Archive for 17 February, 2007

Three faces of our enemy

17 February, 2007

No doubt the PC types will find fault with this article. I liked it.
Marion Star
Originally published February 17, 2007
Today, America is at war with an enemy that some people find difficult to identify. Too many in America are lulled into complacency by political correctness and general ignorance about the motives and goals of our enemy. I think it is accurate to conclude that the American public is weak, asleep or careless in the face of our enemy.
Who is our enemy? I believe our enemy has three faces.
One face is that shown by the liberal left (politicians) and the cultural left. The political and cultural left would have us believe that Islam is a “religion of peace” that promotes charity, tolerance, freedom, and culture no less than “pure” Christianity. Such a viewpoint, argues Serge Trifkovic, is not only false but dangerous, since it blinds to the true nature of the enemy that threatens us. A great effort has been made to sanitize the truth about Islam and it’s founder.
Both entities of the left have encouraged, both in America and abroad, an America-hating foreign policy that blames America for the problems of the world. To them, America deserves to be punished by the terrorists. The political left is willing to destroy our country just to “get back at Bush.”
In addition, the left persistently believes that radical Islamists can be bought off with negotiations and concessions. They underestimate the single-mindedness with which Jihadists are pursuing their goals worldwide.
The American public needs to recognize that the left is now allied with the Islamic radicals in a combined effort to defeat Bush’s war on terror. We’re not just fighting Islamic Fascists abroad. We’re fighting a fifth column of liberal politicians and media elites in our own country, who seek at every turn to give aid and comfort to the Islamic Fascists.
The spineless politicians in Washington have sent a clear-cut message to bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, al Sadr, and every other Islamic terrorist in wait around the world, that it’s open season on America.
The second face of our enemy is that promoted by the American left plus those Muslims who claim to explain the “true face of Islam.”
Dr. Faroque Kahn, a New York Islamic leader (Akron Beacon Journal, Nov. 12), states clearly what the cultural left and the liberal left elite of the Democratic party want us to believe about Islam.
One: Islam honors family. Oh? What about the women? They have half the rights of men. A man may punish his wife by beating her. They are refused education, forced to cover their faces, forced into arranged marriages and stoned for adultery.
Two: Islam prizes mercy and justice. Not so. How is it merciful to kill Russian schoolchildren, kill thousands in the World Trade Center, blow up vacationers in Bali or assassinate a nun who spent her life serving Muslims?
Three: Islam and its principles mirror the U.S. Constitution’s commitment to freedom of speech and religion. Does this apply to cartoons? Are Muslims free to openly disagree with Islamic teachings without fearing for their life? Can they publish a book critical of anything in Islam without receiving a death sentence? Can they convert to other religions without retribution? The answer is no. Remember, also, how some wanted to kill the Pope for something he said at his papal lectures at a German university?
The third face of our enemy is the true face of Islam. (more…)