Archive for 31 May, 2008

Muslims from India Issue Fatwa Against Terrorism

31 May, 2008

Yeah…  That’s all well and good, but I am curious as to what they define terrorism as…

Do they define terrorism as violent acts against Infidels and Muslims alike, or do they just define it as violence against Muslims?

If it is defined as violent acts against Infidels and Muslims alike, then how do they reconcile all the verses in the Qur’an and Hadiths that call for the death of Infidels?  Wouldn’t that be going against Islam?  After all, Muhammad himself enjoyed instilling terror into his enemies…

Just curious…

Muslims issue fatwa against terrorism
NDTV Correspondent
Sunday, June 1, 2008 (New Delhi)

Around 15,000 Muslims from all over India gathered at Delhi’s famous Ramlila Grounds to fight against global terrorism.

Not just ordinary Muslims but religious leaders, scholars and many different Muslim organisations joined in to take a pledge that they will work together to fight terrorists .

Since 9/11 there have been numerous statements, fatwas issued and seminars held against terrorism coming out of the US, UK, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other countries. But never a mass rally, that too organized and led by clerics. A fatwa against terrorism was issued by Darul Uloom, Deoband.

”Terroism is a scourge which must be wiped off from this planet. That is why Darul Uloom and Deoband have issued a fatwa against terrorism,” said Maulana Mahmoud Madani, President, Jamiat-e-Ulema Hind.

Perhaps measures like this will stop people from branding communities and also try and end communal vote bank politics.

Muslim Killed During Clash with Coptic Christians in Egypt

31 May, 2008

This one sounds like it is going to escalate out of control…  Just a hunch:

One killed, four injured in Egypt monastery clash

MINYA, Egypt (AFP) — One Muslim man was killed and four Coptic Christians, including two monks, injured Saturday when a land dispute involving a historic monastery in Egypt turned violent, a security official said.

Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed, a Muslim resident of a town neighbouring the Abu Fana Monastery near the southern city of Minya, was killed during clashes with Christians, the official said.

Two Coptic Christian workers at the monastery suffered gunshot wounds and are in critical condition in nearby Mallawi hospital, and two monks suffered injuries in the same incident.

The clashes broke out after the monastery began building a wall around neighbouring property after receiving final approval earlier this year.

Muslims residents of the area claim the agricultural land on which the wall is being built as theirs, and say the wall damages their vital crops.

Egypt’s Copts — the largest Christian community in the Middle East — account for an estimated six to 10 percent of the country’s 76 million inhabitants and complain of systematic discrimination and harassment.

Tensions often run high between Egypt’s Muslim and Christian communities in an increasingly religious society dominated by Sunni Muslims.

muslims gang attacks 14 year old white boy with iron bars and table legs

31 May, 2008

More refusal by the brits to admit that muslim youth are dangerous and indiscriminately attack whites. Granted they never attack with equal numbers but I have yet to ever meet a single brave muslim. They are born cowards and their attacks prove it

By Paul Keaveny, 30 May, 2008, this is lancashire
A GANG of thugs repeatedly battered a 14-year-old boy with metal bars and table legs.

The teenager was walking home with two friends along Higher Swan Lane, Great Lever, when he was targeted by a group of around 10 youths.

His friends, also aged 14, managed to run away but the gang grabbed him before he could escape.
He struggled with two of his attackers before falling to the floor and curling up in a ball as the group pounded him with their weapons.

Other members of the gang, who were not armed, kicked and punched him about the head and body, as he shouted for help.

The boy, from Morris Green, has been left with a broken shoulder and gashes to his head, following the attack, which happened at around 8.30pm on Sunday.
The gang fled when the alarm was raised by local residents.
-cowards (more…)

Junior High parents resist efforts by muslim apologist to indoctrinate children

31 May, 2008

The feel good story of the day, parents stepping up and watching what their schools are attempting to shove down their children’s throats.

By Rhiannon Meyers / The Daily News
FRIENDSWOOD — A presentation to Friendswood junior high students about Islam has ignited a furor among some parents.

