Archive for 14 May, 2008

Wednesday’s Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

14 May, 2008

Crescent shapes with and without Islamic intent: the Obama logo example

Blogburst logo, petition

The two most widely recognized symbols of Islam are the crescent and the sword. Kind of amusing that Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign logo can be seen to feature both a crescent and a curved Islamic scimitar:

Obama logo animation, crescent and scimitar

The crescent shape in Obama’s logo has the round part on top, just like a traditional crescent shaped mihrab (the Mecca direction indicator around which every mosque is built). The animation shows the two most famous mihrabs in the world: the mihrab from the Great Mosque in Cordoba, and the Prophet’s mihrab in Medina.

The lighter vertical column in the center-bottom of the logo, presumably meant to indicate reflected light, even conveys the full vertical shape of a traditional mihrab. The scimitar in the animation is from the flag of the Bosnian regiment of the Nazi SS.

If Obama himself had come up with this crescent logo, one might suspect Islamic intent, given his Islamic heritage. But the logo was not designed by Obama. It was designed by a Chicago based branding firm named Sender, which claims credit for coming up with: “a white sunrise against a blue sky, over a landscape implied by red and white stripes.”

Obama definitely deserves to be made fun of for having a fairly obvious crescent shape in his logo, given his efforts to convince the public that he is not Muslim. This is already an uphill climb, when both his grandmother and his cousin are telling documented lies about their religion, claiming to be Christian in one venue while professing themselves Muslim in another. Lying about being Christian: it’s an Obama family tradition!

Still, there is no indication that the crescent and scimitar shapes in Obama’s logo are intended to convey any Islamic meaning. A genuine coincidence apparently. At the opposite pole is the Crescent of Embrace design for the Flight 93 memorial:


“Islam Needs More Criticism, Not Less”

14 May, 2008

Echoing something Ronin has said here on several occasions in the past, author Brad Thor explains the reasoning behind such comments in the following video:

H/T – JihadWatch

Afghani Speaks Out Against Suicide Bombings and then Gets Shot

14 May, 2008

Now, just who was following the false prophet Muhammad’s example here??? Could this be why the ‘moderates’ don’t speak out against the Islamonazis in their midsts?

Afghan teacher killed after speech condemning suicide bombings
The Associated Press
Published: May 14, 2008 – IHT

KABUL, Afghanistan: A teacher was shot to death in northern Afghanistan after he gave a speech condemning suicide bombings, officials said Wednesday.

Abdul Hadi criticized such attacks as un-Islamic and un-Afghan during a speech Tuesday in the Archi district of Kunduz province, said Khair Mohammad Subat, the provincial education department director.

Hadi spoke at a gathering of about 700 people, including the Kunduz governor, and was on his way home when he was killed, Subat said.

Kunduz police chief Gen. Mohammad Ayub Salangi said police were investigating. No arrests have been made.


‘Family Security Matters’ Launches an ‘Islam 101’ Series

14 May, 2008

A real interesting read…  If only our politicians knew the truth…

Exclusive: Islam 101: An Introduction
Family Security Matters

Ron Marlar – May 14, 2008

This article is the first in a series on Islam. Islam is at best barely known in the Western world except by Muslims living among us, those who have lived with or near Muslims in other places and times, and scholars of Islam. Most of what lay people believe they know about Islam is not true. It is rather based on ignorance, wishful thinking or years of Islamic deception and propaganda.

Yet people are paying more attention to Islam, now than formerly, due to the current resurgence of Islam since the mid-1970s, one of several in the history of Islam. Because of this increased attention, our intent is to share our knowledge of Islam with all of our readers. Our knowledge is based on intense study of Islam for over 40 years, meetings with Muslims here and in their homelands, and as taught to us by Muslims there and here. We invite readers to question and to share with us also.

Since its founding by Mohammed in the 7th Century, Islam has been – and remains – a political control system with religious trappings of a theology and worship rituals. That is a theocracy. In most places where Muslims are in control, government is by theocracy. That is the reality of Islam.

Fundamentalist adherent Muslims (those who believe in the pure teachings of The Holy Qur’an) intend to take over the world for Allah and establish a worldwide caliphate – i.e., a theocracy to rule by Shar’ia law which includes converting all infidels to Islam, and if unsuccessful in the conversion, then subjugating and taxing them to live as second-class citizens in Muslim lands, or eventually killing them. Such infidels are defined as anyone not born into Islam as a Muslim, not converted to Islam or someone who has left Islamic faith belief and practices.

These are the aims stated by Mohammed going back to the 7th Century and repeated often since. You can hear them easily and well if you are listening to Muslim spokespersons, not just Osama bin Laden or any in his command.

Following Mohammed’s original intents, a principle of Islam is to seduce [deceive] infidels until they can be taken over. This tenet of Islam guides all that Muslim leaders and their followers do.

Saudi Arabia is where Mohammed founded Islam. He started Islam in Mecca then moved under pressure to Medina with his small band of followers. After gaining enough strength he returned to Mecca taking Mecca by force from pagans and atheists. From those two cities he and his followers spread Islam by military conquest and coercion, not by willing acceptance of Islam. Islam most certainly is not a religion of peace.

