Archive for 21 March, 2008

Cross-dressing Muslim in BURKHA robs jewelry store.

21 March, 2008


No doubt, this is daily wear of the cross-dresser and his band of “merry men” but it is also apparently work attire. By CHARLOTTE GILL, 21 March, 2008, The Daily Mail

There was something not quite right about the figure in a burka buzzing for entry at the jeweller’s door.
Her towering 6ft 6in height, for one thing.

The fact that she was pushing a pram, however, persuaded staff to release the lock and let her in.

At that point, four men armed with hammers burst into the shop and smashed open the glass display cabinets.

They shovelled £200,000 of 24-carat gold jewellery into bags before fleeing with their (male) accomplice in two getaway cars.
-You just can’t make up stuff like this.

Owner Raj Kumar offered a £5,000 reward to catch the gang who raided Friends Jewellers in Smethwick, West Midlands.

He said it was his mother who first spotted the tall figure in the burka just after 1pm on Wednesday. “We have buzzer entry and he was trying to get my mum to let him in.

“She thought he looked too tall to be a woman but he had this pushchair with him.

“When she opened the door these men ran in from behind and used hammers to smash through the next door. It took them about five goes to get through the glass.”

The raiders, all believed to be Asian, attacked Mr Kumar, his brother Ash and their two security guards with pepper spray before raiding the cabinets.
-Asian is code for “MUSLIM” (more…)

Two Russian journalists murdered in a single day

21 March, 2008

It doesn’t take a detective to figure out this is another attack on a free press. Someone is scared of free speech. It is a little early to point this at the government but not to early to remind everyone they have a reputation of silencing critics.

21 March, 2008, DPA
Moscow – The head of the state radio and television in the Russian autonomous Republic of Dagestan was shot dead on Friday in the capital Makhachkala, the Russia state prosecutor Yuri Chaika told the Interfax news agency on Friday. The death of Gaji Abashilova marks the second murder of a journalist in Russia Friday.

Abashilova, who shot on the street in Makhachkala by assailants who fired from a car, according to the Interfax report, which added that Chaika would personally take over the investigation into the murder.

Earlier Friday, Russia state-television journalist Illyas Shurpayev (a native of Dagestan) was found strangled with a belt and stabbed in his burning apartment by firefighters.
-A piss poor attempt to hide a murder.

Three days before his death, the news portal Caucasian Knot reported that Shurpayev had complained of being at the top of a blacklist of journalists who were no longer allowed to publish for a Dagestani newspaper.

Shurpayev was a journalist for state-run Channel One television. Assailants apparently set fire to his apartment early Friday, news agency Interfax quoted prosecutors as saying.

Russian media reports said Shurpayev apparently knew his killers because he called down to the concierge in his building and asked for two young men to be let in.

Prosecutors said they had opened a criminal investigation into the case and were looking at the possibility that the killing might be related to his work.
-Duh! (more…)

CAIR Starts Letter Writing Campaign in Support of Confessed Terrorist, Sami al-Arian

21 March, 2008

How many stories like this do we have to dig up before the FBI and Homeland Security stop kowtowing to CAIR and just put them out of their misery???

On a personal note, I send my heartfelt wishes to Sami al-Arian. Hopefully Mr. al-Arian’s most recent hunger strike will be as successful as Michael Gaughan’s was in the 1970’s and we’ll have one less idiot to worry about …


CAIR’s Support Of Terrorist Sami Al-Arian Proves Organization’s Jihadist Sympathies – In the most recent issue of the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR, the Saudi-funded unindicted co-conpirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror prosecution] newsletter, the radical Islamist organization is asking its membership to support confessed terrorist Sami Al-Arian, Federal prisoner #40939-018:

“The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on American Muslims and other people of conscience to write letters in support of Dr. Sami Al-Arian, a former Florida professor currently on his second hunger strike in federal detention to protest alleged unjust treatment by U.S. authorities.”

In this same communication CAIR provides a link to the “Free Sami Al-Arian – How to Help” website, which is associated with numerous Islamo-Fascist groups including the Muslim American Society [American wing of the Muslim Brotherhood], the Blue Triangle Network based in “Dearbornistan,” Michigan and CAIR itself.

