Archive for the ‘Pedophilia’ category

10 and 12-Year-Old Pakistani Christian Girls Kidnapped, Raped, and Sold into Slavery by Muslims

11 July, 2008

Muslims just following in the footsteps of the slaver false prophet Muhammad…


Condition and whereabouts of two sisters, 12 and 10, unknown.

ISTANBUL, July 11 (Compass Direct News) – A Christian father in Pakistan is in a legal battle with kidnappers for the custody of his pre-teen daughters, who allegedly have been forced to convert to Islam.

Yesterday a judge in Pakistan’s Punjab province ordered further investigation into the kidnapping of Saba Younis, 12, and Aneela Younis, 10, who went missing on June 26 in the small town of Chowk Munda. The kidnappers filed for custody of the girls at the local police house on June 28, stating that the sisters had converted to Islam and their father no longer had jurisdiction over them.

When the father of the two girls, Younis Masih, was summoned to the police house to testify, police initially refused to file a case against the kidnappers – Muhammed Arif, Abjad Ali, taxi driver Muhammed Asraf and an unidentified fourth man – who are known to belong to a powerful human trafficking ring. Instead, human rights activists told Compass, Masih was told to “remain silent,” as the officers said the girls had embraced Islam in a written statement.

It was not until yesterday that, with the help of advocates and the Human Rights and Minorities Affairs Ministry, Masih filed an official complaint at the local police house.

The lawyer of the Christian family, Khalil Tahir, said that the kidnappers have likely raped and sold the two minors to a brothel. Local residents regard the men as serial kidnappers.


Scotland: Prominent Muslim Community Leader Found Guilty of Sexually Abusing Young Girls

10 July, 2008

Of course, he is a “good” Muslim and was just following the pedophile false prophet Muhammad’s perverse example.

Muslim leader found guilty of sexually abusing girls
Published Date: 11 July 2008
By Gordon Currie –

ONE of Scotland’s most prominent Muslim community leaders is facing jail after being found guilty of sexually abusing girls.

Farooq Hussain’s reputation lay in tatters last night, after a jury found him guilty of a catalogue of abuse over five years.

The 56-year-old businessman, who owned a string of restaurants and held high-profile charity events, was found guilty of three charges after a week-long trial at Perth Sheriff Court.

Outside court, the mother of one victim said: “This has been absolutely horrific for my daughter. I don’t even think he is human. He showed no emotion in court.

“He tried to tarnish my daughter’s name. Maybe now she can stop having nightmares about him. The main thing for us was that the girls got justice and they have. I just hope that they can move on now with the right help.”

Hussain, of Perth, sexually abused a 15-year-old girl at the Al Farooq restaurant he owned in Perth city centre in November, 2002.

In July last year, he indecently assaulted a 14-year-old girl at an address in Perth, and then attacked her again in Perth in August.

Sentence was deferred for reports and Hussain’s details were added to the sex offenders’ register.

Drugs or pedophiles; the children of islam face a horrific future.

10 July, 2008

This article is based on yemen but this problem is much bigger. I have never heard of an islamic country that did not have similar numbers. The cult of sexual perversion and child molestation is not a very well kept secret. The pedophile king set a very low standard for his minions to follow.

This is not an issue of insufficient state resources and low economic growth. Without an ideology, that allows this and accepts it as normal these children would have a future. Under islam they are doomed.

10 July, 2008, Sanaa, (AsiaNews/Agencies)
Street children in Yemen, caught between selling drugs and sex slavery
Many children in the poorest country in the Middle East are exploited by unscrupulous employers or end up in prostitution. The absence of policies geared towards the family and the state’s lack of interest in children’s fate increase the sense of abandonment.

More than 30,000 street children in Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East, suffer from marginalization, degradation, lack of schooling, and the daily struggle for survival that often sees them end up as drug couriers or dealers or sex slaves in the case of girls, this according to a new study by a government agency, the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood (SCMC), that looked into the plight of Yemeni children.

