Archive for April 2008

Man Held Captive at Mosque – In Brooklyn!!!

28 April, 2008

A ‘No Go’ zone seems to be growing in Brooklynistan:
Nabbed and held captive by Brooklyn Jihadis!
Canada Free Press
(Editor’s Note: If Bos Smith, who holds a law degree from Wake Forest University can be hauled away by an angry group of angry Muslims in Islamic garb to the basement of a mosque where a group of 20 “security guards” in karate suits all for taking a photo, what about a tourist taking pictures for his travelogue? The working man’s lament, “It’s a free country, isn’t it?” doesn’t seem to work anymore.)

Masjid At-Taqwa Mosque, Siraj Wahaj

A tree grew in Brooklyn.

No longer.

It has been uprooted by the Masjid At-Taqwa and other radical mosques that have sprouted up like huge mechanical mushrooms throughout the borough.

If you tarry in front of the Masjid At-Taqwa in the Bedford-Stuyvesant district and dare to take a photo, you might get hauled away by a group of angry Muslims in Islamic attire to the basement of the facility where a group of twenty “security guards” in karate suits will interrogate you.

This sounds preposterous.

But it happened on a weekend in late April at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Ali Kareem, the head of security for Siraj Wahaj’s mosque, conducted the grilling. A small, muscular man with a wispy black beard that has been dyed red with henna, Kareem demanded to know the reason why a trio of kafirs had dared to photograph the building on a public street without securing his permission.

He further insisted on securing our identities and obtaining our motives for such a violation of Islamic space.

Being surrounded by a group of militant guards in a mosque basement from which there is no means of escape is not a comforting place to be for a Wall Street financier.

We tried to explain that we found the neighborhood with its halal meat vendors and food stores; Islamic dress shops, featuring the latest styles in burqas and hijabs; Muslim souvenir outlets, replete with bumper stickers stating “Don’t Be Caught Dead Without Islam”; and Middle Eastern restaurants offering a variety of goat dishes to be rather quaint and interesting.

This explanation was not sufficient.

Kareem was impatient and did not want a detailed explanation of the reason for our excursion (simple sight-seeing) or a graphic account of the sights we had seen and photographed.

“I ask the questions here,” he said, “and you provide the answers.”


Anatomy of Surrender

28 April, 2008

Matamoros sent us the following article that is on the ‘required reading’ list:

Bruce Bawer
An Anatomy of Surrender
Motivated by fear and multiculturalism, too many Westerners are acquiescing to creeping sharia.
Spring 2008 – City Journal

Islam divides the world into two parts. The part governed by sharia, or Islamic law, is called the Dar al-Islam, or House of Submission. Everything else is the Dar al-Harb, or House of War, so called because it will take war-holy war, jihad-to bring it into the House of Submission. Over the centuries, this jihad has taken a variety of forms. Two centuries ago, for instance, Muslim pirates from North Africa captured ships and enslaved their crews, leading the U.S. to fight the Barbary Wars of 1801-05 and 1815. In recent decades, the jihadists’ weapon of choice has usually been the terrorist’s bomb; the use of planes as missiles on 9/11 was a variant of this method.

What has not been widely recognized is that the Ayatollah Khomeini’s 1989 fatwa against Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie introduced a new kind of jihad. Instead of assaulting Western ships or buildings, Kho­meini took aim at a fundamental Western freedom: freedom of speech. In recent years, other Islamists have joined this crusade, seeking to undermine Western societies’ basic liberties and extend sharia within those societies.

The cultural jihadists have enjoyed disturbing success. Two events in particular-the 2004 assassination in Amsterdam of Theo van Gogh in retaliation for his film about Islam’s oppression of women, and the global wave of riots, murders, and vandalism that followed a Danish newspaper’s 2005 publication of cartoons satirizing Mohammed-have had a massive ripple effect throughout the West. Motivated variously, and doubtless sometimes simultaneously, by fear, misguided sympathy, and multicultural ideology-which teaches us to belittle our freedoms and to genuflect to non-Western cultures, however repressive-people at every level of Western society, but especially elites, have allowed concerns about what fundamentalist Muslims will feel, think, or do to influence their actions and expressions. These Westerners have begun, in other words, to internalize the strictures of sharia, and thus implicitly to accept the deferential status of dhimmis-infidels living in Muslim societies.

