Archive for 22 September, 2007

Almost 10,000 from Terrorist States Allowed into U.S.

22 September, 2007

Yup, bureaucrats are still  letting just about anyone into our country with little to no accountability…

U.S. admits nearly 10,000 from “terrorism” states
Yahoo News
By David Morgan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Nearly 10,000 people from countries designated as sponsors of terrorism have entered the United States under an immigration diversity program with relatively few restrictions, a report released on Friday said.

The report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office said the State Department’s inspector general warned in 2003 that the Diversity Visa Program posed a significant risk to national security and recommended it be closed to people from countries on the U.S. list of state terrorism sponsors.

But four years later, the program remains open to people from those nations and little is known about what becomes of them once they enter the United States, the GAO said.

From 2000 to 2006, the program allowed 3,703 people from Sudan, 3,164 from Iran, 2,763 from Cuba and 162 from Syria to enter the United States and apply for permanent legal resident status, the report said. That totals 9,792 new immigrants.

“We found no documented evidence of … immigrants from state sponsors of terrorism committing any terrorist acts,” said the GAO, a nonpartisan investigative arm of Congress.

“However … the Department of Homeland Security, terrorism experts and federal law enforcement officials familiar with immigration fraud believe that some individuals including terrorists and criminals could use fraudulent means to enter or remain in the United States.”

The report quoted a U.S. security officer in Turkey as saying it would be possible for Iranian intelligence officers to pose as applicants and not be detected if their identities were not already known to U.S. intelligence.


Don’t Tase Me, Bro!

22 September, 2007

In keeping with Andy Warhol’s prophecy, I present Andrew Meyer’s 15 minutes of fame.  Or, is it MC Hammer’s 15 minutes?  I really don’t know… Maybe it’s both…  Anyway,  enjoy:

[H/T to Hot Air

Can’t Tase Me 

Pope Criticizes Islamic Treatment of Christians

22 September, 2007

 Gee, I just can’t wait for the next batch of Rage Boy pictures when the Islamonazis hear about this:

Pope in ‘freedom’ blast at Islam
DailyMail UK

The Pope has again risked provoking the wrath of the Islamic world, by criticising its treatment of Christians.

Benedict XVI attacked Muslim nations where Christians are either persecuted or given the status of second-class citizens under the Shariah Islamic law.

He also defended the rights of Muslims to convert to Christianity, an act which warrants the death penalty in many Islamic countries.

His comments came almost exactly a year after he provoked a wave of anger among Muslims by quoting a Byzantine emperor who linked Islam to violence.

Yesterday, near Rome, the 80-year-old pontiff made a speech in “defence of religious liberty”, which, he said “is a fundamental, irrepressible, inalienable and inviolable right”.

In a clear reference to Islam, he said: “The exercise of this freedom also includes the right to change religion, which should be guaranteed not only legally, but also in daily practice.”


Jihadi Web Sites Systematically Being Shut Down

22 September, 2007

This could be why people are pretty quiet about the latest “AQ” releases

The Al-Hayat account today of the latest “Bin Laden” tape is accompanied with a screen-capture or whatever you call that, a still, showing the SITE Institute moniker in the upper corner. And AlQuds al-Arabi, for its part, refers to the same SITE institute as an authority for saying the latest tape is “new”. The Hayat picture suggests that that London-based pan-Arab paper possibly wasn’t able to find the tape on any of actual “jihadi” sites. And the Al-Quds reference is probably an indication that there wasn’t any better “analysis” to rely on. Peculiar.

What has happened is that in recent weeks or is it months, the web-sites where normally you could browse the jihadi comment-boards, and find the latest releases, have become unavailable. (You needed registration to comment, but anyone could read). These included,,, and others. Most or all of these, reportedly, were hosted in the United States, which also seems a bit strange. Just to be clear, it isn’t clear how or by whom (or as far as I am concerned, exactly when) these were shut down. The fact that Al-Hayat is showing the version released by SITE Institute (and that Al-Quds refers to the SITE “analysis”) seem to imply that the shut-down has been fairly thorough.
