Archive for 4 February, 2007

UK Teacher sacked over the truth.

4 February, 2007

More madness from the PC and suicidal Brit’s. Mr. Mclusky (pictured) another victim of PC madness,

4 February, 2007, (BBC)
Hat tip ciccio
A supply teacher has been sacked from a secondary school following complaints from Muslim pupils.
Andrew McLuskey was sacked from Bayliss Court Secondary School in Slough after a Religious Education lesson discussing the pros and cons of religion.
-that would seem to be the point a class on religion.
Pupils at the predominantly Muslim school claimed Mr McLuskey said most suicide bombers were Muslim.
-Nothing incorrect in that statement. Does anyone know anyone with a record of suicide attacks even close?
But he rejected the allegation and said the school was too quick to sack him without giving him right of reply.
“Very unjust” (more…)

When nations stop breeding

4 February, 2007

I agree with Mr Meyer one hundred percent but I think he should also point out the large Muslim populations the world over would starve without US support. Our charitable nature is being used against us. Entire regions of West Africa alone have millions of Muslims who eat only once daily (if that). What little food they do get comes primarily from Western charities, Islam has once again abandoned it’s own.

By Dan Mariano
The Manila times
When nations stop breeding
HERBERT MEYER was the first senior official of the US government to predict the disintegration of the Soviet Union. For this feat he was awarded the US National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, the highest honor in the American intelligence community. Under President Ronald Reagan, Meyer served as special assistant of the Director of Central Intelligence and vice-chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council.
Meyer later parlayed his record as one of America’s top intelligence analysts into a career as a consultant and writer. He has authored several books; his views are highly regarded by conservative American businessmen. He was also an associate editor of Fortune magazine.
In a recent article—titled “What in the world is going on? A global intelligence briefing for CEO’s,”—Meyer tackles four major transformations that, taken individually or in combination, will produce radical changes on how to do business worldwide. These transformations arise from the war in Iraq, the emergence of China, shifting demographics of Western civilization and the restructuring of American business. (more…)

Palestinians: We don’t deserve a state

4 February, 2007

It is not often a Muslim speaks out about Muslim on Muslim violence. If I have said it once I have said it a thousand times “the number one killer of Muslims are other Muslims” why anyone would join this insane religion is beyond me. Despite all the rhetoric they spout about everything being the fault of the west or the Jews they are a bigger threat to themselves. The sad part about all this mess is they will demand aid to rebuild from the US and our self-righteous politicians will probably give it to them.

Feb. 4, 2007 1:37 | Updated Feb. 4, 2007 14:03
Palestinians: We don’t deserve a state
By Khaled Abu Toameh,
As the fighting between Fatah and Hamas continues in the Gaza Strip, many residents here said Saturday that they were concerned that the international community would turn its back on the Palestinians.
Although the street battles remain restricted to the Gaza Strip, tensions are mounting in the West Bank between supporters of the two parties, particularly in the aftermath of the abduction of several Hamas figures by Fatah gunmen over the past few days.
Many Hamas leaders in the West Bank, where Fatah remains the stronger party, are said to have gone underground for fear of being targeted by members of Fatah’s armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades.
On Friday, the group issued a warning to all Hamas leaders in the West Bank to condemn the fighting in the Gaza Strip or face retaliatory measures.
On Saturday, a number of Hamas figures in the West Bank came under attack by Fatah gunmen. In Kalkilya, the gunmen opened fire at the home of the city’s Hamas mayor, Wajih Kawwas. No one was hurt. In Nablus, three Hamas members were kidnapped and the offices of the movement’s legislators were set on fire. (more…)

Mossad ‘hit’ on Iranian nuke scientist

4 February, 2007

I would think lead poisoning will become a natural cause of death among Iranian scientists. Good Job Mossad. This article is full of little jewels of information.

Sarah Baxter, Washington
February 05, 2007
THE Israeli spy agency Mossad is suspected of assassinating a prize-winning Iranian atomic scientist as Tehran snubs the West and comes close to realizing its nuclear ambitions.
Radio Farda, which is funded bythe US State Department and broadcasts to Iran, said the scientist, Ardeshire Hassanpour, had died in “mysterious circumstances”.
An intelligence source suggested that Hassanpour, 44, a nuclear physicist, had been assassinated by Mossad. Hassanpour worked at a plant in Isfahan where uranium hexafluoride gas is produced. The gas is needed to enrich uranium in another plant at Natanz, which has become the focus of concerns that Iran may be developing nuclear weapons. (more…)