Archive for 9 May, 2008

Ahmadinejad Waits for the Appearance of the Great Pumpkin

9 May, 2008

Great pumpkin, mahdi its all the same both are fictional beings. It seems islam shortest mouthpiece is also a believer of fairy tales. Well dude, I’ll top your mahdi with American made high explosive, high velocity mahdi killers any ol day. Stick that in the ol hookah shortie.

8 May, 2008, Kul al-Arab [Arabic daily in Israel]
A number of leading Iranian clerics criticized President Ahmadinejad for declaring that the hands of the Mahdi [the 12th missing savior in the Shi’a religion whose emergence, after 12 centuries of hiding, will bring peace and justice to the world] “are visibly seen in directing the affairs of the state.” He said the American occupiers in Iraq were intent on stealing the oil treasures of the country but they have realized that “a hand will rise and will eliminate the roots of oppression in the world,” a reference to the hand of the Mahdi.

One cleric, Gholam Riza Mesbahi, said that if Ahmadinejad would say that the Mahdi’s hands support the regime, then this is not true because the awaited Mahdi would not approve of 20% inflation, as well as other mistakes made by the regime. A representative of Hizbullah in Parliament, Hujat al-Islam Ali Asghari, said it would be better for Ahmadinejad to pay attention to “social problems such as inflation and focus on temporal affairs.”
-They are right, Iran needs a real leader focused on real internal problems, not a short dicked criminal with a Napoleon complex.

Ahmadinejad hinted about the reappearance of the Mahdi soon by calling on Iran to clear the deck as soon as possible “before we are confronted by time.” He added: “The time has come when Iran will be the center of world leadership, Allah willing.” Ahmadinejad believes that the Islamic revolution and the emergence of Iran as a nuclear power are “miracles” of the Mahdi.
-The time has come for us to yawn and push the little red button.


9 May, 2008

Every time we do an immigration piece we get crybabies and apologists. We get called names and sometimes we get threatened. I cross-posted this even though I do not agree with it because comparatively I am a moderate.


While it is clear that allowing 17 million residents to break the law is unacceptable if you wish to continue a society based upon the law, it is also clear that sending anybody back into the global chancre that is Mexico against their will is immoral. Sending anybody to Mexico forcibly should be reserved as a punishment in our penal system, and not seen as a part of our immigration policy.

Indeed, most of the illegal and legal people of Mexican descent among us are here because their were both astute enough to see Mexico as it is, and resourceful enough to get the hell out of there. For the most part we benefit by receiving the cream of the Mexican gene pool any way we can get them. I present the wide availability of a decent mole sauce as exhibits a, b, and c. But still, the law is the law.

Hence the problem becomes how to send 17 million Mexicans back to Mexico in a moral and humane fashion. (while keeping our strategic reserve of mole sauce high at the same time.)

Please do not tell me “it can’t be done.” It can of course be done. True, it will not be done overnight by clicking the heels of the ruby shoes of the deportation fairy and saying, “for 17 million of you there’s no place like home.” Nope. They got here in dribs and dabs, and back they shall go the same way. The underutilized greyhound buses that are still networked throughout the lower 48 states will serve well for this purpose as well as giving a much needed boost to greyhound’s stock.

Getting the illegals back to Mexico will be a simple matter of rounding them up and getting them to the bus on time. The shuttling of the Mexicans to the border and beyond will take some time, but with half the energy the government devotes to scanning your ass at the airport, it can be accomplished in about 18 months tops once the system gets rolling. Do the math. It breaks down to about 31,000 one-way border deliveries a day. Well within the core competency of greyhound.

Of course, the real problem of this is that, as alluded to above, sending anyone to Mexico against their will is immoral. Unless, of course, they are armed. Then it is not only moral but beneficial to humanity in general. For this i will suggest handing out, to our deportees as they depart, not only a little spending money but some critical “democracy tools” from “the unwelcome wagon of the usa” along with a breakfast burrito and a pepsi. (more…)

Another Musing from Phyllis Chesler

9 May, 2008

Celebrating and Protesting Israel’s Birth: From Jerusalem to the Sidewalks of New York

Chesler Chronicles

(Written with the help of Fern Sidman)

As a child, my mother took me to  the Radio City Music Hall to see the dazzling, long-limbed Rockettes dance. For decades, the Music Hall symbolized glitzy entertainment, New York style. Radio City was also where I went when I was interviewed on NBC and when I dined at the Big Band-era Rainbow Room, a 65th floor precursor to and survivor of the World Trade Center’s Windows on the World. The Rainbow Room also has windows that look out onto the immediate world.

