Archive for 5 June, 2008

Canadian Terrorism Trial Update

5 June, 2008

Some interesting insight into the mind of a Jihadist:

Wiretaps reveal reasoning behind alleged terrorism plot
Melissa Leong , Canwest News Service

Published: Thursday, June 05, 2008

BRAMPTON, Ont. – For the first time since the arrests of 18 terrorism suspects in 2006, a court heard on Thursday the men describe the ideology behind their alleged scheme to attack Canada.

In wiretaps played at the trial of a 20-year-old man, his co-accused spoke at length about their “global fight” to “get rid of the oppressors.” They discussed the benefits of martyrdom and the need to retaliate against foreign soldiers fighting in Afghanistan – even if on Western soil.

“You harm one Muslim, the whole Muslim (nation) has to defend that person,” the accused leader of the group said.

[Yeah, it’s like the Three Musketeers – All for one and one for all…]

None of the suspects can be identified because of a publication ban.

[That’s the Canadian Liberal PC Multiculturalist government trying to keep this on the down low… Nope, don’t want anyone thinking that Islam is a violent religion or something…]

In another recorded conversation, the alleged leader explained, “If they’re your enemy, they’re your enemy everywhere you see them.”

He continued: “So, if the Jews are your enemy in Israel, it doesn’t mean Jews are not your enemy here. Every single Jew is your enemy.”

If that rule applies, someone might think you could just kill any Jewish man walking down the street, another group member said.

“If the guy walking down the street says, pro Zion, pro Zion . . . wears a big Jewish thing saying, yeah, pro Israeli state . . . OK, now you’re a target.

“If you are to do . . . to that guy you wouldn’t be held accountable like, by ‘Allah’ or anything . . . and you would be rewarded for it because he is an enemy.”

The alleged leader said in one wiretap that he was planning something on a “greater scale” than the 2005 London bombings.

“You do it once and you make sure they can never recover again,” he said. The court heard that he had spent “every last penny” – or about $4,000 – on a shipment of 13 firearms from Mexico. The total cost of $10,000 was due at the end of March or the supplier would have to sell them on the street, he said in a wiretap.

[All the more reason to hurry up and build that fence!]

In an effort to raise money, he met with a man who was running an elaborate bank scam. The fraudster, identified as Talib, was using “white,” “blond,” women, possibly “crack heads,” to take out bank loans with fraudulent information. They would then cash the cheques at a payday lending store.

Police captured their March 3, 2006 conversation using Mubin Shaikh, a police informant. After Talib explained the mechanics of his scam, the alleged leader prefaced his diatribe with: “As far as jihad goes, what’s your opinion?”

Talib listened to Shaikh and the two accused talk about Osama bin Laden’s legacy and allegations of rape by foreign soldiers in the Middle East.

In a later wiretap, one of the suspects, a mild-mannered young man who is often heard asking questions about Islam, told the alleged leader that discussing religion and killing people might turn off the scam artist.

“Not everyone’s gonna be a jihadee,” he said.

The following day, when the alleged leader explained that the group must not “hold back” in a fight against the Canadian army – adding “I know you might not be too down with beheadings but it’s terror, it strikes in their hearts,” – his inquisitive co-accused wondered if it hurt.

“What does that poor person feel like when they lose their head?”

“It’s quicker than shooting him,” the accused leader replied.

[Yeah… Right… I’ve seen the beheading videos. It is NOT quicker than shooting him, you sick bastard…]

Australia: Two Men Stabbed in Back by Peaceful “Middle Eastern” Gentlemen

5 June, 2008

Hmmmm… What an apt metaphor…

Two men stabbed in back
June 06, 2008 –

A GROUP of males remain at large following a double stabbing in Sydney’s red-light district.

A 21-year-old man and 22-year-old man were both stabbed in the back during a fight in Kings Cross during in the early hours of May 25.

Police said the two men were at a nightclub about 3.30am (AEST) when they become involved in an altercation with a group of males.

The two young men left the club to have a meal in the area and then returned to the club about 4.10am and waited outside for friends.

They were confronted again by the group of males and suffered stab wounds to their lower backs.

They were taken to St Vincent’s Hospital and treated for their injuries.

Two of the offenders were described as being of Middle Eastern/Mediterranean appearance and aged in their early 20s.

One was also described as being 183cm tall, with a medium build, short dark hair and a goatee-style moustache.

The second man was described as being about 178cm tall, with a medium build and clean shaven.

UK Man who Attacked Imam Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

5 June, 2008

Nope.  It wasn’t a hate crime like the Muslims wanted us all to believe.  It was just another case of a mental illness…  I’m still trying to decide if that’s a good thing, or a bad thing…

Man who attacked imam is ‘insane’


A man charged with assaulting a Muslim cleric has been found not guilty by reason of insanity.

