Archive for 21 April, 2007

Virginia Tech, Trolley Mall, and Islam

21 April, 2007

Ronin’s theory of the Virginia Tech shooter being linked to radical Islam seems to be gaining some credence…

Also, my theory of the Trolley Mall shooter being a Muslim struck with Sudden Jihad Syndrome is gaining ground. Read about both of them in the following article:

Anatomy of a Killer
Frank Salvato

I like to think of myself as someone who gathers all of the facts, along with some educated opinions, before I formulate my stance on things.

It is for that reason that I read publications from both sides of the aisle on a daily basis when it comes to politics and from publications around the world when examining world events. The barbaric slaughter at Virginia Tech did not — and does not — escape this approach.

In the end, the examination of the facts surrounding the senseless deaths of 32 and the suicide of the shooter have left me with more questions than answers and dredged up still unanswered questions about past events.

Admittedly, my examination of the events that took place on Virginia Tech’s campus may be influenced by terrorism. I spend a good portion of my work day researching terrorism for two non-profit groups, Basics Project and America’s Truth Forum, whose missions are to, among other things, focus on the threat posed by radical Islam. Through researching first-source, fact-based information from credible think tanks, organizations, and advocacy groups on both sides of the issue, I am now keenly aware of the subtleties presented in news items.

The components of the Virginia Tech slaughter that bother me most are the use of the term “Ismail Ax” by Cho Seung-Hui and the fact that no news agency — or governmental agency for that matter — has come out with information on Hui’s religious background.

Couple that with the fact that some of his slaughterhouse floor tactics mimic those described in terrorist training manuals and that some of the verbiage used in his final “video manifesto” rails on along the lines of a final video tape issued by an Islamic suicide bomber. (more…)

Young Taliban Beheads Ghulam Nabi

21 April, 2007

Updated (24 APR 07): YouTube Video of the beheading (slightly edited):

The only video I can find of this, right now, is from Fox News. Of course, there is an advertisement right before the main video begins, so patience is a virtue.

Click HERE for the video



KILI FAQIRAN, Pakistan — The boy with the knife looks barely 12. In a high-pitched voice, he denounces the bound, blindfolded man before him as an American spy. Then he hacks off the captive’s head to cries of “God is great!” and hoists it in triumph by the hair.

A video circulating in Pakistan records the grisly death of Ghulam Nabi, a Pakistani militant accused of betraying a top Taliban official who was killed in a December airstrike in Afghanistan.

An Associated Press reporter confirmed Nabi’s identity by visiting his family in Kili Faqiran, their remote village in southwestern Pakistan.

The video, which was obtained by AP Television News in the border city of Peshawar on Tuesday, appears authentic and is unprecedented in jihadist propaganda because of the youth of the executioner. (more…)

Apples and Oranges, Tomatoes and Cucumbers…

21 April, 2007

Here’s something you don’t hear everyday – don’t place tomatoes beside cucumbers because they are of different genders… Uhm, no, wait, that wasn’t it… Oh, yeah… Iraqi Sunnis fighting Al-Qaeda Sunnis in Iraq over religious interpretations of the Hadith and Qur’an:


Insurgents battling al-Qaida outside Baghdad, U.S. says

Seattle Times
The Associated Press

MUQDADIYAH, Iraq — At least two major insurgent groups are battling al-Qaida in provinces outside Baghdad, American military commanders said Friday, an indication of a deepening rift between Sunni guerrilla groups in Iraq.

The clashes have erupted over the last two to three months, pitting al-Qaida in Iraq against the nationalist 1920 Revolution Brigades in Diyala and Salahuddin provinces north of Baghdad as well as Anbar to the west, U.S. officers said. In Diyala, another hard-line militant Sunni group, the Ansar al-Sunna Army, is also fighting al-Qaida, they said.

“It’s happening daily,” Lt. Col. Keith Gogas said Thursday in an interview at an Army base in Muqdadiyah, 60 miles northeast of Baghdad. “Our read on it is that the more moderate, if you will, Sunni insurgents are finding that their goals and al-Qaida’s goals are at odds.”

American commanders cite al-Qaida’s severe brand of Islam, which is so extreme that in Baqouba, al-Qaida has warned street vendors not to place tomatoes beside cucumbers because the vegetables are different genders, Col. David Sutherland said.


Muslim Scholar Blames Violent American Films for Virginia Tech Shooting

21 April, 2007

Ack! Be sure to get out your duct-tape so that your head won’t explode when reading the following artice (which I have copiously commented – feel free to add your own comments):

Scholar blames ‘violent philosophy’ for massacre
The Muslim News


Doha, Qatar, (Gulf Times: DOHA-BASED Islamic scholar Dr Yousuf al-Qaradawi yesterday said that Monday’s massacre on the Virginia Tech university campus was the result of the “violent philosophy” being spread in the United States through films.

