Posted tagged ‘Ossetia’

Russia takes control of South Ossetian capital and continues its genocide.

10 August, 2008

Once again Russia is the aggressor and attempting to force their will on free peoples. They are as always prepared to murder anyone who gets in the way. The Soviet Union may be gone but the mentality remains.

The Useless Nations should prepare a war crimes tribunal; they are going to need it.

James Kilner , 10 August, 2008, Reuters
ERGNETI, Georgia — Russian troops took most of the capital of the separatist Georgian region of South Ossetia on Sunday after a three-day battle but the United States condemned Moscow’s “dangerous and disproportionate” action.

Russia poured troops and tanks across its southern border into tiny Georgia and bombed Georgian targets after Tbilisi attempted on Thursday evening to retake South Ossetia, a small pro-Russian province which broke away from Georgia in the 1990s.

The rapidly escalating crisis has alarmed the United States, Georgia’s main ally, and unnerved investors in Russia, who sold stocks and the rouble heavily on Friday on concerns that the conflict could spiral.
-One break away province will not settle Russian blood lust. This will continue and grow.

Russian officials said they had taken control on Sunday of most of Tskhinvali, the South Ossetian capital, which has been devastated by intense fighting.

“As of today most of the city (Tskhinvali) is controlled by Russian peacekeeping forces,”Colonel-General Anatoly Nagovitsyn of the Russian General Staff, told an official briefing in Moscow.
-Peacekeepers are invited in by both sides and are comparatively lightly armed so as not to threaten the opposing sides. They also remain neutral. What the Russian military is doing is called “peace enforcement” which is where a superior force settles a region by force of arms. One side see the troops as heroes and one as invaders.

Georgia confirmed it was pulling back its forces from the town. The secretary of Georgia’s National Security Council, Kakha Lomaia, told reporters “military commanders have made their decision to pull back from Tskhinvali this morning.”

Viewed from the town of Gori inside Georgian-controlled territory, Tskhinvali appeared to be quiet. A Reuters correspondent reported hearing only one burst of what sounded like artillery fire from near Tskhinvali.

A Georgian convoy of troops and artillery left South Ossetia through Ergneti, a village just inside Georgian-held territory south of Tskhinvali, but Lomaia said Georgian forces were still fighting inside South Ossetia and had not been defeated.


The White House deplored Russia’s military action, which included bombing raids on at least three Georgian targets outside South Ossetia.
-A polite way to say they are murdering civilians and committing genocide. (more…)