The 58-year-old cleric, who has not been named, was assaulted at Regent’s Park Mosque by Brian Donegan, 40, last August, Southwark Crown Court heard.

The imam underwent emergency surgery after suffering injuries to both eyes.

Donegan, from Hammersmith, west London, was charged with grievous bodily harm and assault and was detained at a mental health facility.

A Crown Prosecution Service spokeswoman said a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity is “quite rare” and both defence and prosecution have to agree to it.

Donegan was examined by two psychiatrists who testified that he was “insane at the time of the act charged”.

The spokeswoman said the only other case in the recent past was that of City insurance executive, Alberto Izaga, 36, who killed his two-year-old daughter.

Mr Izaga was “in a frenzy” when he smashed Yanire’s head on the ground repeatedly, the Old Bailey ruled in January.

Charges Dropped Against Marine in Haditha Case

5 June, 2008

Well, here’s one more story you probably won’t be hearing on CNN:

Yet another Marine acquitted of charges in the liberal MSM’s once much touted and now much doubted “Haditha Massacre:”

Vindication For Marine Charged in Haditha Cover-up

Lt. Andrew Grayson has been acquitted of charges that he helped cover up the killing of 24 Iraqis in Haditha. With charges dropped against five of the eight Marines involved the incident and only two more trials to go — apologies may soon be in order.

June 5, 2008 – by Bob Owens – PajamasMedia

A military jury has acquitted 1st Lt. Andrew Grayson of all charges that he helped cover up the killing of 24 Iraqis in Haditha following the IED ambush of a Marine patrol.

Grayson, a Marine intelligence officer, had been accused of having a military photographer erase digital photos of the dead Iraqis. Grayson had turned down a plea deal to face charges on five counts that could have led to a maximum of 20 years in prison. An obstruction-of-justice charge against Grayson had been dismissed by the judge earlier in the week.

Remember Haditha?

The November 19, 2005 killings of 24 Iraqi civilians was once a key talking point for anti-war activists and politicians, who likened the event to a modern day My Lai.

The original Marine account issued the next day claimed that 15 civilians had been killed by an enemy improvised explosive device (IED) that also killed Marine Lance Corporal Miguel Terrazas, and that eight insurgents were killed in the ensuing firefight. Exactly four months after events took place, TIME Magazine posted an article Collateral Damage or Civilian Massacre in Haditha? which claimed, based upon interviews with locals, that the 24 civilian dead were the result of Marines “who went on a rampage” after Terrazas was killed.

The evidence spurred multiple investigations, including an investigation to determine if the troops deliberately targeted Iraqi civilians, and another investigation to determine if there was evidence of a cover-up.

Early in the investigations, based upon unknown evidence, Democratic Rep. John Murtha (PA) stated that “there was no firefight, there was no IED that killed these innocent people. Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them, and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood.”

Barack Obama, asked about Murtha’s charge by Alan Colmes in June of 2006, stated, “I would never second guess John Murtha… I think he’s somebody who knows of which he speaks.”


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Welcomes the Death Penalty

5 June, 2008

I say it’s time we give him his wish:

Mohammed: Martyrdom’s For Me

GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA (CBS/AP – KNX1070) — Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said Thursday that he would welcome the death penalty for his confessed role as mastermind of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

“Yes, this is what I wish, to be a martyr for a long time,” Mohammed told a military judge who warned that he faces execution if convicted of organizing the attacks on America. “I will, God willing, have this, by you.”

The former No. 3 leader of al Qaeda and four alleged co-conspirators were being arraigned Thursday in their long-awaited first appearance before a war-crimes tribunal. All five face death if convicted of war crimes including murder, conspiracy, attacking civilians and terrorism in the 2001 attacks, which killed 2,973 people.

CBS News producer Rob Hendin reports from the Guantanamo press room that Mohammed told the judge that he won’t accept any lawyer who is American and that he will represent himself.

I cannot accept any attorney whose government is other than Allah,” Mohammed told the judge. “I will represent myself…I cannot accept any one, even if Muslim. He would be sworn to American constitution.”


More Proof that 9/11 “Truthers” are Mentally Ill:

5 June, 2008

Yup, I’m sitting here telepathically helping the following poor soul as I eat my sandwich.  I sure hope he removed his tin-foil hat…:

Valley man on hunger strike, seeking answers about 9-11 attacks
June 5th, 2008
by Colton Shone/KTAR
A Valley man is on a hunger strike. Blair Gladsby says he won’t eat until he can sit down with Sen. John McCain and discuss the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

Gadsby is conducting his hunger strike in a lawn chair on the grassy knoll in front of McCain’s Phoenix office.