Uhm, Cho Seung-Hui probably grew up watching Ren and Stimpy cartoons, so Dr. Qaradawi might want to include that in his rantings, also…


Nope, it couldn’t be the result of a mentally disturbed individual… Yup, blame America, not the killer…

Addressing worshippers at Doha’s Omar bin al-Khattab mosque, Qaradawi said that he “felt deep pain” when he had heard about the tragedy. He expressed his sympathy to the families of the victims.

What a load of crap! I’m sure he felt deep pain alright… Deep pain that more Americans didn’t die…

Qaradawi said that violent films spurred “hate and selfishness” and taught viewers that “the rule of rifle and lack of values and mercy are the correct approach”.

Oh, for a moment there, I thought he was talking about Islamonazism…

He said: “This is what the American civilisation is based on. America teaches its sons that by using your power you can rule.”

See what I mean? In one breath he claims sympathy for Americans, and in the next, he slams Americans for their alleged violent civilization…

The scholar said that as they (the Americans) knew that the perpetrator was a South Korean, they “kept a low profile” about the tragedy and dealt with the matter with a “semi-silence.”

Hold on a moment while I turn on CNN… Yup, they’re still talking about the Virginia Tech Shootings. Let me change the channel to the other CNN channel… Yup, they’re interviewing some guy who was on the campus the day of the shooting… Five days later and it is still CNN’s top news story. Yup, I guess that is what he calls, “semi-silence.”

“If the murderer was a Muslim, the sky would have fallen,” he said.

Another lie!!! There was nothing, “semi-silent” about the ethnicity of Cho. In fact, the media was anything but silent when they found out the killer wasn’t Muslim! We all have witnessed the media covering up Muslim violence in the United States as of late, so, of course, this statement is meant to infuriate the Muslim listeners…

“Our religion calls for peace and stands against bloodshed.”

We know that’s not true! At least Cho didn’t go around beheading everyone (which the Qur’an calls for, or did Dr. Qaradawi forget about Sura 8:12 – “…I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”)

Yup, this guy is taking the practice of Taqiyya to a whole new level…


Engineer Selling Nuclear Secrets to Iran???

21 April, 2007

Okay, They arrest this engineer for taking computer access codes and software to Iran, then, the next sentence says that the FBI  said there’s no terrorist connections….  What the hell did they arrest him for then…  Those FBI guys don’t have a clue as to why they arrested him…

Engineer Accused of Taking Codes to Iran

The Associated Press
Saturday, April 21, 2007; 9:57 AM

PHOENIX — A former engineer at the nation’s largest nuclear power plant has been charged with taking computer access codes and software to Iran and using it to download details of plant control rooms and reactors, authorities said.

The FBI said there’s no indication the plant employee training software had any terrorist connections.

Mohammad Alavi, who worked at the triple-reactor Palo Verde power plant west of Phoenix, was arrested April 9 at Los Angeles International Airport when he arrived on a flight from Iran, authorities said.

Alavi, 49, is a U.S. citizen and denies any wrongdoing, said his attorney, Milagros Cisneros of the Federal Defender’s Office in Phoenix.

He is charged with a single count of violating a trade embargo that prohibits Americans from exporting goods and services to Iran. If convicted, he would face up to 21 months in prison. (more…)

Here She is, Miss Gun Totin’ Granny

21 April, 2007


Venus Ramey was the first red-headed Miss America. It’s nice to know that her recent gray hair has not diminished her red-headed temper in the least! Click HERE for her Pinup that kept the boys going in WWII.

Ex-Miss America shoots thief’s tires
82-year-old wielded snub-nosed .38: ‘He was probably wetting his pants’

Tough isn’t a word necessarily associated with Miss America, but three thieves arrested after their truck tires were shot out by 82-year-old Venus Ramey might beg to differ.

Ramey, who won the elite beauty crown in 1944, confronted one of the three robbers on her farm in Waynesburg, Ky., about 140 miles south of Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

“He was probably wetting his pants,” said Ramey, who balanced on her walking stick as she pulled out a snub-nosed .38-caliber handgun.

Ramey said thieves for some time have been breaking into a building on her property where she stores century-old steel-shaping machines and other equipment to sell for scrap, according to the Enquirer.

On April 13, while feeding horses, she followed her dog when it ran over to the building, where a truck was parked in front.

She confronted a man who told her he was “scrapping” and would not leave.

“I said, ‘Oh, no you won’t,’ and I shot their tires so they couldn’t leave,” Ramey told the Cincinnati paper. (more…)