Archive for 27 May, 2008

Muslim Mother Kept Daughter-in-Law Prisoner and Treated her as a Slave for 13 Years

27 May, 2008

No, this is not just cultural, it has its roots in Islam. Muhammad and his companions frequently had slaves whom they also married… See Qur’an Sura 4:24

H/T – Matamoros

‘Mum kept son’s wife prisoner for 13 years’
By Stephen White 27/05/2008 –

A woman has appeared in court charged with keeping her daughter-in-law prisoner for 13 years.

Naseebah Bibi, 62, allegedly forced Nagina Akhtar to work at an industrial sewing machine for 15 hours a day. She is also accused of locking up her second daughter-in-aw Nisbah Akhtar, who eventually managed to escape after two years.

Her son and Nisbah’s husband Nadeen Akhtar, 30, is charged with false imprisonment and assaulting his wife. The court heard both victims were beaten regularly and under constant guard at the terraced house.

[Islam strikes again!  See Qu’ran Sura 4:34.]

The women’s alleged ordeal only came to light after Nagina was allowed out of the home to pick up her son from school.

Teachers are said to have become suspicious and alerted social services.

When Nisbah escaped, she apparently did not know which way to run and had to ask an Asian woman for help.

Defence lawyer Basharat Ditta said: “These are cultural issues within the community in which they live. At one stage it was indicated they would not be prosecuted after the issues were explained at the police station.”

[Yeah, right! There goes that all too predictable PC spin! As if Islam isn’t also to blame… It is a cultural AND religious issue, idiot. But, even if it wasn’t, there is still no justification for such atrocities in today’s modern world. Nice try, jackass.]


Muslims are Losing the Stealth Jihad in Australia

27 May, 2008

Well, since they have been dealing with numerous radical Islamists and Clerics, you can’t blame the boys from Down Under for rebelling against Islam’s Imperialistic strategies:

H/T – Matamoros

Australia: Muslim school rejected by local council

Sydney, May 27 (AKI) – A council on the outskirts of Australia’s largest city, Sydney, has unanimously rejected a proposal for an Islamic school after bitter opposition from local residents.

Around 200 residents from the town of Camden southwest of the city cheered when the council announced the application had been refused on Tuesday night.

Dressed in a hat decorated with Australian flags, local resident, Kate McCulloch, emerged from the meeting declaring a victory for “decency” – and insisted Muslims were incompatible with the local community.

“We don’t want them here in Camden, we don’t want them in Australia,” McCulloch said.

[Uhm… Wasn’t Australia used as a penal colony? Just playing the devil’s advocate here… *grin* — Geez, no offense, but you would think Muslims would take the hint that something is terribly wrong with their religion when even the descendants of criminals reject them…]

“They’re an oppressive society, this is an Anglo-European society.”


Aircraft has Near Miss with Rocket Outside of Houston, TX

27 May, 2008

Well…  This is more than a little suspicious :

Continental pilot startled by encounter with ‘rocket’

Houston Chronicle

A Continental Airlines pilot reported being startled by what he described as a rocket that shot past his cockpit window Monday when the plane was about eight miles north of George Bush Intercontinental Airport.

The Federal Aviation Administration and the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force are investigating the incident, which occurred about 10:30 a.m.

“We don’t know for sure what the object was. But we think it might be somebody doing model rocketing,” said Roland Herwig, an FAA spokesman. “The pilot saw the rocket and some people saw the rocket’s trail (of smoke).”

Continental Airlines spokeswoman Kelly Cripe said Monday night that she could not discuss what was seen by the crew of Flight 1544. She would only say that the Boeing 737, with 148 passengers. left Bush at 10:17 a.m. and arrived in Cleveland, Ohio at 2:13 p.m.

She said the pilot made no diversionary maneuvers, and she added the plane was not damaged, and nobody was injured.

The FAA does not yet know how close the object came to the plane or what altitude it reached. “We will determine that by establishing a radar history,” Herwig said.


New Video Calls on Jihadists to Use Nuclear and Chemical Weapons Against the West

27 May, 2008

Terrorism: New al-Qaeda video calls for nuclear strike

Dubai, 27 May (AKI ) – By Hamza Boccolini – A new video called “Nuclear Terrorism” has been posted on the worldwide web calling for jihadists to use nuclear or chemical weapons to strike the west.

A simple jihadi propaganda video or a dangerous message to a sleeper cell in the west? That is the question raised by the video and no-one has yet claimed responsibility for it.

“Strike civilians in the west without mercy using weapons of mass destruction” is one of the calls made in the 39-minute video.

The question now being asked is whether the video is presenting a coded message or signalling an imminent terrorist attack.

Before the video was posted on the Arab internet forum Ekhlas a banner headline appeared on the website that said: “Pray, pray, Allah is great. America is destroyed by a fatal jihadist nuclear strike.”

Clicking on the banner gives the viewer access to a documentary which shows diverse images – from al-Qaeda speeches to western documentaries and other Islamist videos.

The objective appears to be to incite followers of al-Qaeda to use weapons of mass destruction to strike the west, but there may be more to it.

The video opens with two verses of the Koran that emphasise “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. It then says “Fight them until there is no more persecution and Allah is the only object of worship. If they desist, there will be no hostility, except against those who are dishonest.”

“Attack those who attack you. Fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.”

The documentary, filmed in Arabic, begins with images of a documentary distributed in November 2004 by the Italian news network, Rai News 24 entitled, The Hidden Massacre, in which US soldiers allegedly used chemical weapons against Iraqis in the city of Falluja.

[Yeah, right…  As if the MSM would have missed that one!  The IslamoNazis are probably just trying to rationalize how it is the US and coalition Soldiers are always kicking their asses!]


Dutch Police Encouraged to Read Qur’an

27 May, 2008

H/T – Matamoros

Dutch police encouraged to read Koran
From correspondents in The Hague
May 27, 2008 –

POLICE in Amsterdam will get half the purchase price back if they buy the Koran to deepen their knowledge of Islam, a spokesman said today.

A new translation had just appeared in Dutch and officers on the beat were being encouraged to read this and a biography of the Prophet Mohammed, Ebe van der Land said.

[Heavily edited, I’m sure.  Nope…  Mustn’t let the cops know about the pedophile false prophet’s murdering ways…]

“These two books will make for a better understanding and knowledge of the Koran and the life of the prophet,” Mr van der Land said.

“Police bosses have decided that staff who buy these books will be refunded half the price.”

The integration of minority communities has become a contentious issue in the Netherlands, specially after film maker Theo van Gogh’s murder by a radical Muslim in 2004.

Translations of the Koran and the prophet’s biography by Iranian author Kader Abdolah, called The Message, were published last month arousing wide interest in the Netherlands.

This month a Dutch cartoonist was arrested for alleged incitement to hatred in his drawings.

Prosecutors said eight cartoons by Gregorius Nekschott considered reprehensible had been pulled from his website for “exceeding the limits” of freedom of expression.

Following a complaint by a Muslim imam laid in 2005, Nekschott was taken into custody and his house searched by Amsterdam police. He was later released.

Far-right Dutch parliamentary deputy Geert Wilders fanned the flames of controversy this year by making a film, Fitna, which features violent imagery of terrorist attacks in New York and Madrid intertwined with Koranic texts, and sparked outrage in Muslim countries.