Most recently Muslims claim 1.7-1.9 billion followers. The number of Muslims in the U.S. is uncertain, as is the exact number of other groups of legal or illegal immigrants. Our own census-taking laws, based on separation of church and state, preclude us from asking about religious affiliation. As a matter of fact, Muslims believe the U.S. is one of the easiest places for them to spread Islam due to our laws and more current fascination with tolerance of diversity.


Michael Moore Rapes His 9/11 Cash Cow One More Time

14 May, 2008

Ah, geez…. More crap from Michael Moore… Someone just shoot me in the head…


Maybe one of those “secret, evil, covert operatives” in the “all-seeing, all-knowing Bush Administration” will get the Commander in Chief’s nod to assassinate him before he spews his crap all over the silver screen again….

Michael Moore making ‘9/11’ sequel
Documentary to be released in 2009

Michael Moore is making a sequel to “Fahrenheit 9/11” for Overture Films and Paramount Vantage, which will shop the project to international buyers when the Cannes Film Festival and market get under way today.

The two companies are co-financing and co-producing the untitled doc, which will be released next year. Overture will distribute the film domestically, while Vantage will handle international.

Moore may be leaving the Weinstein Co. — where he made his last two films, including “Fahrenheit 9/11” — but Overture and Vantage are no strangers to the filmmaker. Overture CEO Chris McGurk and chief operating officer Danny Rosett were both at MGM and United Artists, home of Moore’s “Bowling for Columbine.”

Moore also knows Vantage topper Nick Meyer, former president of Lionsgate’s international arm. Lionsgate teamed with Bob and Harvey Weinstein and distributed “Fahrenheit 9/11” after Disney refused to let Miramax do so. Lionsgate again teamed with the Weinsteins to distribute Moore’s most recent docu, “Sicko.”

“Fahrenheit 9/11,” a scathing indictment of George W. Bush’s war on terrorism and a hit at the worldwide box office, won the coveted Palme d’Or at Cannes in 2004. “Bowling for Columbine” also played at Cannes, and “Sicko” preemed at the fest last year.

Moore’s new doc could play at Cannes next year, if it isn’t released earlier in the spring. He’s already at work on the film.

“Clearly, we have a movie of global appeal here. Michael Moore is a very talented filmmaker, and this is a branded property,” Meyer said, adding that the Weinsteins helped build that brand.

Sequel will pick up where “Fahrenheit 9/11” left off. In the time since, Bush’s popularity has plummeted, while the Iraq war continues and the economy falters.

“It’s a vote of confidence on Michael’s part and a great partnership for all of us,” Rosett said. “There is a voracious appetite for this kind of commentary.

[Yeah, if you like the taste of shit…]


Australia Considers Taking Ahmadinejad to International Court

14 May, 2008

Yeah… I prefer the Court of Military Justice – a.ka. A bomb with Ahmadinejad’s name on it…

H/T – Gramfan

Canberra considers taking Iran’s president to court
Wednesday May 14, 2008 – NZ Herald

CANBERRA – Australia is mulling whether to launch a case in the International Court of Justice against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for inciting violence against Israel, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said Wednesday.

Rudd said Ahmadinejad had made repeated anti-Semitic statements that must be condemned by the international community.

“The Iranian president’s repeated extraordinary statements which are anti-Semitic and expressing a determination to eliminate the modern state of Israel from the map are appalling by any standards of current international relations,” Rudd told Australia’s Sky TV.

“They are an incitement of international violence and what we have said in the past is that we will take legal advice, which the attorney general is currently doing, on whether there is a profitable way forward here through the appropriate international legal mechanisms and we’ll study that advice carefully,” he said.

Rudd, a Chinese speaking former diplomat, said the Iranian comments were “dangerous stuff” in the context of international relations.

“It’s not just hyperbole from the bully pulpit of Tehran, it’s the roll-on effect across the Islamic world, particularly those who listen to Iran for their guidance,” Rudd said.


French Court Sentences Seven Jihadi Recruiters

14 May, 2008

French court jails seven for Iraq jihad network

PARIS (AFP) – A French court on Wednesday handed down jail sentences to seven men convicted of running a network that recruited poor young Muslims in Paris to fight in the Iraqi insurgency.

Tracked down and arrested after a young Frenchman was found dead in the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2004, five French nationals, one Algerian and one Moroccan were handed jail terms of between 18 months and seven years.

Aged between 24 and 40, all were convicted of travelling to Iraq to take part in combat or of recruiting young men in Paris’ heavily-immigrant northeast, including at a local mosque, to send as fighters.

Ringleaders Farid Benyettou, 27, and Boubakeur El Hakim, 24 — whose brother was killed in Fallujah and who himself fought in Iraq — received sentences of six and seven years respectively.

The court found Benyettou guilty of sending youths “to fight in Iraq, possibly by carrying out suicide attacks, after joining the troops of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi,” Al-Qaeda’s leader in Iraq killed in a US air strike in 2006.

Benyettou admitted in court he may have influenced local youths by defending suicide attacks committed in the name of Islam, but said they were already determined to join the jihad. He insisted he had “a right to have convictions” even “extremist” ones.
