Archive for 19 May, 2008

500 Muslim youths detained in Iraq; 10 in Afghanistan

19 May, 2008

Chronological age has nothing to do with intellect and no amount of PC spin or they are just kids rhetoric will change the fact that none of them are being held for skipping school.

By PETER JAMES SPIELMANN, 20 May 2008, (AP) The U.S. military is holding about 500 juveniles in detention centers in Iraq, and has about 10 detained at the U.S. base at Bagram, Afghanistan, the United States has told the United Nations.
-The same UN which allows the murder of non muslim children globally without batting an eye.

A total of 2,500 youths under the age of 18 have been detained, almost all in Iraq, for periods up to a year or more in President Bush’s anti-terrorism campaign since 2002, the United States reported last week to the U.N.’s Committee on the Rights of the Child.
-Notice the US makes no attempt to hide the numbers.

Civil liberties groups such as the International Justice Network and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) denounced the detentions as abhorrent, and a violation of U.S. treaty obligations.
-The same ACLU that rarely speaks out for muslim womens rights, against islamic honor killings, or slavery as practiced in muslim lands-that ACLU?

In the periodic report to the United Nations on U.S. compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United States confirmed that “as of April 2008, the United States held about 500 juveniles in Iraq.”
-Totally despicable after this many years we should have ten times that number. We should have also arrested their recruiters, trainers and facilitators. None of these little darlings just woke up one day and decided to go jihad. Their parents should also beheld as responsible.

“The juveniles that the United States has detained have been captured engaging in anti-coalition activity, such as planting Improvised Explosive Devices, operating as lookouts for insurgents, or actively engaged in fighting against U.S. and Coalition forces,” the U.S. report said.
-So arresting them was actually kind, they should be dead.
The majority are believed to be 16 or 17 years old. In the United States a 17-year-old can enlist in the U.S. army, with parental consent.
-Many Islamic parents give consent to go jihad at far younger ages.

The report said that of the total of 2,500 juveniles jailed since 2002, all but 100 had been picked up in Iraq. Of the remainder, most were swept up in Afghanistan.

The U.S. military says it has held eight juveniles, ages 13-17, at Guantanamo since the detention center opened in 2002.
-Bet they are real popular with the afghans and chechens.

“It remains uncertain the exact age of these individuals, as most of them did not know their date of birth or even the year they were born,” the report says. But U.S. military doctors who evaluated them believed that three were under age 16.
-And already married to a bearded follower of old mohammed, allahu ackberries

Six were released and two are now adults facing war-crimes charges.

Canadian Omar Khadr, now 21, was captured in July 2002 and is charged with murder for allegedly throwing a grenade that killed a U.S. Special Forces soldier. Mohammed Jawad, an Afghan who the military says is about 23, faces charges of attempted murder for a 2002 grenade attack that wounded two U.S. soldiers.
-I am not feeling sorry for them even if they are now the prison bitches. (more…)

Man Charged With Spraying Urine in Attempt to Poison Infidels

19 May, 2008

Yup, the BBC took great pains to cover up his religious affiliation, but his name and actions are telling…  Obviously, he was marking his territory like the animal he is…

Man remanded after ‘urine’ attack
BBC News

A man has been remanded in custody charged with spraying urine at two supermarkets, a pub and a book shop.

Sahnoun Daifallah, 42, of Bibury Road, from Gloucester, appeared before magistrates and pleaded not guilty to four charges of contaminating products.

He was arrested on Friday after a substance, believed to be urine, was sprayed over produce at Tesco in Quedgeley and Morrisons at Abbeydale.

The case has been adjourned to 28 May for committal proceedings.

In court prosecutor Liz Thomas said two days earlier Mr Daifallah used an improvised device to shower hundreds of children’s books at Waterstones in Cirencester.

He is also charged with releasing the liquid over food in the Air Balloon pub, near Cheltenham.


Kuwaiti Women Fail to Break Glass Ceiling in Politics

19 May, 2008

Proving once again, in Islam, it’s a man’s world:

Frustration in Kuwait as women again miss out
Hamida Ghafour
May 19. 2008 UAE – The National

Once again, no women have been elected to the Kuwaiti parliament. The results of Saturday’s elections are a major disappointment to liberal reformers and, of course, the 27 female candidates who had hoped to crack the glass ceiling in the nation’s politics. It is an odd paradox because Kuwaiti women are well represented in medicine, education, the civil service and business – but politics remains an all-male preserve.

It is frustrating to the reformers in the state. In May 2005, after six years of debate, women were given the vote and they hoped that they would also get the chance to shape legislation (Kuwait MPs don’t actually pass laws). But in elections the following year, no women were elected.

Change, instead, has had to be imposed from above. The prime minister appointed two women to the cabinet, but both of them faced hostility from some of the elected men in the lower house, especially when Islamists tried to push for legislation segregating the sexes in schools.

One of those particularly disappointed by the election results is Rola Dashti, who now has stood twice as a parliamentary candidate. She will have to stay watching from the sidelines unable to give her opinion on matters such as alimony, health care and education; areas that she believes need urgent reform.

When I spoke to Ms Dashti by telephone after the results were announced she sounded glum about the prospects for progressive change in the next parliament, and is worried that some reforms may even be reversed. “Some of the candidates were calling for a fund that would pay women to stay home and raise children. They want to take them out of the labour market,” she explained.


Nigeria: Police Rescue Two Kidnapped Christian Girls; Muslims Destroy Six Churches in Gratitude

19 May, 2008

Ah, yes… Can’t you just feel the love and warmth radiating out of the hearts of the practitioners of the Religion of Peace? Oh, wait… That’s a torch…

Rescue of Girls in Nigeria Ignites Islamic Rampage

Compass Direct May 19 2008 – via

Islamists under the auspices of a paramilitary force last week destroyed six churches to protest a police rescue of two teenage Christian girls kidnapped by Muslims in this Bauchi state town.

