Archive for 1 March, 2008

One Rocket to many.

1 March, 2008

The Israeli airforce backed up by ground troops has decided to pay the not so friendly thugs in Gaza a visit. Casualties are already over 80 followers of old mo and the minions are already crying alligator tears in the press. The cost to Israel has been high (two dead). I’m sure the numbers on both sides will climb.

Expect the normal minion propaganda rant that this is all genocide as they attempt to portray the muslim minions as the victims. They will claim each Israeli bomb and soldier murdered a child, old man, pregnant woman (pick one or all) all the while ignoring the cowards in Gaza using human shields. They will also ignore all the threats from so called islamic clerics, the rockets fired at Israeli civilians, the attempted infiltration’s and suicide attacks. A few million Jews will once again threaten 1.5 billion Muslims. With those kind of odds the muslims really should consider surrender, they have little or no chance. (more…)

Kosovo and the threat of violent separatism

1 March, 2008

An excellent article on the complexities surrounding the theft of Kosovo and why recognizing it’s declared independence may come back to bite us.

By Mark Kramer, 29 February 2008, The Washington Post
Kosovo’s decision to declare independence was a bad idea. The U.S. decision to recognize it was worse – and not because it prompted a crowd of angry Serbs to torch the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.

Even if the pint-size chunk of the Balkans does not degenerate into failed statehood like Sudan or Somalia, it almost certainly will remain in its current perilous condition and become a European bastion of criminality and human trafficking. Recognizing Kosovo also sends a bizarre message to separatist movements around the world: If you resort to violence, the West might support you; if you’re peaceful, you haven’t got a prayer.

That was certainly the message to Ibrahim Rugova and his Democratic League of Kosovo.

Rugova, a former professor of literature who used to hand out stones from his rock collection to visiting dignitaries (the more he liked you, the better the rock), formed his movement in late 1989 to offer peaceful resistance to Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic. Milosevic had rescinded Kosovo’s autonomy and clamped down on its majority Albanian population as part of his murderous plan to carve a “Greater Serbia” from the ashes of the former Yugoslavia. But for nearly a decade, Rugova received no support from Western countries, which largely ignored the region. The Dayton Agreement of 1995, ending the bloody war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, made no mention of Kosovo.

Not until the Albanian-run Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) came on the scene in 1997 with a guerrilla campaign and terrorist attacks against Serbian troops and civilians did the Clinton administration begin to pay attention to Kosovo, inadvertently rewarding the KLA and its terrorist violence. The KLA deliberately sought to provoke Serbian reprisals, and Milosevic, with his usual obtuse brutality, readily obliged.

As the fighting escalated, the United States and other NATO countries agreed to take military action to halt Milosevic’s campaign of ethnic cleansing. But instead of dispatching ground troops, President Clinton decided to rely solely on air power. The KLA in effect became NATO’s boots on the ground. So when Milosevic agreed in June 1999 to withdraw Serbian forces from Kosovo, the KLA, empowered by NATO’s pixie dust, filled the vacuum. For the next 15 months, the KLA-led government alienated most of the 2.5 million people in Kosovo – Albanian and Serbs alike – by engaging in violence, extortion and other abuses, including by all accounts widespread drug and gun running. (more…)

Police Arrests 3 Afghanis with Bomb Making Materials in Ireland

1 March, 2008

Riding low under the radar of the MSM is the arrest of 3 Afghanis who might have links with Al-Qaeda.  I find it interesting that terrorists decided to set up shop in Ireland, considering that Irish officials seem to be against the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Kind of throws another monkey wrench in the claims that terrorists target Western countries because of their support of the U.S. and her war on terror.  Nope, I’d say that this adds credence to those who believe the West is being targeted for her Christian and secular beliefs (i.e. – Islam is NOT the official religion of the West).

Also, it shows how stupid some terrorists can be.  I mean, did they really think they could gather bomb making materials in Ireland without raising the suspicion of authorities who have had years of experience with the IRA? 

