Archive for 8 May, 2008

Muslim’s bent on driving Christian expansion from northern Bangladesh Gang Rape Pastor’s 13 year old daughter

8 May, 2008

More muslim atrocities both on the part of the slime balls who hurt the child and the slime who attempted to hide it.

8 May, 2008, Compass Direct News
DHAKA, Bangladesh– Muslim villagers in Mymensingh district eager to rid the area of the Christian work of a local pastor have gang-raped his 13-year-old daughter, the girl’s father said.
Pastor Motilal Das of United Bethany Church said that at around 3 a.m. on Friday (May 2) the villagers sexually assaulted his daughter, Elina Das, and left her unconscious in front of his house in an attempt to drive him and his Christian ministry out of Laksmipur village in Fulbaria sub-district, 120 kilometers (75 miles) north of the capital.

Local residents have long been angry with him for his ministry and evangelism, he said, and he has received death threats.

“I did not pay attention to any of the threats or hindrances – I continued evangelical and pastoral activities with prayer,” Das told Compass. “They targeted me to evict from this area to stop the Christian activities. When nothing stopped me, then they wanted to leave me scarred for life, so that I would be upset and not be able to show my face to the society for shame, and therefore I would leave the village.”

Das, who became the first Christian in the area in 1986 and has been key in an increase to more than 250 Christians and the emergence of 12 churches, said the brutal attack was pre-planned and calculated to stop further expansion of Christianity in northern Bangladesh.
-Muslims are terrified of Christians as they know given a chance many millions of muslims would gladly leave the cult. We have seen similar stories everywhere you find muslims.

“Otherwise, why would they rape such a minor girl?” he said.
-Why indeed?

Elina Das is the only Christian student at her school, he said. “Always local boys used to tease her on her way to school,” he said, “and used to tell her filthy words against Christianity and western culture.”

Five villagers attacked her when she went from her thatched house to an outdoor latrine, said investigating officer Sanwar Hossen of Fulbaria police station.

“Five people lying in ambush in the pitch-dark near the toilet snatched her by gagging her mouth with her body scarf [and taking her] to a nearby tea stall, 400 meters from the house, where they gang-raped her,” Hossen said.

Besides the religious opposition of some residents, the officer said villagers had no personal or commercial conflicts with the Das family that could serve as a motive for the assault.

“There was no family vendetta or personal clash or enmity of Motilal with the local people for which his daughter would be raped,” Hossen said. “There was even no land dispute between him and the neighbors, because he does not have any land.”

Family members found Elina Das lying unconscious in front of the house that morning.

“When I woke up in the early morning, I saw my daughter lying unconscious in front of my house,” Das said. “ A few hours after the gang rape, they had left her in front of my house.” (more…)

Top al Qaida A-hole in Iraq Captured

8 May, 2008

I know we don’t torture prisoners but we should consider an exception…. just sayin is all…

Notice mr islamic warrior defender of the pedophile king did not fight to his death. Our prisons are full of muslims who talk big but surrender faster than a frenchman when confronted.

By PATRICK QUINN, 8 May, 2008, AP
BAGHDAD- The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, was arrested in the northern city of Mosul, the Iraqi Defense Ministry spokesman said Thursday.

Spokesman Mohammed al-Askari said the arrest of al-Masri, also known as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, was confirmed to him by the Iraqi commander of the province. There was no immediate confirmation or comment from U.S. forces on the arrest.

The U.S. military in Baghdad said “we are currently checking with Iraqi authorities to confirm the accuracy of this information.”

Interior Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Abdul-Karim Khalaf said that Mosul police “arrested one of al-Qaida’s leaders at midnight and during the primary investigations he admitted that he is Abu Hamza Al-Muhajir.”

News of the arrest was also reported by Iraqi state television and Arab satellite TV stations.

The state channel, Iraqiya, said that Minister of Interior Jawad al-Bolani would reward Mosul police for the capture.

Interior Ministry spokesman Khalaf told the station by phone that a source close to the al-Qaida leader informed Mosul police that al-Masri would be at a house in the city’s Wadi Hajar area at midnight Wednesday.