The study presents a shocking picture. Migration to the cities, poverty, unemployment, high fertility rates, lack of social services, and the lack of support for the poor by the state—all contributed to the problem of street children.
-So the kids are the problem, not the men who exploit them? (more…)

Child Bride Tells Her Story

28 June, 2008

Well… Imagine my surprise when I saw this in the New York Times, of all places.

However, like any Liberal Multiculturalist, the author attempts to blame everything else except Islam for the reason behind child brides in Islamic countries. Perhaps he should have reminded the readers that the false prophet Muhammad (Saw IV) married Aisha when she was only six years old – not nine, as is deceptively stated in the article; and “good” Muslims are expected to follow the false prophet’s example…

This updates our continuing coverage HERE.

Tiny Voices Defy Fate of Yemen’s Girls

Published: June 29, 2008 – NYT

JIBLA, Yemen — One morning last month, Arwa Abdu Muhammad Ali walked out of her husband’s house here and ran to a local hospital, where she complained that he had been beating and sexually abusing her for eight months.

That alone would be surprising in Yemen, a deeply conservative Arab society where family disputes tend to be solved privately. What made it even more unusual was that Arwa was 9 years old.

Within days, Arwa — a tiny, delicate-featured girl — had become a celebrity in Yemen, where child marriage is common but has rarely been exposed in public. She was the second child bride to come forward in less than a month; in April, a 10-year-old named Nujood Ali had gone by herself to a courthouse to demand a divorce, generating a landmark legal case.

Together, the two girls’ stories have helped spur a movement to put an end to child marriage, which is increasingly seen as a crucial part of the cycle of poverty in Yemen and other third world countries. Pulled out of school and forced to have children before their bodies are ready, many rural Yemeni women end up illiterate and with serious health problems. Their babies are often stunted, too.

The average age of marriage in Yemen’s rural areas is 12 to 13, a recent study by Sana University researchers found. The country, at the southern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world.

“This is the first shout,” said Shada Nasser, a human rights lawyer who met Nujood, the 10-year-old, after she arrived at the courthouse to demand a divorce. Ms. Nasser decided instantly to take her case. “All other early marriage cases have been dealt with by tribal sheiks, and the girl never had any choice.”

But despite a rising tide of outrage, the fight against the practice is not easy. Hard-line Islamic conservatives, whose influence has grown enormously in the past two decades, defend it, pointing to the Prophet Muhammad’s marriage to a 9-year-old. Child marriage is deeply rooted in local custom here, and even enshrined in an old tribal expression: “Give me a girl of 8, and I can give you a guarantee” for a good marriage.

“Voices are rising in society against this phenomenon and its catastrophes,” said Shawki al-Qadhi, an imam and opposition member in Parliament who has tried unsuccessfully to muster support for a legal ban on child marriage in Yemen in the past. “But despite rejections of it by many people and some religious scholars, it continues.”

The issue first arose because of Nujood, a bright-eyed girl barely four feet tall. Her ordeal began in February, when her father took her from Sana, the Yemeni capital, to his home village for the wedding. She was given almost no warning.

“I was very frightened and worried,” Nujood recalled, speaking in a soft, childlike voice as she sat cross-legged on the floor in her family’s bare three-room home in a slum not far from Sana’s airport. “I wanted to go home.”

As she told her story, Nujood gradually gained confidence, smiling shyly as if she were struggling to hold back laughter. Later, she removed her veil, revealing her shoulder-length brown hair.

The trouble started on the first night, when her 30-year-old husband, Faez Ali Thamer, took off her clothes as soon as the light was out. She ran crying from the room, but he caught her, brought her back and forced himself on her. Later, he beat her as well.

“I hated life with him,” she said, staring at the ground in front of her. The wedding came so quickly that no one bothered to tell her how women become pregnant, or what a wife’s role is, she added.
