Archive for 2 October, 2009

Senator Thomas Carper of Delaware Does Not “Expect” to Read the Actual Health-Care-Deform Bill Before Voting on it

2 October, 2009

Remind me again why we are paying these guys  about $200,000 a year?

Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’
Friday, October 02, 2009
By Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter

( – Sen. Thomas Carper (D.-Del.), a member of the Senate Finance Committee, told that he does not “expect” to read the actual legislative language of the committee’s health care bill because it is “confusing” and that anyone who claims they are going to read it and understand it is fooling people.

“I don’t expect to actually read the legislative language because reading the legislative language is among the more confusing things I’ve ever read in my life,” Carper told

Carper described the type of language the actual text of the bill would finally be drafted in as “arcane,” “confusing,” “hard stuff to understand,” and “incomprehensible.”   He likened it to the “gibberish” used in credit card disclosure forms.


[Having read the first drafts of the bill, myself, I won’t argue with him on that point!]

Carper said he would “probably” read the “plain English version” of the bill as opposed to the actual text.


[Yeah, you would think that if he was having problems reading the actual bill, he would bring in an independent team of experts to go over it with a fine tooth comb.  But, sadly, no.  He’s going to rely on a biased explanation of the bill by its Socialist creators.  This guy is an idiot!  Vote him out!!!]

U People R Still Stoped…

2 October, 2009

I just thought I would highlight one of the comments we received today by a somewhat confused reader:

This is  in response to a study we posted in which it was found, by the authors, that 3 out of 4 Mosques in America teach extremism:

najeeb ibn alhassan Says:
2 October, 2009

u people r still stoped…the cruseades started befor the ottmans..wake up….u living in western propganda..
and do u think what osama binladin did make hima muslim…no!! even muslims hates him they are extremist …i am sure u have some between the u remmber what u did in black people in the name of god …u said they are the sons of devil they are black cuz they came from hell…. go read the bible and torah and see the verses that talk about killing and killing and killing Leviticus 27:28-29 Exodus 32:27 Deuteronomy 7:12

My reply:

Justifying killing in the name of ANY religion is abhorrent. That there are verses [in the Bible] and Suras [in the Qur’an] which are used by “extremists” to justify their actions is of little debate. A “Tu Quoque” blame game is counter-productive to the discussion and detracts one from finding a solution to the problem of “extremism” being taught in 75 percent of the Mosques in the United States and why it is that “moderate” muslims seem to tolerate such extremism amongst their communities.

If 75 percent of the Churches in America taught “extremism,” you can rest assured that our readers would be among the first to actively denounce the Christian leadership of those Churches. And, they most certainly would be asking the same questions of the “complacent” Christians who have allowed such a thing to infest their Churches along with seeking answers as to why it happened and what is being done to correct the problem.

Point in case, we and our readers have vehemently denounced the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church on numerous occassions. They are “extremists” and in no way reflect the views and opinions of mainstream Christians. In fact, I do recall that one of our readers suggested that we airmail them to Al-Qaeda’s home base and let the two of them slug it out—killing two birds with one stone, as it were.

There was no outrage at this suggestion from ANY of our Christian readers. That is because Christians do NOT tolerate extremism in their midst and they fight it wherever they may find it.

I only wish that our “moderate” Muslim brothers and sisters would follow the examples set by the Christians; stop whining and trying to convince others that this has nothing to do with their particular brand of religion and just shut up and deal with cleaning house and getting rid of the “extremists.”

Through many words, one will NEVER convince the critics of a religious community to change their views. It is only through ACTION against extremism that one’s critics may be won over.

So, stop quibbling about who said what, and who did what before so and so; and, just GET RID OF THE EXTREMISTS IN YOUR COMMUNITY!

That is what the Christians DID! That is why extremism is so rare in ANY Christian church!

