Archive for 2 February, 2007

Sleeper Cells in the United States and Canada

2 February, 2007

There is every reason to suspect that we will endure suicide missions by Islamist sleeper cells. They are already in place. They are waiting for the right time. I know this from experience.

I have worked over 15 years as a U.S. Federal Agent, a U.S. State Department Arabic linguist, and the first civilian Federal Agent deployed into Iraq at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Since returning from Iraq I have been involved in terrorism analysis, specifically the mindset of terrorists. During my extensive research on sleeper cells I have talked with hundreds of people from the Middle East from all walks of life, and have talked with Iraqi Government officials, Iraqi military, and Iraqi police officers. In addition I have interviewed numerous counter-terrorism specialists in the U.S. and abroad. In the last year alone I have trained over 4000 U.S. Law Enforcement officers in Basic Investigative Arabic and counter-terrorism. The conclusion of my research is the title of this article.

I found this on American Thinker and tracked it to Dave’s blog, read it all. Interesting stuff from one who has been there and back.

Britain turning into Nazi Germany?

2 February, 2007

I thought the guy was just being melodramatic but the picture tells the story.
An Islamic community leader today compared the political situation in Britain with that of Nazi Germany.
Dr Mohammad Naseem, chairman of the Birmingham Central Mosque, said Muslims were being labelled as a threat like the Jews were under Adolf Hitler.
-Nice deflection score one for the Imam. Start with a guilt shot and work toward victim hood.
Speaking to reporters outside the mosque before Friday prayers, he said: “The German people were told Jews were a threat. The same thing is happening here.”
-Anyone see any Germans running around the UK warning people about attacking Jews?
Dr Naseem said Britain was turning into a police state and accused the Government of “picking on” the Muslim community to pursue a political goal.
-Uh Duh! This is about survival (more…)

Georgia Mayor Coverts to Islam

2 February, 2007

What a man for the record books, C. Jack Ellis was born in Macon, Georgia. He was elected Mayor in July 1999, becoming the first black Mayor in the 176-year history of the city. He is also the first Muslim Mayor of Macon.

2 February, 2007 (AP)
MACON, Ga. — Macon Mayor Jack Ellis has converted to Islam and is working to change his legal name to Hakim Mansour Ellis.
Ellis, 61, a Macon native who was raised Christian, said he became a Sunni Muslim during a December ceremony in the west African nation of Senegal.
Ellis said he has studied the Quran for years and that his new religion was practiced by his ancestors before they were brought to North America as slaves.
“Why does one become a Christian?” Ellis said Thursday. “You do it because it feels right. … To me it’s no big deal. But people like to know what you believe in.”
Name-changing by Ismaic converts is a common practice that is considered commendable, though it is typically not required.
Ellis said he would keep his last name at the request of two daughters. (more…)

Man was arming for ‘war,’ FBI says

2 February, 2007

There are so many things wrong with this story I don’t know where to start. Starting with the excuse that it was not terrorism but gang related. That makes me feel so much better. I am probably the only one stupid enough to fall for that one (not). Why was this guy let out on bail? Is anyone working the paperwork up to send him back where he came from? Who paid his bond and why? Who voted for Judge Audrey Fleissig? If she would dismiss these charges just what does it take to get her to issue an indictment? There will be much more to this story.

By Rober Patrick
Friday, Feb. 02 2007
A St. Charles man obtained fully automatic weapons and tried to buy as many explosives as possible in preparation for what an associate called “war,” the FBI says in court documents.

He bought three rifles and a Claymore anti-personnel mine and negotiated for a case of hand grenades, documents obtained by the Post-Dispatch show.

Mousa M. Abuelawi, 22, of Franjoe Court, was arrested Dec. 29 and charged on complaints accusing him of three counts of illegal possession or distribution of a machine gun and conspiracy to violate machine gun statutes.

Abuelawi, a Palestinian immigrant free on $50,000 bond, could not be reached. His brother declined to comment on his behalf. His lawyers, Scott Rosenblum and Gil Sison, did not return calls. (more…)