3 Afghans arrested after terrorist raid on hostel

 01 March 2008
By Donal Hickey, Sean O’Riordan and Conor Ryan – The Irish Examiner

THREE Afghan men have been arrested on suspicion of terrorist activity after gardaí raided an asylum seekers’ hostel in Tralee.

The men, in their 30s and 40s, were in Atlas House when up to 20 gardaí, including armed detectives, raided the premises.

It is understood the search team recovered what was described as bomb-making equipment although no live bombs or ammunition was found on site.

The raid took place early yesterday evening when gardaí sealed off the area.

Last night, gardaí confirmed the three men had been arrested following the seizure but they did not have precise ages for the people being questioned.

A spokesman said a number of items were seized and will be taken to Dublin to be examined by experts. There were no firearms in the men’s possession.

The army bomb disposal team was not required to travel to Tralee.

Gardaí would not confirm if the men were part of any terrorist cell acting in the country or linked to well-known fundamentalist groups in Afghanistan such as al-Qaida.

The men were taken to Tralee Garda Station and held under section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act. This relates to unlawful organisations and terrorist activity. They can be held for a maximum of 72 hours when they have to be either charged or released.

The place they were staying at, Atlas House in McCowen’s Lane, is a well-known centre for asylum seekers in Tralee and is home to up to 70 people at any one time.

The apartment block remained sealed off last night as the investigation continued.

A team from the Garda Technical Bureau was on its way from Dublin to examine the devices and was due in Tralee around midnight.

It is understood the raid took place on foot of confidential information received by the gardaí.

No. 2 Colombian rebel leader killed

1 March, 2008

Just a feel good article to remind everyone that all murderous terrorists are not Muslims and that others are fighting to preserve freedom.

By Chris Kraul, 1 March, 2008, Los Angeles Times
BOGOTA — The second-highest-ranking leader in Colombia’s largest leftist guerrilla group was killed in a predawn bombing raid, the defense minister announced this morning.

Luis Edgar Devia Silva, better known by the alias Raul Reyes, was found dead in a jungle camp early this morning after the confrontation with Colombian armed forces in Putumayo state near the Ecuadorean border.

Reyes, 59, was second in the hierarchy of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, and was the rebel group’s principal spokesman and chief diplomat. During failed peace negotiations with the Colombian government from 1998 to 2001, Reyes traveled abroad to talk to foreign leaders to muster support.

Analysts were quick to describe the killing of Reyes, part of the seven-member FARC secretariat, as the most damaging blow yet struck by the government of President Alvaro Uribe in the campaign to defeat the rebels in a continuing 40-year war.

“This is of enormous importance. Reyes was the public face of the FARC and the only one who had international contacts,” former Foreign Minister Maria Emma Mejia told Caracol TV. “This is a strong blow.”

Former President Ernesto Samper told RCN television that Uribe’s campaign was “showing results and this is an example.”

Seventeen other FARC rebels and one Colombian soldier were reported killed in the battle. Reyes was second in command to Manuel Marulanda, also known as “Sure Shot,” who founded the rebel group in 1965. (more…)

Muslim Crying, Complaining and Bitc%ing continues

1 March, 2008

The followers of the pedophile king are whining yet again (big surprise).

29 February 2008, Middle East Times
CAIRO – Many Muslims are asking whether some Europeans actually enjoy angering the Islamic world. As Danish newspapers republish inflammatory cartoons that portray the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb as a turban and a Dutch member of parliament calls for the Koran to be banned, Muslims wonder about the so-called tradition of European tolerance.
-Tolerance and free speech are not one and the same. The hard truth is any belief system that can not stand up under scrutiny is worthless. The only reason Muslims insist Islam not be challenged is because they can never defend it against an equal comparison with other belief systems. This was never about tolerance it was always about silencing the truth. Muslims are and should be ashamed of their history.

The day after Danish police arrested three Muslims of North African decent for allegedly planning to murder the Jyllands-Posten cartoonist, who drew the offending cartoons, newspapers across the country republished those cartoons. They said freedom of the press was under threat and the cartoons have come to symbolize that freedom.
-I can hear the sobs of failed Muslim killers now, so sad-to bad. (more…)