Parents of Friendswood Junior High School students started a letter campaign to school officials in protest of a presentation meant to combat hate and bullying.
-Actually it was meant to combat hate and bullying only from the muslim perspective. I strongly doubt the muslims speakers spoke out against prejudice against, Christians, Jews or homosexuals.

On May 22, two Muslim women gave a 30-minute presentation about Islamic culture as part of a yearlong study at the school of respect, tolerance and culture, according to a statement from district officials.

Principal Robin Lowe had “best intentions,” said Karolyn Gephart, district spokeswoman. The guest speakers discussed Muslim culture, including topics such as food, religion, dress, beliefs and famous Muslims, Gephart said.
-I would have covered, honor killings, oppression of women and famous muslim terrorists just to even out the discussion.

“If you pulled a book about Islam from the library, you would find the same stuff in the book,” Gephart said. “There was no proselytizing.”
Attempting to paint islam as just another ideology is “proselytizing” and has no place in schools.

Parents, however, were not told about the presentation. By district policy, parents are supposed to be informed about the purpose and content of presentations so that they can keep their children out of the presentation if they think the material might be offensive or inappropriate.
-The principal knew the rules and violated them, time for a new principal. (more…)

Police Chief Faces 5 Years in Jail for Doing His Job

31 May, 2008

From an email forwarded to us:

My name is Mary Thompson and my husband, Richard, is the Chief of Police here in Crawford, Nebraska.

He’s also a father — and grandfather — who could be sent to prison for five years.

All for defending himself in the line of duty against an armed and dangerous suspect!

For the past seven years Richard has been the Chief of Police here in Crawford.

I am worried — worried that my husband will be locked away in prison with cop-hating criminals just for doing his job!

Richard was on duty when he heard that
a man by the name of Jesse Britton was wanted in connection with a string of burglaries in the area.

Britton had a long criminal record — including 16 appearances in juvenile court.

Most recently, he had just been released from a juvenile detention center.

Witnesses told my husband that Britton had stolen a Ruger revolver — and that he had threatened to kill his girlfriend, the local school superintendent, and my husband with it.

The local high school immediately went into “lockdown” after Britton’s threats, in order to prevent another Columbine or Virginia Tech massacre.

Meanwhile, Richard and Officer Dan Kling tracked Britton down to an abandoned bar.

They posted three officers outside in case Britton tried to make a run for it.

Once inside, they heard someone moving on the floor above.

Richard walked up the narrow stairwell to the bar’s office and storage area.

It had no windows and was completely dark.

Richard turned on his flashlight and swept it around the room.  Suddenly the light landed on a large desk in the back.

And crouched low behind the desk was Jesse Britton!

Knowing he could have a gun, Richard shouted, “Show me your hands!  Show me your hands!”

But Britton refused.

Instead, he rose slowly out of his crouched position and pointed the Ruger revolver he had stolen directly at my husband’s forehead.

Richard had only a split-second to react.

First yelling, “Drop it! Drop it!”, he then fired two shots from his service revolver as he ducked backwards to avoid the aim of Britton’s gun.

One shot hit Britton.

Meanwhile, Officer Kling heard the shots and fired twice at Britton as well, hitting him at least once.

Britton died at the scene.

Richard was devastated.

If Britton had just stood up and showed them his hands, it would have been a routine arrest.  And this troubled young man would still be alive.

Under Nebraska law, a Grand Jury had to be convened, as well as a routine investigation.

The Nebraska Attorney General said that since Britton had been shot after pointing a gun at the officers and ignoring their orders to drop the weapon, he fully expected Richard and Dan to be cleared.

So imagine our shock when the Grand Jury indicted Richard on charges of “Second Degree Assault!”

According to the Grand Jury, Richard should have retreated, run out of the room, and surrounded the building instead of shooting Britton.

They said his actions were “reckless.”


California: Muslim Polygamist Forced Children to Eat Vomit and Feces

31 May, 2008


Calif. torture trial airs family horror stories

By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent

via – Yahoo News

MURRIETA, Calif. – For weeks, the three wives of Mansa Musa Muhummed and most of their 19 children have been telling a jury countless stories of torture and starvation that they kept to themselves for years.

