Archive for 1 February, 2007

Pope urges courageous Middle East Christians not to emigrate

1 February, 2007

Ok, who am I to argue with the Pope but I would like for him to explain exactly why he feels Christians should stay and become targets. I don’t think the only reason the numbers are dropping is because some are choosing to emigrate to safer locations. Reality is Christians are being attacked. At least tell them to fight back. I thought the toss them to the lions stage had passed.

1 February 2007 (VIS)
Pope Benedict has issued a call to Christians in the Middle East region to be “courageous and steadfast” and not fall to the temptation to emigrate.
The Holy Father made the call at a meeting with members of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.
In his address Pope Benedict said the “shared ecclesial patrimony” and “heritage of experience” of the Catholic Churches and Eastern Orthodox Churches “should shape our future ‘guiding our common path towards the re-establishment of full communion'”. (more…)

Muslim Canadian Congress blames the West

1 February, 2007

2/1/2007 Muslim Canadian Congress
TORONTO – The Muslim Canadian Congress has expressed alarm at news of the latest arrests in UK, where nine men have been charged with attempting to kidnap, torture and murder a Muslim British soldier.
-Alarm? What happened to thank God this was stopped?
Salma Siddiqui, vice president of the MCC said in a statement, “the chasm that divides some sections of the Muslim youth in western countries from mainstream society is increasingly manifesting itself in alleged acts of terror and extremist leanings.” This is cause for serious concern and is a challenge to both governments as well leaders of Muslim communities, she added.
-Oh, so it is our fault. I get it now, I thought they were just crazy, now I understand, it was us.
“We condemn the activities of Islamic extremists and deplore their contempt for western secular democracies, but mere condemnation will not lead to a resolution of this growing threat,” she added. “On one side we have Islamists fanning hate, while on the other, American war mongering shows no end in sight. These twin challenges are compounded by the fact that Muslim youth, along with other racial minorities, are facing increasing marginalisation in society,” Ms. Siddiqui added.
-double speak for it is all our fault.
To combat the rise of Islamic extremism among Muslim youth who were born in the UK or Canada, governments in these countries should attack racism as much as they confront radical Jihadi propaganda. Racism in western countries continues to make Muslim youth vulnerable to the propaganda of Islamic extremists and is driving them into their arms. An obsession of ‘victimhood’ is fast spreading among Muslim youth, even among the economically well to do and the socially mobile upper middle classes. This is being fanned by Islamist organisations who spare no incident to suggest that the West is waging a war against Islam.
-Goodie a solution, stop pointing out Muslims are insane crazed killers, outlaw it even. (more…)

British Muslim Soldiers Need Protection from Muslims

1 February, 2007

I really need a “you can’t make this stuff up” category. If the British had a set- they would group all serving Muslims and march them proudly though Muslim neighborhoods. If British Muslims were really integrated they would welcome them, flags waving and cheer their bravery and show support for their nation. We all know that will not happen, even with Police protection. No, the Brit’s will hide their heads in the sand and pretend giving the soldiers protection is the correct choice. I hope I never see the day when American soldiers are scared to march down an American street much less require protection from Americans.

Hong Kong News.Net
Thursday 1st February, 2007 (IANS)
Muslim soldiers serving in the British army and their families will be given new security guidance after a suspected plot to kidnap, torture and behead a soldier was allegedly foiled with the arrest of nine men, media reports said Thursday.

As police continued their searches of homes raided in the city of Birmingham, in the British Midlands, more details emerged of the alleged plan to kidnap a soldier and post his beheading on the internet as a warning to Muslims not to help the armed forces.

There are some 330 Muslims in the 100,000-strong armed forces, of whom about 250 are in active service. The new security guidance would apply to all forces’ members who might be targets, said the Daily Telegraph.

Security experts said targeting a Muslim soldier would be a signal from the extremists that they considered themselves ‘at war’ with those seen as ‘traitors’ by serving in the British army.

The suspected plot is said to have involved abducting an identified soldier, aged 20, who has served in Afghanistan. Measures were taken to protect him and he was taken to a safe location, reports said.

Most of the alleged plotters are British men in their 20s and 30s of Pakistani descent. One is a Pakistani national, according to reports.

They were arrested on suspicion of the ‘commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism’.

Pakistani girl Raped for Muslim Honor

1 February, 2007

I am furious; this is a new low even for Muslims. Do me a favor and send this to every liberal, Muslim apologist you know along with this one question: Ask them to explain if Islam is the religion of peace how such acts can continuously happen and no one is ever punished? Do the math here 11 vs 1, they also carried the poor child through a village. Give almost any village would have more than 11 men-why were they not captured and turned over to the police? Now, the regular readership already knows the answer, even if arrested this is allowed under sharia-after all, 11 brave warriors of allah just restored honor by attacking a helpless and innocent victim. Compounding her pain she now has no possibility of ever having a normal relationship, as she could never marry now. The apologists will claim these are people who misunderstand Islam, but the villagers will tell you they follow the koran to the letter. The men actually can not be guilty under sharia as the only witnesses are the participants and it takes four innocent men to be a witness. This child’s life is ruined the men are heroes and after a quick trail they will be sent home with a wrist slap.

The Australian
Bruce Loudon, South Asia correspondent
February 02, 2007
IN a savage repeat of the Mukhtar Mai case that ignited international outrage, a 16-year-old Pakistani girl was reported last night to have been kidnapped and pack-raped by 11 men, then paraded naked through her village near the town of Ubaro, 530km from the port city of Karachi.
The teenager is believed to have suffered horrifying injuries during the brutal and sustained attack, described as an “honour revenge” after her cousin eloped with the female relative of one of the men accused in the case.
Adding to her agony, police initially expressed scepticism that there had been any sexual assault, refusing to take action, adopting the same attitude they did in the Mukhtar Mai case.
A medical examination, however, proved the attack had taken place and last night the girl was receiving medical treatment in the central Sindh city of Sukkur, while hundreds of political activists and locals blocked the main highway north from Karachi to protest against the assault and police indifference.
They accused police of not taking action against some of those identified as having taking part in the rape “because they have the support of local influential people”. (more…)