press reports, but not by name.

In his confidential report, which was leaked to the Washington Post on Sept. 21, Gen. McChrystal warned that defeating the insurgents will not be possible if the United States fails to “gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum” over the next 12 months.

McChrystal reportedly has prepared a separate request for tens of thousands of additional U.S. troops to be sent to the 68,000 already in Afghanistan.

Since Sept. 21, when the Washington Post leaked information from McChrystal’s confidential report, the White House has been on the defensive over its Afghanistan strategy.

As reported on Tuesday, Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to reinforce U.S. troops in Afghanistan, which he described as war we “have to win.”

As president – in March 2009 – Obama announced a “comprehensive new strategy” for Afghanistan: “I want the American people to understand that we have a clear and focused goal to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan and to prevent their return to either country in the future,” he said. […]

But last week, Obama said he was not willing to send troops “beyond what we already have” until he was sure the United States is employing the right strategy in the region.

CLICK HERE to read this article in full

Hardin, Montana is “Test Town” For Our Dark Overlord’s New Police Force?

30 September, 2009

This is disturbing…  I don’t know quite what to make of it and am still researching it—as I have been doing all morning long.  It seems that the American Police Force is in Hardin, Montana, but what is going on there is a matter of speculation.  It certainly has that feel of a government operation using a private entity for cover to get around that pesky “Posse Comitatus” problem.  But, like I said, it is a matter of speculation.  It should be pointed out that Hardin, Montana has requested Gitmo terrorists be housed in their unused prison:

H/T – Gramfan

UPDATE:  The American Police Force’s website keeps going down and coming back up.  Lots of traffic, probably.  CLICK HERE to check them out.  Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t immediately load up, just keep trying.

The thing that peaked my interest is that they are based in Washington, D.C. and seem to be a recent creation, as there is no evidence of them on which usually updates every six months or so with the new websites.

UPDATE 2: And, check out their logo:

AFP Logo

In history, the double headed eagle with a crown is most often associated with the Roman Empire.   But, where it REALLY gets interesting is in modern day usage:


That is the Russian Imperial Eagle!!!!

Yup!  The double-headed eagle with a crown is one of Russia’s most prominent and recognized symbols!

Continuing on with my analysis of the APF’s coat of arms, the “fleur de lis” (when used by the U.S. Army) represents “Martial Power and Strength.”

I’m thinking “Martial Law” here…

Yes, it sounds like a tin-foil hat thing, but having served in the USAF, I can assure you that EVERY little detail on a squadron emblem has an important and symbolic reason for being there!

Anyone out there want to take a crack at the symbolism associated with the coat-of-arms on the chest of the eagle?  I’m thinking something along the lines of the “Four Corners” of the Earth, as APF claims to operate internationally.

UPDATE 3: The Coat of Arms for APF is STOLEN from Serbia!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the Serbian Coat of Arms:


EXACTLY the same!!!

Something tells me the APF is either a hoax (which I doubt—unless it is some sort of elaborate con job), a spin-off of Blackwater (more than likely), or a newly created government black ops outfit (perhaps).

UPDATE 4: Velvet Hammer had clued me in to the addresses associated with APF.  Her post is HERE and she seems to be ahead of me on this story.  However, not to be completely outdone by the lovely Velvet Hammer, I discovered that plugging in the address for APF’s office in Santa Ana, CA, and doing a street view of it on Google, gives you this interesting tidbit:

APF - 1202 - Blurred listings

Several of the listings on the sign are digitally blurred!  Gee, why would that be?  And, more importantly, WHO has the power to do that?   Near as I can figure, only the U.S. Government and Google can do that…

Here’s how to access the google map street view:

Click the following link:,+Santa+Ana,+Orange,+California+92701&ie=UTF8&oi=georefine&ct=clnk&cd=2&geocode=FQcgAwId9q_5-A&split=0

Once there, click on the “Santa Ana“Street View” link, and when that comes up, click on the right arrow to look right. That will point you at building 1202 (Soriol Legal Center, LLC). Then, Zoom into the signs in front of the legal center and you will notice that several listings are blurred.

I hope my directions are clear enough for everyone to follow.

UPDATE 5: Sheesh!  This story is just full of twists and turns.  Velvet Hammer and one of our “wishes to remain anonymous” readers have found some interesting photos that certainly seem to prove that the American Police Force is definitely in Hardin, Montana:

Michael Hiliton with American Police Force, a private California security company seeking to take over a $27 million jail in Hardin, stands outside the city offices after meeting with Hardin officials.

Michael Hiliton with American Police Force, a private California security company seeking to take over a $27 million jail in Hardin, stands outside the city offices after meeting with Hardin officials.

The logo on a Mercedes SUV brought to Hardin by a California security company that wants to take over Hardin's empty jail is seen in this photo from Thursday in Hardin. The city has not had a police force for three decades.

The logo on a Mercedes SUV brought to Hardin by a California security company that wants to take over Hardin's empty jail is seen in this photo from Thursday in Hardin. The city has not had a police force for three decades.

Also, Leatherneck points out that the “eagles” are actually Phoenixes, as used in this context.  The sun behind the logo would certainly seem to confirm his observation.

UPDATE 6:  Doc’ (Mr2ndAmendment) informs me that APF might be related to Defense Product Solutions.  A quick trip to their website (which doesn’t seem to be a complete website) revealed this interesting logo in the upper right side of the “About Us” page:


Did you notice the miniature Serbian Coat of Arms logo?  Hmmmm….

From an email found HERE.

” . . .We have found out that our little town of Hardin is the ‘test town’ for President Obama’s new law to privatize the police force of local communities. Last night, the city council voted to disband our sheriff’s department and to bring in a private security company to police the town. . .

. . .Yesterday, a convoy of twelve ‘blacked out’ Mercedes Benz SUV’s were brought into town. They were already painted with Hardin’s colors and ‘Hardin Police Force’ was already painted on them! Hardin’s sheriff’s department will no longer be in operation after the month of October. During October, the Sheriff’s Department is to train this new security force in all the logistics of running the town of Hardin. . .

. . .Earlier this month, in an interview in regards to this Hardin prison and the training center that they are planning to build, we were told that seventy five percent of the security officers that were to be trained would be ‘international’. . .

This private security force is already patrolling the town. They had several people stopped yesterday. Also, it appears that they are building some type of heavy duty gate at the entrances of our town.

In an interview, the American Police Force security has stated that they will stay here one month to assess the population and then they will make their permanent base here. They said they are scouting out thirty towns in the U.S. but that Hardin is the first. Also, President Obama has authorized and signed a bill for full government funding of the privatization of the police departments throughout the U.S. By the end of October, it is their plan to have all major cities locked down!


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