“The police raided this house and arrested him. During the primary investigation, he confessed that he is Abu Hamza Al-Muhajir, the leader of Al-Qaida in Iraq. Now a broader investigation of him is being conducted,” he said to Iraqiya. (more…)

Muslim 911 Dispatcher Arrested

8 May, 2008

Muslim 9-1-1 dispatcher arrested for unauthorized access of government databases
May 8, 2008
by Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
Northeast Intelligence

The FBI charged Nadire ZELENAJ, a 9-1-1 dispatcher in Rochester, (Monroe County) New York with 232 counts of computer trespassing for unauthorized access of law enforcement sensitive databases containing information about terrorist suspects and related investigations. ZELENAJ, pictured at left, also allegedly accessed other secure databases containing proprietary data, including but not limited to New York State drivers license data.

According to information provided by sources exclusive to the Northeast Intelligence Network, ZELENAJ is part of a larger investigation involving at least ten-(10) others, some who are members of a local Islamic Center. Based on a law enforcement source close to he investigation and speaking on the strict condition of anonymity, the information obtained by ZELENAJ was obtained for a “specific purpose,” which was allegedly to “inform and assist area individuals with suspected ties to known terrorists or terrorist organizations.” According to media reports, ZELENAJ accessed the computer databases at least 232 times since 2006, but her activities reportedly span a much longer time period dating back to 2003.

Hired in 2002, her position as a 9-1-1 dispatcher enables her to access secured police databases, including those containing sensitive information on terrorism suspects and data of investigative value. Based on information provided to the Northeast Intelligence Network, other arrests related to ZELENAJ are likely. Investigation is also addressing how much damage to other investigations might have been caused by her unauthorized disclosure of sensitive data.

The law enforcement source confirmed that ZELENAJ “is Muslim with direct and tangential ties to the Muslim community.”

The Northeast Intelligence Network will continue to follow this matter closely.

Can You Hear That?

8 May, 2008

No one is claiming responsibility for this, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Mr. Blonde…

Attackers slice ears off 17 people in Senegal
Thu May 8, 2008
By Diadie Ba

DAKAR (Reuters) – Unidentified attackers sliced the left ears off 17 people in Senegal’s restive southern province of Casamance, a region long plagued by separatist rebel violence, police in the West African country said on Thursday.

The victims were among a group picking cashew nuts next to the village of Tampe, on the border with Guinea-Bissau, when they were cornered by men armed with knives on Wednesday, paramilitary police spokesman Daouda Diop said.

“All 17 people got their left ears sliced off,” Diop told Reuters. “We rushed to the place where it happened but we did not find the attackers,” he said.

The attackers’ motives were unclear and the rebel Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC) denied involvement.

Senegal is one of the most stable countries in West Africa but its southern Casamance region — once a tourist hotspot and the nation’s breadbasket — has been plagued by low-level rebel activity for more than two decades.

The MFDC has been fighting since 1982 for greater autonomy for the mainly Christian region, which they say has been neglected by the Muslim-led government in Dakar.


Illegal Immigrants Can Pick Lettuce, But They Can’t Pick Up Their Own Trash?

8 May, 2008

Note to illegals:  For Pete’s sake!  Clean up after yourselves!  Where do you think you are?  Mexico or something?

Groups Struggle to Clean Up Mess Illegal Immigrants Leave Behind
Fox News

The latest battle in the war on illegal immigration isn’t over the smuggling of undocumented workers, it’s over the trash they leave behind.

Government officials and border activists say the garbage dumped in the desert by illegal immigrants and their smugglers is staggering.

And the cleanup is costing taxpayers millions.

In 2006 alone, more than 1.18 million pounds of trash was collected along southern Arizona border, many in the meeting spots where immigrants rest, change clothes and wait to hitch a ride further north with a smuggler.

“You can find everything,” said Shela McFarlin, special assistant for international programs at the Arizona Bureau of Land Management. “Blankets, airline tickets, Bibles, wedding pictures, photos of children, school reports, because clearly people don’t tend to throw away everything they’ve brought with them — they’re forced to.”

Arizonia officials have spent approximately $4.4 million over five years to clean up the mess, that continues to build with each crossing. Nearly $1 million was spent for 2007 from a base BLM appropriation.


Despite Lack of Background Checks, UK Insists there is “No Threat to Security” from Foreign Workers at Airports

8 May, 2008

What a load of PC crap…

No crime checks for “airside” foreign workers
By Andrew Hough, LONDON (Reuters) 8/05/2008

The government insisted on Thursday there is no threat to security from foreign employees working “airside” at UK airports without having had their backgrounds checked for criminal convictions.

BBC 2’s “Newsnight” programme broadcast late on Wednesday, said it had discovered what it described as the “serious loophole” in the law regarding foreign workers.

