Archive for 7 April, 2007

The Story of a Kidnapped Iraqi Christian Girl

7 April, 2007

I have a strange ability to find stories like this simply by tripping over them. As Easter approaches I thought I would see how the Iraqi Christians are doing. Well I was not expecting this. The Iraqi blogger didn’t point out that if this kidnapper had been allowed to keep/marry this girl she would have been forcibly converted to Islam. She hinted at but didn’t say that the Shia sect that took the girl is one of the most violent and dangerous groups in Iraq. She didn’t say that the US has been bombing the stuffing out of them all day and their cowardly leader Sadr has rabbited to save himself. No mention of Iranian support to Sadr. No mention that forced marriages are common as are killing the family if the marriages are not allowed. I suspect she didn’t say these things as a matter of self-defense. Well I can say them for you. I wish the girl and you well and a Happy Easter if such a thing is possible in Iraq.

Saturday, April 07, 2007
By Queen Amidala
Basra, Iraq

A few weeks ago, a 15-year-old Christian girl was kidnapped from the door of her home. The kidnappers were members of Al Sadr Army which is called Al Mahdi. Here’s what happened:

At 7:30 a.m. a group of people knocked on the door and the girl answered the door. They were prepared for her to answer the door and immediately kidnapped her. After a minute or two, her mother called on her to see who was on the door. But she got no answer. So she went out to see what was going on. She saw the door wide open and her daughter was no were to be found. The mother called the father. After few minutes they knew their daughter was kidnapped. They immediately started their search for her. They realized they need help from some powerful people; otherwise they would loss their daughter.

The help came from Al Daawa Islamic Party as it indicated its responsibilty for the security in their area. Al-Daawa Party knew the person who kidnapped the girl. They went immediately to his parents house. The kidnapper’s parents explained they have the girl. But since the father didn’t approve of his son’s action, he sent the girl to his sister’s house. The head of Al Daawa Party asked the parents to bring the girl back to their home in case their son would kidnap her again if she went back to home. The kidnapper’s parents obeyed Al Daawa Party and the girl reunited with her mother at the home of Head of Al Daawa Party, where they stayed until the next day.

The kidnapper was from Al Mahdi Army. That’s why everyone was very careful not to send the girl back to her house after she was found. You see they were able to take the girl right form under the nose of her parents because they are Christians and the kidnapper has a very powerful background — if you can call Al Mahdi Army poweful.

Don’t think the girl is safe again. The kidnapper and his parents keep coming back – this time formally – to ask for the girl’s hand. The girl lost this year’s school and she is currently staying home. Her parents are afraid for hers and the family’s safety.

The ironic thing is that the Christian community are divided over this incident. Some Christians think the girl had an affair with the Muslim guy and they were planning to run away just because she was kidnapped, financially poor and lives in poor part of Basrah.

I got angry with them and told them that this is a good opportunity for Basrawi Christians to stick together and not to drift apart like this. I told them if they are going to act like this, then we deserve whatever happen to us in the future. I mean from now on, any girl could be kidnapped on any basis; and we will say “well, she might have had an affair with the guy and wanted to run away with him.” to stop thinking of the consequences of such actions.

This is our Christian community in Basrah. This is how we act when one of us has a problem. We blame the victim to rest our minds.

Muslim vs Muslim Jihad in northwestern Pakistan Continues

7 April, 2007

Allah u Ackbar! Apparently concerned the Jihad in Iraq may slow down Muslims worldwide have decided to jihad themselves. So far this is limited to attacking the weak and unexacting but word on the street is Allah is very pleased. Several Imams (who are afraid to be named, as they may become targets) tell me any ol jihad will do as long as you only attack Muslims from outside your own immediate family. Muslim websites are reputedly selling “I participated in the neighborhood Jihad” T-shirts. My sources tell me they are going fast. Several companies of Taliban have requested the shirts be used as uniforms. Usama Bin Laden was even spotted with one in Western Pakistan. He claims he wears a pink one as the green one clashed with his eyes. I don’t know about all that, but I think neighborhood jihad is an outstanding solution to high travel costs. It should help speed up airport security on an almost global basis. Security officials admitted to me that Muslim profiling at airports drops considerably when less Muslims travel. So you heard it here first, neighborhood Jihad-a solution whose time has come.