Call it a cultural surrender. The House of War is slowly-or not so slowly, in Europe’s case-being absorbed into the House of Submission.

The Western media are in the driver’s seat on this road to sharia. Often their approach is to argue that we’re the bad guys. After the late Dutch sociologist-turned-politician Pim Fortuyn sounded the alarm about the danger that Europe’s Islamization posed to democracy, elite journalists labeled him a threat. A New York Times headline described him as marching the dutch to the right. Dutch newspapers Het Parool and De Volkskrant compared him with Mussolini; Trouw likened him to Hitler. The man (a multiculturalist, not a Muslim) who murdered him in May 2002 seemed to echo such verdicts when explaining his motive: Fortuyn’s views on Islam, the killer insisted, were “dangerous.”


Hezbollah Training in Syria for War Against Israel

28 April, 2008

H/T – Matamoros

Hezb’allah Prepares for War
Rick Moran – American Thinker
Having successfully paralyzed the Lebanese government for more than a year, the political/terrorist group Hezb’allah will now apparently turn its attention back to Israel.

The Guardian reports that villages in southern Lebanon are emptying of young men by Hezb’allah recruiters who are sending them to Syria and Iran for intensive training – all in preparation for another war against the Israelis:

But what is becoming more obvious, even as Hizbollah tries to hide it, is that the group has embarked on an unprecedented build-up of men, equipment and bunker-building in preparation for the war that almost everyone – Lebanese and Israeli – considers inevitable. ‘The villages in the south are empty of men,’ said one international official. ‘They are all gone, training in Bekaa, Syria and Iran.’
A trip by The Observer through villages in the Hizbollah heartland confirmed a conspicuous lack of fighting-age men. Visible were several new martyr posters, but unlike the traditional ones they portrayed anonymous, fresh-faced youngsters without military garb. According to locals, these are boys who have been killed accidentally in the latest wave of training in Iran. In the city of Tyre, too, posters showing young men killed in training exercises are cropping up. One is of Ahmad Hashem, killed while instructing recruits in the use of rocket-propelled grenades.
The initial training and selection of recruits is done in Lebanon, with Iran preferred for training on specialities – use of certain weapons, RPGs and anti-tank missiles – that require firing live rounds. ‘But mostly the training in Iran is in theoretical things: philosophy, religion. The best training for fighting is done here in Lebanon,’ said a fighter. ‘We are so close to Israel here that our training becomes real.’

Western governments are becoming alarmed at the build up. And the threat isn’t lost on Arab governments either. But there is nothing they can do to stop Hezb’allah from carrying out whatever plans they may have to attack the Israelis.

With Syria firmly in their camp and the Iranians acting as paymaster-trainers, Lebanon may once again become the battleground in Islam’s holy war against the Jews.

Egypt Cracks Down on ‘Urfi’ Marriage Contracts

28 April, 2008

H/T – Matamoros

Egypt cracks down on the ‘live in sin licence’

By Carolynne Wheeler in Cairo
28/04/2008 –

In the back rooms of trinket shops, hidden in the snaking alleyways of Cairo, licences for love are signed, sealed – and sold.

Young, middle-class Egyptians are buying so-called “urfi”, informal marriage contracts, in growing numbers to get around religious strictures against having pre-marital sex.

Without documentation it is almost impossible for couples to live together or stay in the same hotel room, and the whiff of impropriety can bring down the wrath of parents, friends and neighbours.

Now Egyptian legislators are preparing to outlaw the contracts and impose fines or jail sentences on the couples involved, and on anyone who acts as a witness. The government fears that urfi marriages have become the country’s equivalent of common-law marriage, while conservatives warn that the practice is against Egyptian morals and senior clerics say it is irreligious.

The contracts offer the promise of marriage according to the teachings of God and the Prophet Mohammed and once one is bought – sometimes for as little as 50 Egyptian pounds, or around £5 sterling – a couple can effectively behave as if they are married.