In Federal Court proceedings, Al-Arian admitted, as part of a plea bargain, that he was indeed guilty as charged, that he was a member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, had worked to spread the group’s ideology and had involved numerous others in this terrorist enterprise including Al-Arian’s brother-in-law Mazen Al-Najjar, who has since been deported.

In court Al-Arian plead guilty to, “conspiracy to make or receive contributions of funds, goods or services to or for the benefit of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” an admission that he was a terrorist. According to an April 17, 2006 DOJ press release: (more…)

Russian Foreign Minister Sides with the Islamic Squatters

21 March, 2008

Reality check. Until just a few days ago, Russia had a blockade going of its own against the breakaway republic of Georgia. So, am I to assume that gives them the right to tell Israel what to do? What a bunch of hypocrites!

UPDATE: Sergei Lavrov confirms the shipment of up to 50 armored vehicles to Fatah’s security forces.

Russian FM calls for end to Gaza blockade, settlements

lavrov.jpgRAMALLAH, West Bank (AFP) — Visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday criticized Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank and called for an end to the Jewish state’s “unacceptable” blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Following talks with Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, Lavrov also said Russia would soon set a date for a proposed peace conference which Moscow wants to host and which he is promoting on his Middle East tour.

“We are worried by the Israeli settlement activity and urge Israel to end it,” Lavrov said at a news conference with Abbas.

Israel had pledged at a US-sponsored conference in November to abide by the 2003 international peace roadmap, which calls for a freeze of settlement activity.

Lavrov also called on Israel to lift the crippling sanctions it imposed on Hamas-run Gaza in January in a bid to end rocket fire from the impoverished Palestinian enclave.

“The blockade imposed against Gaza is unacceptable and it must be ended so the Palestinian people can live normally,” he said.


Yup, Adam Gadahn Still Dead

21 March, 2008

I know that I said I was going to avoid talking about Osama bin Laden’s recently released tapes, but the Jawa Report has an interesting observation to make about them HERE.

Tap, tap, tap…  Hello?

Algerian Authorities Closing Protestant Churches

21 March, 2008

More Islamic proselytizing in action… 

Yup, you know your chosen cult, err religion, sucks when you have to perform triage by closing down another religion’s house of worship in an effort to clot the hemorrhaging  of your own disenchanted followers…. 

Algeria Closing Churches; Launches Crackdown On Missionaries
Friday, 21 March 2008
By BosNewsLife News Center

ALGIERS, ALGERIA (BosNewsLife)– Algerian authorities have ordered the closure of two Protestant churches in the city of Tizi Ouzou, as part of an ongoing crackdown on Christians involved in alleged missionary activities in this predominantly Sunni Muslim nation, BosNewsLife established Friday March 21.

The closures of the 1,200-member Full Gospel Church and another church in Tizi Ouzou’s Nouvelle Ville district came shortly after  an American pastor and ex-chairman of the Protestant Church of Algeria, Hugh Johnson, was told to leave the country for allegedly bringing in a copy of the Bible’s New Testament without permission.

Pastor Johnson has said he will appeal that decision.

Elsewhere in recent months some eight churches were already closed, while a priest and at least five other Christians were sentenced for up to one year imprisonment on charges related to spreading Christianity, several church and media sources said.


Afghani Protesters: “Death to George W. Bush. Death to the Jews and Christians!”

21 March, 2008

Ah yes… It’s Friday. Time for the Religion of Peace to flood out of their mosques with nothing but love in their hearts…

I’m still trying to figure out how the Mullahs crafted their sermons in such a way as to link the Danish Geert Wilders’ film with American President George W. Bush… Sheesh… What a bunch of retards…


Thousands protest cartoons, film in Afghan capital: police

KABUL (AFP) — Thousands of demonstrators torched Dutch and Danish flags in the Afghan capital Kabul Friday in the latest of a wave of protests against cartoons and a film said to insult Islam, police said.

The demonstrators gathered following Friday prayers from various mosques chanting “Death to George W. Bush. Death to the Jews and Christians. This is a plot against Islam,” an AFP reporter at the scene said.

There have been protests in most of Afghanistan’s main cities against the reprinting of Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed as well as an anti-Koran film set to be released this month by a far-right Dutch lawmaker.

