Archive for 22 February, 2007

America’s liberals are idiots

22 February, 2007

Excellent, spread this one around.
By Trace Johnson, (CFP)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
America’s liberals are idiots. The word “idiot” has its origins in ancient Greek and was used to refer to people who were overly concerned with their own self-interest and ignored the needs of the community. Idiots were viewed as having bad judgment in public and political matters. In modern usage, the terms “idiot” and “idiocy” describe extreme folly or stupidity. In either case, the term accurately describes liberals.
No, I will not apologize for stating fact. Nor will I appear on a television talk show in order to appease the whiners and seek absolution. No, I will not take the spineless R&A (rehab and apology) route. I will stand by my opinion.
America’s liberals are continuing to prove they are either completely incapable of connecting the dots with respect to the war on terror and events in Iraq, or are so consumed with their own self-interests and quest for power that they completely ignore hard facts and the safety of the Nation.
Let’s look at the dots:
DOT #1: Regardless of whether Osama bin Laden is alive or dead, captured or free, the fact remains that Al Qaeda (the group) and it’s many affiliates and associated organizations continue to pose a significant threat to the United States and most other Western nations. It is estimated that well in excess of 20,000 individuals were processed through Al Qaeda training camps in the late 80’s and 90’s. Most of these individuals returned to their home countries, which include the U.S. and most European countries, carrying a lethal set of skills and an acute hatred of infidels.
These skills range from weapons training, production and use of explosives, close quarters combat, structured paramilitary tactics, target surveillance, mission planning, combined operations and beyond. The training emphasized discipline, patience, creativity and most importantly, lethality.
DOT #2: While Al Qaeda (the organization and the movement) may have been forced from their base of operations in Afghanistan, training of little terrorist wannabes so they can grow up to be big, important terrorists continues to this day in a variety of locations around the world, including numerous sites in the middle east, the Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, Somalia and elsewhere, including the U.S. and most European countries. (more…)

UN Propaganda attacks Israel (Again)

22 February, 2007

22 February, 2007 (AP)
An independent report commissioned by the United Nations compares Israel’s actions in the West Bank and Gaza to apartheid South Africa – charges that drew angry rebukes from Israel and were sure to revive charges that the UN Human Rights Council is biased against the Jewish state.
-This should read an independent Muslim report …The report by John Dugard, independent investigator on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the council, is to be presented next month, but it has been posted on the body’s Web site. In it, Dugard, a South African lawyer who campaigned against apartheid in the 1980s, says “Israel’s laws and practices in the (Palestinian territories) certainly resemble aspects of apartheid.”
-Yeah, well I resemble Arnold without the muscle, accent and money
The 24-page report catalogues a number of accusations against the Jewish state ranging from restrictions on Palestinian movement, house demolitions and preferential treatment given to Jewish settlers in the West Bank.
-Shocking the UN not support Israel? Is it possible?
“Can it seriously be denied that the purpose of such action is to establish and maintain domination by one racial group – Jews – over another racial group – Palestinians – and systematically oppress them?” he asks.
-Sounds more like self defense to me.
Israel says it aims mainly to prevent Palestinian suicide bombings and other attacks that have killed more than 1,000 Israelis in the past six years, and officials note that violence broke out in 2000 after Israel’s proposal to pull out of the vast majority of the West Bank and Gaza in exchange for peace was rejected.
-Locic will not work with the UN, try bribes and the promise of more.
Its ambassador in Geneva criticized Dugard for directing attacks only at the Jewish state. “Any conclusions he may draw are therefore fundamentally flawed and purposely biased,” said Yitzhak Levanon.
The report will be presented next month at the 47-nation rights council’s first session of the year. The new body has been widely criticized – even by its founder, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan – for only censuring one government in the world, Israel’s, over alleged abuses.
-Anyone want to hazard a guess on how many of the 47 countries are Muslim?
Dugard’s report accuses Israel of “terror” by F16 fighter jets setting off sonic booms above residential areas. In the West Bank “residents live in fear of settler terror.”
-Sounds more like a show of force to me.
He says it is “grossly inaccurate” to say Israel’s 2005 removal of settlers and soldiers from Gaza constituted an end to its occupation of that territory, captured from Egypt in the 1967 war. “Israel retained control of Gaza’s air space, sea space and external borders, and the border crossings,” he writes. “Gaza became a sealed off, imprisoned and occupied territory.”
-Well if you consider it is occupied by rats…War crimes have been committed by both sides, he says: “This applies to Palestinians who fire Kassam rockets into Israel; and more so to members of the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) who have committed such crimes on a much greater scale.”
-Really? Just how many of these large Kassam rockets did Israel fire?
Dugard was appointed in 2001 as an unpaid expert by the now-defunct UN Human Rights Commission to investigate only violations by the Israeli side, prompting Israel and the United States to dismiss his reports as one-sided. Israel refused to allow him to conduct a fact-finding mission on its Gaza offensive last summer.
-Even unpaid this clown is over paid.


22 February, 2007

Another Muslims blame the victim story. I hate to think how Christians are treated outside of these “moderate” Muslim counties. Remember this story if you or anyone you know even considers a vacation to Egypt. My advice go somewhere more stable and non Muslim.
Believers forced to declare they set their own homes on fire.
ISTANBUL, February 22 (Compass Direct News) – Police detained Christian families in Upper Egypt and forced them to deny arson attacks on their homes during a spate of anti-Christian violence last week, the families said. Two Coptic Orthodox families said police detained them for 36 hours when they attempted to report a February 13 assault on their homes in Armant, 600 kilometers (373 miles) south of Cairo. The fires came five days after Muslim groups set four Christian-owned shops alight on February 9. International media reported that rumors of a love affair between a Christian man and Muslim woman sparked the violence, but local papers said hostilities began over accusations that Christians were blackmailing Muslim women to convert. Authorities detained the Christians when they tried to report the February 13 arson attack on their homes. “Police asked them to sign statements that they had attempted to set their own homes on fire to claim that they were being attacked by Muslims and to demand police protection,” one source told Compass.

Iranian Bag Ladies Exiled to Man Free Island

22 February, 2007

Ok as sexist as this sounds I live in Tampa. We are overwhelmed with beautiful and built women. There are several reasons for this, the weather allows outside activities almost year round and there is a lot of competition. Our culture encourages both men and women to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay fit. Muslim woman have no incentive, they are simply property. I doubt there are more than a handful of Iranian women who could hold their own in Tampa much less the rest of the US. This island for bag women is a great idea. It solves the problem of sex crazed and aggressive men and it frees these women from having to compete on a social scale. All of them will be equally unfit and even without the ninja outfits they will be one of many.

Thu Feb 22, 2007
TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran plans a female-only island to boost tourism in a northwest province, the Tehran-e Emrouz newspaper on Wednesday quoted a local official as saying.
It will be on the Urumiyeh lake in Western Azerbaijan province, a municipality official identified only as Aghai said.
Under Iran’s strict Islamic law, mixing with men in public is forbidden. Strict sex segregation actually protects women rather than restricting their rights, officials argue.
“There will be no men on the Arezou (Wish) island. Public transport, restaurants and other facilities will be staffed only by women,” Aghai said.
Parts of Iranian beaches are reserved for women, where they can remove their headscarves and wear swimming costumes. Women have forced their way into the national sports stadium, defying strict sex segregation. There are several parks for women only.
In public women have to cover their body in long loose coats and their hair with headscarves. The chador, literally meaning ‘tent’, an all-enveloping, usually black cloth is obligatory in some government offices.