Archive for the ‘Pedophilia’ category

Saudi Cleric Says it is Unfair to Restrict Marriage of 10-Year-Old Girls

14 January, 2009

Look, if a backwards society wants to allow a ten-year-old girl to marry a 10-year-old boy, I’ve got no problem with that.  But, when a backwards religion says it is okay for a 50-plus-year-old to marry a prepubescent little girl, I’ve got a BIG problem with that one!


It’s an injustice to NOT marry girls aged 10, says Saudi cleric
By Daily Mail Reporter

Ten-year-old girls are ready for marriage, according to Saudi Arabia’s most senior cleric.

Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al Sheikh, the country’s grand mufti, told Al Hayat newspaper that those saying ten or 12-year-old girls are too young to marry are being ‘unfair’ to them.

Al Sheikh’s comments come at a time when Saudi human rights groups have been pushing the government to put an end to marriages involving the very young and to define a minimum age for marriage.

In the past few months, Saudi newspapers have highlighted several cases in which young girls were married off to much older men or very young boys.

Though the mufti’s pronouncements are respected and provide guidance, the government is not legally bound by them.

On Sunday, the government-run Human Rights Commission condemned marriages of minor girls, saying such marriages are an ‘inhumane violation’ and rob children of their rights.

The commission’s statement followed a ruling by a court in Oneiza in central Saudi Arabia last month that dismissed a divorce petition by the mother of an eight-year-old girl whose father married her off to a man in his 50s.

Newspaper reports said the court argued that the mother did not have the right to file such a case on behalf of her daughter and said that the petition should be filed by the girl when she reaches puberty.


How to treat pedophiles or what should have happened to mohammad.

11 January, 2009

Imagine how nice a place the world would have been if the pedophile mohammad had received this treatment. His rape of a nine-year-old child doomed millions to a similar fate and inspired almost 1400 years of violence. Well in at least this case justice was served slow and methodically.

11 January 2009, IANS
Kolkata: A 57-year-old man died of his injuries yesterday in West Bengal’s Jalpaiguri district after being thrashed by villagers for allegedly proposing marriage to a 10-year-old girl, the police said.
-Notice he was killed for proposing, mohammed raped a younger child and enslaved her.

The incident took place in Baniagaon village under Alipurduar police station, some 550km from state capital Kolkata.
-In these remote areas vigilante justice is the only justice available.

“Satyananda Goludi was tied to a roadside tree and beaten by villagers on Saturday evening for allegedly proposing marriage to his 10-year-old neighbour, Rina. Police pulled him free but he suffered serious head, chest and abdominal injuries,” a senior police official at the Alipurduar police station said.
-What no salt and potato peeler? (more…)

Saudi Arabia: muslim men blackmailing muslim sluts

26 December, 2008

Just a little reminder muslim morals are as screwed up as ever. This is stupid. Blackmail enough sluts and the women will shut their legs tighter than the vault holding obamas real birth certificate. Guys do not ruin a good thing.

By Fatima Sidiya, 26 December 2008, JEDDAH, (Arab News)
Police in Al-Ahsa recently arrested a man in his 20s who blackmailed a 24-year-old woman into giving him SR250,000. The man threatened to publicize photographs of the woman.
-No small threat, sharia can be brutal. Each of the women is in real danger; all are potential honor kill victims.

On arrest, police found SR20,000 in his possession and found that the woman had also bought him expensive watches and aftershave that cost a total of more than SR50,000, according to Al-Watan newspaper.

Incidence of men blackmailing women by threatening to publicize their photographs is not all too uncommon in Saudi Arabia. Arab News reported on Monday a case involving a 20-year-old man who blackmailed an 18-year-old girl in Makkah by threatening to publish her photographs on the Internet. The girl sold her jewelry and paid the man SR5,000.
-Look guys, what do you want more an endless supply of cheap skanks or a few dollars? Let them pose, show your buddies the pictures and end it there. Let them keep their money and reputation so your buddy can get a chance. No one posted your mothers picture when she ran around on your dad. No one posted your picture when the imam picked you for a little muslim team building. You clowns are screwing up by risking an end to a thousand years of islamic orgies. (more…)

Eight-Year-Old Girl Must Wait Until Puberty to Get Divorce from 58-Year-Old Husband

21 December, 2008

More fruits from the pedophile false prophet:


Saudi court rejects divorcing eight-year-old girl
December 21, 2008

RIYADH (AFP) – A Saudi court has rejected a plea to divorce an eight-year-old girl married off by her father to a man who is 58, saying the case should wait until the girl reaches puberty, a lawyer involved told AFP.

“The judge has dismissed the plea (filed by the mother) because she does not have the right to file such a case, and ordered that the plea should be filed by the girl herself when she reaches puberty,” lawyer Abdullah Jtili told AFP in a telephone interview after Saturday’s court decision.

The divorce plea was filed in August by the girl’s divorced mother with a court at Unayzah, 220 kilometres (135 miles) north of Riyadh just after the marriage contract was signed by the father and the groom.

