Archive for June 2008

French cover up fragging incident

30 June, 2008

I will explain how too see right through this smoke screen.

By Katrin Bennhold, 30 June, 2008, The International Herald tribune
PARIS: It was supposed to be an open house to give the wives and children of the elite soldiers in the regiment a glimpse of their heroism in all those months of fighting far away from home.
-So far so good, just another day in the French military.

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, young boys ate ice cream and looked on with pride as they watched their fathers perform mock hostage liberations and antiterrorist operations, sweating in their camouflage outfits and firing blanks from smoking machine guns as if it were for real.

And then it became tragically real.

During the last of six military show exercises at the Laperrine military barracks in southern France, one soldier used live ammunition and wounded 17 people, most of them members of families of the military staff, said Colonel Philippe Tanguy, a spokesman for the Defense Ministry.
-This is where the story gets interesting as soldiers know blanks are dangerous and would never aim one at a civilian. Add in another indicator; “most of them members of families of the military staff” you do not have to be a detective to figure this one out.

Four of the victims, including a 3-year-old child, were hurt critically, though by Monday afternoon their lives appeared to be no longer in danger.

“It is incomprehensible how this could have happened,” Tanguy said. “The question everyone is asking is: How could he have had real ammunition on him during an exercise?”
-That is not the only one question I would ask. How about why everyone’s weapons were not checked and rechecked prior to this event?

The shooter, a 28-year-old sergeant whose identity had not been disclosed, was arrested and was being questioned Monday. According to the state prosecutor in the regional capital of Montpellier, Brice Robin, the sergeant said he had loaded his assault rifle with a magazine of live cartridges by mistake.
-Even in the French military a sergeant can tell the difference between a blank and a life round.

“This act was absolutely not premeditated – I am very clear on this point,” Robin said at a news conference Monday, citing as evidence a video of the exercise that had been filmed by a fellow soldier. Robin said he would ask that the sergeant be charged with involuntary bodily harm. If any victims die, the charge could turn into involuntary manslaughter
-Nice of him to declare him innocent with no proof. Why cover for him? Scared of his religion?

President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is also commander in chief, canceled his plans for the day and rushed to the site early Monday to meet with the wounded and their families.

“There were unacceptable instances of negligence,” Sarkozy said upon his arrival in the southern city of Carcassonne before heading to one of the hospitals treating the victims. “They must be sanctioned. The reaction must be rapid and severe.”

The sergeant, a member of the 3rd Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment for eight years, has a spotless record in a unit considered to be one of the country’s best, army officials said.

He also has what the officials described as a “balanced private life” with no sign of psychological problems.
-Shooting at the family of the staff officers seems a little out there to me-just sayin… (more…)

Houston Sheriff Submits to Islam After “Insensitive” Emails

30 June, 2008

Of course, had these emails been directed at Christians, I highly doubt anyone would even bat an eye. Besides, it takes an awful lot to “offend” a Christian. Not so with Islam, where a joke about pork and the false prophet Muhammad (Saw III) sends the Muslitude into an apoplectic conniption fit.

On the other hand, we here have no such plans to submit to the false religion of Islam. Muhammad was a pig. Get over it.

Sheriff apologizes to Muslims, announces discipline
June 30, 2008
Houston Chronicle

Reacting to the latest controversy about his office in recent months, Sheriff Tommy Thomas today apologized in person to a local Muslim group for religiously insensitive e-mails sent by members of his staff.

Monday’s appearance before the Islamic Society of Greater Houston was Thomas’ second apology in recent days over staff e-mail, including one message from a top commander that mocks some of the Islamic faith’s core tenets.

“If anyone was offended, I sincerely apologize,” Thomas said. “I hope it’s not systemic of the department.”

Thomas said he planned to suspend the commander, Chief Deputy Mike Smith, who heads the office’s detention command. Thomas said he did not know when that suspension would begin or how many others may also receive similar punishment.

One e-mail used the name Muhammad, the prophet and founder of Islam to make a joke about eating pork, which is prohibited by the religion.

“The e-mails were against the religion and they made mockery of that, and Muslim people were offended,” said Tasleem Siddiqui, of the Pakistani American Association of Greater Houston.

“They should be more educated on how to respect it, and there should be more awareness. We want them to go ahead and take awareness courses and attend the mosque and see how we behave how we act. Islam is forgiveness, tolerance and love… I think it was in his benefit that he took this step and moved forward otherwise it could be more detrimental.”