—True, not every single tiny instance of extremism will ever be removed from any society or religion. There are always village idiots wherever you go. But, no one blames a whole village for one idiot. It’s when you hit a village idiocy rate of 10 percent and above that people start wondering what’s in the water…

But, back to the reform of Christianity:

If the Christians did it, you can do it, too! And, remember, the Christians had to fight those same religious institutions which had sent the Crusaders to the Holy Lands. But, despite overwhelming odds, and horrible deaths at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church during the Inquisitions, the Christians prevailed and were successful in eliminating “extremism” in the name of Christianity.

You should be thanking those Christians for dying in the fight against extremism. Else, I’m pretty darn sure the Roman Catholic Church would have easily conquered the whole of the mideast by now…

All your quibbling and finger pointing is just wasting valuable time.

Follow the Christians’ example:  Stop pointing fingers and blaming others. Shut up and ignore what critics might say about your religion—they are of no concern and only serve as a tool to be used by “extremists” in distracting the “moderates” from actively pursuing the removal of extremists and their perverted ideologies in your local mosques and communities.

It all begins with dropping the whole victim-hood mentality and going on the attack against extremism.

If every “moderate” Muslim did this, those “three out of four mosques in the U.S.” wouldn’t be preaching extremism, right?


Doctor Bulldog

Senator Harkin Says GOP Should Have No Input into Anything Our Dark Overlord Wishes to Do

2 October, 2009

With Obama’s psychophants, such as  Senator Harkin of Iowa, running loose in the government,  I sure am glad our Dark Overlord repeatedly tells us that he is “reaching across the aisle” in the “spirit of bi-partisanship,” or else I might be inclined to think the Chosen One is full of crap:

Harkin: No place for GOP at Senate health-bill table


Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin said [yesterday] Republicans will not be at the table when the Senate merges the health-care bills from two committees before sending one to the floor.


“We will have a bill on the president’s desk before Christmas, a health-reform bill. It will have a lot of good stuff in it. It will have a lot of prevention and wellness programs in there that I’ve been fighting for,” Harkin told reporters in a morning conference call. “And it will have a public option.”


Asked whether Republicans would be at the table when Harkin’s committee’s bill is merged with legislation pending in the Senate Finance Committee, Harkin said no.

“No, this will be a proposal by the Democrats to bring a bill on the floor. And that’s what I have said before, that the people of this country — I keep saying — the people of this country pretty overwhelmingly elected Barack Obama last fall and to make changes,” he said. “The people of this country overwhelmingly elected Democrats to the House and Senate.”

“We should be proposing the changes to be made,” he added.

Yeah, just throw away that whole “Republic” aspect of Our government and that whole pesky”Checks and Balances” aspect of the U.S. Constitution.    Never mind that if we use this little commie’s logic, Bush should have been allowed to do whatever he wanted and everyone should have just shut up about it.  But, thankfully, that didn’t happen, now did it?

That is the beauty of Our Founding Fathers’ system of governance.  To do it any other way is to destroy our Great Nation.

Our Dark Overlord Snubbed By Racist Olympic Committee

2 October, 2009

No advertiser dollars for the prognosticators of the People’s Propaganda.  I guess Our Dark Overlord will need to pass a “Not-tax-Tax bill” to save the Alphabet Networks so that they may continue their glorious service to the People.


Shocker! Chicago eliminated in 2016 voting
Lobbying by Obamas goes for naught; Rio, Madrid remain alive for Games

NBC (Yeah, I’m linking them just to rub it in their face)

COPENHAGEN – Rio de Janeiro or Madrid — one of them will host the 2016 Olympics.

Chicago is out — in one of the most shocking defeats ever handed down by the International Olympic Committee. President Barack Obama’s appeals for his adopted home town fell on deaf ears Friday.


Chicago had long been seen as a front-runner and got the highest possible level of support — from Obama himself. But he also only spent a few hours in the Danish capital where the vote was held and left before the result was announced. Former IOC member Kai Holm said that the brevity of his appearance may have counted against him.


Jack Webb Educates Roman Polanski

2 October, 2009

Love it!