Archive for 15 October, 2009

Anita Dunn Sings the Praises of Mao Tse-tung to High School Children

15 October, 2009

Obama put Anita Dunn in charge of waging war against FOX News.  But, as with all of Obama’s good buddies, Anita Dunn is just another brain dead Commie:

California To Ban Flat Screen Television Sets that aren’t Green

15 October, 2009

First, the government forces everyone to throw away their old, power hungry tube television sets by forcing broadcasters to no longer transmit a signal on the NTSC frequency bandwidth.  But, it would seem that that isn’t enough for these power hungry Little Green Fascists. No, now they are already setting their sights on your brand-new flat-screen television sets in an effort to grab more power and control.

Sure, the Little Green Fascists are going to sell it to you as a way to save the planet and it will inspire innovation in the tech industry, blah, blah, blah.  But, that is all just a smoke-screen.

Let me be perfectly clear, here; this is not about saving the Earth, this is about control of private companies and you, the consumer.  It doesn’t matter if your television set operates on two mega-watts or only two micro-watts, the Little Green Fascists will NEVER be satisfied until they control everything and everybody:


State Energy Commission Considers New Energy Rules For Flat Screen TVs
By California Capitol Network
October 14, 2009 –

California — California could approve first-in-the-nation energy standards for flat screen TVs next month. The State Energy Commission held a public hearing on the issue Tuesday. Noah Horowitz, a scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council in San Francisco, said the new standards are needed because consumers are buying bigger screens that use a lot of electricity.

“Once these standards go into effect new TVs sold in California will use 30 to 50 percent less energy than they do today,” Horowitz said. “And, this is a really big deal because they’ll cut California’s energy use by close to a $ 1 billion a year. And, will cut the need to build a large power plant.”

Some TV manufacturers and retailers oppose the regulations.

Peter Fannon, Vice President of the Panasonic Corporation, said many flat screen models already save more power than they would under the new rules.

“We believe the best solution is to stick with the voluntary program,” said Fannon. “And for the California Energy Commission itself to continue to monitor how well that program is doing.”

If approved, the new standards would be phased in starting in 2011. The California Energy Commission could vote on the standards as early as November fourth.

Senators Steal $2.6 Billion Dollars from Our Military—Use it for their Commie Agenda

15 October, 2009

Grrr!!!  This one has me seeing red!

U.S. troop funds diverted to pet projects
Study finds $2.6 billion taken from guns and ammunition

Senators diverted $2.6 billion in funds in a defense spending bill to pet projects largely at the expense of accounts that pay for fuel, ammunition and training for U.S. troops, including those fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to an analysis.

Among the 778 such projects, known as earmarks, packed into the bill: $25 million for a new World War II museum at the University of New Orleans and $20 million to launch an educational institute named after the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat.

While earmarks are hardly new in Washington, “in 30 years on Capitol Hill, I never saw Congress mangle the defense budget as badly as this year,” said Winslow Wheeler, a former Senate staffer who worked on defense funding and oversight for both Republicans and Democrats. He is now a senior fellow at the Center for Defense Information, an independent research organization.

Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, called the transfer of funds from Pentagon operations and maintenance “a disgrace.”

“The Senate is putting favorable headlines back home above our men and women fighting on the front lines,” he said in a statement.

Mr. Wheeler, who conducted the study, compared the Obama administration’s requests for funds with the $636 billion spending bill that the Senate passed. He discovered that senators added $2.6 billion in pet projects while spending $4 billion less than the administration requested for fiscal 2010, which began Oct. 1.

Mr. Wheeler said that senators took most of the cash for the projects from the “operations and maintenance” or O&M accounts.

“These are the accounts that pay for troop training, repairs, spares and supplies for vehicles, weapons, ships and planes, food and fuel,” Mr. Wheeler said.

Raiding those accounts to fund big-ticket projects the military does not want, but that benefit senators’ home states or campaign contributors, amounts to “rancid gluttony,” he said.


Rush Limbaugh Dropped from Group Seeking to Buy St. Louis Rams

15 October, 2009

I didn’t see this one coming.  Really, I didn’t.  I thought for sure that the group of investors Rush Limbaugh was hanging out with would have told the NFL Commissioner, the NFL players, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and everyone else to go take a flying leap.  But, sadly, no.