Police recovered the two Christian girls, Mary Chikwodi Okoye, 15, and Uche Edward, 14, on May 12 after Muslims in Ningi kidnapped them three weeks ago in an attempt to expand Islam by marrying them to Muslim men. Police took the two girls, who had been under foster care, to safety in southeastern Nigeria where their biological parents live.

The kidnappers had taken the girls to Wudil town in Kano state. Following the rescue of the girls, Muslims under the auspices of the Hisbah Command, a paramilitary arm of Kano state’s Sharia Commission, responsible for enforcing Islamic law, went on a rampage on Tuesday (May 13), attacking Christians and setting fire to the churches.


Gambian President Kicks Out ALL Homosexuals

19 May, 2008

Hmmm… This is the same guy who supposedly “cured” AIDS… Maybe he has discovered that his cure doesn’t work and needs to get rid of some of the “evidence.”

Now… What to do with the AIDS infected heterosexuals… Genocide, maybe?

Gay men and lesbians must leave the country within 24 hours or face “serious consequences,” the President of Gambia said on Thursday.

President Yahya Jammeh turned on homosexuals and foreigners in an address at a victory celebration rally in Tallinding.

The Daily Observer reported that the President had issued:

“An ultimatum to homosexuals, drug dealers, thieves and other criminals, to leave The Gambia or face serious consequences if caught.

“The President equally warned all those who harbour such individuals to kick them out of their compounds, noting that a mass patrol will be conducted on the instructions of the IGP and the director of the Gambia Immigration Department to weed bad elements in society.

“”Any hotel, lodge or motel that lodges this kind of individuals will be closed down, because this act is unlawful.” he said.

“We are in a Muslim dominated country and I will not and shall never accept such individuals in this country.”


Joel Richardson Reports on the Current State of Islamic Imperialism

19 May, 2008

ChangedForever emailed us the following article that is an interesting look at the slow death of our Western Freedoms courtesy of the Religion of Peace and Tolerance. Yup, they’re just doing their part to undo all of the advances made by the West in a bid to drag us backwards to their level of 7th century ideology and barbarism:

Words of warning to the West
By Joel Richardson

The United States is about to be tried. At stake are the very freedoms that we all hold so dear. On March 27, the United Nations Human Rights Council voted to adopt resolution 7/19 on “Combating defamation of religions.” In one of the most Orwellian resolutions ever passed, this so-called “Human Rights Council” condemns “Islamophobia,” which includes any, “attempts to identify Islam with terrorism, violence and human rights violations.”

Think about this for a moment. Suppose that I tell you that according to sacred Islamic tradition, Muhammad himself stated that those who leave Islam should be punished by execution. And suppose that I also point out that all four of the Orthodox Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence as well as the Shiites interpret Muhammad’s statements to mean that death is the appropriate punishment for leaving Islam. According to this resolution, I should be arrested and tried for a “criminal” act. Free speech anyone?

In other words, according to the U.N. Human Rights Council, criticism of Islam should be globally forbidden under penalty of law. Should we be surprised to discover that the resolution was introduced by the Organization of the Islamic Conference, or OIC, an umbrella organization of 57 Islamic nations? The 58-page document calls for “the international community to come up with a binding legal instrument to fight the menace of Islamophobia” so that “the right to freedom of expression” not be used as a license for “insulting the sacred religious symbols of Islam.” The “freedom of expression … may be subject to certain restrictions … necessary for the respect of the rights or reputations of others.” In other words, expressing a negative opinion about Islam in public, and maybe even in private, could land you in jail.


After 30 Years, Husband Lifts Wife’s Veil; Now, She Wants Divorce

19 May, 2008

Two words came immediately to my mind: “Butt” and “Ugly!”

H/T – Matamoros

The Saudi woman who wants a divorce – because her husband tried to sneak one look at her face after 30 years of marriage

After 30 years of marriage, cynics might say most husbands and wives would have seen quite enough of each other, thank you very much.

But not in the case of one Saudi Arabian man who managed to live with his wife for three decades without setting eyes on her face.

Not that he had much choice about it. His 50-year-old wife followed the tradition of her native village near the south-western city of Khamis Mushayt and kept her features veiled at all times.

Until one night last month, that is, when the husband was finally overcome by curiosity and tried to lift his wife’s veil as she slept to take a look at her face.

It was an error he is unlikely to be given a chance to repeat for his outraged wife woke up during his sneak peek and is now demanding a divorce.

‘After all these years, he tries to commit such a big mistake,’ she told Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadh after leaving the house in disbelief.

She said her husband apologised and promised never to do it again, but she insisted she wanted a divorce. It is not the first example of Saudi husbands with wives forever shrouded in mystery.

There was the case of Ali al-Qahtani whose wife had been wearing a face veil for the entire ten years of their marriage. When he tried to take it off she threatened to leave and only decided to stay after he swore never to try again.

And neither the husband or children of Om Rabea al-Gahdaray, 70, have ever seen her face. It was a family tradition, also followed by her mother and sisters, which her husband accepted and never tried to change, she said. When asked how she could have children without her husband ever seeing her face, she replied: “Marriage is about love, not faces.”

Many Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran require women to cover their faces in public but in the privacy of their homes there is no such compulsion.

But always remaining veiled – even in front of your husband – is not an Islamic practice, but a very old tradition practised by a tiny minority of women in remote areas of Gulf countries.

[Yeah… I don’t blame them… They must be hideous! ]

Most examples of it are in Saudi, one of the most conservative of countries.