On Wednesday evening, May 7th, Jews around the world celebrated the  miraculous 60th anniversary of the birth of Israel as a modern state. In New York City,  an historic extravaganza took place at Radio City Music Hall.  An attempt to Palestinianize this Art Deco palace also took place.  It failed, it did not interrupt the considerable joy within but still, the Haters are everywhere, there is no event they do not picket.

Wherever one turns, one finds the same monotonous anti-Israeli, anti-American, and pro-Palestinian propaganda. It has invaded our air waves, our campuses, and the entire global internet. Complex realities and wrenching truths have been reduced to lying, paranoid hate speech which wraps itself in the righteous garments of “oppression” and “liberation.” On the march, its face is raging and hateful.

In Israel, its Arab citizens attended a mass rally and march to mark the 60th anniversary of “the Naqba” (Catastrophe). According to Ynet, Violence flared up when the Palestinian organizers failed to control their own demonstrators who repeatedly clashed with Israeli police and civilians. Five Israeli police were injured. A group of peaceful, young Israeli members who belong to the volunteer group,”If You Will,” raised an Israeli flag at a picnic-in their own country, as they celebrated their Independence. The Arab demonstrators demanded that they lower the flag. Arguments broke out. Violence ensued.

Click HERE to read the rest of this post.

Iran Blames Mosque Explosion on ‘Royalists’ — No Mention of Evil Zionist Jooooos

9 May, 2008

Matamoros emailed us an article which updates THIS previous post.

His comments are as follows:

“Er…now that we’ve, …how should I put it,.. had a month to cobble together a conspiracy theory, we’ve…….let me see now…..decided ummm…..I mean to say concluded…. that…..(fidget, shuffle), it wasn’t an accident after all.”

Iran Says April 12 Blast at Shiraz Mosque Was Terrorism

TEHRAN — Authorities said Thursday that a previously reported explosion in the southern city of Shiraz on April 12 that left 14 people dead and more than 200 injured was terrorist sabotage and that the United States and Britain had links to the group responsible.

Intelligence Minister Gholam Hossein Ejei told reporters that six people involved in the attack had been arrested and their links with foreign countries had been confirmed, Fars news agency reported.

“This group had links with the United States and Britain,” Mr. Ejei was quoted as saying. “We had already informed these countries through the Foreign Ministry but they did not stop their terrorist moves and continued to support them,” he added.


Scotland Plans a “Muslim Police Association”

9 May, 2008

Gee, I wonder why they haven’t proposed a Christian Police Association… Could it be because Christians tend to meld into society a little more respectfully…

Muslim Police Association proposed

The Press Association

Plans are under way to create Scotland’s first Muslim Police Association.

The group, spearheaded by Strathclyde Police, would aim to encourage more Muslims to join the force, to improve understanding of the faith and to tackle Islamophobia.

It is hoped the organisation would encourage Muslims to stay in the police force once they have joined.


UPDATE:  More info on this development from IRNA:

Strathclyde Police Friday welcomed the creation of Scotland’s first Muslim Police Association, which is aimed to tackle the rise of Islamophobia.

“The formation of the Muslim Police Association is a positive step,” said the chief constable of Scotland’s biggest police force, Steve House.

“These are officers who are positive about seeing the police force as a career and want to use their association to reach out to Muslims,” House said.

The formation follows the creation of a Muslim Police Association in England, which has been reported to quite successful, not only within the Muslim community, but also with tackling institutional Islamophobia within their own police forces.

The formation of the association in Scotland comes despite their only being around 31 Muslim officers in Strathclyde’s 7,000 strong force, which is based around Glasgow, and some 30,000 Muslims living in the region that make up a mere 1.5 per cent of the population.

Police constable Amar Shakoor, Scotland’s first Muslim officer, said there had been recent negativity directed towards the Muslim community, which is being treated with suspicion and increased scrutiny.

The association wanted “to highlight some of the positive things Islam can provide to the communities and not just the police services,” Shakoor was quoted saying by the BBC.

He also suggested it would help to recruit more Muslim officers.

U.S. STILL #1 Donor to World Food Program; Muslim Nations Miserly…

9 May, 2008

Obviously, Muslims are real good at ignoring the third pillar of Islam (the giving of zakat, or alms to the poor) when it might just possibly go out to the infidels…

Yup, this is some real good ammo to throw at our Muslim apologist friends!