The protesters set fire to flags and an effigy of the Dutch film maker.

Anti-riot police were stationed outside the Danish embassy and at main intersections in the city.

“Police have taken necessary precautions. They provided security for the protest. It is peaceful so far,” Interior Ministry spokesman Zemarai Bashary told AFP.

A religious cleric making heated statements to the crowd through a loudspeaker called for Danish and Dutch troops in a NATO alliance fighting Taliban militants in Afghanistan to leave.

“If they don’t leave, killing them is allowed,” said the bearded mullah.

[I smell a Talibani… Take him out, NATO !]


Israeli Ex-Security Guard Solves the “Road Coloring Problem”

21 March, 2008

Those of you who have been visiting this site regularly, know that I am a sucker for theoretical physics and mathematics. So, I couldn’t help but notice that it was an Evil Zionist Jooooo who cracked an almost 40 year old math problem that was first posited by, what else but, another Evil Zionist Jooooo… So… Where are all these much touted Great Islamic Mathematicians we hear so much about? I think we can safely put those reports in the same category as “Bat Boy…”

Israeli ex-security guard solves 38-year-old math problem
By The Associated Press
via Haaretz

A mathematical mystery that has baffled top minds in the field of symbolic dynamics for nearly four decades was cracked last year by a 63-year-old former Israeli security guard.

Avraham Trakhtman, a mathematician who worked as a laborer after immigrating to Israel from Russia, succeeded in solving the elusive Road Coloring Problem. The conjecture assumes that it is possible to create a universal map that would direct people to arrive at a certain destination, at the same time, regardless of their original location. Experts say this proposition, which seems to defy logic, could actually have real-life applications in the fields of mapping and computer science.

“In math circles, we talk about beautiful results. This is beautiful and it is unexpected. Even in layman’s terms it is completely counterintuitive, but somehow it works,” said Stuart Margolis, a colleague who recruited Trakhtman to Bar Ilan University near Tel Aviv.

“The first time I met him he was wearing a night watchman’s uniform,” said Margolis.

The Road Coloring Problem was first posed in 1970 by Benjamin Weiss, an Israeli-American mathematician, and a colleague, Roy Adler, who worked at IBM at the time.

Weiss said he believed that given a finite number of roads, one should be able to draw up a map, coded in various colors, that would lead to a certain destination regardless of the point of origin.

For eight years, he tried to prove his theory. Over the next 30 years, some 100 other scientists attempted to as well. All failed, until Trakhtman jotted solved it in eight pages in pencil last year after working on it for twelve months.


Be Careful What You Wish For…

21 March, 2008

“What’s all this fuss I hear about the U.N.’s Defecation of Religions???”

Saudi Politicians Refuse to Act Against Defamation of Religions
By Patrick Goodenough International Editor
March 21, 2008

( – An Islamic initiative to establish an international convention against the “defamation” of religions ran into an unexpected hurdle this week in Saudi Arabia, where members of a government advisory body argued that the move could force Muslims to recognize pagan beliefs.

The drive to outlaw offenses against religions and religious figures is being spearheaded by the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) as a response to Western depictions of Islam and Mohammed in ways that Muslims consider insulting.

Although protecting Islam is the goal, in order to win support at the United Nations, the OIC is pushing for a convention against insulting all faiths. Last December, an OIC-led resolution on the “defamation of religions” passed in the U.N. General Assembly by a 108-51 vote, with almost half of the support coming from non-Muslim states.


As a key player in the OIC, Saudi Arabia has a leading role in the campaign.

Saudi Arabia’s Shoura Council — an appointed body that advises the kingdom’s unelected government — this week considered a recommendation that the foreign ministry should coordinate with various groups at the U.N. “to adopt an international convention that prohibits offending religions and religious figures in any way.”

The proposal sparked some dissent. Members of the council argued that a convention protecting all religions from defamation would oblige Muslims to tolerate other religious beliefs.

Council member Khaleel al-Khaleel was quoted by the Saudi Gazette as warning against a “trap,” and saying that religious concepts differ from country to country and from civilization to civilization.

“Should Muslims be committed to respect and not criticize any deviant creed that some people consider a religion?” he asked.

[Talk about the proverbial “pot calling the kettle black…”]
