Archive for 13 May, 2008

Predictably, Iran Finally Gets Around to Accusing those Darn Evil Zionist Jooos for Mosque Explosion

13 May, 2008

This is an update to a previous post HERE.

H/T – Matamoros

Ahmadinejad accuses Israel of involvement in Shiraz mosque explosion

Ynet News

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused Israel, the US and Britain Tuesday of involvement in the Shiraz mosque explosion last month, in which 14 people were killed, the Iranian news agency (IRNA) reported.
According to Ahmadinejad, “the three countries announced they were planning an attempted killing of Iranian members, which was shortly followed by the Shiraz mosque crime.” He added that “thanks to the Iranian intelligence efforts, the explosion executors were quickly arrested and admitted their ties to the Zionist rule, the US and Britain.” (Dudi Cohen)

Federal Judge Dismisses Whiny Muslimah’s Claim Against Illinois Court Judge

13 May, 2008

Sanity regains a slight toehold in the courts:

Federal judge dismisses lawsuit by Muslim woman asked to remove veil in court
Mike Rosen-Molina – Tuesday, May 13, 2008

[JURIST] A federal judge Monday dismissed a federal lawsuit filed by a Muslim woman against a judge who asked her to remove her niqab in court. Ginnnah Muhammad had alleged that Illinois small claims Judge Paul Paruk [31st District Court website] said he had to see her face to gauge her veracity and threatened to dismiss her case if she refused to remove her veil. Muhammad argued that the request violated her First Amendment right to practice her religion as well as the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 by denying her access to the courts because of her religion. AP has more.

The niqab has become a controversial topic in several Western countries recently, as lawmakers struggle to balance an individual’s right to practice their religion with public policy and security concerns. In September 2007, Canadian chief electoral officer Marc Mayrand resisted calls by Canadian lawmakers to invoke his discretionary powers to require women to remove traditional Muslim niqabs or burqas when voting in elections in the province of Quebec. In the UK, the High Court in February 2007 upheld , a school ban on students wearing niqabs in class, saying the veils could interfere with student-teacher interaction.

British Defence Organization Taking the Law into their Own Hands

13 May, 2008

Interesting… When your government kowtows to the terrorists, the citizens begin to take matters into their own hands…

Paramilitary group threatens to move into Rathfriland

13 May 2008 – banbridgeleader

A SINISTER paramilitary group which claims to be fully armed and ready to attack is threatening to take to the streets of Rathfriland.

The shadowy British Defence Organisation posted a chilling warning on the internet after our exclusive story which showed young people doing laps of Rathfriland Square while sitting on the roof of a car.

“It would seem that Rathfriland is a lawless place at night,” said a BDO spokesperson.

“It’s claimed to be a loyalist town, yet they break Her Majesty’s Laws. Seems the BDO need to install a company or have a battalion overseeing what is going on in this reckless town.

“I have caught word that the police rarely are in the town at night. Well the company or battalion we will put in charge of over-looking what goes on will inform the police and present video evidence. You are a disgrace to your British heritage.”

The BDO says it formed to protect the UK and its Commonwealth areas. “We will tackle terrorism in the UK, Muslim extremists and will assist the British armed forces if necessary,” said the spokesperson.


At Least Five Bombs Detonate in India, Killing at Least 30 People and Wounding over 100

13 May, 2008

Gee…  Now, who likes to use multiple bombs in multiple locations that all detonate around the same time…

Police say 30 dead as 5 bombs rip through crowded parts of western India

May 13 2008
Associated Press

APNewsNow JAIPUR, India (AP) — Police say at least 30 people have been killed and 100 others wounded in five bomb blasts that ripped through crowded areas of a city in western India.

A top police official in Jaipur says today’s explosions took place in markets and several other areas of the historic city in Rajashtan. It’s a region dotted with palaces and ancient cities that draw hundreds of thousands of Indian and foreign tourists every year.

Rajasthan’s police chief says at least 30 people were confirmed dead in the blasts.

Florida CAIR Director: “…the US is a Terrorist State”

13 May, 2008

Pot, have you met Mr. Kettle?

Here’s an interesting Front Page Magazine article that exposes more of CAIR’s intolerant tolerance:

CAIR: The US and Israel are the Terrorists
By Joe Kaufman | Tuesday, May 13, 2008

“We don’t live for this world, as many of the Ikhwan [Brotherhood] seem to believe unfortunately. We live for the afterlife. This dunya [world] is for Joe Kaufman and Alan Dershowitz and George Bush. Let them have it because they’ll have no share in the next life.”

– Radical Islamist and CAIR Staffer, Omer Subhani

On March 1, 2008, CAIR-Florida representative Jawhar “Joe” Badran, with CAIR-Florida Executive Director Altaf Ali by his side, proclaimed on camera that “Hamas is not a terrorist organization.”  Statements such as these from CAIR officials come sparse, as the group’s support for its murderous Palestinian patriarch is usually hidden.  However, it turns out that one of Badran’s CAIR-Florida colleagues, Omer Subhani, said the same months before.  And he continues to do so.