“She doesn’t know yet that she has been married,” Jtili said then of the girl who was about to begin her fourth year at primary school.

Relatives who did not wish to be named told AFP that the marriage had not yet been consummated, and that the girl continued to live with her mother. They said that the father had set a verbal condition by which the marriage is not consummated for another 10 years, when the girl turns 18.

The father had agreed to marry off his daughter for an advance dowry of 30,000 riyals (8,000 dollars), as he was apparently facing financial problems, they said.

The father was in court and he remained adamant in favour of the marriage, they added.

Lawyer Jtili said he was going to appeal the verdict at the court of cassation, the supreme court in the ultra-conservative kingdom which applies Islamic Sharia law in its courts.

Arranged marriages involving pre-adolescents are occasionally reported in the Arabian Peninsula, including in Saudi Arabia where the strict conservative Wahabi version of Sunni Islam holds sway and polygamy is common.

In Yemen in April, another girl aged eight was granted a divorce after her unemployed father forced her to marry a man of 28.

Michael Jackson Converts to Islam

21 November, 2008

Gee, a pedophile converting to a religion created by another pedophile.   Who would have thunk it?  /sarcasm


Call him Mikaeel? Michael Jackson reportedly converts to Islam

NY Daily News
Friday, November 21st 2008

Micheal Jackson has reportedly converted to Islam and changed his name to Mikaeel after one of Allah’s angels.

Jackson, 50, who was raised a Jehovah’s Witness, was encouraged to convert by his friends Canadian songwriter David Wharnsby and producer Phillilp Bubal.

His brother Jermaine Friday, who is Muslim, has also spoken out about Jackson’s interest in the religion.

The king of pop pledged allegiance to the Koran in a Shahada ceremony (the Muslim declaration of belief) presided over by an Imam in the Los Angeles home of musician Steve Porcaro, the UK’s The Sun is reporting.

“[Wharnsby and Bubal] began talking to [Jackson] about their beliefs, and how they thought they had become better people after they converted. Michael soon began warming to the idea,” a source told the Sun. Cat Stevens, who famously converted to Islam and now goes by Yousef Islam, was on hand to celebrate Jacko’s conversion.

Jackson is currently facing a $7 million lawsuit brought by Bahraini Sheik Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa who is demanding repayment of advances.

11-Year-Old Christian “Domestic Servant” Raped by Muslim Master

8 September, 2008

According to Islam, the Hadiths, and the unholy Qur’an, this isn’t even close to being considered a crime:

Qur’an Sura 4:24And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you...”

Lest you think this is “out of context,” see Qur’an Sura 33:50, 23:5-6, 70:29-30

Eleven year old Pakistan Christian girl allegedly raped
Incident ‘took place’ a day ahead of Ramadan

By Sheraz Khurram Khan

SARGODHA, PAKISTAN (ANS) — A Muslim master allegedly raped his eleven year old Christian domestic servant on September 1, 2008, a day ahead of the advent of Ramadan.

Sana, the alleged rape victim, told ANS that the man she was working for had been making attempts to sexually abuse her since she started working at his house.

A resident of Gunnianwala, Sana said she had confided to her mother, Mumtaz, about the unease she was experiencing while working at this house.

Economic worries, however, forced the impoverished girl to continue working for her master amid fears of being sexually assaulted.

“He continued to harass me even though I told him that I would tell his wife if he did not stop harassing me,” said the alleged rape victim.

Sana said the accused allegedly raped her in the afternoon on September 1. She claimed that the man and his wife threatened her with dire consequences if she ever revealed the truth.

The All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA) Zonal Youth Coordinator, Furrukh Tanvir Chaudhry, told ANS that the wronged family approached him when the girl did not reach home.

He said he helped the family file an application in the Sargodha Satellite Police Station against the accused.

“[The man] kicked Sana out of his house when he learnt that an application had been lodged against him at the police station,” he alleged. “It merits mentioning here that the Police have arrested [the man] and are investigating.”

Chaudhry said they rushed the girl to the district headquarter Sargodha hospital on September 2 where he claimed that the attitude of the medics was “callous” and “indifferent.”

“They would have never agreed to do medical examination of the girl if Tahir Naveed Chaudhry, a Member of the Punjab Provincial Assembly, had not intervened,” he claimed.

“You are simply not doing the examination of the girl since she happens to be a Christian,” Furrukh quoted Tahir as saying to a doctor at the hospital.

Chaudhry added, “We are optimistic that Sana’s medical examination would be done tomorrow.”

Controversial ‘child victim of Muhammad’ novel finds UK publisher

3 September, 2008

Although the book will no doubt be spun as a “love story” it is not. The book is about a demented pedophile who forces himself on a little girl. Although islamic lore spins this as a great love story I see it differently. Since I have yet to see a muslim tell the truth about anything related to mohammed. I strongly doubt she loved him or that he waited three years to rape her. Even if he did, nine is not old enough for a girl to consent to sex; she should not even have known what that meant. She would not have been mature enough to decide for herself if she wanted sex nor developed enough physically to perform it. No matter how you spin this, it was child abuse of the first order.