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — Gunmen opened fire on Shiite Muslims in a remote town in northwestern Pakistan, sparking gunbattles between majority Sunni and minority Shiites that left at least 10 people dead and 83 wounded, officials said Saturday.
The trouble began Friday when unidentified people began shooting at Shiites near their mosque in Parachinar, about 250 kilometers (150 miles) southwest of Peshawar, the capital of North West Frontier province bordering Afghanistan.
Authorities immediately imposed a curfew and summoned troops, who were trying to restore order in the town, said Arbab Mohammed Arif Khan, secretary for law and order in Pakistan’s semiautonomous tribal regions.
“People from both sides damaged each other’s property on Friday and Saturday, and sporadic clashes are still continuing there,” he said, adding that officials were still investigating to determine what sparked the riots.
Khan said they were seeking help from clerics from the Shiite and Sunni sects to control the situation. (more…)

Muslim vs Muslim Jihad in Southern Thailand Continues

7 April, 2007

We are more Muslim than you.
BS-You don’t know that.
Bang-Bang: See we told you! Allah u Ackbar!

8 April 2007 (AFP)
NARATHIWAT – Four Muslim men have been killed in shooting attacks by suspected Islamic militants in Thailand’s restive south, police said Friday.

Two Muslim men, aged 26 and 35, were gunned down in a drive-by shooting on their way to a mosque late Thursday in Narathiwat, one of the three insurgency-plagued provinces bordering Malaysia.

Two other men were killed in separate attacks in Narathiwat — one 52-year-old was gunned down in an ambush, while a 51-year-old was killed when militants opened fire on his home, police said.

More than 2,000 people have been killed in Thailand’s Muslim-majority south since an insurgency broke out in January 2004.

Thailand’s military-installed government has launched a raft of peace measures, only to see the attacks escalate in the past six months.

Although Buddhists in the region feel increasingly vulnerable, Muslims with links to the government are often targeted for attack.

Watchdog Group To Protest Congressman Joe Sestak’s Speech At CAIR Fundraiser

7 April, 2007

April 6 – Coral Springs, FL – Americans Against Hate [AAH], the group that was responsible for Senator Barbara Boxer rescinding an award from CAIR leader Basim Elkarra, will be leading a protest against Congressman Joe Sestak’s appearance at the First Annual Banquet for the Philadelphia chapter of CAIR.
CAIR or the Council on American-Islamic Relations was created, in June of 1994, by leaders of the former American propaganda wing of Hamas, the Islamic Association for Palestine [IAP]. CAIR’s Executive Director Nihad Awad has publicly stated that he supports Hamas, CAIR has solicited money for a Hamas charity [Holy Land Foundation] on its website, and to this day, CAIR refuses to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization.
Joe Kaufman, the Chairman of Americans Against Hate and founder of CAIR Watch, stated, “Given CAIR’s ties to terrorism, it is beyond reprehensible that a sitting Congressman of the United States would seek to legitimize CAIR by speaking at one of its events. We call on Congressman Sestak to cancel his speaking engagement and abandon his ties to CAIR.”
Currently, Congressman Sestak has working for him the former Office Manager and Communications Director of CAIR-Philadelphia, Adeeba Al-Zaman.

Protest details:
Day/Time: Saturday, April 7, 2007, 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM
Location: Outside the Hilton Philadelphia City Ave, at 4200 City Ave.
There will be refreshments.
Mr. Kaufman will be speaking at the protest and will be available for interviews after the event. He can be contacted at