Archive for July 2008

interfaith sham offered no new remedies against extremists

31 July, 2008

Like I didn’t see this one coming. The real goal of this sham was to distract dhimmis and empower appeasement idiots. Muslims will do anything to convince others that somewhere there really is a moderate muslim.

Read down and you will find the real agenda was to play the victim card. Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine are not the fault of minions but those who misunderstand that the global jihad is only for their benefit.

The sad part of all this is some well meaning but ill informed people will see this as a hopeful sign.

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, 1 August 2008, (AFP) – A conference of Muslim and Christian leaders aimed at promoting interfaith dialogue ended here sidestepping the thorny issue of religious fundamentalism.
-Without a serious discussion on islamic fundamentalism this conference amounts to a simple propaganda blitz and serves no real purpose.

The four day event hosted by the Yale University Divinity School is the first of a series of Christian-Muslim talks to be held around the world. Future events will be hosted in Britain, at the Vatican, and in Jordan.
-This was not the first time Christians and muslims talked. Maybe the divinity school should crack a book or two. Just skip to the part about the pesky crusaders, they held a few conferences too.

Some 150 religious leaders and academics gathered for the event — mainly protestant theologians and evangelical leaders on the Christian side, and Shiites, Sunnis and Sufis on the Muslim side. Six Jewish guests were present as observers.
-The lack of Jewish participants speaks volumes. Divide and conquer?

“The practical issues included world poverty, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the situation in Palestine and Israel, the danger of further wars, and the freedom of religion,” said Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal of Jordan, describing the closed-door meetings.
-Geeezzzzz, future wars? Silly me I thought this one would continue.

The final declaration, approved by consensus, states that Muslims and Christians “affirm the unity and absoluteness of God.
-A great statement if muslims and Christians served the same God but pointless considering they do not. (more…)

Mohamed Dismembers His 17 Year Old British Girlfriend; Takes Pictures of Her Severed Head

31 July, 2008

Sick, sick, sick!

Cara Marie Burke and Mohamed D’Ali Carvalho Santos

Man accused of killing, dismembering girlfriend

Officers found the suitcase with the torso of Cara Marie Burke at the edge of a river Monday in this central Brazilian city, Goias state police inspector Jorge Moreira da Silva said.

Burke’s boyfriend, Mohamed D’Ali Carvalho Santos, 20, was arrested and charged with homicide Thursday after “he confessed he cut her up and even photographed the body on his cellular phone,” Silva said.

One photo appeared to have been taken in a bathroom shower stall, showing Burke’s severed head placed on the chest of her torso along with a bloody butcher knife.

Silva said Santos confessed he killed Burke because she threatened to tell his parents he was a drug dealer addicted to cocaine, and she was considering turning him in to police.

After fatally stabbing Burke on Saturday, Santos left her body in the bathroom and went to a party, returning to dismember her the next day, the police inspector said.

Burke’s family in England identified her from a tattoo that said “Mum” after images of the body were broadcast on TV, Silva said.


Al-sadr offers to sell out his followers.

31 July, 2008

Sadr is a coward and a self-serving opportunist, had he been born in the US he would have been a congressional representative. While he hides safely away from US forces in iran he calls for his followers to resist the “occupiers”. Never mind the US forces are in Iraq at the request of the legally elected government and never mind they could always just tell our forces to leave. Hardly an occupying force but sadr’s minions appear too stupid to realize their fearless leader is a coward and would gladly sell them all out for personal glory.

By Nicholas Spangler and Mohammed Al Dulaimy
BAGHDAD — Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Wednesday offered full support for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s government if it refuses to sign an agreement President Bush has sought to allow semi-permanent stationing of U.S. troops in Iraq.
Al-Sadr warned at the same time that he would oppose any agreement between Iraq and the United States.
-I love how he opposes from afar. The fat little coward is banging small boys while the few men he has left are banging caps.