However, as some couples admit, urfi marriage is not always taken seriously. “It’s for sexual life or just for fun,” said Sayeed, 30, a musician on his second such relationship, arranged through a lawyer friend.


British Convert to Christianity ‘Bullied’ By Muslims

28 April, 2008


British Muslim ‘bullied’ for becoming a Christian

By Bonnie Malkin
28/04/2008 –

A British man who was attacked after converting to Christianity from Islam was told by police to “move to another place”, it has emerged.

Nissar Hussein, 43, from Bradford, West Yorkshire converted from Islam to Christianity with his wife, Qubra, in 1996.

A report by Christian Solidarity Worldwide, quoted in the Times, says he was subjected to a number of attacks and, after being told that his house would be burnt down if he did not return to Islam, alerted the police.

However, the report says Mr Hussein was told that such threats were rarely carried out and that he should “stop being a crusader and move to another place”.

A few days later an unoccupied property next door to Mr Hussein’s house was set on fire.

The report, titled No Place to Call Home, claims that apostates from Islam are subject to “gross and wide-ranging human rights abuses”.

“When identities are precarious, their enforcement will take an aggressive form.”

Australian Prime Minister Forced to Apologize to Muslim Delegates Over Halal Food Incident

28 April, 2008

What?  They couldn’t bring their own sack lunch?  What a bunch of babies…

H/T – Matamoros

Summit halal gaffe offends Muslims

April 28, 2008

AN embarrassed Kevin Rudd has been forced to apologise to Muslim delegates at this month’s 2020 Summit because their religious dietary needs were ignored by caterers who could not tell the difference between halal and vegetarian food.

In the absence of halal food – prepared in accordance to Sharia dietary laws – the Islamic delegates were forced to eat “salad sandwiches and vegetarian pies”.

This was the Rudd Government’s second major summit-related gaffe involving a religious minority after the Prime Minister was forced to apologise to Jewish community leaders for holding the talkfest during the Passover.

Mr Rudd’s apology to Muslim delegates follows revelations by The Australian last month that the Federal Government was considering setting up a Muslim advisory body – which would include sporting figures and academics – to help dismantle the stereotypical and overly religious image of Islam in Australia.

Prominent Muslim leader Fadi Rahman, who attended the two-day conference a fortnight ago, yesterday attacked summit organisers for failing to make halal food available for Islamic delegates.

He said the event’s catering manager could not distinguish between halal food – where animals, excluding pigs, are killed under religious supervision for hygienic and humanitarian reasons – and vegetarian food.

“They just thought to themselves vegetarian will do, that’s halal and that’s it, eat it,” he said.

“But we said, ‘No, vegetarian is not halal. Vegetarian is vegetarian. Halal food is totally different, shouldn’t you guys have done your homework?’

[In other words: “We demand you bow to our every need and want, like a good little dhimmi…”]


Father Kills Daughter Who Fell in Love with British Soldier

28 April, 2008

Matamoros alerted us to the following story:

Soldier in ‘honour killing’ tragedy

UK Press

A 17-year-old girl in Iraq has been murdered by her father in an ‘honour killing’ after she fell in love with a British soldier, it is reported.

Rand Abdel-Qader, from Basra, was killed after her family found out she had formed a friendship with a 22-year-old infantryman she knew as Paul.

The Ministry of Defence said it could not confirm the story, and did not know who the soldier was, but was trying to find him.

A spokesman said: “Service personnel deployed on operations are given cultural awareness training to help them understand the environment and society they are operating in. However, they are not told, ‘don’t go and fall in love’.”

The Observer newspaper said the girl, a student of English at Basra University, met the soldier while working on an aid project for displaced families.

The relationship was innocent, but that did not help her. She had not seen the soldier since January, but on March 16 her father learned of the friendship, the newspaper said.

He stamped on her and suffocated her, then hacked at her with a knife, calling out all the time that his honour was being cleansed, the report said.

When she was being put into the ground, her uncles spat on her covered corpse, the newspaper added.

The father was arrested, held for two hours, then released without charge, it said.