Alison Flood, 3 Sep, 2008, the Guardian
British independent publisher Gibson Square has bought Sherry Jones’s controversial novel about the child bride of Muhammad, which was dropped by Random House US following warnings that it could incite acts of violence from radical Muslims. Jones’s The Jewel of Medina was also pulled from bookshops in Serbia last month after pressure from an Islamic group.

Gibson Square, which has previously published provocative works including Alexander Litvinenko’s Blowing up Russia and House of Bush, House of Saud by Craig Unger, paid what it described as a “compelling” advance to acquire The Jewel of Medina. It will publish it in October in Britain, Australia and New Zealand.
-I can’t wait to dive into this one.

“In an open society there has to be open access to literary works, regardless of fear,” said Gibson Square publisher Martin Rynja. “As an independent publishing company, we feel strongly that we should not be afraid of the consequences of debate. If a novel of quality and skill that casts light on a beautiful subject we know too little of in the West, but have a genuine interest in, cannot be published here, it would truly mean that the clock has been turned back to the dark ages. The Jewel of Medina has become an important barometer of our time.”
-If I backed down every time some muslim nut job threatened me I would be afraid to move. I salute Gibson Square for making this important stand. (more…)

Scotland: Mosque Leader Jailed for Sexually Abusing Young Girls

27 August, 2008

Yeah… It makes you wonder how many more girls were sexually abused by the weasel Muzzie perv and didn’t say anything for fear of the wrath of Allah…

This updates a previous post HERE

Mosque leader jailed for sexually abusing two girls

A PROMINENT Muslim community leader who sexually abused girls aged 14 and 15 has been jailed for nearly four years.

Mosque leader Farooq Hussain – who prays five times daily – was jailed for 45 months after a jury yesterday found him guilty at Perth Sheriff Court.

Jailing the charity worker, Sheriff Lindsay Foulis told him that he took into account that Hussain had tried to blacken his young victims’ names.

Hussain, 56, will also face a 30-month period on licence at the end of his jail term and will remain on the sex offenders’ register for an indefinite period.

Mr Foulis noted that the girls had been doing casual work for the restaurateur and that he had abused a position of trust.

“You were convicted, in my opinion, on the clearest and most compelling evidence. As a result of going to trial, the two girls were required to give evidence.”

Hussain had claimed that his DNA was found on saliva taken from one victim’s breast because she had lifted her top and pushed it into his mouth.

Muslim Teacher Arrested for Raping 10-Year-Old Girl

12 August, 2008

Ah, yes… Another Muzzie trying to follow in the footsteps of the pedophile false prophet, Muhammad.


Madrasa teacher arrested for raping 10-yr-old
Press Trust of India – NDTV

A madrasa teacher was arrested on Monday for allegedly raping a 10-year-old student at Moonamkadavu, about 40 km from Kasaragod.

The girl has been admitted to hospital in serious condition, police said.

V T Ayoob ( 28 ) was arrested following a complaint that the girl was sexually harassed by him last evening inside a room in the Madrassa located near Badakam village, police said.

The incident came to light after the girl fainted on reaching her home last evening. The fifth standard student was rushed to the District hospital in Kanhangad and shifted to the ICU at the Pariyaram Medical College Hospital near Kannur, police said.

The locals nabbed Ayoob, a married man with children, hailing from Kolathur in Malappuram district. He has been working as teacher in the Madrassa for the last three years, police said.

Ayub confessed to having committed the crime, police said, adding the girl had stated that the man had made a similar attempt earlier.

Child Marriages Continue in Morocco Despite Law Against it

29 July, 2008

More “fruits” brought to you courtesy of the pedophile prophet.


Morocco: Child marriages continue despite law to curb practice

Rabat, 29 July (AKI) – Despite a move four years ago to curb child marriage in Morocco, the practice is still quite common in the country, according to new data provided by the authorities.

The Moroccan Justice Minister Abdel Wahid al-Radi, said that in 2007 alone, his ministry received 38,710 marriage applications involving a minor, in which about 90 percent of the cases were approved.

This despite the reform of Morocco’s Family Law or Mudawana four years ago which outlawed child marriages except in special cases that have been approved by the Justice Ministry.

Out of the over 38,000 applications, 379 involved marriage with a male child below the age of 18. The rest of the applications were for unions with female minors.

Most of the marriage applications were made by people living in the cities while only two percent were made by nomads who live in the countryside or in the desert regions.

Most of the cases involve marriage with a child aged between 15 and 17 years old.

[Which means there are still marriages occurring in which SOME of the children are age 14 and below…}

It is believed that the applications for marriage with a minor were approved because of willingness of bureaucrats to allow such unions.

Only 4,151 applicants were denied the right to marry.

This despite the fact that various imams and Islamic politicians protested against the legitimacy of the Mudawana, accusing it of violating Sharia or Islamic law which they say puts no limits on the age for marriage.