For the past five years, criminal background checks have been required for all UK staff in restricted zones at airports.

About 200,000 people work airside in British airports, although it remains unclear how many are foreigners.

After originally saying it was too complex to check criminal records from abroad, the government later defended its procedures.

“The terrorist threat to aviation from airside workers is fundamentally addressed by physical security measures, for all staff, every day,” the Transport Department said in a statement.


Report: Conservatives Happier than Liberals

8 May, 2008

Yup, just confirming what we all suspected…  If you’ve ever read a Liberal’s rant, here on this website and others, then you have a pretty good idea of how miserable they truly are…

Why Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals
Fox News
By Jeanna Bryner

Individuals with conservative ideologies are happier than liberal-leaners, and new research pinpoints the reason: Conservatives rationalize social and economic inequalities.

Regardless of marital status, income or church attendance, right-wing individuals reported greater life satisfaction and well-being than left-wingers, the new study found.

Conservatives also scored highest on measures of rationalization, which gauge a person’s tendency to justify, or explain away, inequalities.

The rationalization measure included statements such as: “It is not really that big a problem if some people have more of a chance in life than others,” and “This country would be better off if we worried less about how equal people are.”

To justify economic inequalities, a person could support the idea of meritocracy, in which people supposedly move up their economic status in society based on hard work and good performance.

In that way, one’s social class attainment, whether upper, middle or lower, would be perceived as totally fair and justified.

If your beliefs don’t justify gaps in status, you could be left frustrated and disheartened, according to the researchers, Jaime Napier and John Jost of New York University. They conducted both a U.S.-centric survey and a more internationally focused one to arrive at the findings.

“Our research suggests that inequality takes a greater psychological toll on liberals than on conservatives,” the researchers write in the June issue of the journal Psychological Science, “apparently because liberals lack ideological rationalizations that would help them frame inequality in a positive (or at least neutral) light.”


10-Year-Old Girl Raped and Impregnated by Illegal Immigrant

8 May, 2008

Just sick and twisted…

Suspected Illegal Immigrant Charged With Rape, Impregnating 10-Year-Old Girl
Thursday, May 08, 2008 – Fox News

ST. ANTHONY, Idaho —  A suspected illegal immigrant has been charged with raping a 10-year-old girl who later gave birth in eastern Idaho.

The girl gave birth less than two weeks ago by caesarian section at Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg, Fremont County Sheriff Ralph C. Davis and other authorities said. Officials would not disclose the gender, date of birth or paternity of the baby.

“I wouldn’t have believed a 10-year-old could conceive in the first place,” Davis said.

A hospital spokeswoman would not discuss the condition of the girl or the baby and would not say whether either was still in the hospital Wednesday.

The story was first reported by KIDK Television in Idaho Falls.

St. Anthony police began investigating on April 28 after medical officials reported a pregnant child, and Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez, 37, of St. Anthony, was arrested the same day, Police Chief James Smith said.

“We had good information from witnesses,” Smith said.


Most CyberTerrorists Hosted in the U.S.

8 May, 2008

Most terror outfits operating through popular US-based websites

Some of the world’s most dangerous organizations are operating through popular American-based websites, a new study undertaken by Tel Aviv University has claimed.

A workshop on terrorist organizations and the Internet was organized for the North American Treaty Organization (NATO), and according to the university’s Netvision Institute for Internet Studies (NIIS) and the Interdisciplinary Center for Technology Analysis and Forecasting the study of the web activity of terrorist organizations, reveals that outfits like the Hezbollah, the Islamic Jihad, and al-Qaeda all have websites hosted by popular American Internet service providers — the same companies that most of us use every day.

“These websites hosted in America are targeting Muslim mothers in America, Canada, the U.K. and all over the world, convincing them that being a ‘Shahid’ or a suicide bomber is particularly good and very important for their sons,” says Professor Niv Ahituv of the NIIS.

Available in English, Arabic, Spanish and other languages, the websites also provide tutorials on bomb building and enlist impressionable American and British Muslim women and men into a life of terror activity.

According to the study, the Islamic Jihad operates 15 websites in Arabic and English, hosted by both U.S. and Canadian companies. Hamas operates 20 websites in eight languages, a portion of which are based in the U.S and Canada, while Hezbollah operates 20 websites, also hosted by companies in the U.S. and Canada.

The FBI has shut down a few websites, but American law prevents the closure of most, says Professor Ahituv.