The newspaper quoted Sgt Ali Jabbar, of Basra police, who said: “Not much can be done when we have an ‘honour killing’. You are in a Muslim society and women should live under religious laws.”

Chicago lawyer finds mission in helping Iraqi Christian refugees

27 April, 2008

Finally someone steps up and helps the forgotten Iraqis.
By David Zucchino, April 28, 2008, Los Angeles Times
San Diego – The immigration lawyer and his client huddled at the defense bench in federal court, whispering in Aramaic.

Robert DeKelaita, born and baptized Christian in Iraq and raised in the US, dwarfed his client, a frightened young Iraqi named Yousif Ibrahim.

Mr. Ibrahim, a Christian, had been jailed as a “deportable/inadmissible alien” since walking across the US-Mexican border in May.

Minutes later, Mr. DeKelaita described how Ibrahim’s father had been killed by Muslim insurgents in Iraq — because he was a Christian working for the UN and because another son had served in the US armed forces.

“He cannot go back to Iraq…. He has established credible fear” of persecution, DeKelaita told the immigration judge.

When the judge set a new hearing, DeKelaita told Ibrahim he would be freed.

Over the past decade, DeKelaita has obtained asylum for hundreds of Iraqi Christians facing deportation here, after fleeing religious persecution in Iraq.

But each success leaves DeKelaita conflicted. “My heart is wedded to the idea that they should be safe and secure in their own homeland,” DeKelaita says inside his law office in Skokie, Ill. “What I’m doing is temporary.”

Repressed under Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s Christian population has been decimated since the US invasion in 2003. Muslim extremists have murdered priests and burned Christian churches, shops, and homes. Priests in Iraq estimate that fewer than 500,000 Christians remain, about a third of the number before 2003.

DeKelaita is among a handful of immigration lawyers who specialize in representing Iraqi Christians (more…)

Muslim Arrested in Bangkok for Counterfeiting Passports

27 April, 2008

Again, I am just livid!

LIVID, I tell you!!! Positively furious!!!!!!!

Think your new electronic passports are safe? Think again!

As Yonason first alerted us last month, the U.S.A.’s Government Printing Office (GPO), in a lame and ill-advised effort to save money, outsourced the manufacture of the new electronic passports to foreign countries overflowing with Islamonazis, such as Thailand!

Now, comes the following verification of what we all feared; the Islamonazis have taken advantage of the GPO’s lunacy and are now counterfeiting the new U.S. passports!

This is BIG news, as we have just opened up the floodgates to the terrorists!

EVERYONE needs to write their Congressmen and let them know what you think of the GPO’s stupidity.

The cost cutting management in the GPO needs to be fired!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heck, even as stingy as I am with money, I’d be more than willing to shell out a couple more bucks for a passport if that would insure its manufacture and production were kept where they belong – here at home.

Thai police seize more than 1,000 fake passports in raid
27 April 2008

(Reuters) – via KhaleejTimes

BANGKOK – Thai authorities have seized more than a thousand fake Asian and Western passports and arrested a man in one of the biggest anti-counterfeiting operations in recent years, police said on Sunday.

Mohammed Karim, a 56-year-old from Bangladesh, was nabbed in a Bangkok townhouse late on Saturday where they found a sophisticated passport making operation and more than 1,000 finished and unfinished documents, Police Major-General Chaktip Chaichinda said.

“He admitted that he made fake passports,” Chaktip told Reuters, adding that his partner, a Myanmar national, escaped arrest.

The passports were for several countries including the United States, New Zealand, France, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Malta. Police seized two computers, a scanner, three printers and rubber stamps for several countries.

“This guy is rich. He has a BMW. He said he made about 300,000-400,000 baht per month (around $10,000),” Chaktip said.

The passports were sold to a group of Thai and Burmese middlemen who then sold them to gangs engaged in prostitution, terrorism and smuggling, he said.

If convicted, Karim faces up to 20 years in jail.

“It’s the biggest fake passport case in the past four to five years,” Chaktip said.

Passport fraud is a common problem in Thailand, where police seized 100 fake documents last year.

Sunday Funnies

27 April, 2008