“I’m willing to go the distance here. I’m willing to weaken and emaciate myself to make a point,” he says, claiming there’s been a cover-up about the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon.

Gladsby says he’s lost 20 pounds, down to 130 pounds, since he began the hunger strike nearly two weeks ago.

Wednesday was a tough day.

“I believe today I’m the weakest I’ve been since I started… I feel like I have to stop talking because I’m winded.”

The desire for food passes, he says.

“I’m hungry to know the truth about what happened on September 11th,” says Gladsby. “That’s the only hunger I have right now.”

He’s had to endure triple-digit temperatures, screaming drivers, even egg-throwing.

“I began my vigil, when I first started, at 5 a.m. and I went until 10 a.m.,” he said. “That was going fine until three nights ago when a car went by and they heckled us. And then it kind of circled around and it came back and they threw eggs at us,” he says.

Some McCain staff members came out of the office and offered to speak with him, Gladsby said, but he said he wants to speak to the Republican presidential nominee in person and is prepared for the long haul.

Israeli Prime Minister Hints at US Action Against Iran

5 June, 2008

Some are speculating that Olmert is just trying to keep his job.  I think not…

Olmert Hints U.S. Action on Iran Nukes is Near

by Gil Ronen

( Prime Minister Ehud Olmert hinted after his meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush Wednesday that U.S. action against Iran is imminent. While he avoided saying anything clear and specific on the matter, Olmert did mention a “timetable” and said action would take place before Bush leaves the White House.

“We reached agreement on the need to take care of the Iranian threat,” Olmert said after the meeting. “I left with a lot less question marks [than I had entered with] regarding the means, the timetable restrictions and America’s resoluteness to deal with the problem.”

“George Bush understands the severity of the Iranian threat and the need to vanquish it, and intends to act on the matter before the end of his term in the White House,” Olmert reportedly said after his 90 minute long one-on-one meeting with the American Commander in Chief.

‘It is not good to publicize everything’
“With every day that goes by we get closer to stopping the Iranian nuclear plan,” Olmert said. He said that meaningful steps were being taken to handle Iran “more effectively” and told reporters: “The Iranian problem requires urgent attention, and I see no reason to delay this just because there will be a new President in the White House seven and a half months from now.”

“The U.S. is a leading element in dealing with Iran,” Olmert said. “These are serious matters; I am not just saying this… It is not good to publicize everything.”


Blood Feud Resolved! – 15 Girls, Aged Between 3 and 10 Handed over for Marriage

5 June, 2008

I see the followers of the murdering, pedophile prophet are at it again:


15 child brides used to settle Pakistan feud

Declan Walsh in Islamabad
The Guardian, June 5 2008

It started with a dead dog, escalated into a tit-for-tat tribal war, and has now reached a grotesque climax with the exchange of 15 child brides.

Pakistani human rights activists are outraged at reports that a long-running blood feud in a remote corner of western Baluchistan province has been resolved by the handing over of 15 girls, aged between three and 10, for marriage.

“There has to be action,” said Asma Jahangir, a leading rights campaigner. “These people who force others to sell their daughters must be sent to prison.”

The new government in Islamabad, led by the party of the late Benazir Bhutto, has promised to act. “We will not allow young girls to be traded like this,” said the information minister, Sherry Rehman. “The culprits who tried to do this will be arrested. The orders have been given.”

But Jahangir said those orders had not been acted upon. “There is a dysfunction in the whole system. They are not listening to the government,” she said. “We need to see them being more effective than just rhetoric.”

Vanni, an ancient tribal practice in which feuding clans settle their differences by exchanging women for marriage, is illegal in Pakistan. In 2004 the Sindh high court outlawed all such “parallel justice” systems. But the writ of government is weak in rural areas, and local police often turn a blind eye.

The current controversy started with a row over a dog, said Muhammad Paryal Marri, a researcher in northern Sindh for the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

A dog owned by one tribe, the Chakranis, was shot dead because it strayed too close to a well controlled by their rivals, the Qalandaris. In revenge the Chakranis shot a donkey belonging to the other side. A ferocious bout of tit-for-tat killings ensued in which 19 people, including five women, were killed.

The fighting ended in 2002 when Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti – a rebellious tribal chieftain who was later killed by the Pakistan army – brought the two sides together. Bugti ordered the Chakranis to hand over 15 child brides in compensation; at a jirga, or tribal council. Last Friday they finally agreed to make good on that promise, said Marri.

“They agreed to pay some money and exchange the ladies,” he said.