Smith said today that he regretted forwarding an e-mail he received with religiously insensitive cartoons.

“It was stupid for me to forward that. It was just cartoons, regarding Muslim terrorists,” he said. “I certainly have a great deal of respect for the Muslim community. They are a very law-abiding community. I regret that that’s being viewed as anti-Muslim because it’s anti-terrorist.


Ahmadinejad’s Stunning Wife

30 June, 2008

Yes, that’s Iran’s First Lady…

H/T – Drained Brain
From a Turkish newspaper HERE.

IRNA Claims Ahmadinejad was Targeted by X-ray Radiation

30 June, 2008

Yeah…  When you hear stories like this, you can’t help but wonder how much crack Ahmadinejad and his cronies have been smoking…

Ahmadinejad target of ‘Rome X-ray plot’, diplomat says


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the target of an “X-ray radiation plot” during his trip to Rome for the UN food summit earlier this month, the official IRNA news agency reported on Monday.

The news agency quoted Iran’s ambassador to Italy, Abolfazl Zohrehvand, as saying that the plot was to use extreme radiation in the place where Ahmadinejad was due to stay.

The diplomat spoke out after Ahmadinejad himself charged that he had been the target of an assassination plot during his landmark trip to Iraq in March and his aides spoke of a similar attempt in Rome.

“One day before Ahmadinejad’s trip, I checked and found out that the (security) X-ray machine set up in the place where he was staying gave off excessive radiation,” Zohrehvand said.

He said that the regular radiation level of such equipment in Italy was “300” but on this machine it had reached “800”.

He gave no indication of the units he was using but radiation is normally measured in millirems with the average American experiencing a total annual exposure of an average of 360, according to medical websites.

[And, the Skylab 4 Astronauts received 17,800 mrem’s per mission and nuclear power plant employees are allowed 5,000 mrem’s per year.  I’m Just putting it in perspective…]

“First we suspected the machine was broken and after replacing it with another one it turned out that the radiation was controlled from another source,” the ambassador said.

“When the president entered this place, the radiation increased and exceeded ‘1,000’ so that the intensity of the radiation was completely felt inside the building,” he added.

[Here’s our theory:  Ahmadinejad is radioactive!!!  Hmmm…  Now, how could that have happened???]

The diplomat did not say if the place where Ahmadinejad was staying was a hotel or official residence.

Ahmadinejad said in mid-June that enemies had planned to kidnap and kill him in Iraq but the plot was foiled after the Iranian delegation changed their travel plans.

Some reformist newspapers openly ridiculed his suggestion, with one daily saying that if the Americans had wanted to kidnap him they would have done it during Ahmadinejad’s annual visit to the UN General Assembly in New York.

Little Girl Beheaded by Illegal Immigrants in Florida for Resisting Rape?

30 June, 2008

I saw this over at and was wondering if anyone else had any more info on this story:

San Francisco’s “Illegal Immigrant Sanctuary” Practice Protects Crack Dealers

30 June, 2008

Thank God Mrs. Bulldog and I moved out of the Bay Area. This is just reprehensible!

H/T – Weasel Zippers

Feds probe S.F.’s migrant-offender shield
Jaxon Van Derbeken, Chronicle Staff Writer

San Francisco juvenile probation officials – citing the city’s immigrant sanctuary status – are protecting Honduran youths caught dealing crack cocaine from possible federal deportation and have given some offenders a city-paid flight home with carte blanche to return.

The city’s practices recently prompted a federal criminal investigation into whether San Francisco has been systematically circumventing U.S. immigration law, according to officials with knowledge of the matter.

City officials say they are trying to balance their obligations under federal and state law with local court orders and San Francisco’s policies aimed at protecting the rights of the young immigrants, who they say are often victims of exploitation.

Federal authorities counter that drug kingpins are indeed exploiting the immigrants, but that the city’s stance allows them to get away with “gaming the system.”

San Francisco juvenile authorities have been grappling for several years with an influx of young Honduran immigrants dealing crack in the Mission District and Tenderloin.

Those who are arrested routinely say they are minors, but police suspect that many are actually adults, living communally in Oakland and other cities at the behest of drug traffickers who claim to be their relatives.

Nonetheless, city authorities have typically accepted the suspects’ stories and handled the cases in Juvenile Court, where proceedings are often shielded from public scrutiny.

Unorthodox strategy

Barred by state law from sending drug offenders to the California Youth Authority and bound by a 1989 city law defining San Francisco as a sanctuary city for immigrants – meaning officials do not cooperate with federal immigration investigations – juvenile officials settled on an unorthodox strategy.