Al-Sadr’s followers have abandoned active resistance in recent months as al-Maliki’s government has asserted its authority in military offensives around the country. Al-Sadr’s statement, posted Wednesday on his Web site, said elements of his insurgency had erred in targeting fellow Iraqis and called for a centralized resistance directed only against U.S. troops.
-What he means is first the Americans stomped his minions and then Iraqi forces trained by Americans stomped them. His forces have been beaten and all he has left is a very shallow bluff. It’s hard to play hero when you are afraid to show your face. (more…)

Muslim Woman Punches Christian Preacher For Telling the Truth About the Pedophile Prophet

31 July, 2008

Sorry for the low resolution video, but it is worth watching. BTW – she DID commit a “Hate Crime” by punching him and saying, “Don’t talk about my prophet, I’ll kill you” (at 1 minute 42 seconds into the video). But I doubt the MSM will say a word about this…

Also, the original version was uploaded by user komakazzi and is available on LiveLeak HERE.

P.S. – We’re trying to get some info as to when and where this happened. If anyone knows, please leave a note. Thanks

Sheik Flies Car to Britain for Oil Check

31 July, 2008

Your petrol dollars at work:

Sheikh flies Lamborghini 6,500 miles to Britain for oil change


A RICH Arab sent his Lamborghini on a 6,500-mile round trip to Britain for a service.

The £190,000 supercar was put on a scheduled flight from Qatar to Heathrow – then flown BACK after the oil check.

Money was no object as the flight would have cost the owner – thought to be a Sheikh – around £20,000.

The move sparked fury from green campaigners.

An airport worker said: “This car doesn’t have a carbon footprint – more of a crater.

The overall cost of sending the Lamborghini to London for the oil change would have cost more than £23,000.


Sheik Hassan Yousef’s Son Converts to Christianity

31 July, 2008

Hamas leader’s son becomes Christian, embraces Israel
Thursday, July 31, 2008   Ryan Jones
Israel Today

The son of the leading Hamas figure in Judea and Samaria (the so-called “West Bank”) said in an interview with Ha’aretz that he has converted to Christianity and repented of his sins for being an active part of a culture of hate and death that targeted God’s Chosen.

Massab Yousef, son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, spoke to the Israeli newspaper from a cafe in California. He knows that he can never return to visit his family in Ramallah without facing certain death.

Saying that he now prefers to be called “Joseph,” the young man urged his Jewish interviewer and the entire nation of Israel to beware of phony peace gestures by Hamas or any other Arab authorities that are ultimately guided by Islam.

“You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have peace with Hamas. Islam, as the ideology that guides them, will not allow them to achieve a peace agreement with the Jews,” he said. “They believe that tradition says that the Prophet Mohammed fought against the Jews and that therefore they must continue to fight them to the death.”

Massab said it is adherence to Islam that has turned Palestinian and wider Middle East Arab society into one that “sanctifies death and the suicide terrorists.”

Massab’s family later denied the report that he had become a Christian, and suggested that they are considering legal action against Ha’aretz.

Iraq’s Interior Minister Visits Walter Reed Medical Center – Thanks U.S. Troops for Liberating Iraq

31 July, 2008

Wow!  I just about fell out of my chair when I read that one!  Of course, the MSM isn’t going to mention any of this:

Iraq’s Interior Minister Thanks U.S. Troops for Liberating Iraq

By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer & Keriann Hopkins, Correspondent

Washington ( – A top Iraqi official visited wounded American troops at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., Tuesday to thank them for their part in ending Saddam Hussein’s rule in his country.

“We have come … to express our gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifices made by these great warriors, soldiers, in freeing the Iraqi people and in helping us in Iraq recover from tyranny and dictatorship,” Jawad Karim al-Bolani, Iraq’s minister of the interior, said through a translator to a handful of journalists in the lobby of the medical center.

“We also want to express our gratitude to the families of all these great men and women and express how important their sacrifices are for our nation,” he added.

Bolani’s visit with troops comes on the heels of Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) recent trip to the Middle East, where the Democratic presidential candidate caused a stir when he canceled a planned visit to wounded American soldiers.