A Gulf in Giving: Oil-Rich States Starve the World Food Program
Fox News
Friday, May 09, 2008
By George Russel

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his top lieutenants on Monday are convening the first meeting of the U.N.’s Task Force on the Global Food Crisis. Ban says it will “study the root causes of the crisis,” and propose solutions for “coordinated global action” at a summit of world leaders in June.

Ban might want to consider convincing the oil-rich nations of the Middle East to provide more than the near-invisible amount of money they currently give to the World Food Program (WFP), the U.N.’s food-giving arm, which is charged with alleviating the food crisis.

WFP internal documents show that the major oil producing nations of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) gives almost nothing to the food organization, even as skyrocketing oil prices and swollen oil revenues contribute to the very crisis that the U.N. claims could soon add 100 million more people to the world’s starving masses.

The overwhelming bulk of the burden in feeding the world’s starving poor remains with the United States and a small group of other predominately Western nations, a situation that the WFP has done little so far to change, even as it has asked for another $775 million in donations to ease the crisis.

Donor listings on WFP’s website show that this year, as in every year since 1999, the U.S. is far and away the biggest aid provider to WFP. Since 2001, U.S. donations to the food agency have averaged more than $1.16 billion annually — or more than five times as much as the next biggest donor, the European Commission.

This year, the U.S. had contributed $362.7 million to WFP just through May 4, according to the website. That figure does not include another $250 million above the planned yearly contribution that was promised by President George W. Bush in the wake of WFP’s April warning that a “silent tsunami” of rising food costs would add dramatically to the world population living in hunger. Nor does it include another $770 million in food aid that President Bush has asked Congress to provide as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia, with oil revenues last year of $164 billion, does not even appear on the website donor list for 2008.

Click here to see the 2008 donor list.

And while Canada, Australia, Western Europe and Japan have hastened to pony up an additional $260 million in aid since WFP’s latest appeal, the world organization told FOX News, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the international oil cartel, tossed in a grand total of $1.5 million in addition to the $50,000 it had previously donated.

The OPEC total amounts to roughly one minute and 10 seconds worth of the organization’s estimated $674 billion in annual oil revenues in 2007 — revenues that will be vastly exceeded in 2008 with the continuing spiral in world oil prices.

The only other major oil exporter who made the WFP list of 2008 donors was the United Arab Emirates, which kicked in $50,000. UAE oil revenues in 2007 were $63 billion.

By contrast, the poverty-stricken African republic of Burkina Faso is listed as donating more than $600,000, and Bangladesh, perennial home of many of the world’s hungriest people, is listed as donating nearly $5.8 million.

George Russell is executive editor of FOX News.

Will the REAL al-Masri Please Stand Up!?!

9 May, 2008

Well… What can I say?  My joy was short lived….

U.S. military says man held is not Iraq al Qaeda leader

By Dean Yates and Waleed Ibrahim

BAGHDAD (Reuters) – The leader of al Qaeda in Iraq is still being hunted, the U.S. military said on Friday, after Iraqi officials declared Abu Ayyub al-Masri had been caught in what is the latest episode of false claims about the militant.

The detention of Masri would have been another blow for al Qaeda, which has been forced to regroup in northern Iraq after a wave of U.S. military assaults in and around Baghdad.

Iraqi security sources had already begun to cast doubt on the earlier announcement that Masri, an Egyptian with a U.S. bounty of $5 million on his head, had been picked up in an operation in the northern city of Mosul on Wednesday.

One senior Iraqi security source in Mosul said the man caught in that raid was an Iraqi.

“He has not been detained,” a senior U.S. military official told Reuters, without giving further details.

It is not the first time there has been confusion over the fate of Masri. Iraq’s Interior Ministry said a year ago he had been killed, but soon afterwards Sunni Islamist al Qaeda released an audio tape purportedly from him.

Al Qaeda in Iraq was headed by the Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi until he was killed in a U.S. air strike in June 2006. His successor, Masri, was Zarqawi’s close associate.

Earlier, Interior Ministry spokesman Major-General Abdul-Karim Khalaf said a detained associate of Masri took Iraqi security forces late on Wednesday to where the al Qaeda leader was apparently hiding.

Senior Iraqi security officials had earlier said a captured associate of Masri took Iraqi forces on Wednesday to where he was thought to be hiding. After being detained, the man said he was the al Qaeda in Iraq leader, who is also known as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, they said.

But the detained man just happened to share the name Abu Hamza, which in Arabic means father of Hamza. “Abu” is a common way for men who have children to be addressed in the Arab world.
