Archive for 3 October, 2009

Top Ten Letterman Excuses for Adultery

3 October, 2009

Too funny!

H/T – Weaver

late show top ten

Top Ten David Letterman Excuses for Adultery
Ralph Alter – American Thinker


10.)  I learned everything I needed to know from Governor Mark Sanford.

9.)  If you met my wife, you’d be fooling around with staffers, too.

8.)  I was just doing research for a documentary about Bill Clinton.

7.)  But they were the size of canned hams!

6.)  You probably didn’t realize that smarmy is an aphrodisiac.

5.)  There is no truth to the rumor that I had my staffers assume that “slutty flight attendant look.”

4.)  It wasn’t really me, it was my wily alter-ego, Shag-boy.

3.)  Have you seen the ratings Conan has been getting?

2.)  It’s not like I’m Roman Polanski or something.

And the number one excuse for David Letterman’s adulterous behavior:

It might have been adultery, but it wasn’t adultery-adultery.

Afghanistan In Peril: Will Obama Lose a War We Were Poised to Win? Analysis from Michael Yon

3 October, 2009

Excellent “digital round-table” style discussion on the current politics of the war on terror in Afghanistan.  The short of it is;  Yes, we will lose if we don’t get additional troops and if we continue with Obama’s “Team Delta Farce Kumbaya” policies.  There is also an interesting discussion near the end concerning the Obama administration’s recent empty-threat to the Iranian government.

CLICK HERE to watch the video.


Third Stimulus on the Table to Help Laid Off Workers?

3 October, 2009

Considering that Obama claims he hasn’t blown the entire wad of Stinkulus dollars, I fail to see why his administration is even remotely considering robbing the American Tax Payers yet again.  Wasn’t Stinkulus suppose to “save existing jobs and create new ones?”   And, since there is supposedly tons of American Tax Payer money from Stinkulus that is still unspent, why are they not looking at that for unemployment relief?    Gee, I sure am glad Obama has surrounded himself with such intelligent, financial geniuses, else one might be forced to conclude that the Obama administration is run by a bunch of monkeys.

UPDATE: Uh, I just noticed that my last statement might be considered racist by the freakin’ Libtards.  Let the charges of racism fly, fools.  I’m part black and don’t give a crap about your petty little PC word games.

Administration eyes ways to help laid-off workers


WASHINGTON – The Obama administration is considering steps to ease the burdens of laid-off workers, including possible extensions of unemployment and health benefits, officials said Saturday.

The administration has stopped short of calling for a second economic stimulus package to augment the $787 billion measure approved this year. But with the jobless rate continuing to climb, President Barack Obama said Saturday he is exploring “additional options to promote job creation.”

Massive Layoffs Planned for ACORN?

3 October, 2009

Quite honestly, I don’t see how ACORN can say this is just a rumor.  After all, they were gearing up for the 2010 Census and had already filled their branches full of nuts for that endeavor when the government started chopping down the mighty oak tree.  Logic would dictate that the physics of the shock-wave would most certainly cause their nuts to start dropping.

ACORN wouldn’t be lying, now would they?

ACORN Plans Massive Layoffs
By:  Matthew Vadum –Big Government

A credible source claims the embattled left-wing advocacy group ACORN is poised to announce massive staff layoffs but an ACORN spokesman denies this is the case.

A credible source close to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now revealed that the activist network intends to lay off all staff members operating out of its New Orleans headquarters. All information provided by the source to this reporter in the past has turned out to be correct.

acorn logo

However, ACORN spokesman Scott Levenson of the public relations firm The Advance Group in New York City said the source was incorrect.

In an interview Friday afternoon with Levenson said (referring to, “You guys just can’t get it right. You’re wrong again.”

When pressed to elaborate, Levenson declined to do so.