Canada: Pearson Airport Staff Required to be Dhimmis

31 July, 2008

Gee, why don’t they just throw in free VIP lounge passes for all Muslims while they’re at it…

Pearson Airport Staff Required To Undergo Sensitivity Training
31 July 08
Vittorio Hernandez – AHN News Writer

Ottawa, Ontario (AHN) – Border service officers at Pearson Airport in Toronto will undergo training to help them be more sensitive in dealing with Middle Eastern and Islamic passengers.

Training sessions for 500 border service officers have been organized by the Canada Border Services Agency to fine-tune their screening abilities, to enable them to respect the customs of international passengers, especially Muslims and Arabs arriving at Canada’s busiest gateway.

The courses will run from September to March 2009.

Canadian Arab and Muslim representatives said they welcomed the courses. Mohamed Boudjenane, executive director of the Canadian Arab Federation, complained since the Sept. 11 attack “We became all potential terrorists without doubt, and we still have some examples of people being picked up from the line because they wear long beards or the hijab.”

[Gee, I don’t recall any decrepit old ladies hijacking a plane, but I have seen old ladies “picked up from the line” for further screening… I, myself have been subjected to further screening when going through airport security.  And, I do seem to recall that the hijackers on 9/11 and those responsible for other recently thwarted terror attacks WERE Muslim, so, his argument is specious, at best…  Profile away!!!]

Boudjenane said the courses are the result of the group’s lobbying.

Other efforts to improve the airport’s services in various Canadian gateways include the recent extension of border services at the airports in Moncton, Fredericton and Charlottetown to 16-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week. It will cost the federal government $1 million a year to fund the service extension.

Head of Islamic School in Fairfax County Guilty of Failing to Report Child Abuse – Fined $500

31 July, 2008

Head of Islamic School Guilty Of Not Reporting Child Abuse

By Tom Jackman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 31, 2008; Page B06

The director general of a controversial private Islamic school in Fairfax County has been found guilty of a misdemeanor charge of failing to report child abuse and fined $500.

Abdalla I. Al-Shabnan, head of the Islamic Saudi Academy on Route 1 in the Mount Vernon area, was arrested last month by Fairfax police, who said Al-Shabnan had been informed of the possible sexual abuse of a 5-year-old student at the school. School authorities are required by law to report alleged child abuse within 72 hours.

Al-Shabnan was charged with misdemeanor counts of failing to report child abuse and obstruction of justice. He pleaded no contest July 24 to the failure to report charge, and Fairfax prosecutors agreed to dismiss the obstruction charge, according to court records.

Al-Shabnan did not return a phone call seeking comment yesterday. His attorney, Robert C. Whitestone, said, “We thought it was a fair resolution.”

[Yeah.  Tell that to the 5 year old girl…]


Saddam’s Shell Game

31 July, 2008

Yes, we’ve known for quite some time that Syria has Saddam’s WMDs, but it’s worth repeating whenever possible.  Also, the article claims that al-Qaeda was already in Iraq before the U.S. led invasion occurred…  But, I digress…

U.S. official: Iraqis told me WMDs sent to Syria
Former head of prisons says incarcerated ex-Saddam forces disclosed move

By Ryan Mauro

A former American overseer of Iraqi prisons says several dozen inmates who were members of Saddam Hussein’s military and intelligence forces boasted of helping transport weapons of mass destruction to Syria and Lebanon in the three months prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Don Bordenkircher – who served two years as national director of prison and jail operations in Iraq– told WND that about 40 prisoners he spoke with “boasted of being involved in the transport of WMD warheads to Syria.

A smaller number of prisoners, he said, claimed “they knew the locations of the missile hulls buried in Iraq.”

Some of the inmates, Bordenkircher said, “wanted to trade their information for a release from prison and were amenable to showing the locations.”

The prisoners were members of the Iraqi military or civilians assigned to the Iraqi military, often stationed at munitions facilities, according to Bordenkircher. He said he was told the WMDs were shipped by truck into Syria, and some ended up in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley.

Other Iraqi military personnel, including former top Saddam associates, have made the same claim.
