Archive for 27 April, 2007

Beauty Pageants in Saudi Arabia

27 April, 2007

Some days, you just can’t make this stuff up!

camel.jpg Saudi tribe holds beauty pageant

The Daily Times
The legs are long, the eyes are big, the bodies curvaceous. Contestants in this Saudi-style beauty pageant have all the features you might expect anywhere else in the world, but with one crucial difference — the competitors are camels.

This week, the Qahtani tribe of western Saudi Arabia has been welcoming entrants to its Mazayen al-Ibl competition, a parade of the ‘most beautiful camels’ in the desolate desert region of Guwei’iyya. “In Lebanon they have Miss Lebanon,” jokes Walid, moderator of the competition’s website. “Here we have Miss Camel.” (more…)

Terrorism Report Due Out Next Week

27 April, 2007

Well, get ready for the onslaught of Democratic anti-war chaff to be dispersed liberally next week…  


Terror attacks up more than 25%, report says
By Warren P. Strobel and Jonathan S. Landay
McClatchy Newspapers
(MCT) –

WASHINGTON – A State Department report on terrorism due out next week will show a more than 25 percent increase in terror attacks worldwide in 2006 to over 14,000 – almost all of it due to incidents in Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. officials said Friday.

Based on data compiled by the U.S. intelligence community’s National Counterterrorism Center, the reports says there were 14,338 terror attacks last year, up 29 percent from 11,111 attacks in 2005. Forty-five percent of the attacks took place in Iraq.

Five U.S. officials with knowledge of the report agreed to discuss it on the condition they not be identified.

Worldwide, about 5,800 people were killed in terrorist attacks, also up from 2005.

The figures for Iraq and elsewhere are limited to attacks on noncombatants, and do not include strikes against U.S. troops in Iraq.

The annual report’s release comes in the midst of a bitter feud between the White House and Congress over funding for U.S. troops in Iraq, in which Democrats controlling both houses favor a deadline to begin a U.S. troop withdrawal.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her top aides had considered postponing or downplaying the release of this year’s edition, due to the extreme political sensitivities, several officials said. But ultimately, they decided to issue the report on or about the congressionally mandated deadline of Tuesday, the officials said.

McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

Four Members of Terrorist Network Nabbed in Sadr City

27 April, 2007

 Yup, more good news coming out of Iraq:


US troops seize gang ‘smuggling bombs from Iran’

27/04/2007 16:34

US forces on Friday detained four members of a gang suspected of smuggling armour-piercing bombs from Iran to Iraq and sending back militants for “terrorist training”, the military said.

A statement from US command in Iraq said the suspects were picked up in an early morning raid on the east Baghdad suburb of Sadr City, a known stronghold of radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army militia.

“The individuals targeted during the raid are suspected members of a secret cell terrorist network known for facilitating the transport of weapons and explosively formed penetrators, or EFPs, from Iran to Iraq,” it said.

The EFP is a form of roadside bomb in which the detonation of an explosive charge inside a steel tube causes a copper disk to deform into a fist-sized chunk of supersonic molten metal that can scythe through armoured vehicles.

American commanders say the design is exclusively Iranian and in January alleged that at least 170 US troops had been killed by EFPs since May 2004.

The statement also said that the gang had sent “militants from Iraq to Iran for terrorist training.”

“Intelligence reports also indicate the secret cell has ties to a kidnapping network that conducts attacks within Iraq,” it added.

The announcement came one day after the US commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, accused Iranian Revolutionary Guards of supporting a Mahdi Army splinter group implicated in the kidnap and murder of five GIs.

Since January, US forces have been holding five alleged members of the Guards’ covert Qods Force after seizing them in a raid on an Iranian government office in the northern Iraqi City of Arbil.

Tehran denies that its agents are involved in the Iraqi conflict.

Stupid Monkeys…

27 April, 2007

Play with fire and you are bound to get burned, play with bombs and you are bound to meet your maker…


Blast kills three bombmakers in Pakistani tribal region


PESHAWAR, Apr 27 (Reuters): Three suspected al Qaeda-linked militants were killed and two wounded while making bombs Friday in a house in Pakistan’s tribal region near the Afghan border, officials said.

“They had stored explosives in the house and were preparing bombs when the explosion took place,” a senior military official said.

The official dismissed rumors that the explosion in Saidgai, outside of Miranshah, the main town of North Waziristan, was caused by a missile fired from a helicopter. (more…)

CIA Arrests Senior Al-Qaeda Operative

27 April, 2007

Yup, ever since General David Petraeus rode into to town, al-Qaeda in Iraq has been bleeding like a stuck pig!!!

Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi is one bad dude! Congratulations are in order.


US holds ‘senior al-Qaeda figure’

BBC News

The US says it has arrested a senior al-Qaeda operative on his way to Iraq to plan future attacks.

A Pentagon spokesman said Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi had links to militant leaders in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

He was heading to Iraq to take over al-Qaeda operations and plot attacks against targets in the West, the Pentagon said.

Reports said he was also accused of involvement in plots to assassinate Pakistan’s President Pervez Musharraf.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said the suspect was “one of al-Qaeda’s highest ranking and senior operatives at the time of his detention.

“He is associated with leaders of extremist groups allied with al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and including the Taleban,” he added.

The Reuters news agency said he was arrested by the CIA and handed over to the Pentagon.

Islamic Police Searching For Lesbian Fugitives

27 April, 2007

The following article is a taste of what the religion of peace has in mind for our gay and lesbian friends… 

Five lesbian ‘wives’ flee Sharia
BBC News
A Nigerian lesbian who “married” four women last weekend in Kano State has gone into hiding from the Islamic police, with her partners.

Under Sharia law, adopted in the state seven years ago, homosexuality and same-sex marriages are outlawed and considered very serious offences. – Read that as, “stone-able” offenses…

The theatre where the elaborate wedding celebration was held on Sunday has been demolished by Kano city’s authorities. 

Notice that they call it a, “theater,” and not a wedding chapel or anything like that, thus, removing any religious overtones, so that they can demolish it like a crack-house!  We could learn a lot from those spin doctors in Kano when it comes to getting rid of Islamonazi infested Mosques…

Lesbianism is also illegal under Nigeria’s national penal code.

Nigeria’s parliament is considering tightening its laws on homosexuality. (more…)

170 Terror Suspects Arrested in Saudi Arabia

27 April, 2007

Click Here for Update No. 1 on this breaking Story.

Click Here for Update No. 2 on this breaking Story.

Click Here for Update No. 3 on this breaking Story.

Note:  Update No. 3 has some interesting information.  Such as:
Their leader had apparently selected them while they were going around the Kaaba in Mecca, as Muslim pilgrims do during Hajj.


Saudis ‘hold 170 terror suspects’

BBC News:

More than 170 terror suspects have been arrested in Saudi Arabia, officials there have said.

Those detained are said to be both Saudi and foreign nationals, Interior Ministry spokesman Gen Mansur al-Turki told local media.

Large amounts of weapons and $5.33m (£2.67m) in cash were also seized.

Some of the suspects were training as pilots and planning attacks on oil installations and military bases, according to the interior ministry.

“Some have begun training on the use of weapons, and some were sent to other countries to study aviation in preparation to use them to carry out terrorist operations inside the kingdom,” a ministry statement read out on state TV channel al-Ekhbariya said.

The station broadcast footage of various types of weapons which were said to have been buried in the desert.

Saudi Arabia has been battling al-Qaeda-linked militants since a 2003 wave of suicide attacks on foreigners.