Instead, they have handed Limbaugh’s head on a platter to the Libtards.

We have entered an age where political ideologies have thrown all reason and logic out the window.

Now, I will point out that I was avoiding this whole scandal because I am here in Missouri and have a biased view of the Rams.  However, TGUSA goaded me a little about this and, after contemplating the whole issue all day long, I finally decided to get to the crux of the biscuit and spare you my loyalty to Kurt Warner and contempt for Marc Bulger.  I apologize in advance for any spelling errors or what-nots that might creep in to this post.  It is late and I’m exhausted.  I’ll correct them in the morning.  What follows will pretty much be a flow of unedited free-thought:

Is Limbaugh a racist, as claimed?  Let us look at what Rush Limbaugh said on ESPN about Donovan McNabb that got him fired and is now being used to crucify him:

“I don’t think he’s been that good from the get-go.  I think what we’ve had here is a little social concern in the NFL.  I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well.  They’re interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well.  I think there’s a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didn’t deserve.   The defense carried this team.”

Here are the facts:

The NFL has more white quarterbacks than black.   In 2003, there were 32 teams.  8 of them had black quarterbacks as starters (well, 9 if you count Michael Vick, but he was on the injured reserve list and didn’t start—probably got bit by one of his dogs).  Now, if you do the math, that works out to about 75 percent of the teams being led by white quarterbacks.

At the start of the 2003 NFL season, only one black starting quarterback had won the Super Bowl; Doug Williams of the Washington Redskins in 1988.  He was also named the Most Valuable Player in that Super Bowl.  Now, mind you, there were other black quarterbacks who had gone to the Super Bowl by 2003, but they were not starters.

Enter Donovan McNabb:  Donovan McNabb was a starting quarterback and the media had pinned a lot of hope on him to get the Eagles to the Superbowl.  But, Donovan McNabb sucked.  The Eagles Defense was great, but the Offense was about as bad as it gets.  Never mind that Donovan McNabb kicked it into high gear after Rush Limbaugh made his statement on ESPN in 2003, the fact is that the Eagles consistently came up short because of their Offense which was led by, say it with me, Donovan McNabb.  At the time Rush Limbaugh made his comment, the Eagles’ Offense was ranked #31 out of the 32 teams in the NFL!  That’s as close as you can get without being dead last!  However, their Defense was rated #5 in the NFL.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see where the problem was with the Eagles.

Nonetheless, the media continued to fawn over Donovan McNabb, giving him a free pass when dishing out criticism of the Eagles’ Offense.  Why was this?  Well, let us add one more item into the mix:

The NFL puts pressures on teams in the NFL to hire more black players and coaches.  They call this their “diversity” program.  In fact, in the summer of 2003—just a couple of months before Rush Limbaugh  made his now infamous statements on ESPN—Detroit Lions’ President, Matt Millen, was fined $200,000 for hiring a white coach without interviewing any black coaches.   The story goes that Matt Millen had asked about five or so black coaches to come in for an interview, but they had all declined.  Seems that they felt the Detroit Lions were beneath them.  Nope, the only ones who showed up for an interview were white.  So, Matt Millen did what anyone else would do in that situation; hire the best one out of the bunch who had shown enough interest in the position to actually show up and submit to an interview.  Obviously, he must be a racist, right?

So, we have an NFL commission that has a “diversity” program and we have the NFL teams themselves in which the quarterback position is dominated by white players.   Is it any wonder that a Liberal press was fawning over Donovan McNabb and wanted to see him do well?  Heck, I think most of us would like to see a black quarterback do well in a league dominated by white quarterbacks.  Americans always root for the underdog.  It’s in our nature.

Now, knowing the background, re-read Rush Limbaugh’s comments and tell me he was somehow racist.  He wasn’t.  No, the problem was that he called attention to the Liberal reporters who were giving McNabb a free pass.  They didn’t like it and played it up as a big scandal, resulting in Limbaugh’s removal from ESPN.

And, this is where we find ourselves today:  A Lame Stream Media that uses their position as a bully pulpit to destroy anyone who might pose a threat to their Libtard agenda.

Welcome to the USSA, my friends.