Omer Subhani is a 25-year-old Pakistani-American, who currently holds the position of Communications Director for the South Florida office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.  Being an officer for CAIR, an organization aligned with terrorist groups overseas – most notably Hamas – Subhani has the burden of attempting to explain (or explain away) CAIR’s sinister connections.

But first, he must explain his own.

Subhani has been involved in radical Muslim organizations, since at least his teenage years.  Last month, he wrote, on his personal blog, “I remember back when I was a freshman in high school, me and my closest friend initiated the first annual MYNA Basketball Tournament at Florida International University in 1996 I believe.”  He stated that MYNA or Muslim Youth of North America was created by the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and admits that the MSA’s founders “were former members or nominally inclined to the Muslim Brotherhood and its teachings of activism (and world domination of course).”

In addition, Subhani was involved with Islamic Relief (IR), a “charity” that, like CAIR, has been recognized as being a front for Hamas.  He was a contact for a fundraiser for the group, which was held at Nova Southeastern University, in December 2004.

As a child, Subhani gained knowledge of his relatives’ fondness for suicide bombers. In October 2007, he stated on his blog, “I learned, through my adult relatives’ conversations mostly, that Pakistan was a great regional military power that had fought and defeated India multiple times in warfare. Pakistani soldiers, I was told, were Muslim heroes who strapped grenades to themselves in the face of Indian tanks and laid down in front of the tanks in order to take out the more powerful Indian military. They sacrificed their lives for Pakistani freedom.”


Muslim Intolerance Discriminates Against Handicapped Teacher with a Service Dog

13 May, 2008

Just a quick note: One of the reasons I picked my moniker, Dr. Bulldog, was because dogs seem to really piss off and ferret out the Islamonazis in a crowd of “moderates…”

H/T – ChangedForever

Muslim threats force out disabled teacher with dog
Islamic students reportedly taunted ‘unclean’ animal

A Muslim high school student’s intolerance for a service dog needed by a student teacher with a disability has reportedly prompted the student teacher to abandon the last 10 hours of his scheduled assignment at Technical High School in St. Cloud, Minn.

The St. Cloud Times online said the situation developed with student teacher Tyler Hurd, 23, of Mahtomedi, who hopes to teach special education.

He’s a student at St. Cloud State University, and was assigned to Technical High School in the St. Cloud district for his 50 hours of student teaching, and took with him his service dog, Emmitt.

The newspaper said Hurd needs a service dog because of a childhood injury that leaves him with seizures, sometimes happening as often as weekly. The black lab is trained to protect Hurd when he has a seizure.

The school district told the newspaper it wasn’t really a threat.

“I think it was a misunderstanding where we didn’t really prepare either side for possible implications,” Julia Espe, curriculum director for the public schools, said.

Hurd, however, reported a student threatened to kill his dog. He said the threat came from a Somali student who is Muslim. Minnesota has a large Somali population, mostly Muslim, and they have been involved in issues over their religion in the past.

Virginia Commonwealth Univiersity Indoctrinates Students into Accepting Islamic Oppression of Women

13 May, 2008

Creeping Sharia Alert:

“Hopefully, if nothing else, those 20 people in my class have gained a more neutral approach to what goes on in the world,” Guthrie said. “Just because the women wear this doesn’t mean they’re oppressed.”

Yup, that’s a brain-dead sucking sound coming from a slowly indoctrinated fashion student… Now, it must be pointed out that a couple of moments before, she had:

“found it interesting that women can wear “pants and cute little tops” underneath and shed their abayas in women-only gatherings.”

Yup, to you and I, that sounds a lot like an oppressive, male-dominated society sort of rule… But, obviously not for someone who has been indoctrinated via the stealthy Islamic re-education and re-programming system…

Fashion students at Va. university design abayas


RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — The assignment for Virginia Commonwealth University fashion students: design an abaya, an enveloping cloak worn by Muslim women, that is stylish yet acceptable in Arab countries.

The results: elaborately beaded designs, a flamenco-influenced abaya, a punk rock abaya — and perhaps a better understanding of cultural norms in the Persian Gulf nation of Qatar, where the university has had a campus for 10 years.

“We were trying to make a feeling of youth — but still be true to their culture,” said Kendra Palin, a fashion design major who partnered with classmate Shelby Day to design an abaya with looped buttonholes, princess seams and a high waist. “Everything else had to be black, but the embellishment could be any color, and we used silver and blue.”

The 10 abayas were shown recently at VCU’s annual student fashion show and are being shipped to Doha, Qatar’s capital, for a fashion show at the VCU School of the Arts in Qatar.

The project is among a growing number of collaborations between students and faculty at U.S. colleges and their overseas campuses. In Doha, VCU’s arts program is part of a higher-education consortium largely funded by the Qatar Foundation, a nonprofit organization run by the nation’s ruling family. The consortium, called Education City, has its own 2,500-acre campus that also includes Texas A&M, Cornell, Georgetown and Carnegie Mellon universities.
