Archive for 6 May, 2008

NJ’s Most Visible Muslim Cleric Facing Deportation over Hamas Ties

6 May, 2008

Isn’t it interesting that even a ‘moderate’ Muslim cleric seems to have terrorist ties…

NJ’s most visible Muslim cleric facing deportation
by Brian Donohue/The Star-Ledger
Tuesday May 06, 2008

The day after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, agents seeking Arabic interpreters turned to the Islamic Center of Passaic County in Paterson, where the imam, Mohammad Qatanani, instructed the faithful to lend the agents a hand.

In 2005, the New Jersey Senate tapped Qatanani to be the first Muslim to lead the opening prayer for a voting session, praising him as a voice of moderation and tolerance.

And for years, Jewish and Christian clergy have called on Qatanani to speak at programs promoting interfaith dialogue.

But 12 years after he arrived from the West Bank, Qatanani’s days as the state’s most visible Muslim cleric may be ending.

Qatanani, his wife and three children are facing deportation for his alleged failure to disclose on his green card application a 1993 arrest by Israeli authorities. Israeli military officials told the Associated Press he confessed to being a member of Hamas, a known terrorist organization. Qatanani denies the charge.

Lawyers for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will begin presenting the case before an immigration judge in Newark on Thursday.


UK Troops in Afghanistan say they are fighting Pakistanis

6 May, 2008

It looks like the Brits just can not get enough of their troublesome Paki’s. Many of the fighters facing them could be British citizens. We have documented the large numbers departing each year and returning home, many to fight the jihad in neighboring Afghanistan. The Brits could find themselves facing them twice, once in Afghanistan and soon in Londonstan.
6th May, 2008, Australian News.Net
UK troops fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan have claimed that nearly 60 percent of the guerrillas they are fighting are Pakistanis.

Without disclosing their source of intelligence, the British troops said that they heard the guerillas speaking in Punjabi accents and had found Pakistani papers and telephone contacts on dead fighters.

UK troops say the ideologically driven young men consider their fighting role to be religious obligation or jihad.

Afghan officials have said that Islamabad is turning a blind eye to the flow of terrorists from Pakistan into Afghanistan.

Lieutenant Colonel Nick Borton, commanding officer of Battle group South, has said: “Our understanding is that the Madressahs of northern Pakistan are the major breeding ground that provide the bulk of brainwashed Taliban fighters.”

The guerillas are thought to come from militant hotspots such as Waziristan and Swat, but also from Punjab, a rich agricultural province with a history of producing radical Muslims.

CAIR Says Storming of Fake Illinois ‘Mosque’ in Recent Law Enforcement Exercise Sends Wrong Message

6 May, 2008

The purpose of a law enforcement exercise is to emulate and train for ‘a real world’ contingency. So, it should come as no surprise that a fake mosque was used in a recent exercise targeting fake terrorists…

Nor, should it come as any surprise that the terrorist supporting organization that is CAIR, decided to feign outrage by writing up a press release denouncing the exercise…

To bring it all home to you, imagine the absurdity of group of crack addicts protesting law enforcement’s use of a fake ‘crack house’ in a similar such ‘real world’ exercise…

CAIR: State emergency personnel may now view Islamic houses of worship as security threats

via – EarthTimes

WASHINGTON, May 6 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group today said an emergency preparedness drill in Illinois, in which a fake “mosque” was stormed by law enforcement authorities, sends the “wrong message” that all Islamic houses of worship may be potential security threats.

The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said officials from almost 30 government agencies participated in the drill Thursday in Irving, Ill., targeting a community facility that had been re-named the “Irving Mosque” for the purposes of the exercise. In the exercise, officers from the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System (ILEAS) stormed the “mosque” using an armored car. One “hostage” was hooked up to an explosive device and the “suspects” in the “mosque” released nerve gas.

SEE: Irving Hosts Emergency Test Drill (Journal-News)

“The use of a fake ‘mosque’ in this type of drill sends the wrong message to law enforcement officials who may now view mainstream institutions, such as Islamic houses of worship, as potential security threats,” said Ahmed Rehab, executive director of CAIR’s Chicago chapter (CAIR-Chicago). “Officials must be trained in dealing with hostage-taking and responding to chemical, biological or bomb attacks. We are only questioning the wisdom of linking the American Muslim community and its institutions to such incidents.”


Hamas Kids’ “Programming” At It Again

6 May, 2008

Gaza PA TV Show Educates Kids to Conquer Tel Aviv

by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

( A Palestinian Authority television program produced by Hamas, the ruling regime in Gaza, encourages Arab Muslim children to strive for the conquest of Israeli cities such as Tel Aviv, Haifa and Ashdod. The puppet characters in the program, two birds named Kuku and Fufu, refer to all the Israeli cities as “settlements” and repeatedly say that they “will return to our land.” In order to “defeat the enemies of Allah,” the show tells kids, Arab Muslims must unite and adhere to the Koran.

The TV show was broadcast on the Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV on May 2, 2008, as part of a discussion of Israel’s upcoming 60th Independence Day, which the Arabs have dubbed Al-Nakba, “the Disaster”. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provided translated excerpts of the program.

Tearfully, the Kuku character tells his companion: “We will persevere, Allah willing, and we will return to our land, Allah willing. We will return to Jaffa, Akko [Acre], Lod, Ramle and Ashdod. We will return to all these cities, Allah willing.”


Three Women Killed in Attack on Brothel

6 May, 2008

It sounds to me as if al-Qaeda is behind this…  The tell-tale clues are there…

3 killed in brothel attack, others in Sadr City clashes
6 May 2008 –

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) – Officials in Iraq are reporting that three women have been slain in an attack on a brothel in northern Iraq.

A statement says that Sunni Muslim militants are suspected in the attack, which left two other women wounded.

There’s been a string of morality-related attacks on women in Iraq, including the bombings of hair salons and murders of women not wearing traditional garb.

Meanwhile, hospital officials say at least four Iraqis died overnight after clashes in Baghdad’s Sadr City. Some 21 people were wounded. The sprawling slum has been the site of fierce fighting between the Mahdi Army militia and U.S. and Iraqi troops.