Muhummed sat in a desert courthouse with a hand over his face, shaking his head in denial as family members described being beaten, strung up by their feet and forced to eat vomit and feces.

“It is the worst case we’ve ever heard of,” prosecutor Julie Baldwin said last week.

The alleged atrocities went undetected by social service agencies, and police now have Muhummed, 55, facing up to seven life sentences if convicted of a raft of abuse charges.

Muhummed, whose given name was Richard Boddie, is on trial at Riverside County Superior Court after more than nine years of legal wrangling in which he changed lawyers four times and represented himself for more than two years.

He has pleaded not guilty to charges of torturing seven of the children, abusing 12 of them and falsely imprisoning two wives.

The trial delays may have hurt his case because his children — once reluctant to talk to authorities — are now telling strangers of extreme deprivation, physical abuse and starvation.

Standing just 4-foot-6 and weighing about 98 pounds, Sharon Boddie, 27, told jurors last week that she had grown and gained weight since her father was arrested nine years ago and the children were sent to foster or group homes.

But she still has scars from beatings and burns. She said she was taken out of school in second grade because she kept running away and teachers no longer wanted her there because she stole other children’s lunches.

“I’d go like a week without eating, not even water,” she said in a flat, unemotional voice. She said she would be beaten when she tried to steal food from the refrigerator.

One son caught sneaking food testified that he was forced to eat what he took until he regurgitated. Then he was forced to eat his vomit. Another daughter said she was ordered to hand feed her father while she was denied food.


The Bird Flu Threat: Real or Exaggerated?

31 May, 2008

This article by guest blogger Heather Johnson focuses on the often over exaggerated threat of avian influenza. At first it may seem to some to be off topic for this site but that is not the case. We are attempting to stay ahead of all threats to our freedoms and way of life and the threat of pandemics are real so are the professionals ready to respond should one occur.

It doesn’t really matter much if a pandemic is naturally occurring (and mutating) or deliberately spread by a human vector, the result would be similar. Almost 80% of all humans live in or close to large population clusters and any pandemic could easily overwhelm local authorities and require and international response headed by the USA.

Now Bird Flu is not a pandemic and probably never will be but I have seen a few articles painting it as a massive threat. Like the entire global warming scam, avian influenza is being spun as a much bigger problem than it actually is.

Medical professionals attempt to stay on top of outbreaks of diseases and as you can see we are in good hands. You have probably seen the hype now read the truth.
– Ronin

Bird Flu Threat: Real or Exaggerated?

By Heather Johnson, Guest Blogger

There has been a lot of talk about the bird flu, also known as avian influenza, in recent years. If we were to believe some of the initial hysteria years ago, most of us would be lying dead in the streets today. This isn’t to say we have no room for concern, as importing goods from overpopulated areas certainly increases our risk of transmitting emerging diseases. However, it is important to separate fact from fiction where the bird flu is concerned.

What is bird flu?

Bird flu comes from — you guessed it — viruses in birds. These viruses are natural in birds and wild birds carry quite a few in their intestines. While many birds handle these viruses without a problem, some domesticated birds can become sick from them and even die.

Can a human contract these viruses?

Yes, we can. According to the CDC, there have been reported cases in humans as far back as 1997. However, it is very rare to contract the bird flu and it has almost always been caused by directly handling sick birds. Human-to-human transmission is also unlikely at present time.

Is there a cure for the bird flu?

Laboratory studies have shown that the United States has several kinds of flu medications that should adequately treat the bird flu.

If it is rare to contract bird flu and we have medication, why is everyone worried?

There is cause for concern because flu viruses can become very resistant to medication through mutation. Since the bird flu is an “emerging disease” (i.e., new to modern medicine), a large outbreak could eventually render our medication useless. The operative word here is “could,” however. We are speaking in a hypothetical sense when discussing a human outbreak of bird flu. (more…)