Rather than have the drug offenders deported, they have recommended that Juvenile Court judges and commissioners approve city-paid flights home to Honduras for the offenders with the aim of reuniting them with their families. (more…)

UK Muslim Students Encouraged to Learn how to Fly

30 June, 2008

Uhm… Oh, I think your initial reaction is pretty much what my comment would have been…

Students taught to fly
Neal Keeling
30/ 6/2008 – Manchester Evening News

STUDENTS are being encouraged to learn how to fly planes in a project by the University of Salford.

Eighty students from the University – mostly from Muslim, black and minority ethnic backgrounds – have flown a glider or trainer aircraft as part of the scheme.

The project – titled Festival of Flight – is opening doors and opportunities for students who have felt excluded from the world of flight due to their race and also aims to ground stereotype views of young people from black and ethnic backgrounds.

One student who took part is Rozaidah Abd Rahman, who co-piloted a two-seater plane in Scotland.

She said: “Flying was definitely an experience that I would not trade for anything in the world. It was just an amazing feeling when I was up in the sky. You get a different kind of excitement and a sense of freedom to go where ever you want to go.

“I really had the time of my life. When I landed I could not stop smiling and saying the word ‘awesome’. I personally recommend everyone to experience flying at least once in their life.

“Great moments are born from great opportunities. Festival of Flight will continue to give more opportunities like this to aspiring Muslim youth who have the passion, not just to fly but also to achieve their dreams in any other walk of life.

“The 9/11 and 7/7 tragedies have deterred the spirits of many young people, especially Muslims. This festival uses the theme of flight to open up their eyes, create a forum through which different people can who would otherwise not come together can meet and exchange ideas and experiences.”


Iran to Dig 320,000 Graves to Help Bury “Enemy Soldiers” in Preparation for U.S. and Israeli Attack

29 June, 2008

Yeah, these idiots have learned nothing. An attack on Iran’s nuclear sites will come from the sky and from missiles launched hundreds of miles away via Navy ships… Perhaps they are really just digging their own graves.

Iran to ready thousands of graves for enemy soldiers
Jun 29, 2008 – Breitbart

Iran is to dig 320,000 graves in border districts to allow for the burial of enemy soldiers in the event of any attack on its territory, a top commander said on Sunday.

“In implementation of the Geneva Conventions… the necessary measures are being taken to provide for the burial of enemy soldiers,” the Mehr news agency quoted General Mir-Faisal Bagherzadeh as saying.

“We have plans to dig 15,000 to 20,000 graves in each of the border provinces or a total of 320,000,” the general said, some of them mass graves if necessary.

Bagherzadeh said Iran was keen to “reduce the suffering of the families of the fallen in any attack against our country… and prevent any repetition of the long and bitter experience of the Vietnam War.”


Sunday Funnies

29 June, 2008

[Click on Images to Enlarge]

(The First one is because I ‘R’ a Rocket Scientist. And, besides, that cartoon chick is Haawt!)

Palestinian group to sue UK over Israel

29 June, 2008

With the way things are in the EU this scam may just work. If it comes anywhere close; the list of countries responsible for the plight of the palestinians will grow.

That list should include almost all muslim countries but will not.

Of course the palestinian persecution is a myth itself but why would the ummah care about the truth?

The Brits should jump on this opportunity to expose all of the commonly accepted myths about paliestine. By taking away their victim status and exposing their agenda they can not only crush this lawsuit they can effectively remove the outrageous economic “assistance” to palistine by western nations. Exposure of islam is what muslims truly fear.

The minions are handing the Brits the solution to radical islam if only they recognize the opportunity and act on it.

Khaled Abu Toameh , 29 June, 2008, THE JERUSALEM POST
A Palestinian youth group announced Saturday that it plans to demand compensation from the British government for “committing a series of crimes” against the Palestinians.

Representatives of the Watanuna (Our Homeland) Palestinian Youth said the biggest crime the British government committed was when it promised a homeland for the Jewish people in the 1917 Balfour Declaration.
-They have a home; they live on this planet just like the rest of us.

They said they were also planning to collect a million signatures from Palestinians in support of the lawsuit against Britain.
-And they will all have mohammed in their name somewhere.

Ali Ubeidat, a spokesman for the youth group, whose members include many university students, said preparations had already begun to file the suit in a British court.
-Another opportunity should the Brits take it. Read the list of members and add each of them to your watch list. (more…)